476 research outputs found

    Foaming properties of protein/pectin electrostatic complexes and foam structure at the nanoscale

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    The foaming properties, foaming capacity and foam stability, of soluble complexes of pectin and a globular protein, napin, have been investigated with a "Foamscan" apparatus. Complementary, we also used SANS with a recent method consisting in an analogy between the SANS by foams and the neutron reflectivity of films to measure in situ film thickness of foams. The effect of ionic strength, of protein concentration and of charge density of the pectin has been analysed. Whereas the foam stability is improved for samples containing soluble complexes, no effect has been noticed on the foam film thickness, which is almost around 315 {\AA} whatever the samples. These results let us specify the role of each specie in the mixture: free proteins contribute to the foaming capacity, provided the initial free protein content in the bulk is sufficient to allow the foam formation, and soluble complexes slow down the drainage by their presence in the Plateau borders, which finally results in the stabilisation of foams

    Statistical distributions in the folding of elastic structures

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    The behaviour of elastic structures undergoing large deformations is the result of the competition between confining conditions, self-avoidance and elasticity. This combination of multiple phenomena creates a geometrical frustration that leads to complex fold patterns. By studying the case of a rod confined isotropically into a disk, we show that the emergence of the complexity is associated with a well defined underlying statistical measure that determines the energy distribution of sub-elements,``branches'', of the rod. This result suggests that branches act as the ``microscopic'' degrees of freedom laying the foundations for a statistical mechanical theory of this athermal and amorphous system

    Spatial structure and composition of polysaccharide-protein complexes from Small Angle Neutron Scattering

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    We use Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS), with an original analysis method, to obtain both the characteristic sizes and the inner composition of lysozyme-pectin complexes depending on the charge density. Lysozyme is a globular protein and pectin a natural anionic semiflexible polysaccharide with a degree of methylation (DM) 0, 43 and 74. For our experimental conditions (buffer ionic strength I = 2.5 10-2 mol/L and pH between 3 and 7), the electrostatic charge of lysozyme is always positive (from 8 to 17 depending on pH). The pectin charge per elementary chain segment is negative and can be varied from almost zero to one through the change of DM and pH. The weight molar ratio of lysozyme on pectin monomers is kept constant. The ratio of negative charge content per volume to positive charge content per volume, -/+, is varied between 10 and 0.007. On a local scale, for all charged pectins, a correlation peak appears at 0.2 {\AA}-1 due to proteins clustering inside the complexes. On a large scale, the complexes appear as formed of spherical globules with a well defined radius of 10 to 50 nm, containing a few thousands proteins. The volume fraction Phi of organic matter within the globules derived from SANS absolute cross-sections is around 0.1. The protein stacking, which occurs inside the globules, is enhanced when pectin is more charged, due to pH or DM. The linear charge density of the pectin determines the size of the globules for pectin chains of comparable molecular weights whether it is controlled by the pH or the DM. The radius of the globules varies between 10 nm and 50 nm. In conclusion the structure is driven by electrostatic interactions and not by hydrophobic interactions. The molecular weight also has a large influence on the structure of the complexes since long chains tend to form larger globules. This maybe one reason why DM and pH are not completely equivalent in our system since DM 0 has a short mass, but this may not be the only one. For very low pectin charge (-/+ = 0.07), globules do not appear and the scattering signals a gel-like structure. We did not observe any beads-on-a-string structure

    Le cheval de l'Oued Guir (petit barbe oranais)

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    La remonte d'une unité mehariste : son caractÚre polymorphe. Conditions d'une homogénéité moyenne

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    ‘‘Lozenge’’ contour plots in scattering from polymer networks

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    We present a consistent explanation for the appearance of “lozenge” shapes in contour plots of the two dimensional scattering intensity from stretched polymer networks. By explicitly averaging over quenched variables in a tube model, we show that lozenge patterns arise as a result of chain material that is not directly deformed by the stretch. We obtain excellent agreement with experimental data

