1,573 research outputs found

    Is the bulbus arteriosus of fish homologous to the mamalian intrapericardial thoracic arteries?

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    El resumen aparece en el Program & Abstracts of the 10th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Barcelona 2013.Anatomical Record, Volume 296, Special Feature — 1: P-089.Two major findings have significantly improved our understanding of the embryology and evolution of the arterial pole of the vertebrate heart (APVH): 1) a new embryonic presumptive cardiac tissue, named second heart field (SHF), forms the myocardium of the outflow tract, and the walls of the ascending aorta (AA) and the pulmonary trunk (PT) in mammals and birds; 2) the bulbus arteriosus (BA), previously thought to be an actinopterygian apomorphy, is present in all basal Vertebrates, and probably derives from the SHF. We hypothesized that the intrapericardial portions of the AA and the PT of mammals are homologous to the BA of basal vertebrates. To test this, we performed 1) a literature review of the anatomy and embryology of the APVH; 2) novel anatomical, histomorphological, and embryological analyses of the APVH, comparing basal (Galeus atlanticus), with apical (Mus musculus and Mesocricetus auratus) vertrebrates. Evidence obtained: 1) Anatomically, BA, AA, and PT are muscular tubes into the pericardial cavity, which connect the distal myocardial outflow tracts with the aortic arch system. Coronary arteries run through or originate at these anatomical structures; 2) Histologically, BA, AA, and PT show an inner layer of endothelium covered by circumferentially oriented smooth muscle cells, collagen fibers, and lamellar elastin. The histomorphological differences between the BA and the ventral aorta parallel those between intrapericardial and extrapericardial great arteries; 3) Embryologically, BA, AA, and PT are composed of smooth muscle cells derived from the SHF. They show a similar mechanism of development: incorporation of SHF‐derived cells into the pericardial cavity, and distal‐to‐proximal differentiation into an elastogenic cell linage. In conclusion, anatomical, histological and embryological evidence supports the hypothesis that SHF is a developmental unit responsible for the formation of the APVH. The BA and the intrapericardial portions of the great arteries must be considered homologous structures.Proyecto P10-CTS-6068 (Junta de Andalucía); proyecto CGL-16417 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación); Fondos FEDER

    Análisis de las complicaciones tempranas de la prótesis total de la rodilla

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    La artroplastia total de rodilla es una técnica con unos resultados excelentes que permite recuperar la funcionalidad de la articulación. - A pesar de los avances técnicos que se han producido en el último cuarto de siglo, siguen sucediendo complicaciones. - La mayoría de las complicaciones que hemos registrado son de carácter menor precisando su gran mayoría de un manejo conservador. Requiriendo el recambio protésico con baja frecuencia. - Aunque las mejoras suponen un gran avance en la implantación, pueden ser causa de complicaciones debido a su temprana introducción. Por ello la técnica de la ATR se encuentra en constante evolución y adaptación. - Alrededor del 80% de los pacientes sometidos a la ATR están satisfechos con los resultados. - Las principales causas de insatisfacción son el dolor y la limitación de la movilidad. - Las complicaciones junto con el retraso de la movilización temprana y de la rehabilitación condicionan el desarrollo de la movilidad de los pacientes.Grado en Medicin

    Las causas del despido disciplinario

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    El presente trabajo versa sobre el análisis de las diferentes causas recogidas en el ET que legitiman la adopción del despido por incumplimientos graves y culpables en el trabajo. Paralelamente, se revisarán varias sentencias trascendentes en este ámbito al objeto de mostrar los criterios que han mantenido los Tribunales en su enjuiciamiento, con una especial incidencia a la aplicación práctica de los derechos reconocidos legalmente a cada una de las partes de la relación laboral que, viéndose enfrentados, resultan condicionados

