85 research outputs found

    Aticismo como princípio civilizador e construtor de uma idéia de um Maranhão na formação do império brasileiro no século XIX

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    Frequently history has regarded Greece as the place of civilization, which laid the foundations of Western culture. During Brazil’s empire, part of the society that lived in the city of São Luís, in Maranhão, called itself the heirs of the Greek civilization in Brazil, and it followed exactly the same conceptual structures that Greece had for the West. The Author profiles the life of some famous people of that period and he investi-gates the true nature and existence of tropical Athens.Frequentemente la storia considera la Grecia come il luogo della civilizzazione che ha posto le fondamenta della cultura occidentale. Nell’epoca imperiale brasiliana parti della società che abitavano nella città di São Luís, nel Maranhão, si autodefinirono eredi della civiltà greca per il Brasile, con le stesse identiche strutture concettuali che la Grecia aveva avuto per l’Occidente. L’Autore presenta alcuni profili della vita di illustri personaggi di quel periodo e indaga la vera natura e esistenza di un’Atena tropicale.Con frecuencia la historia considera a Grecia como el lugar de la civilización, que sentó las bases de la cultura occidental. En la era imperial brasileña parte de la sociedad que vivía en la ciudad de São Luís, en Maranhão, se autodefinía como heredera de la civilización griega para Brasil, con las mismas estructuras conceptuales que Grecia tenía para Occidente. El Autor presenta algunos perfiles de la vida de personajes famosos de la época e investiga la verdadera naturaleza y existencia de una Atenas tropical

    HLA-DR in Cytotoxic T lymphocytes predicts breast cancer patients' response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy

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    Prediction of breast cancer response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NACT) is an urgent need to promptly direct non-responder patients to alternative therapies. Infiltrating T lymphocytes, namely cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) have been appointed as predictors of response. However, cancer cells have the ability to dampen CTLs' activity and thus, the prognostic value of the CTLs, per se, is debatable. Here, we disclose that more than the occurrence of CTLs, it is their activation state, revealed by HLA-DR expression, that can accurately predict response to NACT. Flow cytometry analysis of breast cancer biopsies showed that the frequency of CTLs and other lymphocytes were similar regardless disease stage and between NACT responders and non-responders. However, only breast cancer patients without axillary lymph node metastasis and NACT responders have HLA-DRhi CTLs. Interestingly, HLA-DR levels in tumor CTLs is correlated with HLA-DR levels in systemic CTLs. These HLA-DR+ CTLs produce IFN-γ and Granzyme B, enlightening their effector and probable anti-tumor activity profile. Moreover, the level of HLA-DR in CTLs is negatively correlated with the level of HLA-DR in T regulatory lymphocytes and with immunosuppressive and pro-tumor molecules in the tumor microenvironment. Hence, HLA-DR levels in CTLs is a highly sensitive and specific potential predictive factor of NACT-response, which can be assessed in blood to guide therapeutic decisions.Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia: PD/BD/114023/2015; PTDC/BBB-BMD/4497/2014. Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancroinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    a methodological proposal

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    UID/HIS/04666/2019In September 2015, the United Nations (UN) Member States adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development setting the global, national and local framework for putting that responsibility into action (United Nations, 2015). The new global Agenda is formed by 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) which must be implemented by all countries until 2030, so that "no one will stay behind". The 169 associated targets are monitored and reviewed using a set of global indicators (Sustainable Development Solutions Network, 2015). Sectorial organizations worked on bringing their potential contributions to sustainable development to the attention of Member States and the UN. In the post-2015 process, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) continued its active engagement towards promoting libraries within the UN 2030 Agenda and consolidated it in one of the Key Initiatives under the Strategic Directions set for 2016-2021 (IFLA, 2015). It should be stressed that access to information has been recognized as a target under SDG16 (target 16.10), culture and ICT have also been included in the SGDs (target 11.4 and targets 5b, 9c, 17.8, respectively) and universal literacy is recognized in the vision for the UN 2030 Agenda (IFLA, 2018a) In Portugal, initiatives to promote library and information services within the 2030 Agenda are still modest, as research intersecting Information Science with Performance Evaluation and Sustainable Development is not yet sufficiently developed (Ochôa & Pinto, 2019). However, in November 2016, a team of researchers at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (NOVA FCSH, Portugal) started a research project entitled Public Libraries and Sustainability: Gathering Evidences of Contribution to SDGs (Project PLS) aimed at the development of a framework for evaluating libraries’ contribution to SDGs and tailor it to Portuguese public libraries (Pinto & Ochôa, 2018a). Based on the methodology developed on this Project, this paper discusses the role of strategy alignment and impact evaluation practices in the processes of gathering evidence and advocacy towards libraries’ contribution to the UN 2030 Agenda.publishersversionpublishe

