220 research outputs found

    Comment on "microscopic theory of network glasses"

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    Calorimetric experiments on network glasses provide information on the ergodicity (landscape) temperature of supercooled liquids and can be compared with a recent theory developed by Hall and Wolynes [PRL90, 085505 (2003)]Comment: 2 pages, 2 EPS figures RevTEX. to appear in Physical review Letter

    Pressure Raman effects and internal stress in network glasses

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    Raman scattering from binary GexSe1-x glasses under hydrostatic pressure shows onset of a steady increase in the frequency of modes of corner-sharing GeSe4 tetrahedral units when the external pressure P exceeds a threshold value Pc. The threshold pressure Pc(x) decreases with x in the 0.15 < x < 0.20 range, nearly vanishes in the 0.20 < x < 0.25 range, and then increases in the 0.25 < x < 1/3 range. These Pc(x) trends closely track those in the non-reversing enthalpy, DHnr(x), near glass transitions (Tgs), and in particular, both DHnr(x) and Pc(x) vanish in the reversibility window (0.20 < x < 0.25). It is suggested that Pc provides a measure of stress at the Raman active units; and its vanishing in the reversibility window suggests that these units are part of an isostatically rigid backbone. Isostaticity also accounts for the non-aging behavior of glasses observed in the reversibility window

    A simple solvable energy landscape model that shows a thermodynamic phase transition and a glass transition

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    When a liquid melt is cooled, a glass or phase transition can be obtained depending on the cooling rate. Yet, this behavior has not been clearly captured in energy landscape models. Here a model is provided in which two key ingredients are considered based in the landscape, metastable states and their multiplicity. Metastable states are considered as in two level system models. However, their multiplicity and topology allows a phase transition in the thermodynamic limit, while a transition to the glass is obtained for fast cooling. By solving the corresponding master equation, the minimal speed of cooling required to produce the glass is obtained as a function of the distribution of metastable and stable states. This allows to understand cooling trends due to rigidity considerations in chalcogenide glasses.Comment: 4 pages (letter), 2 figure

    Self-organized criticality in the intermediate phase of rigidity percolation

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    Experimental results for covalent glasses have highlighted the existence of a new self-organized phase due to the tendency of glass networks to minimize internal stress. Recently, we have shown that an equilibrated self-organized two-dimensional lattice-based model also possesses an intermediate phase in which a percolating rigid cluster exists with a probability between zero and one, depending on the average coordination of the network. In this paper, we study the properties of this intermediate phase in more detail. We find that microscopic perturbations, such as the addition or removal of a single bond, can affect the rigidity of macroscopic regions of the network, in particular, creating or destroying percolation. This, together with a power-law distribution of rigid cluster sizes, suggests that the system is maintained in a critical state on the rigid/floppy boundary throughout the intermediate phase, a behavior similar to self-organized criticality, but, remarkably, in a thermodynamically equilibrated state. The distinction between percolating and non-percolating networks appears physically meaningless, even though the percolating cluster, when it exists, takes up a finite fraction of the network. We point out both similarities and differences between the intermediate phase and the critical point of ordinary percolation models without self-organization. Our results are consistent with an interpretation of recent experiments on the pressure dependence of Raman frequencies in chalcogenide glasses in terms of network homogeneity.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figure

    Energy landscape and rigidity

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    The effects of floppy modes in the thermodynamical properties of a system are studied. From thermodynamical arguments, we deduce that floppy modes are not at zero frequency and thus a modified Debye model is used to take into account this effect. The model predicts a deviation from the Debye law at low temperatures. Then, the connection between the topography of the energy landscape, the topology of the phase space and the rigidity of a glass is explored. As a result, we relate the number of constraints and floppy modes with the statistics of the landscape. We apply these ideas to a simple model for which we provide an approximate expression for the number of energy basins as a function of the rigidity. This allows to understand certains features of the glass transition, like the jump in the specific heat or the reversible window observed in chalcogenide glasses.Comment: 1 text+3 eps figure

    Intermediate Phases, structural variance and network demixing in chalcogenides: the unusual case of group V sulfides

