180 research outputs found

    The Spanish survey of household finances (EFF) : description and methods of the 2014 wave

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    La Encuesta Financiera de las Familias 2014 (EFF2014) proporciona información detallada sobre la renta, los activos, las deudas y los gastos de los hogares españoles referida a finales de 2014. Junto con las olas anteriores de 2002, 2005, 2008 y 2011, la EFF2014 permite analizar dos fases completas del ciclo económico, las cuales han tenido un fuerte impacto en la situación financiera de los hogares españoles. Este artículo proporciona una descripción detallada de los aspectos metodológicos más relevantes del diseño y la implementación de esta quinta edición: el diseño muestral, el cuestionario, el proceso de recogida de los datos, la validación de estos, el cálculo de los pesos y la imputación. Características importantes también presentes en esta ola son el sobremuestreo de los hogares ricos y el componente panel de la muestraThe Spanish Survey of Household Finances 2014 (EFF2014) provides detailed information on the income, assets, debt and spending of Spanish households referring to end-2014. Together with the previous waves of 2002, 2005, 2008 and 2011, the EFF2014 enables the analysis of two complete phases of the economic cycle, which have had a strong impact on the financial position of Spanish households. This paper provides a detailed description of the most relevant methodological aspects in the design and implementation of this fifth edition: the sample design, the questionnaire, the data collection process, the validation of the data, the computation of weights and the imputation procedures. Important characteristics also present in this wave are the oversampling of wealthy households and the panel component of the sampl

    Modelling the interaction of the sakacin-producing Lactobacillus sakei CTC494 and Listeria monocytogenes in filleted gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) under modified atmosphere packaging at isothermal and non-isothermal conditions

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    The objective of this work was to quantitatively evaluate the effect of Lactobacillus sakei CTC494 (sakacin-producing bioprotective strain) against Listeria monocytogenes in fish juice and to apply and validate three microbial interaction models (Jameson, modified Jameson and Lotka Volterra models) through challenge tests with gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) fillets under modified atmosphere packaging stored at isothermal and non-isothermal conditions. L. sakei CTC494 inhibited L. monocytogenes growth when simultaneously present in the matrix (fish juice and fish fillets) at different inoculation ratios pathogen:bioprotector (i.e. 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3). The higher the inoculation ratio, the stronger the inhibition of L. monocytogenes growth, with the ratio 1:3 yielding no growth of the pathogen. The maximum population density (Nmax) was the most affected parameter for L. monocytogenes at all inoculation ratios. According to the microbiological and sensory analysis outcomes, an initial inoculation level of 4 log cfu/g for L. sakei CTC494 would be a suitable bioprotective strategy without compromising the sensory quality of the fish product. The performance of the tested interaction models was evaluated using the Acceptable Simulation Zone approach. The Lotka Volterra model showed slightly better fit than the Jameson-based models with 75–92% out of the observed counts falling into the Acceptable Simulation Zone, indicating a satisfactory model performance. The evaluated interaction models could be used as predictive modelling tool to simulate the simultaneous behaviour of bacteriocin-producing Lactobacillus strains and L. monocytogenes; thus, supporting the design and optimization of bioprotective culture-based strategies against L. monocytogenes in minimally processed fish products.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Vitamin D, vitamin D receptor and the importance of its activation in patients with chronic kidney disease