    An Alignment Perspective

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    UIDB/04666/2020 UIDP/04666/2020publishersversionpublishe

    uma visão transdisciplinar

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    UID/HIS/04666/2013Apresenta-se o conceito transdisciplinar de coavaliação, proveniente da área de Investigação em Avaliação e o seu papel emergente na Ciência de Informação e na Ciência do Cidadão. Sendo cada vez mais pertinente uma discussão em torno deste conceito, adota-se uma perspetiva de meta-avaliação, contextualizando a sua pertinência e trajetória e dando especial destaque aos contextos de desenvolvimento e transferibilidade de competências, necessários à sua implementação, Os resultados da investigação realizada, destacam o papel das competências de coavaliação agrupadas em seis dimensões: a prática reflexiva, a prática de base técnica, a análise situacional, a gestão, as competências interorganizacionais e as competências interpessoais, concluindo-se que a larga experiência da Ciência da Informação em avaliação pode constituir um fator distintivo para a discussão em torno deste conceito. This paper presents the transdisciplinary concept of co-evaluation (originated from the Evaluation Research field), as well as its emerging role in Information Science and Citizen Science. Considering the increasing relevance of discussions around this concept, we adopt a meta-evaluation perspective, contextualizing its pertinence and trajectory and giving special attention to development contexts and competences transferability, which are needed for its implementation. The research results emphasize the role of co-evaluation competences grouping them into six dimensions: reflective practice, technical-based practice, situational analysis, management, interorganizational competences and interpersonal competences, concluding that the wide experience of Information Science in evaluation may constitute a distinctive factor for the discussion around this concept. This paper presents the transdisciplinary concept of co-evaluation (originated from the Evaluation Research field), as well as its emerging role in Information Science and Citizen Science. Considering the increasing relevance of discussions around this concept, we adopt a meta-evaluation perspective, contextualizing its pertinence and trajectory and giving special attention to development contexts and competences transferability, which are needed for its implementation. The research results emphasize the role of co-evaluation competences grouping them into six dimensions: reflective practice, technical-based practice, situational analysis, management, interorganizational competences and interpersonal competences, concluding that the wide experience of Information Science in evaluation may constitute a distinctive factor for the discussion around this concept.publishersversionpublishe