    Incidence and type of bicuspid aortic valve in two model species

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    Incidence and type of bicuspid aortic valve in two model species. MC Fernández 1,2, A López-García 1,2, MT Soto 1, AC Durán 1,2 and B Fernández 1,2. 1 Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Málaga, Spain. 2 Biomedical Research Institute of Málaga (IBIMA), University of Málaga, Spain. Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is the most frequent human congenital cardiac malformation, with an incidence of 1–2% worldwide. Two morphological types exist: type A (incidence 0.75–1.25%) and type B (incidence 0.25–0.5%), each with a distinct aetiology and natural history. Currently, ten animal models of BAV have been described in two different rodent species: one spontaneous Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) model of BAV type A and nine mutant laboratory mouse (Mus musculus) models of BAV type B. It remains to be elucidated whether the mutations leading to BAV in these models are typespecific or whether there are inter-specific differences regarding the type of BAV that hamsters, mice and humans may develop. To solve this issue, we have characterized the incidence and types of BAVs in four inbred, two outbred and two hybrid lines of Syrian hamsters (n=4,340) and in three inbred, three outbred and one hybrid lines of laboratory mice (n=1,661) by means of stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. In addition, we have reviewed and calculated the incidence and type of BAVs in the published papers dealing with this anomaly in mice. Our results indicate that the Syrian hamster develops BAVs type A and B including a variety of morphologies comparable to those of humans, whereas the mouse develops only BAVs type B with a short spectrum of valve morphologies. Thus, inter-specific differences between human and mouse aortic valves must be taken into consideration when studying valve disease in murine models. This work was supported by P10-CTS-6068.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. P10-CTS-6068

    Indicaciones del tramadol en el dolor no visceral profundo

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    El tramadol es un analgésico opioide. Fue desarrollado en Alemania en 1962 y comercializado por primera vez en 1977. Actualmente, se encuentra disponible en aproximadamente 75 países. Su uso ha aumentado en los últimos años, sus indicaciones en función del tipo y las características del dolor que se quiera tratar no están claras y puede producir una gran cantidad de efectos adversos. Todo ello lleva a plantearse para qué tipo de dolor se debe utilizar y si las pruebas y datos existentes actualmente aportan argumentos a favor o en contra de su uso. Para ello se lleva a cabo una revisión sistemática para obtener una valoración global basada en los resultados sobre el uso del tramadol en función del tipo de dolor.Grado en Medicin

    La transposición de la Directiva de Procedimientos de Asilo y la efectividad coercitiva de las decisiones de infracción de la Comisión Europea

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    En este trabajo se estudia el nivel de transposición de la Directiva de Procedimientos de Asilo, centrándose en el papel de la Comisión Europea como órgano supervisor de la implantación del Derecho de la Unión Europea (UE) en los Estados Miembros. En concreto, se analizará el estado de tramitación de los procedimientos de infracción a los Estados miembros incoados por la Comisión Europea por incumplir con sus obligaciones de transposición, llegando a las siguientes conclusiones: (i) los progresos en los procedimientos de infracción han sido mínimos y muchos de ellos han quedado congelados en fases intermedias; (ii) la inactividad de la Comisión Europea equivale de facto a un consentimiento implícito para que los Estados infractores continúen con sus prácticas contrarias al derecho de la UE; y (iii) resulta necesario un papel más activo de la Comisión Europea. This paper studies the record on transposition of the Asylum Procedures Directive, focusing on the role of the European Commission as the monitoring body of the implementation of the European Union (EU) Law among Member States. In particular, it will be analysed the current status of the infringement proceedings brought by the Commission to State Members for failing to comply with their transposition obligations, finding that: (i) the progress made in the infringement proceedings has been marginal and many proceedings have been put on ice at intermediate stages; (ii) the Commission’s inactivity amount to an implied consent for the infringing Member States to continue with their practices contrary to Community law; and (iii) a more active role of the European Commission is needed.</jats:p

    Develop a bladder assisted RTM tool to manufacture seat posts with glass fiber and CNT-epoxy resin

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    In this project, a bladder-assisted Resin Transfer Moulding tool to manufacture glass fiber bicycle seat posts with epoxy resin charged with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is developed through the application of a "Systematic Approach to the design of Technical Systems and Products" guideline to provide an optimum solution for the filtering of CNTs during the injection process. The impregnation process is identified as the key characteristic on the tool development. The bladder assisted-RTM process parameters and manufacturing seat post features are evaluated to define the requirements that fulfill the main task, a homogeneous distribution of CNTs through the fiber glass reinforcement. According to the requirements, the task is divided in function and subfunctions to be fulfilled by the tool development. Interfaces between sub-functions are established in order to re-organize them into realizable modules. This module structure showed a preliminary indication for the breakdown of solution into realizable groups or elements, and together with their interfaces facilitated an efficient distribution of design effort. Tool constituent elements are designated and multiple principle solutions are provided for every element. Once selected the most adequate individual solution, a tool concept design is presented and begins the layouts development for the individual modules (Housing shape, Cooling system, Front cover with compressed air connection, Rear cover with resin injection port, Rear cover with airextraction exhaust, closing device, centering of the tool components, gaskets for the tightness and bladder as core design). Detailed drawings and calculations are performed to confirm that the design solution meets the requirements of the general task. The impregnation concept process using the inflatable bladder designed is explained, showing the collapsible channel operation in order to infuse correctly the braided glass fiber reinforcement using the high viscosity resin due the CNTs addition. At the end of the project, manufacturing tests are done to select the inflatable bladder with three different elastic materials using a reduced tool. After bladder material selection, a real scale tool is designed and constructed to manufacture a simple inflatable bladder, as first approach to the final bladder manufacturing. For the bladder manufacturing, a real scale bladder dipping mandrel is manufactured using water soluble fugitive core material.Ingeniería Técnica en Mecánic

