170 research outputs found

    Kjønn og feminisme i norsk filosofi- Noen betraktninger

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    Despite the fact that Norway is considered to be one of the most gender equal countries in the world, the proportion of women in philosophy is still low. In this article, we reflect on women's presence in Norwegian philosophy, partly based on interviews with Norwegian women philosophers from different universities. We discuss the low proportion of women among students and staff in the field, investigate whether gender perspectives and feminist philosophy are present in the study of philosophy today. We also identify some characteristics of the Norwegian postwar philosophy, such as diversity and openness, power struggles and gender blindness. Our material also shows that measures to improve gender balance in philosophy, has met fierce resistance. We discuss how the features of Norwegian postwar philosophy, together with direct and indirect stereotypes on gender, rationality and natural properties, has contributed to the fact that women still are a minority in Norwegian philosophy. We also argue that the study of feminist philosophy and the integration of gender perspective is necessary in order to achieve gender equality in the discipline, to pave way for a new development in Norwegian philosophy, and to ensure the quality of higher education

    How teachers become content producers: student’s use of ebooks

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    Learning and loving of nature in the Anthropocene: How to broaden science with curiosity and passion

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    What does “belonging to nature” mean today and how can children and young people be inspired to experience this? What basic dilemmas and challenges arise between the requirement for critical thinking on the one side, and the experience of belonging and coexisting in nature on the other? In this article we will scrutinize the ideal of rational arguments and norms as stated in current policy documents and discuss how this best can promote curiosity and wonder, as well as a sense of relatedness and responsibility with nature that can inspire normative actions, We claim that critical thinking informed by a value-based ecology is needed to reveal the hidden curriculum of sustainable education; that is, a loss of “holistic” view in the footsteps of scientific diversification, a lack of curiosity and training of critical thinking, and a “denial of nature” characterized by a missed opportunity to raise the urgent attention towards environmental risks, that today should be a main mission in natural science education

    Utilizing the MEST score for prognostic staging in IgA nephropathy

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    Background The Oxford classification/MEST score is an established histopathologic scoring system for patients with IgA nephropathy (IgAN). The objective of this study was to derive a prognostic model for IgAN based on the MEST score and histopathologic features. Methods A total of 306 patients with biopsy-proven primary IgAN were included. Histopathologic samples were retrieved from the Norwegian Kidney Biopsy Registry and reclassified according to the Oxford classification. The study endpoint was end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Patients were subclassified into three risk models based on histologic features (Model A), a composite score calculated from the adjusted hazard ratio values (Model B), and on quartiles (Model C). Results The mean follow-up time was 16.5 years (range 0.2–28.1). In total, 61 (20%) patients reached ESRD during the study period. Univariate analysis of M, E, S, T and C lesions demonstrated that all types were associated with an increased risk of ESRD; however, a multivariate analysis revealed that only S, T and C lesions were associated with poor outcomes. Statistical analysis of 15-year data demonstrated that Models A and B were as predictive as the MEST score, with an area-under-the-curve at 0.85. The Harrel c index values were 0.81 and 0.80 for the MEST score and Models A and B, respectively. In the present cohort, adding C lesions to the MEST score did not improve the models prognostic value. Conclusions Patients can be divided into risk classes based on their MEST scores. Histopathologic data provide valuable prognostic information at the time of diagnosis. Model B was the most suitable for clinical practice because it was the most user-friendly.publishedVersio

    The role of beta strategies in other asset pricing anomalies

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    This thesis is based on the findings of Liu (2018), and therefore considers long-short, zero cost portfolios based on documented asset pricing anomalies. These include momentum, composite equity issuance, return volatility, and idiosyncratic volatility. Consistent with the observations in Liu (2018), we find that the relevant long-short portfolios embed significantly negative realized betas and therefore load in the low-beta anomaly. Neutralization of this exposure decreases the economic magnitude and statistical significance of their abnormal returns. In order to demonstrate this, we follow the methodology of Liu (2018) and propose a modification to one of the beta mitigation techniques. Also, we contribute with other methods, documented in the existing literature, that are designed either to reduce the beta imbalance or to account for the portfolios’ exposure to the beta anomaly. Furthermore, we contribute by testing all methods of beta mitigation for alternative pre-formation beta estimation techniques, in order to investigate if these a↵ect the explanatory power of the beta anomaly. Consistent with the findings of Liu (2018), we find that the mitigation of the inherent beta imbalance in the long-short anomaly portfolios either decreases or removes these strategies’ abnormal returns. The magnitudes of these reductions vary by choice of beta neutralization method and pre-formation beta estimation technique.nhhma