    perspetivas, estratégias e posicionamentos

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    UID/HIS/04666/2019O debate internacional em torno das novas competências de informação-documentação é uma necessidade da profissão com reflexos nas práticas profissionais, papéis e empregos, a par dos modelos de fomação no ensino superior. Assiste-se a uma fase intensa de reconfiguração da profissão, com vários intervenientes a participar. Nesse âmbito, a ação das políticas e estratégias europeias tem sido pouco relacionada com as propostas resultantes dos países, em parte devido à dispersão de modelos de ensino existente nas universidades europeias. Para compreender o seu papel neste debate, é necessário torná-lo evidente. Tendo como objetivo partilhar uma reflexão de carácter exploratório, foram identificadas e sistematizadas, através da revisão da literatura, as principais perspetivas, estratégias e posicionamentos europeus diante do tema. Destacam-se os posicionamentos das associações europeias, com especial destaque para o quadro de competências proposto pela Task Force on Librarians’ Competencies in Support of e-Research and Scholarly Communication. Conclui-se que o ritmo de reconfiguração profissional beneficia das atuais políticas públicas europeias para a ciência aberta e para as competências digitais, ao criar novas oportunidades de perfis profissionais, ao aceler as necessidades do mercado de trabalho e ao criar a necessidade de consolidar uma visão para a ciência da informação no ensino superior. The international debate around the new competencies of Documentation Information is a necessity for the profession with effects on professional practices, roles and jobs along with training models in Higher Education. We are witnessing an intense phase of reconfiguration of the profession, with several players taking part. In this context, actions resulting from European policies and strategies have been poorly connected with the proposals made by countries, partly due to the dispersion of teaching models amongst European universities. Thus, to understand its role in this debate, we need to make it clearer. With the objective of sharing an exploratory reflection, the main perspectives, strategies and European positioning were identified and systematized through the review of the literature on the subject. The positioning of European associations stands out, with particular emphasis on the competency framework proposed by the Task Force on Librarians’ Competencies in Support of e-Research and Scholarly Communication. It is concluded that the pace of professional reconfiguration benefits from the current European public policies for Open Science and Digital Competencies by creating new professional profile opportunities, by accelarating labor market needs and by generating the need to consolidate a vision for Information Science in Higher Education.publishersversionpublishe

    uma proposta metodológica para alinhamento de estratégias

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    UID/HIS/04666/2019Em setembro de 2015, os Estados Membros das Nações Unidos adotaram uma nova agenda global para o desenvolvimento sustentável - a Agenda 2030, formada por 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS), que devem ser implementados por todos os países do mundo até 2030. É neste contexto que organizações setoriais, como a IFLA – International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions têm procurado, de forma continuada, que a formulação dos ODS e metas a estes associados refletissem o seu contributo para o desenvolvimento sustentável, visando reforçar o posicionamento do setor de Informação Documentação e as competências dos/as seus/suas profissionais. Esta comunicação, nasce da análise e reflexão em torno de várias experiências de investigação, disseminação e ensino ligadas à sustentabilidade, numa linha de análise da evolução da Agenda 2030 e da sua relevância académica, profissional e social entre investigadores/as e profissionais de Informação Documentação portugueses/as. Tem como objetivo alargar o espectro das estratégias possíveis a desenvolver no Ensino e nas práticas profissionais da Informação, nas áreas da avaliação do desempenho e gestão, procurando contribuir para o debate sobre os desafios prioritários, a diversidade de experiências e a relevância do pensamento das/os investigadoras/es da Ciência da Informação sobre o enquadramento de realidades e referenciais globais. Analisa-se a evolução das experiências realizadas (consideradas como dinâmicas, ou seja, processos contínuos que são objeto de estudo diacrónico), permitindo examinar o seu contributo e os seus efeitos e procedendo à sua diferenciação e quantificação através da (meta-)avaliação interna. Foram identificadas quatro dinâmicas de aprendizagem, envolvimento e desenvolvimento de competências em torno da sustentabilidade. A Dinâmica 1 (2012-2015) caracteriza-se pelo desenvolvimento de experiências de aprendizagem e de sensibilização para a sustentabilidade no âmbito de workshops interdisciplinares no Mestrado em Ciência da Informação e Documentação da NOVA FCSH. A Dinâmica 2 (2016-2018) caracteriza-se pela valorização da gestão e avaliação das evidências e contributos das bibliotecas públicas para a Agenda 2030 e pelo desenvolvimento de um Modelo de Alinhamento e Recolha de Evidências do Contributo das Bibliotecas para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável. A Dinâmica 3 (2018-2019) é marcada pelas atividades de envolvimento e aprendizagem estratégica dos/as profissionais de Informação Documentação. Finalmente, a Dinâmica 4 (2018-2019) caracteriza-se pela importância a nível académico, evidenciada pela entrada em funcionamento da unidade curricular Avaliação do Desempenho e Sustentabilidade de Serviços de Informação no Mestrado em Gestão e Curadoria de Informação, uma parceria entre a NOVA FCSH e a NOVA IMS. Estas dinâmicas indicam que o campo de intervenção da Ciência de Informação em Portugal tem vindo a consolidar as perspetivas relativas a ligação da avaliação do desempenho com a sustentabilidade, constituindo a Agenda 2030 um desafio e, simultaneamente, uma oportunidade interdisciplinar para a convergência de métricas e o desenvolvimento de competências transversais. In September 2015, the United Nations Member States adopted a new global agenda for sustainable development - the 2030 Agenda, setting 17 Sustainable Development Objectives (SGDs) that all countries should implement by 2030. In this context, IFLA the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, like other sectoral organizations, continuously sought a formulation of SGDs and associated targets that would reflect libraries’ contributions to sustainable development and keeps on striving for the reinforcement of the Information Documentation sector and the development of professional competences. This paper arose from the analysis and reflection around several research, dissemination and teaching experiences related to sustainability, within a research path focus on the evolution of the 2030 Agenda and its academic, professional and social relevance among Portuguese Information Documentation researchers and professionals. It aims to broaden possible strategies to be developed in educational and professional practices of Information Science in the areas of performance evaluation and management, seeking to contribute to the debate on the priority challenges, the diversity of experiences and the research relevance on the framework of realities and global references. The analysis of the evolution of the experiences carried out (considered as dynamics, that is, continuous processes that are object of diachronic study) allows us to examine their contribution and effects and proceed to their differentiation and quantification through internal (meta-) evaluation. Four dynamics of learning, involvement and development of competences around sustainability were identified: Dynamics 1 (2012-2015) is characterized by the development of learning experiences and awareness of sustainability in interdisciplinary workshops in the MSc in Information Science and Documentation of NOVA FCSH; Dynamics 2 (2016-2018) is characterized by the valorisation of management and evaluation of public libraries’ evidence and contributions to the 2030 Agenda and by the development of a Model for the Alignment and Evidence Gathering of Libraries’ Contribution to Sustainable Development; Dynamics 3 (2018-2019) is marked by the involvement and strategic learning activities of Information Documentation professionals; Dynamics 4 (2018-2019) is characterized by the importance at the academic level, evidenced by the curricular unit Evaluation of Performance and Sustainability of Information Services in the Master in Information Management and Curation, a partnership between NOVA FCSH and NOVA IMS. These dynamics indicate that the field of Information Science in Portugal has been consolidating the perspectives related to the linkage of performance evaluation with sustainability, constituting the Agenda 2030 a challenge and simultaneously an interdisciplinary opportunity for the convergence of metrics and the development of transversal competences.publishersversionpublishe

