387 research outputs found

    The First Science Results from SPHERE: Disproving the Predicted Brown Dwarf around V471 Tau

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    Variations of eclipse arrival times have recently been detected in several post common envelope binaries consisting of a white dwarf and a main sequence companion star. The generally favoured explanation for these timing variations is the gravitational pull of one or more circumbinary substellar objects periodically moving the center of mass of the host binary. Using the new extreme-AO instrument SPHERE, we image the prototype eclipsing post-common envelope binary V471 Tau in search of the brown dwarf that is believed to be responsible for variations in its eclipse arrival times. We report that an unprecedented contrast of 12.1 magnitudes in the H band at a separation of 260 mas was achieved, but resulted in a non-detection. This implies that there is no brown dwarf present in the system unless it is three magnitudes fainter than predicted by evolutionary track models, and provides damaging evidence against the circumbinary interpretation of eclipse timing variations. In the case of V471 Tau, a more consistent explanation is offered with the Applegate mechanism, in which these variations are prescribed to changes in the quadrupole moment within the main-sequence sta

    One-handed keystroke biometric identification competition

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. J. V. Monaco, G. Perez, C. C. Tappert, P. Bours, S. Modal, S. Rajkumar, A. Morales, J. Fierrez, and J. Ortega-Garcia, "One-handed Keystroke Biometric Identification Competition", in International Conference on Biometrics, ICB 2015, 58-64This work presents the results of the One-handed Keystroke Biometric Identification Competition (OhKBIC), an official competition of the 8th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB). A unique keystroke biometric dataset was collected that includes freely-typed long-text samples from 64 subjects. Samples were collected to simulate normal typing behavior and the severe handicap of only being able to type with one hand. Competition participants designed classification models trained on the normally-typed samples in an attempt to classify an unlabeled dataset that consists of normally-typed and one-handed samples. Participants competed against each other to obtain the highest classification accuracies and submitted classification results through an online system similar to Kaggle. The classification results and top performing strategies are described.The authors would like to acknowledge the support from the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1241585. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or the US government

    Timing variations in the secondary eclipse of NN Ser

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    The eclipsing white dwarf plus main-sequence binary NN Serpentis provides one of the most convincing cases for the existence of circumbinary planets around evolved binaries. The exquisite timing precision provided by the deep eclipse of the white dwarf has revealed complex variations in the eclipse arrival times over the last few decades. These variations have been interpreted as the influence of two planets in orbit around the binary. Recent studies have proved that such a system is dynamically stable over the current lifetime of the binary. However, the existence of such planets is by no means proven and several alternative mechanisms have been proposed that could drive similar variations. One of these is apsidal precession, which causes the eclipse times of eccentric binaries to vary sinusoidally on many year time-scales. In this Letter, we present timing data for the secondary eclipse of NN Ser and show that they follow the same trend seen in the primary eclipse times, ruling out apsidal precession as a possible cause for the variations. This result leaves no alternatives to the planetary interpretation for the observed period variations, although we still do not consider their existence as proven. Our data limit the eccentricity of NN Ser to e < 10−3. We also detect a 3.3 ± 1.0 s delay in the arrival times of the secondary eclipses relative to the best planetary model. This delay is consistent with the expected 2.84 ± 0.04 s Rømer delay of the binary, and is the first time this effect has been detected in a white dwarf plus M dwarf system

    Inter-rater reliability of the EPUAP pressure ulcer classification system using photographs

