2,211 research outputs found

    Dal primo al secondo Sacrificio del Beccari, una favola pastorale a cavallo Della Controriforma

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    Nel Cinquecento la tendenza ad una regolarizzazione in senso classicista, l’adeguamento ai canoni aristotelici, le pressioni della cosiddetta Riforma Cattolica si fanno sempre più intensi e portano alla revisione di moltissime opere. Dopo più di trent’anni della prima publicazione della favola pastorale Sacrificio, anche Agostino Beccari decide realizzare una seconda redazione dell’opera. Le varianti apportate da Beccari nel 1587, quando l’autore aveva Romay presente il modello dell’Aminta del Tasso, hanno evidentemente lo scopo di portare un innalzamento stilistico dell’opera in conformità anche alla tendenza riformistica post Concilio di Trento.In the sixteenth century, the tendency towards regularization in the classical sense, the adjustment to the Aristotelian canon, the pressures of the so-called Catholic Reformation are becoming more intense and lead to revision of many works. More than thirty years after the first publication of his pastoral tale Sacrificio, Agostino Beccari decided to write a second draft of the work. The variations made by Beccari in 1587, when the author had as model Tasso’s Aminta, evidently intended to bring a rise in accordance with the work style trend after the Council of Trent.Nel Cinquecento la tendenza ad una regolarizzazione in senso classicista, l’adeguamento ai canoni aristotelici, le pressioni della cosiddetta Riforma Cattolica si fanno sempre più intensi e portano alla revisione di moltissime opere. Dopo più di trent’anni della prima publicazione della favola pastorale Sacrificio, anche Agostino Beccari decide realizzare una seconda redazione dell’opera. Le varianti apportate da Beccari nel 1587, quando l’autore aveva Romay presente il modello dell’Aminta del Tasso, hanno evidentemente lo scopo di portare un innalzamento stilistico dell’opera in conformità anche alla tendenza riformistica post Concilio di Trento

    Bestiario y tarascas alegĂłricas y carnavalescas del pueblo de Poggio Rusco (Mantua)

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    En el pequeño pueblo de Poggio Rusco (Mantua-Italia), los refranes, los cuentos y algunos pareados reflejan la fantasía de sus habitantes, que imaginaron un bestiario compuesto por animales fantásticos. El origen de estos animales y sus celebraciones carnavalescas se encuentra en otro temible monstruo: la Tarasca. A través de un breve recorrido acerca de la probable etimología de la palabra “Tarasca”, este ensayo dará una explicación de cómo se desarrollan estas festividades en Francia, España, parte de Latino-América y en fin en Poggio Rusco; termina con una descripción de cada uno de los animales del bestiario, reconstruida a partir de recuerdos, dichos y cuentos de la gente del puebloIn the little town of Poggio Rusco (Mantua-Italy)the proverbs, tales and couplets are an evidence of the fantasy of its inhabitants. They imagined a bestiary of fantastic animals. We may find the origin of these animals and its carnival celebrations in another fearsome monster: the Tarasca. From a brief overview about the probably etymology of the word “Tarasca”, this essay gives an explication of the developement of these festivities in France, Spain, part of Latin-America and in Poggio Rusco; The paper also provides a description of each of the bestiary animals, reconstructed on records, sayings and tales of village peopl

    Agrobiodiversity as Necessary Standard for the Design and Management of Sustainable Farming Systems

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    Agriculture constitutes the major planetary force, which over the course of the past century has been changing forever the connotations of terrestrial ecosystems, due to its dependence on resources and impacts (e.g.: global climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and eutrophication of fresh and coastal waters). The purpose of this work aimed at demonstrating the compelling need to design and manage modern farms in a way that these may conserve, and even foster biodiversity because its restoration offers resilience, longevity, and productivity to 21st century farms. Therefore, special emphasis in this work was given to the management of agricultural soils and agroforestry. These approaches enhance biological diversity, while strengthening the health of plants, animals, and human communities thus, contributing to the health of planet Earth. Agroecology is the science, practice and social movement that effectively, can assist with a conversion of farming systems toward sustainability and a restoration of agrobiodiversity