    Secular resonance sweeping of the main asteroid belt during planet migration

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    We calculate the eccentricity excitation of asteroids produced by the sweeping Îœ6\nu_6 secular resonance during the epoch of planetesimal-driven giant planet migration in the early history of the solar system. We derive analytical expressions for the magnitude of the eccentricity change and its dependence on the sweep rate and on planetary parameters; the Îœ6\nu_6 sweeping leads to either an increase or a decrease of eccentricity depending on an asteroid's initial orbit. Based on the slowest rate of Îœ6\nu_6 sweeping that allows a remnant asteroid belt to survive, we derive a lower limit on Saturn's migration speed of \sim0.15\AU\My^{-1} during the era that the Îœ6\nu_6 resonance swept through the inner asteroid belt (semimajor axis range 2.1--2.8\AU). This rate limit is for Saturn's current eccentricity, and scales with the square of Saturn's eccentricity; the limit on Saturn's migration rate could be lower if Saturn's eccentricity were lower during its migration. Applied to an ensemble of fictitious asteroids, our calculations show that a prior single-peaked distribution of asteroid eccentricities would be transformed into a double-peaked distribution due to the sweeping of the Îœ6\nu_6. Examination of the orbital data of main belt asteroids reveals that the proper eccentricities of the known bright (H≀10.8H \leq10.8) asteroids may be consistent with a double-peaked distribution. If so, our theoretical analysis then yields two possible solutions for the migration rate of Saturn and for the dynamical states of the pre-migration asteroid belt: a dynamically cold state (single-peaked eccentricity distribution with mean of ∌0.05\sim0.05) linked with Saturn's migration speed \sim 4\AU\My^{-1}, or a dynamically hot state (single-peaked eccentricity distribution with mean of ∌0.3\sim0.3) linked with Saturn's migration speed \sim 0.8\AU\My^{-1}.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ on Mar. 1, 201

    The galaxy luminosity function of the Abell 496 cluster and its spatial variations

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    We investigate the LF in the very relaxed cluster Abell 496. Our analysis is based on deep images obtained at CFHT with MegaPrime/MegaCam in four bands (ugri) covering a 1x1 deg2 region, which is centered on the cluster Abell 496 and extends to near its virial radius. The LFs are estimated by statistically subtracting a reference field taken as the mean of the 4 Deep fields of the CFHTLS survey. Background contamination is minimized by cutting out galaxies redder than the observed Red Sequence in the g-i versus i colour-magnitude diagram. In Abell 496, the global LFs show a faint-end slope alpha=-1.55+/-0.06 and vary little with observing band. Without colour cuts, the LFs are much noisier but not significantly steeper. The faint-end slopes show a statistically significant steepening from alpha=-1.4+/-0.1 in the central region (extending to half a virial radius) to -1.8+/-0.1 in the Southern envelope of the cluster. Cosmic variance and uncertain star-galaxy separation are our main limiting factors in measuring the faint-end of the LFs. The large-scale environment of Abell 496, probed with the fairly complete 6dFGS catalogue, shows a statistically significant 36 Mpc long filament at PA=137 deg, but we do not find an enhanced LF along this axis. Our LFs do not display the large number of dwarf galaxies (alpha ~ -2) inferred by several authors, whose analyses may suffer from field contamination caused by inexistent or inadequate colour cuts. Alternatively, different clusters may have different faint-end slopes, but this is hard to reconcile with the wide range of slopes found for given clusters and for wide sets of clusters.Comment: Accepted in A&A. 13 pages, 11 figure

    An optical view of the filament region of Abell 85

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    We compare the distribution of optically and Halpha (Ha) selected galaxies in the Southern half of the nearby Abell 85 (A85) cluster with the recently discovered X-ray filament (XRF). We search for galaxies where star formation (SF) may have been triggered by interactions with intracluster gas or tidal pressure due to the cluster potential when entering the cluster. Our analysis is based on images obtained with CFHT MegaPrime/MegaCam (1x1 deg2 field) in four bands (ugri) and ESO 2.2mWFI (38'x36' field) in a narrow band filter corresponding to the redshifted Halpha (Ha) line and in a broad R-band filter. The LFs are estimated by statistically subtracting a reference field. Background contamination is minimized by cutting out galaxies redder than the observed red sequence in the g-i vs. i colour-magnitude diagram. The galaxy distribution shows a significantly flattened cluster, whose principal axis is slightly offset from the XRF. The analysis of the broad band LFs shows that the filament region is well populated. The filament is also independently detected as a gravitationally bound structure by the Serna & Gerbal hierarchical method. 101 galaxies are detected in Ha, among which 23 have spectroscopic redshifts in the cluster, 2 have spectroscopic redshifts higher than the cluster and 58 have photometric redshifts that tend to indicate that they are background objects.The 23 galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts in the cluster are mostly concentrated in the South part of the cluster and along the filament. We find a number of galaxies showing evidence for SF in the XRF, and all our results are consistent with the previous hypothesis that the XRF in A85 is a gravitationally bound structure made of groups falling on to the main cluster.Comment: Accepted in A&A. 39 pages, 107 figures. Full resolution images available at ftp://ftp.iap.fr/pub/from_users/gam/A85