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    Background. Many classification systems for grading pressure ulcers are discussed in the literature. Correct identification and classification of a pressure ulcer is important for accurate reporting of the magnitude of the problem, and for timely prevention. The reliability of pressure ulcer classification systems has rarely been tested. Aims and objectives. The purpose of this paper is to examine the inter-rater reliability of classifying pressure ulcers according to the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel classification system when using pressure ulcer photographs.Design. Survey was among pressure ulcer experts.Methods. Fifty-six photographs were presented to 44 pressure ulcer experts. The experts classified the lesions as normal skin, blanchable erythema, pressure ulcer (four grades) or incontinence lesion. Inter-rater reliability was calculated.Results. The multirater-Kappa for the entire group of experts was 0.80 (P &lt; 0.001).Various groups of experts obtained comparable results. Differences in classifications are mainly limited to 1 degree of difference. Incontinence lesions are most often confused with grade 2 (blisters) and grade 3 pressure ulcers (superficial pressure ulcers).Conclusions. The inter-rater reliability of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel classification appears to be good for the assessment of photographs by experts. The difference between an incontinence lesion and a blister or a superficial pressure ulcer does not always seem clear.Relevance to clinical practice. The ability to determine correctly whether a lesion is a pressure ulcer lesion is important to assess the effectiveness of preventive measures. In addition, the ability to make a correct distinction between pressure ulcers and incontinence lesions is important as they require different preventive measures. A faulty classification leads to mistaken measures and negative results. Photographs can be used as a practice instrument to learn to discern pressure ulcers from incontinence lesions and to get to know the different grades of pressure ulcers. The Pressure Ulcer Classification software package has been developed to facilitate learning

    Hunting For Eclipses: High Speed Observations of Cataclysmic Variables

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    We present new time-resolved photometry of 74 cataclysmic variables (CVs), 47 of which are eclipsing. 13 of these eclipsing systems are newly discovered. For all 47 eclipsing systems we show high cadence (1-20 seconds) light curves obtained with the high-speed cameras ultracam and ultraspec. We provide new or refined ephemerides, and supply mid-eclipse times for all observed eclipses. We assess the potential for light curve modelling of all 47 eclipsing systems to determine their system parameters, finding 20 systems which appear to be suitable for future study

    The planets around NN Serpentis : still there

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    We present 25 new eclipse times of the white dwarf binary NN Ser taken with the high-speed camera ULTRACAM on the William Herschel Telescope and New Technology Telescope, the RISE camera on the Liverpool Telescope and HAWK-I on the Very Large Telescope to test the two-planet model proposed to explain variations in its eclipse times measured over the last 25 yr. The planetary model survives the test with flying colours, correctly predicting a progressive lag in eclipse times of 36 s that has set in since 2010 compared to the previous 8 yr of precise times. Allowing both orbits to be eccentric, we find orbital periods of 7.9 ± 0.5 and 15.3 ± 0.3 yr, and masses of 2.3 ± 0.5 and 7.3 ± 0.3 MJ. We also find dynamically long-lived orbits consistent with the data, associated with 2:1 and 5:2 period ratios. The data scatter by 0.07 s relative to the best-fitting model, by some margin the most precise of any of the proposed eclipsing compact object planet hosts. Despite the high precision, degeneracy in the orbit fits prevents a significant measurement of a period change of the binary and of N-body effects. Finally, we point out a major flaw with a previous dynamical stability analysis of NN Ser, and by extension, with a number of analyses of similar systems

    A large, long-lived structure near the trojan L5 point in the post common-envelope binary SDSS J1021+1744

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    SDSS J1021+1744 is a detached, eclipsing white dwarf / M dwarf binary discovered in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Outside the primary eclipse, the light curves of such systems are usually smooth and characterised by low-level variations caused by tidal distortion and heating of the M star component. Early data on SDSS J1021+1744 obtained in June 2012 was unusual in showing a dip in flux of uncertain origin shortly after the white dwarf’s eclipse. Here we present high-time resolution, multi-wavelength observations of 35 more eclipses over 1.3 years, showing that the dip has a lifetime extending over many orbits. Moreover the “dip” is in fact a series of dips that vary in depth, number and position, although they are always placed in the phase interval 1.06 to 1.26 after the white dwarf’s eclipse, near the L5 point in this system. Since SDSS J1021+1744 is a detached binary, it follows that the dips are caused by the transit of the white dwarf by material around the Lagrangian L5 point. A possible interpretation is that they are the signatures of prominences, a phenomenon already known from Hα observations of rapidly rotating single stars as well as binaries. What makes SDSS J1021+1744 peculiar is that the material is dense enough to block continuum light. The dips appear to have finally faded out around 2015 May after the first detection by Parsons et al. in 2012, suggesting a lifetime of year

