993 research outputs found

    Metallicity of M dwarfs: the link to exoplanets

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    The determination of the stellar parameters of M dwarfs is of prime importance in the fields of galactic, stellar and planetary astronomy. M stars are the least studied galactic component regarding their fundamental parameters. Yet, they are the most numerous stars in the galaxy and contribute to most of its total (baryonic) mass. In particular, we are interested in their metallicity in order to study the star-planet connection and to refine the planetary parameters. As a preliminary result we present a test of the metallicity calibrations of Bonfils et al. (2005), Johnson & Apps (2009), and Schlaufman & Laughlin (2010) using a new sample of 17 binaries with precise V band photometry.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 276,2011: The Astrophysics of Planetary Systems: Formation, Structure, and Dynamical Evolution, ed. A. Sozzetti, M. Lattanzi, and A. Boss, Cambridge University Pres

    Violences à l'école. Normes et professionnalités en questions

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    International audienceLa question des violences Ă  l’école est plus que jamais mise Ă  l’agenda – mĂ©diatique, scientifique et politique. Au-delĂ  de l’actualitĂ© du sujet, cet ouvrage se propose d’en interroger les fondements normatifs tant dans son analyse que dans les rĂ©ponses apportĂ©es en soulevant un certain nombre de questions Ă©mergentes et peu Ă©tudiĂ©es.Un double niveau de questionnement est sollicitĂ© : d’une part, celui de l’étude de la construction du « problĂšme social » des violences Ă  l’école, de ses fondements et de ses implications ; d’autre part, celui d’une analyse fine et contextualisĂ©e de ce phĂ©nomĂšne, s’attachant au sens que donnent les acteurs Ă  ce qu’ils vivent, analysant le vĂ©cu des sujets en lien avec leur activitĂ© de travail rendue parfois difficile.Cet ouvrage convoque une pluralitĂ© d’approches et de disciplines, ce qui permet de rendre compte de la complexitĂ© du phĂ©nomĂšne et de ses enjeux. La violence, loin d’ĂȘtre gratuite, surgissant du vide ou le remplissant suite Ă  un Ă©chec des mots, apparaĂźt alors Ă©troitement liĂ©e Ă  des situations didactiques, pĂ©dagogiques et socio-historiques. C’est finalement la question de la construction de professionnalitĂ©s qui apparaĂźt centrale. Cet ouvrage s’adresse aux praticiens, aux chercheurs et aux Ă©tudiants s’intĂ©ressant au monde Ă©ducati

    SOAP-T: A tool to study the light-curve and radial velocity of a system with a transiting planet and a rotating spotted star

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    We present an improved version of SOAP (Boisse et al. 2012) named "SOAP-T", which can generate the radial velocity variations and light-curves for systems consisting of a rotating spotted star with a transiting planet. This tool can be used to study the anomalies inside transit light-curves and the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, to better constrain the orbital configuration and properties of planetary systems and active zones of their host stars. Tests of the code are presented to illustrate its performance and to validate its capability when compared with analytical models and real data. Finally, we apply SOAP-T to the active star, HAT-P-11, observed by the NASA Kepler space telescope and use this system to discuss the capability of this tool in analyzing light-curves for the cases where the transiting planet overlaps with the star's spots.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A Physically-Motivated Photometric Calibration of M Dwarf Metallicity