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    El déficit de vitamina D se asocia a distintas patologías, siendo especialmente significativa con la morbimortalidad en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC). La pérdida progresiva de la función renal conduce a una reducción de calcitriol y alteración de la homeostasis de calcio, fósforo, FGF-23 y PTH, entre otros, los cuales influyen a su vez sobre la activación del receptor de vitamina D (RVD) y el desarrollo de hiperparatiroidismo secundario (HPS). El RVD media las acciones biológicas tanto de la vitamina D como de sus análogos sintéticos, actuando sobre distintos genes; existe una estrecha asociación entre niveles bajos de calcitriol y la prevalencia del HPS. Así, la activación de los RVD y la restricción de fósforo, entre otros, desempeñan un papel importante en el tratamiento de la «alteración óseo-mineral asociada a la ERC». La Sociedad Española de Nefrología, dada la uniforme e importante asociación con mortalidad y niveles altos de fósforo, aconseja su normalización, así como la de los niveles de calcidiol. Igualmente considera que, aparte de la utilización de activadores selectivos/no selectivos de RVD para la prevención y tratamiento del HPS, se podría asegurar la activación de los RVD en pacientes en diálisis, con vitamina D nativa o incluso bajas dosis de paricalcitol, independientemente de la PTH, dado que algunos estudios de cohortes y un metaanálisis reciente han observado una asociación entre el tratamiento con vitamina D activa y la disminución de la mortalidad en pacientes con ERC. En general, se considera que es razonable utilizar toda esta información para individualizar la toma de decisionesVitamin D deficiency has been linked to many different pathologies, especially with morbimortality in patients with chronic kidney disease. The progressive loss of renal function leads to calcitriol deficiency and homeostatic changes in calcium, phosphorus, FGF- 23 and PTH, among others. All these changes can also influence vitamin D receptor (VDR) activation and the development of secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT). The biologic actions of both vitamin D and its synthetic analogues are mediated by binding to the same VDR, acting on different genes. There is a narrow relationship between low levels of calcitriol and SHPT. The combined approach of VDR activation and phosphate restriction, among others, plays an important role in the early treatment of the chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder (CKD-MBD). The Spanish Society of Nephrology, in order to reduce the uniform and significant association with CKD-associated mortality, calcidiol and high phosphate levels suggests normalization of phosphate as well as calcidiol levels in both CKD and dialysis patients. Moreover, it considers that, in addition to selective/non selective activation of VDR for the prevention and treatment of SHPT, VDR could be activated in dialysis patients by native vitamin D or even low paricalcitol doses, independently of PTH levels, as some cohort studies and a recent metaanalysis have found an association between treatment with active vitamin D and decreased mortality in patients with CKD. In general it is considered reasonable to use all this information to individualise decision makin

    The pleiotropic effects of paricalcitol: Beyond bone-mineral metabolism

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    Secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) is a common complication in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) that is characterised by elevated parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels and a series of bone-mineral metabolism anomalies. In patients with SHPT, treatment with paricalcitol, a selective vitamin D receptor activator, has been shown to reduce PTH levels with minimal serum calcium and phosphorus variations. The classic effect of paricalcitol is that of a mediator in mineral and bone homeostasis. However, recent studies have suggested that the benefits of treatment with paricalcitol go beyond PTH reduction and, for instance, it has a positive effect on cardiovascular disease and survival. The objective of this study is to review the most significant studies on the so-called pleiotropic effects of paricalcitol treatment in patients with CK

    Quantifying the bioprotective effect of Lactobacillus sakei CTC494 against Listeria monocytogenes on vacuum packaged hot-smoked sea bream

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    In this study, the bioprotective potential of Lactobacillus sakei CTC494 against Listeria monocytogenes CTC1034 was evaluated on vacuum packaged hot-smoked sea bream at 5 °C and dynamic temperatures ranging from 3 to 12 °C. The capacity of three microbial competition interaction models to describe the inhibitory effect of L. sakei CTC494 on L. monocytogenes was assessed based on the Jameson effect and Lotka-Volterra approaches. A sensory analysis was performed to evaluate the spoiling capacity of L. sakei CTC494 on the smoked fish product at 5 °C. Based on the sensory results, the bioprotection strategy against the pathogen was established by inoculating the product at a 1:2 ratio (pathogen:bioprotector, log CFU/g). The kinetic growth parameters of both microorganisms were estimated in mono-culture at constant storage (5 °C). In addition, the inhibition function parameters of the tested interaction models were estimated in co-culture at constant and dynamic temperature storage using as input the mono-culture kinetic parameters. The growth potential (δ log) of L. monocytogenes, in mono-culture, was 3.5 log on smoked sea bream during the experimental period (20 days). In co-culture, L. sakei CTC494 significantly reduced the capability of L. monocytogenes to grow, although its effectiveness was temperature dependent. The LAB strain limited the growth of the pathogen under storage at 5 °C (<1 log increase) and at dynamic profile 2 (<2 log increase). Besides, under storage at dynamic profile 1, the growth of L. monocytogenes was inhibited (<0.5 log increase). These results confirmed the efficacy of L. sakei CTC494 for controlling the pathogen growth on the studied fish product. The Lotka-Volterra competition model showed slightly better fit to the observed L. monocytogenes growth response than the Jameson-based models according to the statistical performance. The proposed modelling approach could support the assessment and establishment of bioprotective culture-based strategies aimed at reducing the risk of listeriosis linked to the consumption of RTE hot-smoked sea bream.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    TBC: A simple algorithm to rule out abnormalities in electrocardiograms of patients with pacemakers

