91 research outputs found

    Dynamic optimization in the coordination and control of autonomous underwater vehicles

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    The coordination and control problems arising in team composition and tasking of autonomous underwater vehicles are discussed in the framework of dynamic optimization. Team composition and tasking are specified in terms of sets and relations among the elements of these sets. Results from dynamic optimization and non-smooth analysis are used to show that these coordination and control problems can be phrased in terms of concepts such as invariance, solvability, monotonicity, and switchings among value functions

    Aspectos epistemológicos a luz da teoria antropológica do didático subjacentes ao tema transformação linear

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    Nosso propósito neste artigo foi revelar os aspectos epistemológicos a luz da Teoria Antropológica do Didático estão subjacentes ao tema transformação linear, no livro didático adotado para o ensino de Álgebra Linear no Instituto Federal do Pará, revelando indícios do modelo epistemológico dominante, analisando dois tipos de tarefas. A análise do livro didático é um referencial para a elaboração de conjecturas a respeito do tipo de ensino que está sendo desenvolvido de um determinado saber, em uma determinada instituição. A Teoria nos ajudou a discutir Organização Matemática e Didática do livro, em termos do gênero de tarefas e tipos de tarefas, técnicas e justificações da razão de ser do objeto matemático transformação linear. A razão de ser para se ensinar esse objeto se dá pela aplicação direta da definição, pois os alunos devem se perguntar ao lerem as propostas das tarefas enunciadas pelos autores, para que e porque se estudar tal temática? Algumas tarefas são resolvidas com os conteúdos vistos no ensino médio, como função como tecnologia, não deixando claro ao leitor que é uma transformação de um espaço vetorial em outro. Concluímos que nos tipos de tarefa discutidos foi possível dar indícios do modelo epistemológico dominante, o qual consideramos a utilização direta da definição de transformação linear

    Epistemological aspects in the light of the anthropological theory of the didactics underlying the linear transformation theme

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    Nosso propósito neste artigo foi revelar os aspectos epistemológicos a luz da Teoria Antropológica do Didático  estão subjacentes ao tema transformação linear, no livro didático adotado para o ensino de Álgebra Linear no Instituto Federal do Pará, revelando indícios do modelo epistemológico dominante, analisando dois tipos de tarefas. A análise do livro didático é um referencial para a elaboração de conjecturas a respeito do tipo de ensino que está sendo desenvolvido de um determinado saber, em uma determinada instituição. A Teoria nos ajudou a discutir Organização Matemática e Didática do livro, em termos do gênero de tarefas e tipos de tarefas, técnicas e justificações da razão de ser do objeto matemático transformação linear. A razão de ser para se ensinar esse objeto se dá pela aplicação direta da definição, pois os alunos devem se perguntar ao lerem as propostas das tarefas enunciadas pelos autores, para que e porque se estudar tal temática? Algumas tarefas são resolvidas com os conteúdos vistos no ensino médio, como função como tecnologia, não deixando claro ao leitor que é uma transformação de um espaço vetorial em outro. Concluímos que nos tipos de tarefa discutidos foi possível dar indícios do modelo epistemológico dominante, o qual consideramos a utilização direta da definição de transformação linear.Our purpose in this article was to reveal the epistemological aspects in the light of the anthropological theory of the Didactics are underlying the theme linear transformation in the textbook adopted for the teaching of Linear Algebra at the Federal Institute of Pará, revealing evidence of the dominant epistemological model, analyzing two types of tasks. The analysis of the didactic book is a reference for the elaboration of conjectures regarding the type of teaching that is being developed of a certain knowledge, in a certain institution. The Theory helped us to discuss Mathematical Organization and Didactics of the book in terms of the gender of tasks and task types, techniques and justifications of the rationale of mathematical object linear transformation. The reason for being to teach this object is given by the direct application of the definition, because the students should ask themselves when reading the proposals of the tasks enunciated by the authors, so that and why to study this subject? Some tasks are solved with the contents seen in high school, as a function as technology, not making it clear to the reader that it is a transformation from one vector space to another. We conclude that in the types of tasks discussed it was possible to give evidence of the dominant epistemological model, which we consider the direct use of the definition of linear transformation