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    The location of M dwarfs in the V-K_s--M_Ks color-magnitude diagram (CMD) has been shown to correlate with metallicity. We demonstrate that previous empirical photometric calibrations of M dwarf metallicity exploiting this correlation systematically underestimate or overestimate metallicity at the extremes of their range. We improve upon previous calibrations in three ways. We use both a volume-limited and kinematically-matched sample of F and G dwarfs from the Geneva-Copehnagen Survey (GCS) to infer the mean metallicity of M dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood, we use theoretical models of M dwarf interiors and atmospheres to determine the effect of metallicity on M dwarfs in the V-K_s--M_Ks CMD, and we base our final calibration purely on high-resolution spectroscopy of FGK primaries with M dwarf companions. As a result, we explain an order of magnitude more of the variance in the calibration sample than previous photometric calibrations. We non-parametrically quantify the significance of the observation that M dwarfs that host exoplanets are preferentially in a region of the V-K_s--M_Ks plane populated by metal-rich M dwarfs. We find that the probability p that planet-hosting M dwarfs are distributed across the V-K_s--M_Ks CMD in the same way as field M dwarfs is p = 0.06 +/- 0.008. Interestingly, the subsample of M dwarfs that host Neptune and sub-Neptune mass planets may also be preferentially located in the region of the V-K_s--M_Ks plane populated by high-metallicity M dwarfs. The probability of this occurrence by chance is p = 0.40 +/- 0.02, and this observation hints that low-mass planets may be more likely to be found around metal-rich M dwarfs. An increased rate of low-mass planet occurrence around metal-rich M dwarfs would be a natural consequence of the core-accretion model of planet formation. (abridged)Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, and 1 table in A&A format; accepted for publication in A&

    Metallicity of M dwarfs IV. A high-precision [Fe/H] and Teff technique from high-resolution optical spectra for M dwarfs

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    Aims. In this work we develop a technique to obtain high precision determinations of both metallicity and effective temperature of M dwarfs in the optical. Methods. A new method is presented that makes use of the information of 4104 lines in the 530-690 nm spectral region. It consists in the measurement of pseudo equivalent widths and their correlation with established scales of [Fe/H] and TeffT_{eff}. Results. Our technique achieves a rmsrms of 0.08±\pm0.01 for [Fe/H], 91±\pm13 K for TeffT_{eff}, and is valid in the (-0.85, 0.26 dex), (2800, 4100 K), and (M0.0, M5.0) intervals for [Fe/H], TeffT_{eff} and spectral type respectively. We also calculated the RMSEV_{V} which estimates uncertainties of the order of 0.12 dex for the metallicity and of 293 K for the effective temperature. The technique has an activity limit and should only be used for stars with log⁥LHα/Lbol<−4.0\log{L_{H_{\alpha}}/L_{bol}} < -4.0. Our method is available online at \url{http://www.astro.up.pt/resources/mcal}.Comment: Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Updated one important reference in the introduction. Some typos correcte

    The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets XIX. Characterization and dynamics of the GJ876 planetary system

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    Precise radial-velocity measurements for data acquired with the HARPS spectrograph infer that three planets orbit the M4 dwarf star GJ876. In particular, we confirm the existence of planet "d", which orbits every 1.93785 days. We find that its orbit may have significant eccentricity (e=0.14), and deduce a more accurate estimate of its minimum mass of 6.3 Earth masses. Dynamical modeling of the HARPS measurements combined with literature velocities from the Keck Observatory strongly constrain the orbital inclinations of the "b" and "c" planets. We find that i_b = 48.9 degrees and i_c = 48.1 degrees, which infers the true planet masses of M_b = 2.64 Jupiter masses and M_c = 0.83 Jupiter masses, respectively. Radial velocities alone, in this favorable case, can therefore fully determine the orbital architecture of a multi-planet system, without the input from astrometry or transits. The orbits of the two giant planets are nearly coplanar, and their 2:1 mean motion resonance ensures stability over at least 5 Gyr. The libration amplitude is smaller than 2 degrees, suggesting that it was damped by some dissipative process during planet formation. The system has space for a stable fourth planet in a 4:1 mean motion resonance with planet "b", with a period around 15 days. The radial velocity measurements constrain the mass of this possible additional planet to be at most that of the Earth.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Metallicity of M dwarfs III. Planet-metallicity and planet-stellar mass correlations of the HARPS GTO M dwarf sample

