124 research outputs found

    Rosca Participation in Benin: a Commitment Issue

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    In the light of first-hand data from a Beninese urban household survey in Cotonou, we investigate several motives aiming to explain participation in Rotating Savings and Credit ASsociations. We provide anecdotal pieces of evidence, descriptive statistics, FIML regressions and matching estimates which tend to indicate that most individuals use their participation in a rosca as a device to commit themselves to save money and to deal with self-control problems.ROSCA, self-control, commitment device, Benin

    Une stratégie de conservation axée sur la connectivité pour les Laurentides au Québec

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    La crise actuelle de perte de biodiversitĂ© est sans prĂ©cĂ©dent. Sans des actions concertĂ©es et avant-gardistes, les consĂ©quences pourraient s’avĂ©rer catastrophiques pour toutes les espĂšces vivantes sur terre incluant l’ĂȘtre humain. La biodiversitĂ© est d’une importance capitale pour la fonctionnalitĂ© des Ă©cosystĂšmes et pour les biens et les services que ces derniers peuvent rendre. L’une des principales causes de l’érosion de la biodiversitĂ© est la fragmentation du territoire. Afin de bonifier la connectivitĂ© sur un territoire, la crĂ©ation de rĂ©seaux Ă©cologiques composĂ©s de noyaux de conservation, de zones tampons et de corridors fauniques s’avĂšre une avenue intĂ©ressante et fort prometteuse. Plusieurs exemples de stratĂ©gies de conservation axĂ©es sur la connectivitĂ© existent au QuĂ©bec, aux États-Unis et Ă  travers le monde. Les engagements quĂ©bĂ©cois en matiĂšre d’aires protĂ©gĂ©es, sans ĂȘtre idĂ©aux, offrent plusieurs possibilitĂ©s d’enrichir la protection et la conservation de notre environnement. Le territoire des Laurentides au QuĂ©bec revĂȘt plusieurs caractĂ©ristiques qui en font un endroit privilĂ©giĂ© pour le dĂ©veloppement, entre autres, rĂ©sidentiel et industriel ainsi que les activitĂ©s rĂ©crĂ©otouristiques et forestiĂšres, etc. Cette situation induit une pression sur le territoire en le morcelant. L’organisme Ă  but non lucratif Éco-corridors laurentiens a pour mission la protection des milieux naturels dans les Laurentides. Il travaille Ă  l’ébauche d’une stratĂ©gie de conservation axĂ©e sur la connectivitĂ©. L’objectif premier de cet essai est de proposer un scĂ©nario qui rĂ©pondra aux prioritĂ©s qu’Éco-corridor laurentiens s’est fixĂ©. La stratĂ©gie de conservation prĂ©sentĂ©e est un corridor faunique Ă  pas japonais dans l’axe nord-sud reliant le parc national d’Oka au parc national du Mont-Tremblant. Afin de rĂ©aliser ce chantier ambitieux, certains outils informatiques en conservation Ă©cologique peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s et grandement faciliter le choix des emplacements Ă  prioriser. DiffĂ©rents statuts de conservation et d’options d’acquisitions de propriĂ©tĂ©s doivent impĂ©rativement ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©s. La rĂ©habilitation de certains milieux et le franchissement d’infrastructures routiĂšres sont aussi Ă  analyser. Finalement, il est recommandĂ© que toutes les parties prenantes, lors de la crĂ©ation d’une stratĂ©gie de conservation, que ce soit l’organisme Éco-corridor laurentiens, le gouvernement du QuĂ©bec, les municipalitĂ©s, ou encore les citoyens, dĂ©ploient des efforts considĂ©rables et orientent leurs actions dans la mĂȘme direction. Ainsi, ce projet d’avant-garde pourrait en devenir un de sociĂ©tĂ© pour le QuĂ©bec, profitable autant Ă  la population d’aujourd’hui qu’à celle de demain

    The Impact of Insurance Literacy and Marketing Treatments on the Demand for Health Microinsurance in Senegal: A Randomised Evaluation

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    Mutual health organisations have been present in Senegal for years. Despite their benefits, in most areas take-up rates remain low. Using randomised controlled trials, we evaluate the effect of an insurance literacy module, communicating the benefits and functioning of health microinsurance, as well as three cross-cutting marketing treatments. The results from our various marketing treatments indicate a positive and significant effect on health insurance adoption, particularly for poor households, increasing take-up by around 35-40%. The insurance literacy module does not seem to have a positive impact on take-up decisions. We attempt to provide different contextual reasons for this result

    CMIP6 simulations with the compact Earth system model OSCAR v3.1

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    Reduced-complexity models, also called simple climate models or compact models, provide an alternative to Earth system models (ESMs) with lower computational costs, although at the expense of spatial and temporal information. It remains important to evaluate and validate these reduced-complexity models. Here, we evaluate a recent version (v3.1) of the OSCAR model using observations and results from ESMs from the current Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6 (CMIP6). The results follow the same post-processing used for the contribution of OSCAR to the Reduced Complexity Model Intercomparison Project (RCMIP) Phase 2 regarding the identification of stable configurations and the use of observational constraints. These constraints succeed in decreasing the overestimation of global surface air temperature over 2000–2019 with reference to 1961–1900 from 0.60±0.11 to 0.55±0.04 K (the constraint being 0.54±0.05 K). The equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) of the unconstrained OSCAR is 3.17±0.63 K, while CMIP5 and CMIP6 models have ECSs of 3.2±0.7 and 3.7±1.1 K, respectively. Applying observational constraints to OSCAR reduces the ECS to 2.78±0.47 K. Overall, the model qualitatively reproduces the responses of complex ESMs, although some differences remain due to the impact of observational constraints on the weighting of parametrizations. Specific features of OSCAR also contribute to these differences, such as its fully interactive atmospheric chemistry and endogenous calculations of biomass burning, wetlands CH4 and permafrost CH4 and CO2 emissions. Identified main points of needed improvements of the OSCAR model include a low sensitivity of the land carbon cycle to climate change, an instability of the ocean carbon cycle, the climate module that is seemingly too simple, and the climate feedback involving short-lived species that is too strong. Beyond providing a key diagnosis of the OSCAR model in the context of the reduced-complexity models, this work is also meant to help with the upcoming calibration of OSCAR on CMIP6 results and to provide a large group of CMIP6 simulations run consistently within a probabilistic framework

    Rosca participation in Benin : a commitment issue

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    In the light of first-hand data from a Beninese urban household survey in Cotonou, we investigate several motives aiming to explain participation in Rotating Savings and Credit Associations. We provide anecdotal pieces of evidence, descriptive statistics, FIML regressions and matching estimates which tend to indicate that most individuals use their participation in a rosca as a device to commit themselves to save money and to deal with self-control problems

    Near-real-time monitoring of global CO₂ emissions reveals the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting human activities, and in turn energy use and carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions. Here we present daily estimates of country-level CO2 emissions for different sectors based on near-real-time activity data. The key result is an abrupt 8.8% decrease in global CO₂ emissions (−1551 Mt CO₂) in the first half of 2020 compared to the same period in 2019. The magnitude of this decrease is larger than during previous economic downturns or World War II. The timing of emissions decreases corresponds to lockdown measures in each country. By July 1st, the pandemic’s effects on global emissions diminished as lockdown restrictions relaxed and some economic activities restarted, especially in China and several European countries, but substantial differences persist between countries, with continuing emission declines in the U.S. where coronavirus cases are still increasing substantially