    A magnetic white dwarf in a detached eclipsing binary

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    SDSS J030308.35+005444.1 is a close, detached, eclipsing white dwarf plus M dwarf binary which shows a large infrared excess which has been interpreted in terms of a circumbinary dust disc. In this paper, we present optical and near-infrared photometric and spectroscopic data for this system. At optical wavelengths, we observe heated pole caps from the white dwarf caused by accretion of wind material from the main-sequence star on to the white dwarf. At near-infrared wavelengths, we see the eclipse of two poles on the surface of the white dwarf by the main-sequence star indicating that the white dwarf is magnetic. Our spectroscopic observations reveal Zeeman-split emission lines in the hydrogen Balmer series, which we use to measure the magnetic field strength as 8 MG. This measurement indicates that the cyclotron lines are located in the infrared, naturally explaining the infrared excess without the need for a circumbinary dust disc. We also detect magnetically confined material located roughly midway between the two stars. Using measurements of the radial velocity amplitude and rotational broadening of the M star, we constrain the physical parameters of the system, a first for a magnetic white dwarf, and the location of the poles on the surface of the white dwarf. SDSS J030308.35+005444.1 is a pre-cataclysmic variable that will likely evolve into an intermediate polar in ∼1 Gyr

    Using Gaussian processes to model light curves in the presence of flickering: the eclipsing cataclysmic variable ASASSN-14ag

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    The majority of cataclysmic variable (CV) stars contain a stochastic noise component in their light curves, commonly referred to as flickering. This can significantly affect the morphology of CV eclipses and increases the difficulty in obtaining accurate system parameters with reliable errors through eclipse modelling. Here we introduce a new approach to eclipse modelling, which models CV flickering with the help of Gaussian processes (GPs). A parameterised eclipse model - with an additional GP component - is simultaneously fit to 8 eclipses of the dwarf nova ASASSN-14ag and system parameters determined. We obtain a mass ratio qq = 0.149 ±\pm 0.016 and inclination ii = 83.4 0.6+0.9^{+0.9}_{-0.6} ^{\circ}. The white dwarf and donor masses were found to be MwM_{w} = 0.63 ±\pm 0.04 MM_{\odot} and MdM_{d} = 0.093 0.012+0.015^{+0.015}_{-0.012} MM_{\odot}, respectively. A white dwarf temperature TwT_{w} = 14000 2000+2200^{+2200}_{-2000} K and distance dd = 146 20+24^{+24}_{-20} pc were determined through multicolour photometry. We find GPs to be an effective way of modelling flickering in CV light curves and plan to use this new eclipse modelling approach going forward

    A parameter study of the eclipsing CV in the Kepler field, KIS J192748.53+444724.5

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    We present high-speed, three-colour photometry of the eclipsing dwarf nova KIS J192748.53+444724.5 (KISJ1927) which is located in the Kepler field. Our data reveal sharp features corresponding to the eclipses of the accreting white dwarf followed by the bright spot where the gas stream joins the accretion disc. We determine the system parameters via a parametrized model of the eclipse fitted to the observed light curve. We obtain a mass ratio of q = 0.570 ± 0.011 and an orbital inclination of 84. ◦6 ± 0. ◦3. The primary mass is Mw = 0.69 ± 0.07 M. The donor star’s mass and radius are found to be Md = 0.39 ± 0.04 M and Rd = 0.43 ± 0.01 R, respectively. From the fluxes of the white dwarf eclipse, we find a white dwarf temperature of Tw = 23000 ± 3000 K, and a photometric distance to the system of 1600 ± 200 pc, neglecting the effects of interstellar reddening. The white dwarf temperature in KISJ1927 implies the white dwarf is accreting at an average rate of M˙ = 1.4 ± 0.8 × 10−9 M yr−1, in agreement with estimates of the secular mass loss rate from the donor