    cocriação e coavaliação

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    UID/HIS/04666/2019As práticas de aprendizagem partilhadas e apresentadas foram desenvolvidas por alunos, docentes e investigadores e incidem em atividades de cocriação e coavaliação realizadas na NOVA FCSH entre 2012 e 2017 em cursos de 2.º ciclo, intersetando áreas de ensino e investigação interdisciplinar em Ciência da Informação. Estas práticas pedagógicas tiveram em atenção as dimensões críticas das crenças epistemológicas, os atuais processos de criativização das culturas profissionais e as práticas educacionais que desenvolvem a originalidade e a colaboração. Numa perspetiva de teoria em ação, tiveram como objetivos desenvolver competências de cocriação e coavaliação. São apresentados três tipos de práticas: a Cocriação de Estrutura de Avaliação da sustentabilidade; a Cocriação de indicadores de sustentabilidade; e a Cocriação de taxonomia de competências de coavaliação. São destacadas as estratégias organizadas em torno de objetos partilhados e a reflexão sobre eles, as estratégias organizadas para o desenvolvimento e criatividade e as estratégias organizadas para a compreensão da importância da meta-avaliação. A cocriação permitiu resultados de participação na aprendizagem e competências relacionais, valorizadas pela qualidade das ideias criadas e pela capacidade de as reutilizar em novas práticas de conhecimento. A coavaliação permitiu a promoção do debate em torno das competências de avaliação e a sua aplicação prática.publishersversionpublishe