    Concepts of Nature's Sound Frequencies Applied in Bioclimatic Architecture

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    Tendo um cenário de urbanização generalizado, e problemas identificados de ruídos ambientais severos, este artigo tem o objetivo de analisar o uso de arquitetura bioclimática, trabalhando a imersão do ocupante do ambiente em situações naturais, analisando seus efeitos através da bioarquitetura. Fez-se um breve levantamento sobre o uso de arquitetura bioclimática, com alguns resultados em aspectos de conforto acústico, som ambiente com a frequência da natureza além de padrões harmônicos da natureza, possibilitando boas inferências no sistema fisiológico humano. Identificou-se que em geral, idosos, crianças são pessoas com sistemas de defesa mais vulneráveis, e que costumam ser os mais afetados. Deste modo, espera-se que este artigo com este levantamento possa incentivar projetos arquitetônicos, em planejar aplicação de conceitos da natureza em prol de um ambiente favorável e harmônico através de uma bioarquitetura.In a scenario of widespread urbanization, and problems identified with severe environmental noise, this article aims to analyze the use of bioclimatic architecture, working the immersion of the occupant of the environment in natural situations, analyzing its effects through bioarchitecture. A brief survey was made on the use of bioclimatic architecture, with some results in aspects of acoustic comfort, ambient sound with the frequency of nature, in addition to nature's harmonic patterns, enabling good inferences in the human physiological system. It was identified that in general, the elderly, children are people with the most vulnerable defense systems, and who are usually the most affected. Thus, it is hoped that this article with this survey can encourage architectural projects, in planning the application of concepts of nature in favor of a favorable and harmonious environment through a bioarchitecture

    Cryptococcal Sialoadenitis in a Dog

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    Background: Salivary gland diseases in dogs have an overall incidence of 0.3%. Sialocele and sialoadenitis are the most common injuries and are usually caused by infectious diseases, especially of bacterial origin. Currently, Cryptococcus neoformans has not been registered as the etiological agent since fungal participation is unusual. This case report describes a cryptococcal sialoadenitis in a dog.Case: A 1.9-year-old male poodle had a swelling of the right submandibular region, combined with dry cough and snoring that persisted for about 30 days. The dog often walked in the town square, which has pigeons, and was seen eating chicken droppings. The dog was diagnosed with sialoadenitis in the right submandibular salivary gland. The following laboratory tests were performed cytology, fungal culture, blood count, search for hemoparasites, total plasma protein (ppt), alanine aminotransferase dosage (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), urea (U), creatinine (CREA), Albumin (ALB), total protein (TP), globulin (GLOB) and amylase (AML). In addition, the dog underwent cervical, thoracic and abdominal ultrasound, and cervical x-rays. The cytology results showed fungal sialoadenitis caused by Cryptococcus neoformans. The blood testresults evidenced thrombocytopenia and increased ppt, TP, GLOB, and AML. The lungs and heart x-rays results showed no alterations. However, the proximal third of the trachea was displaced ventrally. The abdominal area had no changes, but hypertrophy of the salivary gland was observed, with irregular contour, heterogeneous echotexture, and multiple cavitaryareas flled with intraluminal fluid of cellular appearance. The ketoconazole (5 mg/kg/BID/20 days) treatment prescribed led to drug-induced hepatitis. The new treatment with Itraconazole (10 mg/kg/SID/90 days) resulted in complete clinical resolution without any side effect or relapse one year after the treatment.Discussion: Although poodle is not commonly associated with the epidemiology of the disease, this breed seems to be susceptible, as well. The contact with pigeons during the walks was likely the source of infection by C. neoformans, but the ingestion of chicken droppings cannot be discarded. The coughing and snoring resulted from the pharyngeal and tracheal compression, with subsequent activation of the reflex. The clinical and laboratory fndings suggest a new infection route by the etiological agent, possibly the opening of the salivary duct located in the sublingual carbuncle. Biopsy or ablation of the affected salivary gland was not necessary, reducing the risk of sepsis and/or death. Hyperamylasemia indicates that AML can be used as a complementary tool to diagnose sialoadenitis. Itraconazole administered for 90 days resulted incomplete healing while no side effects or relapse was observed one year after the treatment. Cryptococcus neoformans can affect the submandibular salivary gland and, therefore, cryptococcosis should enter the differential diagnosis list of canine sialoadenitis and sialocele. Itraconazole has been shown to be effective to treat a dog with sialoadenitis caused by Cryptococcus neoformans.Keywords: sialoadenitis, sialocele, cryptococcosis, salivary gland, dog