    Labour Input in Specialist Beef Bull Production in Sweden

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    Labour input was investigated on 101 Swedish beef bull farms, representing 42% of all farms rearing 100-800 bulls annually in 2007. Work time studies were performed through questionnaires, supplemented by field studies on a smaller set of farms. Young bulls were of dairy or beef breed, purchased from age 7 to 365 days by specialist producers and finished to an average age of 17 (dairy breed) and 15.5 months (beef breed) and carcass weight 300 and 330 kg, respectively. Farms with different models of finishing, depending on calf age at purchase, were categorised into four groups as: 1) Pre-weaned, 7-61 days purchase age (PW), 2) weaned, 56-92 days purchase age (W1), 3) weaned, 107-168 days purchase age (W2) and 4) weaned, 180-365 days purchase age (W3). Total median labour input per bull for pre-defined work tasks was 6.4, 7.1, 4.0 and 2.7 hours, respectively, for these four different finishing models. Labour efficiency in the four models was 0.76, 0.94, 0.64 and 0.69 min/bull/day, respectively, i.e. with no difference in labour efficiency between farms rearing pre-weaned calves (PW) or calves weaned from 2-3 months of age (W1). No differences were found in total daily labour efficiency (min/bull/day) within the quarantine house and finishing sections, or in tasks common to both sections. Feeding was the most labour-intensive task, requiring 65-78% of daily labour input. Feeding time was not strongly affected by technique, but was shortest on farms operating with total mixed ration (TMR) (0.30 min/bull/day) (p=0.046). However, farms operating with TMR were also significantly larger, with 200 bulls (range 100-600)  in the finishing house compared with 150 bulls (range 44-400) on farms feeding roughage and concentrates separately (labour input 0.52 min/bull/day). The effect of housing system on labour input for daily tasks was examined on the 65% of farms utilising only one type of housing system in the finishing house. Systems with slatted floor group pens (concrete or rubber flooring) had the lowest work time requirement (0.47 min/bull/day), followed by straw bedded pens with or without paved alleys (0.51 and 0.58 min/bull/day, respectively) and loose house cubicle systems (0.70 min/bull/day). A non-linear relationship was found between labour efficiency and bull unit size. Variations in work efficiency for finishing 100-200 bulls/year ranged from 0.2-3.0 min/bull/day in the finishing house, indicating possibilities for increased labour efficiency related to factors other than unit size. Labour input per bull was not significantly affected by unit size from 450 bulls/year (0.4 min/bull/day) to 960 bulls/year (0.3 min/bull/day), possibly indicating the highest level of labour efficiency achievable in Swedish beef bull production at present

    Validation of two IgA nephropathy risk-prediction tools using a cohort with a long follow-up

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    Background: Recently, two immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy-prediction tools were developed that combine clinical and histopathologic parameters. The International IgAN Prediction Tool predicts the risk for 50% declines in the estimated glomerular filtration rate or end-stage kidney disease up to 80 months after diagnosis. The IgA Nephropathy Clinical Decision Support System uses artificial neural networks to estimate the risk for end-stage kidney disease. We aimed to externally validate both prediction tools using a Norwegian cohort with a long-term follow-up. Methods: We included 306 patients with biopsy-proven primary IgA nephropathy in this study. Histopathologic samples were retrieved from the Norwegian Kidney Biopsy Registry and reclassified according to the Oxford Classification. We used discrimination and calibration as principles for externally validating the prognostic models. Results: The median patient follow-up was 17.1 years. A cumulative, dynamic, time-dependent receiver operating characteristic analysis showed area under the curve values ranging from 0.90 at 5 years to 0.83 at 20 years for the International IgAN Prediction Tool, while time-naive analysis showed an area under the curve value at 0.83 for the IgA Nephropathy Clinical Decision Support System. The International IgAN Prediction Tool was well calibrated, while the IgA Nephropathy Clinical Decision Support System tends to underestimate risk for patients at higher risk and overestimates risk in the lower risk categories. Conclusions: We have externally validated two prediction tools for IgA nephropathy. The International IgAN Prediction Tool performed well, while the IgA Nephropathy Clinical Decision Support System has some limitations.publishedVersio