    Ecclesia Triumphans? El Sectarismo y la Comunidad Maronita, 1943-1975

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    Durante la Segunda República Libanesa (1943-1975) existía la percepción de que la comunidad maronita era la secta dominante del país y ostentaba un papel casi hegemónico dentro del marco confesional del Estado. Mediante el análisis de tres acontecimientos históricos clave (la “Revolución del Agua de Rosas” de 1952, la crisis de 1958 y las elecciones presidenciales de 1970), este ensayo tratará de probar que la comunidad maronita no ostentaba un control desproporcionado sobre la política libanesa y que el sectarianismo no era el factor predominante y definitorio de su sistema político, sino uno más entre otros lazos tradicionales, cuya influencia era aún mayor.During the Second Lebanese Republic (1943-1975), the Maronite Community was perceived as the country’s leading sect, holding an almost hegemonic role within the state’s confessional framework. By analyzing three key historical events (the 1952 “Rosewater Revolution”, the 1958 Crisis and the 1970 presidential elections), this essay will try to prove that neither the Maronite Community held a disproportionate control over Lebanon’s politics, nor sectarianism was the predominant factor defining its political system, but one among other traditional ties, whose influence was even bigger

    Different laboratory mouse strains show distinct coronary artery patterns

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    Different laboratory mouse strains show distinct coronary artery patterns. MC Fernández 1,2, A López-García 1,2, M Lorenzale 1, V Sans-Coma 1,2, AC Durán 1,2 and B Fernández 1,2. 1 Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Málaga, Spain. 2 Biomedical Research Institute of Málaga (IBIMA), University of Málaga, Spain. The C57BL/6 (BL/6) mouse strain is one of the most common models in research involving laboratory animals, particularly on studies of the cardiovascular system. It has been reported (Fernandez B, et al. J Anat 2008 212(1):12–18) that this strain presents an unusual coronary artery (CA) pattern, including congenital CA anomalies, which are clinically relevant in humans. The aim of the present study was to elucidate whether this pattern is strain-specific or appears in other mouse populations. We used stereomicroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, light microscopy, and a corrosion cast technique in 597 adult mice belonging to three inbred strains (BL/6, Balb/c, DBA/2), three outbred stocks (CD1, OF1, NMR1), two hybrid lines (129sv x BL/6, CD2F1) and wild mice. Lock-like ostium was only detected in BL/6 mice, whereas left septal artery, accessory ostium, high take-off, intramural course, and solitary ostium of one CA in aorta were present in different laboratory strains and in wild mice. However, each mouse population showed a specific incidence of these coronary conditions. These results should be taken into account when studying the murine coronary system, especially in CA occlusion experiments and in studies on cardiovascular development involving murine mutant lines. In addition, we propose that several laboratory mouse strains may serve as appropriate animal models to study several clinically relevant human congenital anomalies of the CAs. Our results suggest that some of these CA anomalies are subject to a simple mode of inheritance. This work was supported by P10-CTS-6068 and PI- 0888-2012.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. P10-CTS-6068. PI-0888-201

    Black hole entropy quantization

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    Ever since the pioneer works of Bekenstein and Hawking, black hole entropy has been known to have a quantum origin. Furthermore, it has long been argued by Bekenstein that entropy should be quantized in discrete (equidistant) steps given its identification with horizon area in (semi-)classical general relativity and the properties of area as an adiabatic invariant. This lead to the suggestion that black hole area should also be quantized in equidistant steps to account for the discrete black hole entropy. Here we shall show that loop quantum gravity, in which area is {\it not} quantized in equidistant steps can nevertheless be consistent with Bekenstein's equidistant entropy proposal in a subtle way. For that we perform a detailed analysis of the number of microstates compatible with a given area and show consistency with the Bekenstein framework when an oscillatory behavior in the entropy-area relation is properly interpreted.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Version to be published in PR