    Bioactive compounds as potential angiotensin-converting enzyme II inhibitors against COVID-19: a scoping review

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    Objective and design: The current study aimed to summarize the evidence of compounds contained in plant species with the ability to block the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-II), through a scoping review. Methods: PubMed and Scopus electronic databases were used for the systematic search and a manual search was performed RESULTS: Studies included were characterized as in silico. Among the 200 studies retrieved, 139 studies were listed after the exclusion of duplicates, and 74 were included for the full read. Among them, 32 studies were considered eligible for the qualitative synthesis. The most evaluated class of secondary metabolites was flavonoids with quercetin and curcumin as most actives substances and terpenes (isothymol, limonin, curcumenol, anabsinthin, and artemisinin). Other classes also evaluated were alkaloid, saponin, quinone, substances found in essential oils, and primary metabolites such as the aminoacid L-tyrosine and the lipidic compound 2-monolinolenin. Conclusion: This review suggests the most active substance from each class of metabolites, which presented the strongest affinity to the ACE-II receptor, which contributes as a basis for choosing compounds and directing further experimental and clinical investigation on the applications these compounds in biotechnological and health processes as in COVID-19 pandemic.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Risk factors for oral mucositis during chemotherapy treatment for solid tumors:a retrospective STROBE-guided study

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    This study retrospectively analyzed the risk factors for transchemotherapy oral mucositis (OM). Before each chemotherapy cycle, patients were routinely evaluated for the presence/severity of OM based on the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) v5.0 scale for adverse effects and graded as follows: However, specific conditions such as mucositis are graded on a five-point scale: 0, absence of mucositis, grade 1 (Asymptomatic or mild), 2 (Presence of pain and moderate ulceration, without interference with food intake), 3 (severe pain with interference with food intake) or 4 (Life-threatening with the need for urgent intervention). Information from 2 years of evaluations was collected and patient medical records were reviewed to obtain data on chemotherapy cycle, sex, age, body mass index, body surface area, primary tumor, chemotherapy protocol, and history of head and neck radiotherapy. The X² test and multinomial logistic regression were used for statistical analysis (SPSS 20.0, p30 (p=0.008), radiotherapy (p=0.037) and use of carboplatin (p=0.046) and cyclophosphamide (p=0.010) increased this prevalence. Cycles of chemotherapy, sex, cytotoxicity drugs, bevacizumab and head and neck radiotherapy increase the risk of OM in solid tumors

    Oilfield carbonated produced water recycling coupled to exopolysaccharide transformation by lelliottia amnigena

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    It was tested the production of a viscous exopolysaccharide (EPS) by Lelliottia amnigena using different concentrations (10, 15, 25, 50 and 100%) of produced water (PW) and Dialyzed PW (DPW) at 100% concentration, with a nutrient medium based on glycerin and sucrose as carbon sources in 44 h batches. There was an increase in EPS recovery when used PW up to a concentration of 25%. The viscosity of the EPS solutions was maintained with DPW and up to 15% of PW, such a condition resulted in 9.34 gL− 1 of EPS, representing an increase of 84.9% compared to the control (P < 0.0001). The PW 15% increased the viscosity per produced liter by 114.3% (P < 0.0001). Scanning electron microscopy and Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis showed that EPS adsorbed mineral constituents of the substrate and its characterization by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy was similar to an external control of a commercial EPS produced by an Enterobacter A47 strain. PW at 15% becomes an alternative to increase the EPS production process and can contribute to the mitigation of environmental damage through sustainable PW management in the oilfield chain.The authors acknowledge the support by ANP—Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis, related to the grant from R&D investment rule, and the financed support by Petrogal Brasil S.A, Grant Number [34/2017].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nanoencapsulation and bioaccessibility of polyphenols of aqueous extracts from Bauhinia forficata link