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    We review Intermediate Phases (IPs) in chalcogenide glasses and provide a structural interpretation of these phases. In binary group IV selenides, IPs reside in the 2.40 < r < 2.54 range, and in binary group V selenides they shift to a lower r, in the 2.29< r < 2.40 range. Here r represents the mean coordination number of glasses. In ternary alloys containing equal proportions of group IV and V selenides, IPs are wider and encompass ranges of respective binary glasses. These data suggest that the local structural variance contributing to IP widths largely derives from four isostatic local structures of varying connectivity r; two include group V based quasi-tetrahedral (r = 2.29) and pyramidal (r = 2.40) units, and the other two are group IV based corner-sharing (r = 2.40) and edge-sharing (r = 2.67) tetrahedral units. Remarkably, binary group V (P, As) sulfides exhibit IPs that are shifted to even a lower r than their selenide counterparts; a result that we trace to excess Sn chains either partially (As-S) or completely (P-S) demixing from network backbone, in contrast to excess Sen chains forming part of the backbone in corresponding selenide glasses. In ternary chalcogenides of Ge with the group V elements (As, P), IPs of the sulfides are similar to their selenide counterparts, suggesting that presence of Ge serves to reign in the excess Sn chain fragments back in the backbone as in their selenide counterparts

    Kinetic glass behavior in a diffusive model

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    Three properties of the Edwards-Anderson model with mobile bonds are investigated which are characteristic of kinetic glasses. First is two-time relaxation in aged systems, where a significant difference is observed between spin and bond autocorrelation functions. The spin subsystem does not show two-time behavior, and the relaxation is stretched exponential. The bond subsystem shows two-time behavior, with the first relaxation nearly exponential and the second similar to the spin one. Second is the two-temperature behavior, which can be tuned by bond dilution through the full range reported in the literature. Third is the rigid-to-floppy transition, identified as a function of bond dilution. Simple Glauber Monte Carlo evolution without extraneous constraints reproduces the behavior of classical kinetic simulations, with the bond (spin) degree of freedom corresponding to configurational (orientational) disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, minimal corrections, to appear in Phys. Rev. B (RC

    Variation of the glass transition temperature with rigidity and chemical composition

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    The effects of flexibility and chemical composition in the variation of the glass transition temperature are obtained by using the Lindemann criteria, that relates melting temperature with atomic vibrations. Using this criteria and that floppy modes at low frequencies enhance in a considerable way the average cuadratic displacement, we show that the consequence is a modified glass transition temperature. This approach allows to obtain in a simple way the empirically modified Gibbs-DiMarzio law, which has been widely used in chalcogenide glasses to fit the changes in the glass transition temperature with the chemical composition . The method predicts that the constant that appears in the law depends upon the ratio of two characteristic frequencies (or temperatures). Then, the constant for the Se-Ge-As glass is estimated by using the experimental density of vibrational states, and the result shows a very good agreement with the experimental fit from glass transition temperature variation

    The Thermally Reversing Window in Ternary GexPxS1-2x glasses

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    GexPxS1-2x glasses in the compositional range 0.05 < x < 0.19 have been synthesized and examined in temperature modulated differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC) and Raman scattering experiments. Trends in the non-reversing enthalpy DHnr(x) near Tg show the term to almost vanish in the 0.090(5) < x < 0.135(5) range, and to increase by an order of magnitude at x < 0.09, and at x > 0.135. In analogy to previous results on chalcogenide glasses, we identify compositions at x < 0.09 to be elastically floppy, those in the 0.090 0.135 to be stressed rigid. MDSC results also show the DHnr term ages in the stressed-rigid and floppy phases but not in the intermediate phase. The intermediate phase is viewed to be a self-organized phase of a disordered network. It consists of at least four isostatically rigid local structures; corner-sharing GeS4, edge-sharing GeS2, pyramidal P(S1/2)3 and quasi-tetrahedral S=P(S1/2)3 units for which evidence comes from Raman scattering. The latter method also shows existence of P4S7 and P4S10 molecules in the glasses segregated from the backbone. These aspects of structure contribute to an intermediate phase that is significantly narrower in width than in corresponding selenide glasses.Comment: 1 PDF file has text, 9 figures and 3 table