576 research outputs found

    La excepción cultural

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    Análisis de la llamada "excepción cultural" y su impacto sobre la industria cultural española, europea y latinoamericana en el momento de su renegociación en el seno de la Organización Mundial del Comercio. Con el objetivo de salvaguardar su industria cultural, la Unión Europea se enfrentó a Estados Unidos durante las negociaciones del Acuerdo General sobre el Comercio de Servicios (GATS), que entró en vigor en 1995. El conflicto se saldó de forma ambivalente: la cultura quedó incluída en el mismo, pero se mantuvo el proteccionismo interno y una excepción temporal de la cláusula de no discriminación entre extranjeros. Estas excepciones deben, en principio, concluir a los diez años con lo que Estados Unidos utiliza la actual Ronda del Milenio para reabrir la negociación. Europa ha dado un mandato proteccionista a sus negociadores, pero no todos los países comparten la misma visión e intereses. España y Francia, con amplias áreas lingüísticas extracomunitarias, son contrarias a la liberalización, pero nuestro país debe estudiar a fondo sus necesidades reales y la mejor forma de defenderlas junto a sus socios internacionales

    In-loop Feature Tracking for Structure and Motion with Out-of-core Optimization

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    In this paper, a novel and approach for obtaining 3D models from video sequences captured with hand-held cameras is addressed. We define a pipeline that robustly deals with different types of sequences and acquiring devices. Our system follows a divide and conquer approach: after a frame decimation that pre-conditions the input sequence, the video is split into short-length clips. This allows to parallelize the reconstruction step which translates into a reduction in the amount of computational resources required. The short length of the clips allows an intensive search for the best solution at each step of reconstruction which robustifies the system. The process of feature tracking is embedded within the reconstruction loop for each clip as opposed to other approaches. A final registration step, merges all the processed clips to the same coordinate fram

    Innovación tecnológica y servicio público : el abismo entre políticas y realidad

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    En un entorno de crisis económica y de legitimidad, los servicios públicos audiovisuales corren el riesgo de quedar alejados de la innovación tecnológica dentro de ese proyecto global conocido como Sociedad de la Información. Este artículo muestra la separación entre políticas públicas de innovación y su teórica transferencia al audiovisual público, así como la dificultad de base de conceptualizar y definir el propio término innovación.In an environment of economic downturn and legitimacy crisis, public service media are at risk of being removed from technological innovation within the global project known as Information Society. This article shows the separation between public policies on innovation and its theoretical transfer to public broadcasting, and the difficulty of conceptualizing and defining innovation as a term

    Towards MARTE++ : an enhanced UML-based language to Model and Analyse Real-Time and Embedded Systems for the IoT age

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    This paper presents requirements for an enhanced version of the UML Profile for MARTE, the current standard of the OMG for the modelling and analysis of real-time embedded systems. Since its adoption by the OMG in 2009 and after the various additions along recent years, MARTE has been essayed in a number of application domains and validation approaches. This paper makes a review of these various efforts describing extensions, additional functionality, and modeling needs that may serve as inputs for the preparation of a formal request for proposals (RFP) at the OMG. Aspects that have been found useful to have in it include modern platforms like Multi-core, Many-core and GPUs, networking for broader domains like the Internet of Things, federation of all modelling artifacts involved in the development process, including tracing mechanisms embedded in the language to link design and run-time artifacts, and more elaborated kinds of quantitative analyses and extra functional properties, like energy and memory consumption, heat dissipation, and temperature distribution. Also methodological aspects like its specification as a profile and/or as a meta-model will need to be discussed. Finally, the standard needs to be reviewed against the new executable UML related specifications; particularly to be in alignment with those semantics of state machines and composite structures.This work receives funding from the Spanish Government under grant number TIN2014-56158-C4-2-P (M2C2), and from the Electronic Component Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 737494 (MegaM@RT2). This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Sweden, France, Spain, Italy, Finland, Czech Republic. We thank the anonymous reviewers for their insights and proposals of improvement

    Tailoring and evaluating the Wikipedia for in-domain comparable corpora extraction

