10 research outputs found

    What are the type, direction, and strength of species, community, and ecosystem responses to warming in aquatic mesocosm studies and their dependency on experimental characteristics? A systematic review protocol

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    Background Mesocosm experiments have become increasingly popular in climate change research as they bridge the gap between small-scale, less realistic, microcosm experiments, and large-scale, more complex, natural systems. Characteristics of aquatic mesocosm designs (e.g., mesocosm volume, study duration, and replication) vary widely, potentially affecting the magnitude and direction of effect sizes measured in experiments. In this global systematic review we aim to identify the type, direction and strength of climate warming effects on aquatic species, communities and ecosystems in mesocosm experiments. Furthermore, we will investigate the context-dependency of the observed effects on several a priori determined effect moderators (ecological and methodological). Our conclusions will provide recommendations for aquatic scientists designing mesocosm experiments, as well as guidelines for interpretation of experimental results by scientists, policy-makers and the general public. Methods We will conduct a systematic search using multiple online databases to gather evidence from the scientific literature on the effects of warming experimentally tested in aquatic mesocosms. Data from relevant studies will be extracted and used in a random effects meta-analysis to estimate the overall effect sizes of warming experiments on species performance, biodiversity and ecosystem functions. Experimental characteristics (e.g., mesocosm size and shape, replication-level, experimental duration and design, biogeographic region, community type, crossed manipulation) will be further analysed using subgroup analyses

    Drivers of ecosystem metabolism in restored and natural prairie wetlands

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    Elucidating drivers of aquatic ecosystem metabolism is key to forecasting how inland waters will respond to anthropogenic changes. We quantified gross primary production (GPP), respiration (ER), and net ecosystem production (NEP) in a natural and two restored prairie wetlands (one “older” and one “recently” restored) and identified drivers of temporal variation. GPP and ER were highest in the older restored wetland, followed by the natural and recently restored sites. The natural wetland was the only net autotrophic site. Metabolic differences could not be definitively tied to restoration history, but were consistent with previous studies of restored wetlands. Wetlands showed similar metabolic responses to abiotic variables (photosynthetically active radiation, wind speed, temperature), but differed in the direct and interactive influences of biotic factors (submersed aquatic vegetation, phytoplankton). Drivers and patterns of metabolism suggested the importance of light over nutrient limitation and the dominance of autochthonous production. Such similarity in ecosystem metabolism between prairie wetlands and shallow lakes highlights the need for a unifying metabolic theory for small and productive aquatic ecosystems.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Appendix A. Results of mixed model analysis of changes in δ²H of wetland water over two summers.

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    Results of mixed model analysis of changes in δ²H of wetland water over two summers

    Diacidic Motifs Influence the Export of Transmembrane Proteins from the Endoplasmic Reticulum in Plant Cells

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    In yeast and mammals, amino acid motifs in the cytosolic tails of transmembrane domains play a role in protein trafficking by facilitating export from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). However, little is known about ER export signals of membrane proteins in plants. Therefore, we investigated the role of diacidic motifs in the ER export of Golgi-localized membrane proteins. We show that diacidic motifs perform a significant function in the export of transmembrane proteins to the Golgi apparatus, as mutations of these signals impede the efficient anterograde transport of multispanning, type II, and type I proteins. Furthermore, we demonstrate that diacidic motifs instigate the export of proteins that reside in the ER due to the lengths of their transmembrane domains. However, not all of the diacidic motifs in the cytosolic tails of the proteins studied were equally important in ER export. Transport of Golgi proteins was disrupted only by mutagenesis of specific diacidic signals, suggesting that the protein environment of these signals affects their function. Our findings indicate that diacidic ER export motifs are present and functional in plant membrane proteins and that they are dominant over transmembrane domain length in determining the export of proteins from the ER in plant cells

    Salinity causes widespread restriction of methane emissions from small inland waters

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    Abstract Inland waters are one of the largest natural sources of methane (CH4), a potent greenhouse gas, but emissions models and estimates were developed for solute-poor ecosystems and may not apply to salt-rich inland waters. Here we combine field surveys and eddy covariance measurements to show that salinity constrains microbial CH4 cycling through complex mechanisms, restricting aquatic emissions from one of the largest global hardwater regions (the Canadian Prairies). Existing models overestimated CH4 emissions from ponds and wetlands by up to several orders of magnitude, with discrepancies linked to salinity. While not significant for rivers and larger lakes, salinity interacted with organic matter availability to shape CH4 patterns in small lentic habitats. We estimate that excluding salinity leads to overestimation of emissions from small Canadian Prairie waterbodies by at least 81% ( ~ 1 Tg yr−1 CO2 equivalent), a quantity comparable to other major national emissions sources. Our findings are consistent with patterns in other hardwater landscapes, likely leading to an overestimation of global lentic CH4 emissions. Widespread salinization of inland waters may impact CH4 cycling and should be considered in future projections of aquatic emissions

    Classifying Mixing Regimes in Ponds and Shallow Lakes

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    Lakes are classified by thermal mixing regimes, with shallow waterbodies historically categorized as continuously mixing systems. Yet, recent studies demonstrate extended summertime stratification in ponds, underscoring the need to reassess thermal classifications for shallow waterbodies. In this study, we examined the summertime thermal dynamics of 34 ponds and shallow lakes across temperate North America and Europe to categorize and identify the drivers of different mixing regimes. We identified three mixing regimes: rarely (n = 18), intermittently (n = 10), and often (n = 6) mixed, where waterbodies mixed an average of 2%, 26%, and 75% of the study period, respectively. Waterbodies in the often mixed category were larger (≥4.17 ha) and stratification weakened with increased wind shear stress, characteristic of “shallow lakes.” In contrast, smaller waterbodies, or “ponds,” mixed less frequently, and stratification strengthened with increased shortwave radiation. Shallow ponds (\u3c0.74 m) mixed intermittently, with daytime stratification often breaking down overnight due to convective cooling. Ponds ≥0.74 m deep were rarely or never mixed, likely due to limited wind energy relative to the larger density gradients associated with slightly deeper water columns. Precipitation events weakened stratification, even causing short-term mixing (hours to days) in some sites. By examining a broad set of shallow waterbodies, we show that mixing regimes are highly sensitive to very small differences in size and depth, with potential implications for ecological and biogeochemical processes. Ultimately, we propose a new framework to characterize the variable mixing regimes of ponds and shallow lakes