269 research outputs found

    Producing forage crop seeds for organic agriculture: evolving techniques

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    This tool is a data sheet that can be used by French farmers who produce or want to produce forage crops seeds in organic conditions. It provides advice starting from the contract signing to the seed drying, going through the specificities of the crop, the sowing, irrigation, specific pests and their management, and the harvest

    Evolution de la résistance partielle à la pyriculariose foliaire selon l’âge, chez le riz de la sous-espèce japonica

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    La pyriculariose (Magnaporthe grisea) est la plus grave maladie fongique, préjudiciable à la culture du riz en Côte d’Ivoire. La maladie sévit avec une grande acuité en écologie pluviale marquée par une forte présence des variétés de type japonica. Pour lutter contre la pyriculariose, l’utilisation des variétés résistantes à M. grisea apparaît comme l’option adaptée à la situation agro-économique des exploitants. Des deux types de résistance connus, la résistance partielle s’est révélée plus durable que la résistance complète, efficace mais de courte durée. Cependant, la résistance partielle demeure difficile à évaluer. Un essai a été conduit en milieu semi-contrôlé en vue de déterminer des paramètres fiables permettant la sélection de variétés munies d’un haut niveau de résistance partielle. L’étude s’est focalisée sur les variétés de riz de la sous-espèce japonica, dominant en riziculture pluviale. Le dispositif expérimental utilisé a été un factoriel 2 en bloc, avec quatre répétitions, comportant 32 variétés de riz (indica et japonica) à cinq âges matérialisés par les stades phénologiques 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7 et 7-8 feuilles. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu’à l’instar des variétés de riz indica, celles de la sous-espèce japonica acquièrent à des vitesses variables, un certain niveau de résistance partielle à la pyriculariose avec l’âge. En outre, pour la sélection d’un haut niveau de résistance partielle à la maladie, le nombre initial de lésions sporulantes, combiné ou non à la vitesse de diminution de ce nombre, apparaissent comme des paramètres fiables. L’étude a par ailleurs révélé de potentiels géniteurs de résistance partielle dans l’échantillon des génotypes de riz japonica testés.Mots clés: Riz pluvial, Magnaporthe grisea, variété résistante, sélection, milieu semi-contrôlé, Côte d’Ivoir

    Producing red clover seeds for organic agriculture

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    This tool is a data sheet that can be used by French farmers who produce or want to produce red clover seeds in organic conditions. It provides advice starting from the contract signing to the seed drying, going through the specificities of the crop, the sowing, irrigation, specific pests and their management, and the harvest

    Robust optical emission polarization in MoS2 monolayers through selective valley excitation

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    We report polarization resolved photoluminescence from monolayer MoS2, a two-dimensional, non-centrosymmetric crystal with direct energy gaps at two different valleys in momentum space. The inherent chiral optical selectivity allows exciting one of these valleys and close to 90% polarized emission at 4K is observed with 40% polarization remaining at 300K. The high polarization degree of the emission remains unchanged in transverse magnetic fields up to 9T indicating robust, selective valley excitation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    A mathematical model to predict mean time to delivery following cervical ripening with dinoprostone vaginal insert

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    The main objective of our study was to analyze the mean time to delivery following cervical ripening with a 10 mg dinoprostone vaginal insert. We performed a retrospective observational study at the level III maternity ward of Angers university hospital. We included all women who had cervical ripening with dinoprostone between January 1, 2015 and September 30, 2016. Overall, 405 patients were included, and 59.3% (240/405) were nulliparous. The mean time to delivery was 20h39 min ± 10h49 min. 21% of deliveries (86/405) occurred between midnight and 6 h a.m., and the cesarean section rate was 33% (132/405). Multiple regression analysis showed that nulliparity, overweight (BMI ≥ 25), a closed cervix on initial examination and the absence of premature rupture of membranes (PRM) all significantly increased the mean time to delivery. We developed a mathematical model integrating the aforementioned factors and their impact to help predict the mean time to delivery following cervical ripening with dinoprostone vaginal insert: Y = 961.188-80.346 × parity + 21.437 × BMI-165.263 × cervical dilation-241.759 × PRM. This equation allows obstetricians to calculate a personalized time to delivery for each patient, allowing a precise scheduling of dinoprostone insert placement, and thus improving the organization in busy maternity wards

