204 research outputs found

    Majalah Ahkam Johor: latar belakang, pelaksanaan dan komentar

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    Buku ini mengandungi perbincangan sejarah kedatangan Majallah al–Ahkam al–‘Adliyyah Turki ke negeri Johor dengan mengemukakan latar belakang negeri Johor, sejarah pentadbiran undang-undang dan kedudukan Islam di Johor sebelum kedatangan penjajah Inggeris berdasarkan sumber–sumber yang ditemui. Seterusnya dinyatakan perbandingan Majallah al–Ahkam al–‘Adliyyah dengan Majalah Ahkam Johor dari segi latar belakang, aspek penyediaan dan kandungan. Dijelaskan juga daftar isi keseluruhan Majalah Ahkam Johor bagi menerangkan subjek yang disentuh tentang mu’amalat Islam. Seterusnya dinyatakan tentang pelaksanaan Majalah Ahkam Johor di negeri Johor. Ia meliputi pengistiharan Majalah Ahkam Johor sebagai rujukan di mahkamah-mahkamah negeri Johor, badan-badan yang terlibat dalam pelaksanaanya, penerimaannya dalam sistem kehakiman di negeri Johor dan sebab-sebab Majalah Ahkam Johor kurang dijadikan rujukan di mahkamah-mahkamah negeri Johor. Kemudian dalam bahagian komentar diulas beberapa ayat atau perkataan yang sukar difahami dari madah-madah dan bilangan-bilangan dengan menghuraikannya daripada pelbagai sumber. Kajian ini kemudiannya diakhiri satu kesimpulan yang memperjelaskan bahawa hakikat pelaksanaan Majalah Ahkam Johor adalah mempertahankan undang-undang Islam dari diketepikan oleh pihak penjajah sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan ‘Uthmaniyyah Turki bermula dengan aspek mu’amalat. Majalah Ahkam Johor perlu dilihat kembali bagi menyedarkan generasi hari ini tentang betapa pentingnya undang-undang Islam dalam sejarah perundangan negara. Semoga hasil kajian ini akan mencorakkan pemikiran umat Islam pada hari ini terhadap sejarah perundangan Islam di Malaysia dan meyakini keunggulan Islam sebagai satu cara hidup yang lengkap

    Reorienting the Gaze: Monstrous Bodies in Remediations of Frankenstein

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    Visual adaptations of the Frankenstein myth highlight the role ocularcentrism and scopic power play. By engaging with the concept of the gaze, this paper analyzes remediations of Mary Shelley’s masterpiece and discusses how visual narratives frame potentially monstrous bodies in order to assimilate or question traditional privileged visions and their construction of otherness, as well as to (re) orient spectators towards recognition of or detachment from the onscreen monster. It will address particularly relevant examples: Edison’s Frankenstein, the YouTube series Frankenstein M.D., Whale’s and Branagh’s iconic remediations, as well as the less known Murders of the Rue Morgue and Frankenhooker. Ultimately, this work will vindicate the role of remediations as an arena within which contemporary imaginaries regarding otherness and who holds the visual and narrative power are either legitimized or challenged

    Development of the E-Muhadatsah Kit for Non-Arabic Speakers in Malaysian Institutions of Higher Learning: A Need Analysis

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    Needs analysis plays an important role in the development of a product to ensure that the product can meet the needs of consumers. The development of the E-Muhadatsah kit or Arabic conversation kit based on an android application is a self-communication platform among non-Arabic speakers in Malaysian Institutions of Higher Learning. This study aims to identify the need for developing the E-Muhadatsah kit among non-Arabic speakers at the tertiary level as well as to identify the level of interest in Arabic speaking, Arabic communication confidence, and students' willingness to communicate in Arabic. The assignment and exercise needs in improving students’ Arabic speaking or communication skills were also identified. A set of questionnaires was distributed to 214 respondents from universities in Malaysia namely UPM, UPSI, UniSZA, and UiTM. Then, the data obtained from the administration of the questionnaire were analyzed using SDSS version 25 software and interpreted based on the analysis of mean scores and standard deviations. Meanwhile, the open-ended questionnaire data were analyzed thematically. The results showed that respondents saw the development of the E-Muhadatsah kit as a great need for non-Arab students in higher education. In addition, the study also found that respondents showed a high interest in Arabic speaking, confidence in Arabic communication, and students' willingness to communicate in Arabic at a high level. Thus, this study proposes the development of a conversation-based Arabic language interactive multimedia kit to improve the communication proficiency of non-Arabic speakers, further able to help Arabic language educators to diversify multimedia-assisted teaching methods

