64 research outputs found

    Big et Open Data, dispositifs contingents des développements sociaux et économiques locaux

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    Dans cette recherche, apparait pour le bigdata la nécessité d’une gouvernance de l’information au niveau territorial (ville, intercommunalité), gouvernance qui s’appuie sur la construction d’un écosystème propice à l’innovation et l’invention que Pentland [27] qualifie d’écosystème de stimulation intellectuelle immergé dans un processus d’essai/erreur. L'organisation territoriale (OT) produit, détient, stocke, échange ou possède une grande quantité de données, données pouvant être insérées dans un système de gestion de données de masse (Big Data). Une vigilance doit être apportée à la qualité des données, celle-ci pouvant biaiser la prise de décisions [9]. Pour cette raison il convient de mettre en place également une organisation des données MDM (Master Data Management : en Français, gestion des données de référence ou gestion des données maîtres) basée sur un référentiel de données avec des règles métier (c'est-à-dire des activités, réalisées suivant des procédures administratives, corrélées ou en interactions qui contribuent aux finalités de la collectivité), et un processus rigoureux qui produit de la donnée de qualité à destination des citoyens et plus généralement des parties prenantes locales, processus nommé BPM (Business Process Management : en Français, Gestion des Processus Métiers). Il s’agit en fait d’une réappropriation des données par les métiers présents dans l’OT. L’utilisation de ces données peut-être protéiforme et générateur de business possiblement insoupçonné. C’est le cas d’entreprises qui se créent et se développent principalement à partir d’objets nouveaux, issus généralement d’une idée créative. Ou d’entreprises qui se transforment en même temps que les usages numériques. Dans cette hypothèse, on parle alors d’improvisation organisationnelle au service de la créativité et de l’innovation. Des nouvelles plateformes Web collaboratives (crowdfunding : financement participatif et crowdlending : prêt participatif) vont probablement mettre le citoyen au centre des échanges et ainsi le transformer d’un citoyen consommateur en citoyen consom’acteur. Cette évolution permettra aux citoyens par leur contribution à ces plateformes de participer aux politiques publiques. Le développement du « deep learning : apprentissage profond » et des « machines learning : apprentissage automatique ou apprentissage statistique» permettra de modéliser les données et d’en déduire des comportements ad-hoc au service par exemple de la santé et des déplacements de citoyens

    Enhancement and Inhibition of Spontaneous Photon Emission by Resonant Silicon Nanoantennas

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    Substituting noble metals for high-index dielectrics has recently been proposed as an alternative strategy in nanophotonics to design broadband optical resonators and circumvent the Ohmic losses of plasmonic materials. In this paper, we demonstrate that subwavelength silicon nanoantennas can manipulate the photon emission dynamics of fluorescent molecules. In practice, we show that dielectric nanoantennas can both increase and decrease the local density of optical states at room temperature, a process that is inaccessible with noble metals at the nanoscale. Using scanning probe microscopy, we analyze quantitatively, in three dimensions, the near-field interaction between a 100-nm fluorescent nanosphere and silicon nanoantennas with diameters ranging between 170 and 250 nm. Associated with numerical simulations, these measurements indicate increased or decreased total spontaneous decay rates by up to 15% and a gain in the collection efficiency of emitted photons by up to 85%. Our study demonstrates the potential of silicon-based nanoantennas for the low-loss manipulation of solid-state emitters at the nanoscale and at room temperature

    Observing the Evolution of the Universe

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    How did the universe evolve? The fine angular scale (l>1000) temperature and polarization anisotropies in the CMB are a Rosetta stone for understanding the evolution of the universe. Through detailed measurements one may address everything from the physics of the birth of the universe to the history of star formation and the process by which galaxies formed. One may in addition track the evolution of the dark energy and discover the net neutrino mass. We are at the dawn of a new era in which hundreds of square degrees of sky can be mapped with arcminute resolution and sensitivities measured in microKelvin. Acquiring these data requires the use of special purpose telescopes such as the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT), located in Chile, and the South Pole Telescope (SPT). These new telescopes are outfitted with a new generation of custom mm-wave kilo-pixel arrays. Additional instruments are in the planning stages.Comment: Science White Paper submitted to the US Astro2010 Decadal Survey. Full list of 177 author available at http://cmbpol.uchicago.ed

    Acanthaster planci Outbreak: Decline in Coral Health, Coral Size Structure Modification and Consequences for Obligate Decapod Assemblages