    A comprehensive modelling way for assessing real-time mixings of mineral and anthropogenic pollutants in East Asia

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    International audienceIn order to assess the complex mixing of atmospheric anthropogenic and natural pollutants over the East Asian region, we propose to take into account the main aerosols simultaneously present over China, Korea and Japan during the spring season. With the mesoscale RAMS (Regional Atmospheric Modeling System) tool, we present a simulation of natural (desert) dust events along with some of the most critical anthropogenic pollutants over East Asia: sulphur elements (SO2 and SO42-) and Black Carbon (BC). During a 2-week case study of dust events which occurred in April 2005 over an area extending from the Gobi deserts to the Japan surroundings, we retrieve the behaviours of the different aerosols plumes. We focus on possible dust mixing with the anthropogenic pollutants from megalopolis. For both natural and anthropogenic pollution, the model results are in general agreement with the horizontal and vertical distributions of concentrations as measured by remote data, in situ LIDAR, PM10 data and literature. In particular, we show that a simplified chemistry approach of this complex issue can be efficient enough to model this event, with a real-time step of 3 h. The model provides the good shapes and orders of magnitude for the Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) and species contributions (via the Angström Exponent) when compared with the AERONET data

    Gamma oscillations in V1 are correlated with GABA(A) receptor density: A multi-modal MEG and Flumazenil-PET study.

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    High-frequency oscillations in the gamma-band reflect rhythmic synchronization of spike timing in active neural networks. The modulation of gamma oscillations is a widely established mechanism in a variety of neurobiological processes, yet its neurochemical basis is not fully understood. Modeling, in-vitro and in-vivo animal studies suggest that gamma oscillation properties depend on GABAergic inhibition. In humans, search for evidence linking total GABA concentration to gamma oscillations has led to promising -but also to partly diverging- observations. Here, we provide the first evidence of a direct relationship between the density of GABA(A) receptors and gamma oscillatory gamma responses in human primary visual cortex (V1). By combining Flumazenil-PET (to measure resting-levels of GABA(A) receptor density) and MEG (to measure visually-induced gamma oscillations), we found that GABA(A) receptor densities correlated positively with the frequency and negatively with amplitude of visually-induced gamma oscillations in V1. Our findings demonstrate that gamma-band response profiles of primary visual cortex across healthy individuals are shaped by GABA(A)-receptor-mediated inhibitory neurotransmission. These results bridge the gap with in-vitro and animal studies and may have future clinical implications given that altered GABAergic function, including dysregulation of GABA(A) receptors, has been related to psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia and depression

    Патопсихологические особенности и закономерности развития органических психических расстройств при болезни Паркинсона

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    Проанализированы особенности эмоционально−потребностной сферы, выраженность личностных особенностей, типы отношения к болезни у пациентов с болезнью Паркинсона (БП) и психическими расстройствами. Выявлены патопсихологические факторы формирования органического депрессивного расстройства (F06.36), органического тревожного расстройства (F06.4), органического эмоционально−лабильного расстройства (F06.6), описаны механизмы их патогенеза. Относительно деменции (F02.3) у больных БП единого патопсихологического механизма ее формирования не обнаружено, основная роль в ее патогенезе принадлежит органическому поражению головного мозга.Проаналізовано особливості емоційно−потребової сфери, виразність особистісних особливостей, типи ставлення до хвороби у пацієнтів із хворобою Паркінсона (ХП) та психічними розладами. Виявлено патопсихологічні фактори формування органічного депресивного розладу (F06.36), органічного тривожного розладу (F06.4), органічного емоційно−лабільного розладу (F06.6), описано механізми їх патогенезу. Щодо деменції (F02.3) у хворих на ХП єдиного патопсихологічного механізму її формування не виявлено, основна роль в її патогенезі належить органічному ураженню головного мозку.The peculiarities of emotion−need sphere, degree of personality peculiarities, types of attitude to the disease were analyzed in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and mental disorders. Pathopsychological factors of forming organic depressive disorder (F06.36), organic anxiety disorder (F06.4), organic emotional−labile disorder (F06.6) were revealed. The mechanisms of their pathogenesis were described. As for dementia (F02.3), uniform pathopsychological mechanism of its formation was not revealed in patients with PD. Main role in its pathogenesis is played by organic brain lesions