    Carcinoembryonic antigen is a sialyl Lewis x/a carrier and an E‑selectin ligand in non‑small cell lung cancer

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    LPCC/Pfizer 2011. Tagus TANK award 2018 (grant no. 1/2018). SFRH/BD/100970/2014 SFRH/BPD/108686/2015The formation of distant metastasis resulting from vascular dissemination is one of the leading causes of mortality in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). This metastatic dissemination initiates with the adhesion of circulating cancer cells to the endothelium. The minimal requirement for the binding of leukocytes to endothelial E-selectins and subsequent transmigration is the epitope of the fucosylated glycan, sialyl Lewis x (sLex), attached to specific cell surface glycoproteins. sLex and its isomer sialyl Lewis a (sLea) have been described in NSCLC, but their functional role in cancer cell adhesion to endothelium is still poorly understood. In this study, it was hypothesised that, similarly to leukocytes, sLe glycans play a role in NSCLC cell adhesion to E-selectins. To assess this, paired tumour and normal lung tissue samples from 18 NSCLC patients were analyzed. Immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry assays demonstrated that tumour tissues exhibited significantly stronger reactivity with anti‑sLex/sLea antibody and E-selectin chimera than normal tissues (2.2- and 1.8-fold higher, respectively), as well as a higher immunoreactive score. High sLex/sLea expression was associated with bone metastasis. The overall α1,3-fucosyltransferase (FUT) activity was increased in tumour tissues, along with the mRNA levels of FUT3, FUT6 and FUT7, whereas FUT4 mRNA expression was decreased. The expression of E-selectin ligands exhibited a weak but significant correlation with the FUT3/FUT4 and FUT7/FUT4 ratios. Additionally, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) was identified in only 8 of the 18 tumour tissues; CEA-positive tissues exhibited significantly increased sLex/sLea expression. Tumour tissue areas expressing CEA also expressed sLex/sLea and showed reactivity to E-selectin. Blot rolling assays further demonstrated that CEA immunoprecipitates exhibited sustained adhesive interactions with E-selectin-expressing cells, suggesting CEA acts as a functional protein scaffold for E-selectin ligands in NSCLC. In conclusion, this work provides the first demonstration that sLex/sLea are increased in primary NSCLC due to increased α1,3-FUT activity. sLex/sLea is carried by CEA and confers the ability for NSCLC cells to bind E-selectins, and is potentially associated with bone metastasis. This study contributes to identifying potential future diagnostic/prognostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets for lung cancer.preprintpublishe

    Sialyl LewisX/A and Cytokeratin Crosstalk in Triple Negative Breast Cancer

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    project LA/P/0140/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy—i4HB. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) encompasses multiple entities and is generally highly aggressive and metastatic. We aimed to determine the clinical and biological relevance of Sialyl-Lewis X and A (sLeX/A)—a fucosylated glycan involved in metastasis—in TNBC. Here, we studied tissues from 50 TNBC patients, transcripts from a TNBC dataset from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database, and a primary breast cancer cell line. All 50 TNBC tissue samples analysed expressed sLeX/A. Patients with high expression of sLeX/A had 3 years less disease-free survival than patients with lower expression. In tissue, sLeX/A negatively correlated with cytokeratins 5/6 (CK5/6, which was corroborated by the inverse correlation between fucosyltransferases and CK5/6 genes. Our observations were confirmed in vitro when inhibition of sLeX/A remarkably increased expression of CK5/6, followed by a decreased proliferation and invasion capacity. Among the reported glycoproteins bearing sLeX/A and based on the STRING tool, α6 integrin showed the highest interaction score with CK5/6. This is the first report on the sLeX/A expression in TNBC, highlighting its association with lower disease-free survival and its inverse crosstalk with CK5/6 with α6 integrin as a mediator. All in all, sLeX/A is critical for TNBC malignancy and a potential prognosis biomarker and therapeutic target.publishersversionpublishe
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