    Lymphomas diagnosed in Uganda during the HIV/AIDS pandemic

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    Background: There are numerous reports from different countries documenting a change in frequency and profile of lymphomas after the onset of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. In Uganda little is known concerning the distribution of lymphoma subtypes diagnosed at the Department of Pathology, Makerere University College of Health Sciences during this period.Objective: To examine the frequency and diagnostic profile of lymphomas diagnosed in Uganda in the HIV/AIDS era.Design: Retrospective study.Setting: Department of Pathology, Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Kampala, Uganda.Subjects: One thousand and thirteen patients diagnosed with lymphomas in the period 1980-1989.Results: The most common type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma was Burkitt lymphoma (36%). The frequencies of lymphocytic and histiocytic types were 34.5% and 8.2% respectively.Conclusion: There was a decrease in histopathologically diagnosed lymphomas in Uganda in the period 1980-1989. Burkitt lymphoma continues to be the most common subtype diagnosed, some major lymphoma subtypes like T-cell and follicular lymphomas were not reported in the country in the HIV/AIDS era

    Success of English Language Learners: Barriers and Strategies

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    For this report, the researchers sought to gather more information on the success of mainstreamed ELL students from both exited students and their content teachers. The researchers\u27 aim was to see how teachers assessed these students’ academic needs, how these students felt about the accommodations executed by their teachers, and where these mainstreamed students were finding success. Furthermore, researchers wanted to gain information on the perceptions of the teachers working with these students. Information was gathered at two different high schools within the same district by interviewing and surveying both mainstreamed ELLs and their content teachers. Student transcripts were also utilized to gain more information about mainstreamed ELLs’ academic success. Results indicated that some classes, specifically those that required frequent memorization of content, were cited by students as more challenging and were classes in which more students were struggling to demonstrate proficiency, as indicated by their grades. Furthermore, results of teacher surveys and interviews highlighted a lack of comfort in understanding how to communicate with families of these students and how best to meet the academic needs of this population of learners. From these results, researchers drew the need for additional classroom-based and school-wide research. Keywords: ELL, sheltered instruction, mainstream, exite

    Anerkjennelse – en relasjonell prosess. En kvalitativ studie i hjemmesykepleien

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    Tema for denne studien er anerkjennelse. Hensikten er å utvide forskningsfeltet ved å belyse fenomenet fra et medarbeiderperspektiv. Studien er en kvalitativ studie der individuelle semistrukturerte intervju er gjennomført med til sammen syv sykepleiere i hjemmesykepleien. Studien forsøker å besvare problemstillingen «hvordan forstår sykepleiere i hjemmesykepleien fenomenet anerkjennelse, og hvilken betydning kan anerkjennelse fra nærmeste leder ha for dem?». Hovedfunnet er en forklaringsmodell til prosessen som foregår når anerkjennelse oppstår. Prosessen starter med et eller flere behov hos mottakeren. Behovene er individuelle og situasjonsavhengige. Tid og ekthet er funnet som forutsetninger for anerkjennelse. Manglende tilstedeværelse av forutsetningene kan bli til hindringer for anerkjennelse. Dersom forutsetningene er tilstede, og behovene blir møtt, oppstår det et subjekt-til-subjekt-møte, som videre kan føre til anerkjennelse. Med bakgrunn i studiens funn kan anerkjennelse konkluderes med å være en svært fintfølende og komplisert prosess. Verbal og non-verbal anerkjennelse er generelle anerkjennelsesmåter og uavhengige av relasjon mellom subjektene. Sykepleierne vurderer anerkjennelse fra brukere som mer verdifull enn anerkjennelse fra leder og kollegaer. Lederspesifikke anerkjennelsesmåter er avdekket som det å gi ansvar og oppgaver, tilstedeværelse og konstruktiv håndtering av konflikter og feil. Ikke-anerkjennende lederadferd er avdekket som å gi medarbeiderne for mye ansvar eller for mange oppgaver, samt «bortvendt» og unnvikende ledelse. En ikke-anerkjennende leder kan være helseskadelig for sine medarbeidere. Ledere i hjemmesykepleien som ønsker å være anerkjennende må kjenne til arenaene der sykepleierne opplever anerkjennelse, og bidra til å legge til rette for at sykepleierne kan oppleve de verdifulle anerkjennende møtene