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    Bauhinia forficata Link is a plant rich in polyphenols that has been used mainly for its hypoglycemic activity, which is related to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential. However, the beneficial effect of these bioactive compounds is directly dependent on their bioaccessibility and bioavailability, requiring processing techniques that can improve and preserve their biological activities. This work aimed to obtain nanocapsulated extracts from the infusion (ESIN) and decoction (ESDC) of B. forficata Link leaves, by spray drying. The encapsulating agents used were maltodextrin and colloidal silicon dioxide. The nanocapsules were characterized by HPLC-PDA-ESI-IT-MSn, evaluated the bioaccessibility of polyphenols after simulated digestion and their antioxidant activity. Additionally, an extensive physicochemical characterization of the nanocapsulated extracts was carried out and their stability and technological parameters were evaluated. The ESIN and ESDC extracts had yields of 57.3 % and 62.7 %, with average nanocapsules sizes of 0.202 μm and 0.179 μm, low humidity and water activity (<0.5), powder density and proper flow properties (Hausner ratio ≤ 1.25; Carr index 18–19 %). Scanning electron microscopy showed a spherical and amorphous morphology and low viscosity, which may have favored the solubility profile. The phenolic compounds of the nanocapsules degraded after 400 °C, showing high thermal stability. The infrared spectra identified the presence of maltodextrin and phenolic compounds and that there were no reactions between them. Chromatography confirmed the presence of phenolic compounds, mainly flavonols and their O-glycosylated derivatives, as well as carbohydrates, probably maltodextrin. Simulated in vitro digestion showed that polyphenols and flavonoids from ESIN and ESDC nanocapsules were bioaccessible after the gastric phase (49.38 % and 64.17 % of polyphenols and 64.08 % and 36.61 % of flavonoids) and duodenal (52.68 % and 79.06 % of polyphenols and 13.24 % and 139.03 % of flavoids), with a variation from 52.27 % to 70.55 % of the antioxidant activity maintained, by the ORAC method, after gastric digestion and still 25 %, after duodenal. Therefore, the nanoencapsulation of extracts of B. forficata is a viable option for the preservation of their bioactive compounds, making them bioaccessible and with antioxidant activity, which make them suitable for incorporation into various nutraceutical formulations, such as capsules, tablets and sachets.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Taxa de sucesso de posicionamento de cabo-eletrodo ventricular esquerdo em regiao-alvo sem utilizaçao de bainha e/ou venografia durante procedimento de implante de marcapasso biventricular

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    INTRODUÇAO: Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a taxa de sucesso de implante de cabo-eletrodo ventricular em regiao lateral sem uso de venografia. MÉTODO: Foram analisados 100 casos de implante de cabo-eletrodo ventricular esquerdo ao longo de 30 meses, em um único centro, quanto a sua localizaçao e calculada a taxa de implantes em parede lateral (ântero-lateral, lateral e póstero-lateral). Todos os procedimentos foram realizados sem uso de bainha e sem realizaçao de venografia, por meio de técnica de cateterizaçao do seio coronário baseada no componente atrial do eletrograma endocavitário. RESULTADOS: Em 83% dos casos foi conseguido implante em parede lateral, predominantemente em paredes póstero-lateral e lateral, com tempo de radioscopia médio de 5,97 minutos. Em 10% houve insucesso, com necessidade de implante de cabo-eletrodo epicárdico. CONCLUSAO: O implante de cabo-eletrodo ventricular esquerdo em regiao lateral sem uso de venografia baseado no componente atrial do eletrograma endocavitário constitui técnica segura e eficaz, apresentando ainda reduçao do tempo de radioscopia