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    Although benthic motile invertebrate communities encompass the vast majority of coral reef diversity, their response to habitat modification has been poorly studied. A variety of benthic species, particularly decapods, provide benefits to their coral host enabling them to cope with environmental stressors, and as a result benefit the overall diversity of coral-associated species. However, little is known about how invertebrate assemblages associated with corals will be affected by global perturbations, (either directly or indirectly via their coral host) or their consequences for ecosystem resilience. Analysis of a ten year dataset reveals that the greatest perturbation at Moorea over this time was an outbreak of the corallivorous sea star Acanthaster planci from 2006 to 2009 impacting habitat health, availability and size structure of Pocillopora spp. populations and highlights a positive relationship between coral head size and survival. We then present the results of a mensurative study in 2009 conducted at the end of the perturbation (A. planci outbreak) describing how coral-decapod communities change with percent coral mortality for a selected coral species, Pocillopora eydouxi. The loss of coral tissue as a consequence of A. planci consumption led to an increase in rarefied total species diversity, but caused drastic modifications in community composition driven by a shift from coral obligate to non-obligate decapod species. Our study highlights that larger corals left with live tissue in 2009, formed a restricted habitat where coral obligate decapods, including mutualists, could subsist. We conclude that the size structure of Pocillopora populations at the time of an A. planci outbreak may greatly condition the magnitude of coral mortality as well as the persistence of local populations of obligate decapods

    ABINIT: Overview and focus on selected capabilities

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    Paper published as part of the special topic on Electronic Structure SoftwareABINIT is probably the first electronic-structure package to have been released under an open-source license about 20 years ago. It implements density functional theory, density-functional perturbation theory (DFPT), many-body perturbation theory (GW approximation and Bethe–Salpeter equation), and more specific or advanced formalisms, such as dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) and the “temperaturedependent effective potential” approach for anharmonic effects. Relying on planewaves for the representation of wavefunctions, density, and other space-dependent quantities, with pseudopotentials or projector-augmented waves (PAWs), it is well suited for the study of periodic materials, although nanostructures and molecules can be treated with the supercell technique. The present article starts with a brief description of the project, a summary of the theories upon which ABINIT relies, and a list of the associated capabilities. It then focuses on selected capabilities that might not be present in the majority of electronic structure packages either among planewave codes or, in general, treatment of strongly correlated materials using DMFT; materials under finite electric fields; properties at nuclei (electric field gradient, Mössbauer shifts, and orbital magnetization); positron annihilation; Raman intensities and electro-optic effect; and DFPT calculations of response to strain perturbation (elastic constants and piezoelectricity), spatial dispersion (flexoelectricity), electronic mobility, temperature dependence of the gap, and spin-magnetic-field perturbation. The ABINIT DFPT implementation is very general, including systems with van der Waals interaction or with noncollinear magnetism. Community projects are also described: generation of pseudopotential and PAW datasets, high-throughput calculations (databases of phonon band structure, second-harmonic generation, and GW computations of bandgaps), and the library LIBPAW. ABINIT has strong links with many other software projects that are briefly mentioned.This work (A.H.R.) was supported by the DMREF-NSF Grant No. 1434897, National Science Foundation OAC-1740111, and U.S. Department of Energy DE-SC0016176 and DE-SC0019491 projects. N.A.P. and M.J.V. gratefully acknowledge funding from the Belgian Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) under Grant No. PDR T.1077.15-1/7. M.J.V. also acknowledges a sabbatical “OUT” grant at ICN2 Barcelona as well as ULiège and the Communauté Française de Belgique (Grant No. ARC AIMED G.A. 15/19-09). X.G. and M.J.V. acknowledge funding from the FNRS under Grant No. T.0103.19-ALPS. X.G. and G.-M. R. acknowledge support from the Communauté française de Belgique through the SURFASCOPE Project (No. ARC 19/24-057). X.G. acknowledges the hospitality of the CEA DAM-DIF during the year 2017. G.H. acknowledges support from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division under Contract No. DE-AC02-05-CH11231 (Materials Project Program No. KC23MP). The Belgian authors acknowledge computational resources from supercomputing facilities of the University of Liège, the Consortium des Equipements de Calcul Intensif (Grant No. FRS-FNRS G.A. 2.5020.11), and Zenobe/CENAERO funded by the Walloon Region under Grant No. G.A. 1117545. M.C. and O.G. acknowledge support from the Fonds de Recherche du Québec Nature et Technologie (FRQ-NT), Canada, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) under Grant No. RGPIN-2016-06666. The implementation of the libpaw library (M.T., T.R., and D.C.) was supported by the ANR NEWCASTLE project (Grant No. ANR-2010-COSI-005-01) of the French National Research Agency. M.R. and M.S. acknowledge funding from Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO-Spain) (Grants Nos. MAT2016-77100-C2-2-P and SEV-2015-0496) and Generalitat de Catalunya (Grant No. 2017 SGR1506). This work has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program (Grant Agreement No. 724529). P.G. acknowledges support from FNRS Belgium through PDR (Grant No. HiT4FiT), ULiège and the Communauté française de Belgique through the ARC project AIMED, the EU and FNRS through M.ERA.NET project SIOX, and the European Funds for Regional Developments (FEDER) and the Walloon Region in the framework of the operational program “Wallonie-2020.EU” through the project Multifunctional thin films/LoCoTED. The Flatiron Institute is a division of the Simons Foundation. A large part of the data presented in this paper is available directly from the Abinit Web page www.abinit.org. Any other data not appearing in this web page can be provided by the corresponding author upon reasonable request.Peer reviewe

    Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome associated with COVID-19: An Emulated Target Trial Analysis.