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    We propose a language-independent graph-based method to build a-la-carte article collections on user-defined domains from the Wikipedia. The core model is based on the exploration of the encyclopedia's category graph and can produce both mono- and multilingual comparable collections. We run thorough experiments to assess the quality of the obtained corpora in 10 languages and 743 domains. According to an extensive manual evaluation, our graph model reaches an average precision of 84% on in-domain articles, outperforming an alternative model based on information retrieval techniques. As manual evaluations are costly, we introduce the concept of domainness and design several automatic metrics to account for the quality of the collections. Our best metric for domainness shows a strong correlation with human judgments, representing a reasonable automatic alternative to assess the quality of domain-specific corpora. We release the WikiTailor toolkit with the implementation of the extraction methods, the evaluation measures and several utilities

    Contactless: interactividad en tiempos de pandemia

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    [ES] El presente trabajo final de máster se configura como desarrollo, aportación y soporte artístico-técnico a la exhibición Contacless del artista Felipe Pantone en la galería Albertz Benda de Nueva York. Se trata de una de las exposiciones más importantes de su carrera, en la cual lleva a cabo un proyecto interdisciplinar que busca solucionar el problema que se presenta al artista cuando una pandemia se interpone entre sus obras y su público. La exhibición se planeó para inicios de este año, sin embargo, dada la situación de pandemia mundial causada por el Covid-19, tuvo que posponerse. Esto le afectó en gran manera, ya que sus trabajos más recientes consisten en piezas manipulables, y que por motivos de seguridad sanitaria perderían mucho sentido al permanecer intactas en una galería. Al presentarse este problema surge la pregunta: ¿Cómo se puede ofrecer la experiencia más cercana posible a la realidad, sin necesidad de manipular las piezas o ir a la galería? Felipe Pantone responde a esta pregunta con una página web y una pieza interactiva, y es allí donde este trabajo final de máster se genera. Para responder a las necesidades planteadas por el artista se desarrolla, gracias a este proyecto, una galería virtual con versiones tridimensionales de sus piezas, lo más inmersiva posible, de fácil acceso, y que permita manipular las piezas tal y como en la realidad. Para cumplir con este objetivo se propuso inicialmente que el dispositivo electrónico más importante para el público del artista son los dispositivos móviles. Con el fin de realizar un proyecto multiplataforma que abarque todos estos requerimientos, se desarrolló una página web interactiva en donde se expongan las piezas de manera virtual. Además, si la persona utiliza un teléfono móvil, podrá interactuar no táctilmente, sino a través de los sensores de éste y producir una inmersión similar a la realidad aumentada. Ahora bien, las piezas igualmente permanecerían intactas en la galería, por lo que Felipe Pantone tomó la decisión de implementar interactividad en una de sus piezas, en este caso: la pieza Subtractive Variability Circle 8 o SVC8, que hace parte del grupo de obras manipulables del artista. Esto supuso para el proyecto de trabajo final de máster, un enfoque en el desarrollo electrónico e informático, con el fin de construir una aplicación que permita a los usuarios manipular la pieza sin ser tocada, a través de procesos que destaquen la necesidad de interdisciplinaridad entre arte y la ingeniería.[EN] This project is a development, artistic-technical support and at the same time,contribution to the Contacless Exhibition made by the artist Felipe Pantone at Albertz Benda Gallery in New York. This would be one of the most important events of his career as an artist, since it is an interdisciplinary project that seeks to solve a problem for the artist when a pandemic stands between his works and his audience. The exhibition was planned for the beginning of this year. However, given the global pandemic situation caused by Covid-19, it had to be postponed. This affected the artist significantly, since his most recent works consist of manipulable pieces, and because of health security reasons would lose much sense if they remain intact in a gallery. When this problem arises, the question comes: How the best experience nearest to reality can be offered, without the need of manipulating physically the art pieces or going to the gallery? Felipe Pantone answers this question with a Web application and an interactive art piece. Responding to the needs of the artist, thanks to this project, a virtual gallery with three-dimensional versions of his art pieces is developed, as immersive as possible, accessible, and allowing the art pieces to be manipulated as in reality. To meet this objective, it was initially proposed that the most important electronic device for the artist's audience are mobile devices. To carry out a multiplatform project that covers all these requirements, an interactive web page was developed where the pieces are displayed virtually in a three-dimensional space. In addition, if the person uses a mobile phone, they will be able to interact not only by touch, but through its sensors and produce an immersion similar to augmented reality. However, the pieces will still remain intact in the gallery. Therefore, Felipe Pantone made the decision to implement interactivity in one of his art pieces, in this case: the Subtractive Variability Circle 8 or SVC8 piece, which is part of the group of his manipulable works. This meant for the Master's Final Project, a focus on electronic and computer development, in order to build an application that allows users to manipulate the piece without being touched, through processes that highlight the need of interdisciplinarity between art and engineering.Harris Bonet, AL. (2020). Contactless: Interactividad en tiempos de pandemia. Universitat Politècnia de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/15753

    From rhetorics to practice : implementation of technological innovation within Spanish public service media

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    In the context of media and Information Society policies, there has been profound controversy in Europe with respect to the legitimate use of new technologies by public service media. Through qualitative interviews and policy documents analysis with a case study, this article illustrates how three Spanish public service media organizations apply technological innovations in order to successfully achieve their public service remit; the article thereby provides one of the first studies of innovation management in this field. Lessons from this paper include the difficult accountability of innovation, the non-formal nature of its practice, the central role of techno-enthusiasts and the bureaucratic problems of developing open innovation practices

    Innovació tecnològica i servei públic audiovisual : estudi de cas de la CCMA

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    La relació entre la innovació tecnològica i el servei públic audiovisual ha esdevingut els darrers anys, juntament amb la gestió de l'espectre, un dels principals motius d'atac del sector privat de la comunicació i les telecomunicacions. L'obligació legal d'arribar al màxim nombre possible de ciutadans ha de combinar-se ara amb la proliferació d'aparells receptors i de millores tècniques de qualitat d'imatge i de so. L'estudi de cas de la Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (CCMA) ens permetrà veure formes d'adaptar-se als nous temps tecnològics, complint amb el que s'espera d'un servei públic audiovisual quant a innovacióIn the last years, technological innovation, together with the management of broadcasting spectrum, has become one of the main topics used by comercial players in the audiovisual and telecommunications markets to build a solid discourse against public service media. The public service remit to reach the maximum number of citizens is now combined with the proliferation of receiving devices and enhanced pictures and sound quality. The case study of the CCMA illustrates different ways to adapt an institution to the new technological era according to what can be expected from a public service broadcaster in terms of innovatio

    The history of a quiet-Sun magnetic element revealed by IMaX/SUNRISE

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    Isolated flux tubes are considered to be fundamental magnetic building blocks of the solar photosphere. Their formation is usually attributed to the concentration of magnetic field to kG strengths by the convective collapse mechanism. However, the small size of the magnetic elements in quiet-Sun areas has prevented this scenario from being studied in fully resolved structures. Here we report on the formation and subsequent evolution of one such photospheric magnetic flux tube, observed in the quiet Sun with unprecedented spatial resolution (0\farcs 15 - 0\farcs 18) and high temporal cadence (33 s). The observations were acquired by the Imaging Magnetograph Experiment (IMaX) aboard the \textsc{Sunrise} balloon-borne solar observatory. The equipartition field strength magnetic element is the result of the merging of several same polarity magnetic flux patches, including a footpoint of a previously emerged loop. The magnetic structure is then further intensified to kG field strengths by convective collapse. The fine structure found within the flux concentration reveals that the scenario is more complex than can be described by a thin flux tube model with bright points and downflow plumes being established near the edges of the kG magnetic feature. We also observe a daisy-like alignment of surrounding granules and a long-lived inflow towards the magnetic feature. After a subsequent weakening process, the field is again intensified to kG strengths. The area of the magnetic feature is seen to change in anti-phase with the field strength, while the brightness of the bright points and the speed of the downflows varies in phase. We also find a relation between the brightness of the bright point and the presence of upflows within it.Comment: 13 pages. Accepted in ApJ. Animation 1 can be viewed and downloaded from: http://spg.iaa.es/downloads.as