    10. Browsing by White-Tailed Deer on Invasive Oriental Bittersweet Spreading into Restored Grasslands

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    Non-native oriental bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb.) was first detected in southeastern Minnesota in 2010 and has spread from woodlands into adjacent grasslands. Anecdotal evidence suggests that browsing by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) on young oriental bittersweet slows the growth and spread of this plant. This study assessed the population characteristics of density, age structure, growth rate, and branching morphology of oriental bittersweet in small, restored grasslands (mixed native grasses and forbs) in Winona County, Minnesota, and quantified the browsing damage inflicted by white-tailed deer on bittersweet and native red osier dogwood (Cornus sericea) at the end of winter. Bittersweet densities averaged 20 plants/m2 in grasslands near infested woodlands. Plants ranged in age from 1 to 7 yr, and growth rates (stem length) in plants greater than or equal to 2 yr old averaged only 9 cm/yr but were highly variable. Spread of bittersweet into grasslands from woodland edges averaged 48 m across all transects, but densities declined with increasing distance from woodlands. Winter browsing damage was present on 100% of all bittersweet and dogwood plants, with terminal buds removed from 70% (2,183 of 3,118) of all bittersweet branches and 99% (391 of 392) of all dogwood branches. Browsing seems to have suppressed fruiting in greater than or equal to 35% of plants greater than or equal to 2 yr old in the grasslands examined. Overwinter browsing by deer heavily damaged terminal buds and greatly reduced the growth rates of oriental bittersweet in restored grasslands in southeastern Minnesota, but not enough to prevent most plants in the population from maturing and producing fruit and seed

    05. Bird Communities Within a Prairie/Wetland Complex: Restoration of Former Wastewater Treatment Ponds in Southeastern Minnesota

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    Our 12-mo study examined the bird communities associated with three habitat types at differing stages of restoration within a prairie/wetland complex in southeastern Minnesota. The 25-ha site previously consisted of three municipal wastewater treatment ponds that were taken off-line in 2002. One pond was retained as a shallow wetland; the others were reconfigured and restored by planting with prairie vegetation (one pond in 2003 and the other pond in 2013) to provide habitat for both wetland and grassland birds. Timed walking surveys of birds in each habitat were made monthly from June 2014 through May 2015. We observed 48 bird species at the study site during the year, with red-winged blackbird, song sparrow, American tree sparrow, dickcissel, and American goldfinch accounting for 83% of total individuals. Bird abundance varied seasonally in all habitats (0–22 birds/min), peaking in April in prairies and in September in the wetland. The wetland held more bird species (39) than either old (22) or new (24) prairies, but prairies had much higher Simpson diversity (0.799–0.809) than the wetland (0.428). Bird communities of old and new prairies were more similar to each other (Bray–Curtis similarity¼0.517) than either was to the wetland community (0.297, 0.301). Bobolink, dickcissel, sedge wren, western meadowlark, and ring-necked pheasant were found in both old and new prairies, but these species were significantly more abundant (2.7 times more individuals) in the old prairie. Management of this site (plantings, control of invasives, prescribed burns) for improved bird diversity is continuing

    Hypermnesia and Amnesia: Remembering (with) the Body and Post-Conflict Memorials and Architectures

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    The article consists of two parts. The first part (§§ 1–2) investigates the indiscriminate and absolute remembering and forgetting of everything, hypermnesia and amnesia as the extreme terms that research has used and uses for the different phenomena of memory, both in individuals and in social and political forms. In the face of these shifts it is thus indispensable to re-establish a critique of the paradoxical effects of memory aids and, at the same time, to seek new forms of remembrance that by mixing an experiential dimension and public sphere refocus the attention on the connection between latency, tension and experiential triggers of involuntary memory and on the ability to break through the fictions of collective memory. On this basis, the second part of the article (§§ 3–4) analyses how the experience of political and racial deportation during World War II drastically changed the idea of memorial architecture. More specifically, the analysis deals with a kind of memorial device that must represent and memorialise persons whose bodies have been deliberately cancelled. The aim is to present and analyse the artistic and architectonic efforts to refer to those forgotten bodies, on the one hand, and on the other hand to point out how for these new kind of memorials the body of the visitor is asked to participate, both physically and emotionally, in this somehow paradoxical search for lost bodies, offering oneself as a substitute

    Catálogo hipertextual de traducciones anónimas al castellano (CHTAC). Un nuevo proyecto de Humanidades Digitales

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    Son muchos los proyectos de Humanidades Digitales que en los últimos años se han llevado a cabo en el ámbito de la literatura y lengua españolas: sin embargo no se encuentra aún disponible en red un recurso en el ámbito de la traducción que quiera o pueda ofrecer una catalogación exhaustiva y unificada de todas las traducciones medievales al castellano. A partir de estas premisas y con el fin de paliar su falta, nace la idea de la creación de CHTAC. Catálogo Hipertextual de Traducciones Anónimas al Castellano, una herramienta electrónica y gratuita que facilita el acercamiento a los numerosos testimonios de literatura traducida a lo largo de la baja Edad Media, cuyo traductor se desconoce o cuya identidad no es segura
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