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    Background: The aim of the study was to create a straightforward method to rule out abnormalities in electrocardiograms (ECGs) performed in patients with pacemakers. Methods: The TBC method screens the ECG for any of the following findings: Tachycardia with pacing spikes, Bradycardia without spikes and Chaos with spikes unrelated to QRS-T complexes. T was considered to advise for patient assessment and B and C to require referral for urgent pacemaker evalu­ation. The diagnostic accuracy of the algorithm was validated using a cohort of 151 ECGs with normal and dysfunctional pacemakers. The effect of the algorithm was then evaluated for diagnostic skills and management of patients with pacemakers by non-cardiologists, comparing their diagnostic accuracy before and after teaching the algorithm. Results: The TBC algorithm had a sensitivity of 86% and a specificity of 94% in diagnosing a mal­functioning pacemaker. The diagnostic skills and patient referral were significantly improved (74.8% vs. 89.5%, p &lt; 0.001; and 57.4% vs. 83%, p &lt; 0.001). Conclusions: TBC is an easy to remember and apply method to rule out severe abnormalities in ECGs of patients with pacemakers. TBC algorithm has a very good diagnostic capability and is easily applied by non-expert physicians with good results

    A new expanded modelling approach for investigating the bioprotective capacity of Latilactobacillus sakei CTC494 against Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat fish products

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    Understanding the role of food-related factors on the efficacy of protective cultures is essential to attain optimal results for developing biopreservation-based strategies. The aim of this work was to assess and model growth of Latilactobacillus sakei CTC494 and Listeria monocytogenes CTC1034, and their interaction, in two different ready-to-eat fish products (i.e., surimi-based product and tuna pâté) at 2 and 12 °C. The existing expanded Jameson-effect and a new expanded Jameson-effect model proposed in this study were evaluated to quantitatively describe the effect of microbial interaction. The inhibiting effect of the selected lactic acid bacteria strain on the pathogen growth was product dependent. In surimi product, a reduction of lag time of both strains was observed when growing in coculture at 2 °C, followed by the inhibition of the pathogen when the bioprotective L. sakei CTC494 reached the maximum population density, suggesting a mutualism-antagonism continuum phenomenon between populations. In tuna pâté, L. sakei CTC494 exerted a strong inhibition of L. monocytogenes at 2 °C (<0.5 log increase) and limited the growth at 12 °C (<2 log increase). The goodness-of-fit indexes indicated that the new expanded Jameson-effect model performed better and appropriately described the different competition patterns observed in the tested fish products. The proposed expanded competition model allowed for description of not only antagonistic but also mutualism-based interactions based on their influence on lag time

    Digital Rock Physics in Cuttings Using High-Resolution Thin Section Scan Images

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    Digital rock physics (DRP) has undergone significant advancements in the use of various imaging techniques to acquire three-dimensional volumes and images of rock samples for the computation of petrophysical properties. This study focuses on developing a DRP workflow using high-resolution thin section scans for computing porosity and permeability in cuttings samples. The workflow was tested on quarry sandstone plug samples and artificially generated pseudo-cuttings before applying it to real cuttings from oil and gas wells. The results show that the porosity and permeability values obtained through the DRP workflow are statistically equivalent to those obtained through conventional routine core analysis (RCAL). The workflow was also able to handle the presence of various lithologies in real cuttings samples. The study demonstrates the feasibility of obtaining porosity and permeability values in cutting samples using the DRP approach, offering a fast and cost-effective methodology that provides additional data and allows linking petrophysical properties to image data from the cuttings