    Evaluation of surgical procedures in emergency cases during pandemic of Covid 19

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    Background: Covid 19 is worldwide problem defined as infection caused by corona virus. World Health Organization defined it as a pandemic disease that can be controlled. It is public health problem. The regimen and ways of management of surgical patient changed after epidemic attack of Covid 19Objective: To evaluate the procedures, infection control and follow up in emergency patient during attack of Covid 19.Patient and methods: Cross sectional study done on 35 patient selected in emergency room in Al-Hussain University Hospital during the period from the 1st May to 1st August, done on emergency cases only and elective cases were excluded during attack of Covid 19.Results: Total number of 35 patient, through them 28 patient (80%) were discharged without complication, 10 patient (28.6%) of them were admitted to ICU, 13 patient (37.1%) has postoperative morbidity, 3 patient (8.6%) died from postoperative complication. 3 patient were postoperatively Covid 19 positive, all discharged patient were negative for Covid 19 and no positive cases were found during follow up.Conclusion: This study was done on the surgical patient in the hospital not on positive patient for Covid 19 and it described the best way to treatment and isolation of the surgical patient during attack of Covid 19. Patient were successfully managed and discharged with follow up for 14 days negative result of Covid 19

    Pengaruh Khilafah Othmaniyyah Turki Dalam Pentadbiran Kerajaan Johor Bagi Memartabatkan Sebuah Negara Islam Merdeka Di Asia Tenggara

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    Kegemilangan kesultanan Johor banyak dipengaruhi oleh hubungannya dengan Khilafah Othmaniyyah. Ia diperintah oleh pemerintah-pemerintah dari Kesultanan Melaka sehingga tahun 1699 Masihi iaitu dengan kemangkatan Sultan Mahmud Shah yang digelar juga “Sultan Mangkat Dijulang.” Mengikut Hikayat Johor karangan Mohd Said Haji Sulaiman, selepas kemangkatan Sultan Mahmud maka putuslah nasab Sultan Johor. Selepas kemangkatannya, kerajaan Johor diperintah oleh golongan Bendahara dengan dilantik putera Tun Habib Dato’ Bendahara Sri Maharaja Padang Saujana Johor sebagai Sultan dengan gelaran Sultan Abdul Jalil (Mohd Said Haji Sulaiman: 1940). Walau bagaimanapun mengikut Salasilah Melayu dan Bugis, keturunan Raja dan Bendahara Johor adalah berasal dari satu keturunan (Mohd Yusuf Md Nor: 1984). Daripada keturunan Bendahara Sri Maharaja inilah negeri-negeri Melayu telah berpecah kepada beberapa buah negeri dengan diperintah oleh Sultan Johor, Sultan Pahang, Sultan Lingga-Riau, Sultan Selangor dan Sultan Pera

    A Mad Knight in her Attic: the Reformulation of Quixotism and its Use in Charlotte Lennox’s The Female Quixote

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    [Abstract] Women writers in eighteenth century England had to deal with accusations of immorality and perversion of young female minds, due to the alleged subversion of their role as “domestic” and “invisible” women. Charlotte Lennox chose to approach quixotism in her most celebrated novel, The Female Quixote, or, the Adventures of Arabella (1752), to create an appealing heroine whose literary delusions allowed her to experience freedom and power for the first time in her life. Lennox, as other writers would do following her example, employed that momentary escape from constraint, the subsequent punishment of her heroine and her final return to reason, to make a statement on her status as a woman writer, as well as to consolidate herself as a respectable one. Moreover, by so doing, she transformed completely the concept of “Quixote” and proved an important transition in the quixotic tradition towards a more romantic heroine

    Reading Don Quixote as political agent: a Spanish knight in British ideological and literary wars