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    Aims. The aim of this work is the study of the planet-metallicity and the planet-stellar mass correlations for M dwarfs from the HARPS GTO M dwarf subsample Methods. We use a new method that takes advantage of the HARPS high-resolution spectra to increase the precision of metallicity, using previous photometric calibrations of [Fe/H] and effective temperature as starting values. Results. In this work we use our new calibration (rms = 0.08 dex) to study the planet-metallicity relation of our sample. The well-known correlation for Giant planet FGKM hosts with metallicity is present. Regarding Neptunians and smaller hosts no correlation is found but there is a hint that an anti-correlation with [Fe/H] may exist. We combined our sample with the California Planet Survey late-K and M-type dwarf sample to increase our statistics but found no new trends. We fitted a power law to the frequency histogram of the Jovian hosts for our sample and for the combined sample, f_p = C10^\alpha[Fe/H], using two different approaches: a direct bin fitting and a bayesian fitting procedure. We obtained a value for C between 0.02 and 0.04 and for \alpha between 1.26 and 2.94. Regarding stellar mass, an hypothetical correlation with planets was discovered, but was found to be the result of a detection bias.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 18 pages, 11 Figures, 12 Table

    The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets XXXV. Super-Earths around the M-dwarf neighbors Gl433 and Gl667C

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    M dwarfs have been found to often have super-Earth planets with short orbital periods. Such stars are thus preferential targets in searches for rocky or ocean planets in the solar neighbourhood. In a recent paper (Bonfils et al. 2011), we announced the discovery of respectively 1 and 2 low mass planets around the M1.5V stars Gl433 and Gl667C. We found those planets with the HARPS spectrograph on the ESO~3.6-m telescope at La Silla Observatory, from observations obtained during the Guaranteed Time Observing program of that instrument. We have obtained additional HARPS observations of those two stars, for a total of respectively 67 and 179 Radial Velocity measurements for Gl433 and Gl667C, and present here an orbital analysis of those extended data sets and our main conclusion about both planetary systems. One of the three planets, Gl667Cc, has a mass of only M2.sin(i)~4.25 M_earth and orbits in the central habitable zone of its host star. It receives just 10% less stellar energy from Gl667C than the Earth receives from the Sun. However planet evolution in habitable zone can be very different if the host star is a M dwarf or a solar-like star, without necessarily questioning the presence of water. The two other planets, Gl433b and Gl667Cb, both have M2.sin(i) of ~5.5 M_earth and periods of ~7 days. The Radial Velocity measurements of both stars contain longer time scale signals, which we fit as longer period Keplerians. For Gl433 that signal probably originates in a Magnetic Cycle, while a longer time span will be needed to conclude for Gl667C. The metallicity of Gl433 is close to solar, while Gl667C is metal poor with [Fe/H] ~ -0.6. This reinforces the recent conclusion that the occurence of Super-Earth planets does not strongly correlate with stellar metallicity.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, submitted to A&

    Detection and Attribution of Regional Climate Change with a Focus on the Precursors of Droughts - Final LDRD Report

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    Long-term magnetic activity of a sample of M-dwarf stars from the HARPS program II. Activity and radial velocity

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    Due to their low mass and luminosity, M dwarfs are ideal targets if one hopes to find low-mass planets similar to Earth by using the radial velocity (RV) method. However, stellar magnetic cycles could add noise or even mimic the RV signal of a long-period companion. Following our previous work that studied the correlation between activity cycles and long-term RV variations for K dwarfs we now expand that research to the lower-end of the main sequence. Our objective is to detect any correlations between long-term activity variations and the observed RV of a sample of M dwarfs. We used a sample of 27 M-dwarfs with a median observational timespan of 5.9 years. The cross-correlation function (CCF) with its parameters RV, bisector inverse slope (BIS), full-width-at-half- maximum (FWHM) and contrast have been computed from the HARPS spectrum. The activity index have been derived using the Na I D doublet. These parameters were compared with the activity level of the stars to search for correlations. We detected RV variations up to ~5 m/s that we can attribute to activity cycle effects. However, only 36% of the stars with long-term activity variability appear to have their RV affected by magnetic cycles, on the typical timescale of ~6 years. Therefore, we suggest a careful analysis of activity data when searching for extrasolar planets using long-timespan RV data.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astophysic