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    RATIONALE: Whether COVID patients may benefit from extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) compared with conventional invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) remains unknown. OBJECTIVES: To estimate the effect of ECMO on 90-Day mortality vs IMV only Methods: Among 4,244 critically ill adult patients with COVID-19 included in a multicenter cohort study, we emulated a target trial comparing the treatment strategies of initiating ECMO vs. no ECMO within 7 days of IMV in patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (PaO2/FiO2 <80 or PaCO2 ≥60 mmHg). We controlled for confounding using a multivariable Cox model based on predefined variables. MAIN RESULTS: 1,235 patients met the full eligibility criteria for the emulated trial, among whom 164 patients initiated ECMO. The ECMO strategy had a higher survival probability at Day-7 from the onset of eligibility criteria (87% vs 83%, risk difference: 4%, 95% CI 0;9%) which decreased during follow-up (survival at Day-90: 63% vs 65%, risk difference: -2%, 95% CI -10;5%). However, ECMO was associated with higher survival when performed in high-volume ECMO centers or in regions where a specific ECMO network organization was set up to handle high demand, and when initiated within the first 4 days of MV and in profoundly hypoxemic patients. CONCLUSIONS: In an emulated trial based on a nationwide COVID-19 cohort, we found differential survival over time of an ECMO compared with a no-ECMO strategy. However, ECMO was consistently associated with better outcomes when performed in high-volume centers and in regions with ECMO capacities specifically organized to handle high demand. This article is open access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Cloud intercommunale, une nécessité ?

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    National audienceUn Datacenter (DC) au niveau local (probablement nécessaire pour la confiance dans le système) semble être, pour les directions du SITIV et la DSI du GL, le support à une réponse nouvelle aux besoins des utilisateurs de l'agglomération et donc en l'hébergement des dispositifs numériques des collectivités locales. Un DC utilise massivement la logique de virtualisation de serveurs (c'est-à-dire plusieurs serveurs virtuels, logiciels, sur une seule machine réelle), de façon courante car c'est a priori pour les informaticiens un outil de souplesse, de gain d'espace et d'économie d'énergie (moins de machines physiques). Toutefois, si la mutualisation des infrastructures informatiques répond aux besoins de services numériques des habitants, elle nécessite des interconnexions à très haut débit entre les villes et les sites d'hébergement de leur infrastructure (DC)

    Collectivités locales et Services numériques : intégration intercommunale et efficience budgétaire

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    International audienceOur research aims to describe how to build a process of integration of new cities in a shared facility of digital resources, and counseling . We will make the description of this process since the reflection directions of SITIV and new cities to prepare for administrative integration . Thus we will present how to built a reflection, an administrative process, technical analysis and a budget estimate for driving the integration. Empirical data collections were carried out in three distinct stages: "pool to reduce costs of digital technology in the administration of this city and enjoy working together to study how to develop digital resources potentially incoming cities " , "mobilize policy makers, elected officials and policymakers cities of the union ", " launch a feasibility studies approach this application integration "; longitudinal analysis allows us to study how to form the pre- project , but it also makes us appear different sequences which prepares the organizational transformation of the union and potentially incoming cities in the deviceNotre recherche se propose de décrire comment se construit un processus de pré-intégration de nouvelles villes dans une structure mutualisée de moyens, et de conseil, numériques. Nous ferons la description de ce processus depuis la phase de réflexion par les directions du SITIV et des villes nouvelles jusqu'à la phase de préparation à l'intégration administrative. Ainsi nous présenterons comment s'est construit une réflexion, un processus administratif, une analyse technique ainsi qu'une estimation budgétaire pour conduire cette pré-intégration. Les recueils de données empiriques ont été réalisés lors de trois étapes distinctes : " mutualiser pour réduire les coûts du numérique dans l'administration d'une ville et profiter de ce travail en commun pour étudier comment faire évoluer les ressources numériques des villes potentiellement entrantes " ; " mobiliser les décideurs, les élus des villes et les décisionnaires du syndicat " ; " lancer une démarche d'études de faisabilités de cette demande d'intégration" ; L'analyse longitudinale nous permet d'étudier comment se forme l'avant-projet, mais elle nous fait aussi apparaître les différentes séquences qui prépare la transformation organisationnelle du syndicat et des villes potentiellement entrantes dans le dispositif