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    En medio de una batalla política y literaria tanto los autores radicales como los antiradicales usaron el Don Quijote de Cervantes como herramienta ideológica. En concreto, los novelistas anti-Jacobinos usaron el quijotismo para identificar las ilusiones del Quijote con los ideales revolucionarios, para condenarlos por su absurdidad o traición, y para usar la irrevocable cura de sus Quijotes como una llamada al conservatismo político y a la preservación de los valores tradicionales británicos. Este artículo analizará tres novelas publicadas en esta época y que tienen como protagonista a un Quijote político: The History of Sir George Warrington; or the Political Quixote (1797), The Infernal Quixote (1801), The Heroine, or the Adventures of a Fair Romance Reader (1813). El artículo enfatizará cómo el quijotismo se convierte en una de las bases del discurso antiradical, cómo estas novelas adaptan el quijotismo y cómo contribuyen, por tanto, a la relevante y rica tradición quijotesca en Gran Bretaña.In the midst of a political and literary battle, radical and anti-radical authors employed Cervantes’ Don Quixote to serve their ideological purposes. In particular, anti-Jacobin novelists used quixotism to identify the illusions of the Quixote with revolutionary ideas, to condemn them as foolishness or sedition, and to use the unavoidable cure of their characters’ quixotism as a call for political conservatism and for the preservation of British traditional values. The present paper will focus on three novels which were published at this time and which have at their core a political Quixote: The History of Sir George Warrington; or the Political Quixote (1797), The Infernal Quixote (1801), The Heroine, or the Adventures of a Fair Romance Reader (1813). It will highlight how quixotism becomes a foundation for the anti-radical discourse, how these novels adapt quixotism and how they contribute to the relevant and rich tradition of the reception of Don Quixote in Britain

    «Your wines are as foreign as your sentiments»: the Quixote as literary and political alien in the English anti-Jacobin novel

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    En el presente trabajo se consideran tres novelas anti-jacobinas, The History of Sir George Warrington, or the Political Quixote (1797), The Infernal Quixote. A Tale of the Day (1801), y The Heroine, or Adventures of a Fair Romance Reader (1813), y su contribución a la tradición quijotesca en la literatura británica a través de la concepción del Quijote como ser doblemente alienado, tanto desde el punto de vista epistemológico como político, y de su lectura negativa de la extranjerización del personaje quijotesco en el contexto de la respuesta a la Revolución francesa en Gran Bretaña, en claro contraste con la interpretación radical e idealizada del Quijote desarrollada de forma paralela en esta época.The present paper discusses three anti-jacobin novels, The History of Sir George Warrington, or the Political Quixote (1797), The Infernal Quixote. A Tale of the Day (1801), and The Heroine, or Adventures of a Fair Romance Reader (1813), and their contribution to the tradition of quixotism in British literature by means of their conception of the Quixote as a doubly-estranged character, both from an epistemological and a political point of view, and of their negative reading of the quixotic foreignness in the context of the aftermath to the French Revolution in Great Britain, in clear contrast to the radical and idealized interpretation of the Quixote developed coevally at this time

    Majalah Ahkam Johor: kod undang–undang sivil Islam Kerajaan Negeri Johor 1331 H/1913 M

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    Majalah Ahkam Johor adalah kod Undang-undang Sivil Islam Kerajaan Johor yang dilaksanakan di bawah pemerintahan Sultan Abu Bakar sejak tahun 1893 dalam bahasa Arab. Kod ini diambil daripada Majallah al–Ahkam al–‘Adliyyah yang digunakan oleh Kerajaan Othmaniyyah Turki pada tahun 1869. Kemudian semasa pemerintahan Sultan Ibrahim, kod tersebut telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Melayu dengan diberi nama Majalah Ahkam Johor yang mengandungi 16 Kitab dan 1,851 madah. Kebenaran pelaksanaannya adalah di bawah peruntukan Undang-undang Tubuh Kerajaan Johor fasal 49 dan 57. Sultan mengarahkan supaya Undang-undang ini digunakan oleh semua pegawai, majistret dan hakim di seluruh negeri Johor. Arahan tersebut telah dikeluarkan oleh Pejabat Mufti Kerajaan Johor bertarikh 29 Zulhijjah 1331 bersamaan 29 November 1913 setelah mendapat perkenan Sultan melalui surat Dato´ Pemangku Setiausaha Kerajaan Johor bil. 998/13. Majalah Ahkam Johor suatu khazanah agung yang bernilai terutama berkenaan Undang-undang Sivil Islam yang pernah dilaksanakan di negeri Johor sebelum kedatangan Inggeris pada tahun 1914. Pelaksanaannya mendapat tentangan hebat daripada Inggeris dalam proses mereka membantutkan pelaksanaan undang–undang Islam di Tanah Melayu. Penggunaannya telah dimansuhkan dengan pelaksanaan Akta Undang-undang Sivil 1956. Kewujudan khazanah ini cuba dilupakan oleh Inggeris dengan “kehilangan” teks asal kod undang–undang ini. Sehingga kini hanya ditemui salinan dua versi teks undang–undang dan setiap satunya tersimpan di Arkib Negeri Johor dan di Perpustakaan Undang–undang, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur