71 research outputs found

    CPLP e lusofonia na globalização

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Relações Internacionais.Exame público realizado em 13 de Fevereiro de 2012 pelas 15h30m.Os efeitos da Globalização Competitiva e as respostas que urge encontrar, quer ao nível da integração económica regional, quer ao nível dos espaços culturais - no sentido de afirmação geopolítica na cena internacional - tem gerado aceso debate no âmbito mais vasto das relações internacionais. Após a descolonização na Ásia e sobretudo na África ao sul do Sahara, duas das grandes potências europeias - França e Inglaterra - desenvolveram interessantes movimentos de cooperação com as suas ex-colónias, tentando valorizar os espaços das línguas comuns. Ciente das recentes feridas abertas com a descolonização tardia e traumática, e aproveitando os novos alinhamentos do pós Guerra Fria, Portugal abriu estrategicamente as portas à diplomacia brasileira para tentar a revivificação de um espaço lusófono de quase 250 milhões de potenciais falantes, distribuídos hoje por oito Estados independentes e soberanos e pelas suas diásporas nos vários continentes. O processo da CPLP, “iniciado” em 1989, com um encontro de Chefes de Estado e de Governo em S. Luís do Maranhão, no Brasil, teve uma gestação difícil e foi - ainda é - altamente criticado pelo modelo de funcionamento da organização, com um Secretariado Executivo pouco autónomo. Igualmente o financiamento tem sido um problema, a par da dispersão geográfica e das decisões políticas por consenso. Mas a questão da liderança muito cara a José Aparecido de Oliveira - é uma das razões que atribui à CPLP a originalidade de não ser um émulo da Commonwealth ou da Francofonia. Neste particular, sobressai a ideia de Adriano Moreira - segundo a qual deveria o emergente Brasil, o maior pólo económico e populacional lusófono, a quinta economia do mundo e dominante no Atlântico Sul, assumir a liderança da CPLP. Muitos desafios e dúvidas se colocam nesta era da globalização, com destaque para uma de Adriano Moreira: - será possível construir grandes espaços, baseados no consentimento, na racionalidade e nos interesses comuns, numa concepção de direito internacional, e de direitos e deveres responsavelmente assumidos? Este trabalho procura respostas na diversidade de opiniões e, apesar de tudo, pode dizer-se que a CPLP não é um produto imaginário nem é já uma utopia, como afirma Ernâni Lopes.The effects of Competitive globalization and the answers that we urge to find, both at the level of regional economic integration, and cultural spaces in the sense of geopolitical statement on the international scene - has generated heated debate in the wider framework of international relations. After the decolonization in Asia and especially in Africa south of Sahara, two of the major Buropean powers France and England - have developed interesting rnovements of cooperation with their former colonies, trying to enhance the spaces of common languages. Aware of the recent wounds with the late and traumatic decolonization, Portugal opened the doors to the Brazilian diplomacy to attempt the revival of a lusophone space of almost 250 million potential speakers, scattered today by eight independent and sovereign States and their diaspora in different continents. The process of CPLP, starting” in 1989 with a meeting of Heads of State and Government in S. Luís do Maranhão, in Brazil, had a difficult incubation and was - still is - highly criticized by the Organizations operational model, with a little autonomous Executive Secretariat. Also the financing has been a problem, as well as the geographical dispersion and consensual political decisions. But the question of leadership - very dear to José Aparecido de Oliveira - is one of the reasons that attaches to the CPLP the originality of not being an adversary of the Cornmonwealth or the Francophonie. ln particular stands out the idea of Adriano Moreira - that the ernerging Brazil, the largest economic pole and speaking population, the fifih economy in the world and dominant in the South Atlantic, should assume the leadership of CPLP. Many challenges and questions arise in this era of globalization, highlighting one of Adriano Moreira: - will it be possible to build large spaces, based on consent, in rationality and common interests, a conception of international law, and equal rights and duties conscientiously undertaken? This work seeks answers in diversity of opinions and, nevertheless, it can be said that the CPLP is not an imaginary product nor is already an utopia, as Ernâni Lopes states

    O portefólio e a gestão curricular na educação pré-escolar

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    No âmbito do projecto AREA (Avaliação Reguladora no Ensino e Aprendizagem)xvii um conjunto de professores tem vindo a realizar investigação acerca da avaliação enquanto dispositivo regulador da aprendizagem. A presente comunicação ocorre no âmbito desse trabalho e diz respeito ao percurso feito numa sala de educação pré-escolar, durante três anos lectivos, onde a organização e utilização de Portfolios foi sofrendo mudanças e reajustamentos acabando por se assumir como um instrumento que simultaneamente passou a ser de avaliação e de planificação curricular. A intervenção centra-se no modo como a utilização deste instrumento, inicialmente de avaliação partilhada, se foi constituindo ele próprio como o centro da acção das crianças, num processo que o foi transformando, em simultâneo, num instrumento de gestão curricular para a educadora, num mecanismo de organização pessoal para as crianças e, num poderoso recurso para a aprendizagem de saberes que sustentam a construção de competências. Pode concluir-se que este processo exige uma intencionalidade deliberada que implica um acto teórico e que se pode transformar numa metodologia de trabalho em parceria com os alunos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Imagens da diversidade intralinguística no 1º ciclo do ensino básico

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    Mestrado em Educação em Línguas no 1º CicloCom este estudo pretende-se diagnosticar e descrever as imagens da diversidade intralinguística, veiculadas por alunos do 4º ano do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, de uma escola de Lisboa, no ano lectivo de 2005/2006. O enquadramento teórico encontra-se dividido em duas partes. Na primeira, é focado o aspecto da variação linguística do português europeu (PE) utilizado em Portugal continental e insular, tendo em conta que todas as formas que a língua assume, na sua variação, têm o mesmo estatuto linguístico, sem que isso implique a desvalorização da variedade-padrão. Realça-se a importância da sensibilização para a diversidade intralinguística, como forma de reconhecer e valorizar a riqueza que essa diversidade encerra. Na segunda parte, procede-se à aproximação do conceito de imagem, tendo em conta que ele é constituído, fundamentalmente, na convergência dos pontos de vista teóricos dos campos disciplinares da Psicologia Social, da Sociolinguística e da Didáctica de Línguas (DL). Com vista à recolha dos dados, procedeu-se à implementação de um plano de intervenção didáctica, composto por dez sessões, tendo sido utilizados diferentes instrumentos de recolha e uma metodologia de análise e tratamento dos dados de tipo etnográfico, com características de investigação-acção. Foram construídas categorias de análise, a partir do quadro teórico e do confronto com os dados recolhidos, organizadas em duas categorias: imagens/representações dos locutores e imagens/representações das variedades intralinguísticas. Os resultados mostram que os alunos chegam à escola com imagens estereotipadas acerca das diferentes variedades intralinguísticas e seus locutores, algumas delas de pendor marcadamente negativo, que fazem parte da nossa realidade sociolinguística.The aim of this study is to diagnose and describe intra-linguistic images transmitted by 4th graders from a primary school in Lisbon, during the school year 2005/2006. The theorical framework is divided in two parts. In the first part the focus goes to the aspect of the linguistic variation of the European Portuguese spoken both on mainland and the islands. This was done considering that every form the language takes on its variation, has the same linguistic status without implicating any devaluation from the standard variety. The importance for the sensibilization of intra-linguistic diversity is also focused as a way to recognize and value the wealth that it has. In the second part, we approach the concept of image considering that it is mainly built with the convergence point of the disciplines of social Psychology, Sociolinguistic and Language Didactics. In order to collect the data, we implemented a didactical intervention plan composed by 10 sessions. Data were collected through different instruments and the methodology of analysis is ethnographical with action research characteristics. The analysis categories, drawn from the confrontation between the theorical framework and the data, were the following: images/representations of the speakers and images/representations of the intra-linguistic variety. The results show us that students come to school with stereotyped images towards the different linguistic varieties and its speakers, some of which clearly negative which are part of our social linguistic reality. As a conclusion of our study, we have to emphasis the importance to a deeper reflection about the phenomenon of images, which may provide important information for teachers and other educational actors to find together working methods in the school context

    The antimicrobial activity of heterotrophic bacteria isolated from the marine sponge Erylus deficiens (Astrophorida, Geodiidae)

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    Interest in the study of marine sponges and their associated microbiome has increased both for ecological reasons and for their great biotechnological potential. In this work, heterotrophic bacteria associated with three specimens of the marine sponge Erylus deficiens, were isolated in pure culture, phylogenetically identified and screened for antimicrobial activity. The isolation of bacteria after an enrichment treatment in heterotrophic medium revealed diversity in bacterial composition with only Pseudoalteromonas being shared by two specimens. Of the 83 selected isolates, 58% belong to Proteobacteria, 23% to Actinobacteria and 19% to Firmicutes. Diffusion agar assays for bioactivity screening against four bacterial strains and one yeast, revealed that a high number of the isolated bacteria (68.7%) were active, particularly against Candida albicans and Vibrio anguillarum. Pseudoalteromonas, Microbacterium, and Proteus were the most bioactive genera. After this preliminary screening, the bioactive strains were further evaluated in liquid assays against C. albicans, Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli. Filtered culture medium and acetone extracts from three and 5 days-old cultures were assayed. High antifungal activity against C. albicans in both aqueous and acetone extracts as well as absence of activity against B. subtilis were confirmed. Higher levels of activity were obtained with the aqueous extracts when compared to the acetone extracts and differences were also observed between the 3 and 5 day-old extracts. Furthermore, a low number of active strains was observed against E. coli. Potential presence of type-I polyketide synthases (PKS-I) and non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) genes were detected in 17 and 30 isolates, respectively. The high levels of bioactivity and the likely presence of associated genes suggest that Erylus deficiens bacteria are potential sources of novel marine bioactive compounds

    Diversity of Rhodopirellula and related planctomycetes in a North Sea coastal sediment employing carB as molecular marker.

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    Rhodopirellula is an abundant marine member of the bacterial phylum Planctomycetes. Cultivation studies revealed the presence of several closely related Rhodopirellula species in European coastal sediments. Because the 16S rRNA gene does not provide the desired taxonomic resolution to differentiate Rhodopirellula species, we performed a comparison of the genomes of nine Rhodopirellula strains and six related planctomycetes and identified carB, coding for the large subunit of carbamoylphosphate synthetase, as a suitable molecular marker. In this study, we investigated the diversity of Rhodopirellula in coastal intertidal surface sediments of Sylt island, North Sea, using the 16S rRNA and carB genes as molecular markers. The carB clone and pyrosequencing libraries revealed the presence of 12 species of Rhodopirellula and of 66 species in closely related undescribed genera, a diversity that was not detected with a 16S rRNA gene library. This study demonstrates that the carB gene is a powerful molecular marker for detecting Rhodopirellula species in the environment and may be used for the taxonomic evaluation of new strains

    Geographic distribution at subspecies resolution level: closely related Rhodopirellula species in European coastal sediments.

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    Members of the marine genus Rhodopirellula are attached living bacteria and studies based on cultured Rhodopirellula strains suggested that three closely related species R. baltica, 'R. europaea' and 'R. islandica' have a limited geographic distribution in Europe. To address this hypothesis, we developed a nested PCR for a single gene copy detection of a partial acetyl CoA synthetase (acsA) from intertidal sediments collected all around Europe. Furthermore, we performed growth experiments in a range of temperature, salinity and light conditions. A combination of Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) and Minimum Entropy Decomposition (MED) was used to analyze the sequences with the aim to explore the geographical distribution of the species and subspecies. MED has been mainly used for the analysis of the 16S rRNA gene and here we propose a protocol for the analysis of protein-coding genes taking into account the degeneracy of the codons and a possible overestimation of functional diversity. The high-resolution analysis revealed differences in the intraspecies community structure in different geographic regions. However, we found all three species present in all regions sampled and in agreement with growth experiments we demonstrated that Rhodopirellula species do not have a limited geographic distribution in Europe

    Pink‐ and orange‐pigmented Planctomycetes produce saproxanthin‐type carotenoids including a rare C45 carotenoid

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    Planctomycetes, are ubiquitous and environmentally important Gram-negative aquatic bacteria with key roles in global carbon and nitrogen cycles. Many planctomycetal species have a pink or orange colour and have been suggested to produce carotenoids. Potential applications as food colorants or anti-oxidants have been proposed. Hitherto, the planctomycetal metabolism is largely unexplored and the strain pigmentation has not been identified. For a holistic view on the complex planctomycetal physiology we analyzed carotenoid profiles of the pink-pigmented strain Rhodopirellula rubra LF2T and of the orange strain Rubinisphaera brasiliensis Gr7. During LC-MS/MS analysis of culture extracts we were able to identify three saproxanthin-type carotenoids including a rare C45 carotenoid. These compounds, saproxanthin, dehydroflexixanthin and 2’-isopentenyldehydrosaproxanthin, derive from the common carotenoid precursor lycopene and are characterized by related end groups, namely a 3-hydroxylated β-carotene-like cyclohexene ring as one end group and simple hydration on the other end of the molecule. Based on the observed molecule structure we present putative pathways for their biosynthesis. Results support Planctomycetes as a promising, yet mostly untapped source of carotenoids

    Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga

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    Porphyra is a macrophytic red alga of the Bangiales that is important ecologically and economically. We describe the genomes of three bacteria in the phylum Planctomycetes (designated P1, P2 and P3) that were isolated from blades of Porphyra umbilicalis (P.um.1). These three Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) belong to distinct genera; P2 belongs to the genus Rhodopirellula, while P1 and P3 represent undescribed genera within the Planctomycetes. Comparative analyses of the P1, P2 and P3 genomes show large expansions of distinct gene families, which can be widespread throughout the Planctomycetes (e.g., protein kinases, sensors/response regulators) and may relate to specific habitat (e.g., sulfatase gene expansions in marine Planctomycetes) or phylogenetic position. Notably, there are major differences among the Planctomycetes in the numbers and sub-functional diversity of enzymes (e.g., sulfatases, glycoside hydrolases, polysaccharide lyases) that allow these bacteria to access a range of sulfated polysaccharides in macroalgal cell walls. These differences suggest that the microbes have varied capacities for feeding on fixed carbon in the cell walls of P.um.1 and other macrophytic algae, although the activities among the various bacteria might be functionally complementary in situ. Additionally, phylogenetic analyses indicate augmentation of gene functions through expansions arising from gene duplications and horizontal gene transfers; examples include genes involved in cell wall degradation (e.g., κ-carrageenase, alginate lyase, fucosidase) and stress responses (e.g., efflux pump, amino acid transporter). Finally P1 and P2 contain various genes encoding selenoproteins, many of which are enzymes that ameliorate the impact of environmental stresses that occur in the intertidal habitat