627 research outputs found

    Private politics daily: What makes firms the target of internet/media criticism? An empirical investigation of firm, industry, and institutional factors

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    Private politics refers to situations in which activists or NGOs try to push firms to conform to social standards (regarding, for instance, human rights and environmental protection) without public policy intervention. The existing literature on private politics has focused on large campaigns such as consumer boycotts, and looked at the impact of those boycotts on firms' financial performance and on the likelihood that firms comply with activist demands. Even though these large campaigns are important, focusing on them leads to neglecting the fact that a large portion of the time and resources that activists consecrate to private politics is used to monitor firms and criticize them through Internet posting and media statements, rather than to launch high profile campaigns. Little is known, however, about what drives these activists when they criticize companies, why they target certain companies and not others, and whether this criticism should be considered as a primary step in the production of full-fledged campaigns. In this paper, we fill this gap by exploring a unique international database of CSR-based criticisms against Fortune 500 companies for the 2006-2009 period. This database allows us to look at the impact of a broad range of factors including industry differences, country/institutional differences and firm-specific dimensions, on the likelihood that a certain firm will be targeted by activist critique. Results indicate that criticism is driven by strategic intents. Similar to previous literature, large and visible firms in certain industries are more targeted than others. In addition, these firms also tend to come from countries with strong institutions and high standards of living

    I catasti storici come strumento di prevenzione del rischio ambientale : Il catasto lombardo-veneto e la sua applicazione nell’area lariana

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    Il massiccio abbandono che nel corso del Novecento ha interessato la gran parte dei versanti terrazzati rappresenta un problema quanto mai attuale, intimamente legato a quello del dissesto idrogeologico. La manomissione antropica dello spazio declive costituisce, infatti, un fattore di rischio costante laddove vengono meno l\u2019azione di presidio e di ordinaria manutenzione connesse al mantenimento funzionale degli spazi terrazzati. Allo stato attuale, uno dei principali limiti relativi al loro studio \ue8 la difficolt\ue0 di disporre di un\u2019effettiva mappatura del fenomeno. La conoscenza a tratti limitata, a tratti addirittura assente degli ambiti soggetti a terrazzamento si traduce inevitabilmente nell\u2019inadeguatezza delle analisi sul rischio ambientale di questi territori. Un approccio inedito nei confronti di questa problematica pu\uf2 essere rappresentato dall\u2019utilizzo dei dati conservati nei catasti storici. La rilettura sistematica di quelli relativi all\u2019area lariana ha permesso di individuare la presenza, nella seconda met\ue0 del XIX secolo, di circa 1.800 ettari di superfici terrazzate, in un territorio in cui la presenza di terrazzamenti \ue8 sempre stata ignorata o considerata solo come episodica. Alla possibilit\ue0 di ricostruire il fenomeno alla scala sovralocale, si aggiunge, alla scala locale, la possibilit\ue0 di indagare con precisione, nello specifico, quali aree di ciascun comune risultassero terrazzate, incrociando i dati storici dei mappali con la cartografia attuale.In XX Century, terraced landscapes suffered a general and widespread abandonment. The abandonment of these spaces represents an ever-present problem: in fact, anthropic intervention on sloping lands falsifies the environment original balances and when steady and ordinary maintenance come less, ground tends to restore starting situation. So, abandoned terraces involve a high hydrogeological instability; in the absence of a precise knowledge about location and density of the abandoned terraced areas, it implies a huge problem about prevention. Nowadays, in Italy, regional mapping of terraced areas is still rare and resents of many difficulties as the excessive cost and the complexity of the relief. A possible solution could be represented by historical Land Register, that analytically reported terraced surfaces both in the registers and often also into the cartographic representation, by parcelling of the proprieties. For example, at the second half of XIX Century, Lake Como had about 1,800 hectares of terraced surfaces that nowadays appear almost completely abandoned and unknown. The re-reading of these historical information enables both to mapping on the regional scale the historical extension and density of the phenomenon and to accurately locate the single terraced areas into each municipality

    Vins, vendanges et fluctuations climatiques : EnquĂȘte en Italie

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    L'article, centrĂ© sur les dates de vendanges comme outil pour la reconstruction du climat de derniers 800 ans, travaille sur deux grands axes : l’un essentiellement historique, visant Ă  reconstruire l’origine, le dĂ©veloppement et l’exportation vers l’Italie de la mĂ©thode des dates des vendanges ; l’autre, visant Ă  la rĂ©alisation et Ă  l’analyse prĂ©liminaire d’une base de donnĂ©es de dates italiennes. La mise Ă  jour et la rĂ©vision des donnĂ©es existantes a Ă©tĂ© complĂ©tĂ©e par la collection de nouvelles dates. Cela nous a permis d’étendre jusqu’à nos jours les sĂ©ries de dates disponibles

    Habitat availability for amphibians and extinction threat: A global analysis

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    Aim: Habitat loss and degradation are the factors threatening the largest number of amphibian species. However, quantitative measures of habitat availability only exist for a small subset of them. We evaluated the relationships between habitat availability, extinction risk and drivers of threat for the world's amphibians. We developed deductive habitat suitability models to estimate the extent of suitable habitat and the proportion of suitable habitat (PSH) inside the geographic range of each species, covering species and areas for which little or no high-resolution distribution data are available. Location: Global. Methods: We used information on habitat preferences to develop habitat suitability models at 300-m resolution, by integrating range maps with land cover and elevation. Model performance was assessed by comparing model output with point localities where species were recorded. We then used habitat availability as a surrogate of area of occupancy. Using the IUCN criteria, we identified species having narrow area of occupancy, for which extinction risk is likely underestimated. Results: We developed models for 5363 amphibians. Validation success of models was high (94%), being better for forest specialists and generalists than for open habitat specialists. Generalists had proportionally more habitat than forest or open habitat specialists. The PSH was lower for species having small geographical ranges, currently listed as threatened, and for which habitat loss is recognized as a threat. Differences in habitat availability among biogeographical realms were strong. We identified 61 forest species for which the extinction risk may be higher that currently assessed in the Red List, due to limited extent of suitable habitat. Main conclusions: Habitat models can accurately predict amphibian distribution at fine scale and allow describing biogeographical patterns of habitat availability. The strong relationship between amount of suitable habitat and extinction threat may help the conservation assessment in species for which limited information is currently available

    In silico identification of new putative pathogenic variants in the NEU1 sialidase gene affecting enzyme function and subcellular localization

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    The NEU1 gene is the first identified member of the human sialidases, glycohydrolitic enzymes that remove the terminal sialic acid from oligosaccharide chains. Mutations in NEU1 gene are causative of sialidosis (MIM 256550), a severe lysosomal storage disorder showing autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. Sialidosis has been classified into two subtypes: sialidosis type I, a normomorphic, late-onset form, and sialidosis type II, a more severe neonatal or early-onset form. A total of 50 causative mutations are reported in HGMD database, most of which are missense variants. To further characterize the NEU1 gene and identify new functionally relevant protein isoforms, we decided to study its genetic variability in the human population using the data generated by two large sequencing projects: the 1000 Genomes Project (1000G) and the NHLBI GO Exome Sequencing Project (ESP). Together these two datasets comprise a cohort of 7595 sequenced individuals, making it possible to identify rare variants and dissect population specific ones. By integrating this approach with biochemical and cellular studies, we were able to identify new rare missense and frameshift alleles in NEU1 gene. Among the 9 candidate variants tested, only two resulted in significantly lower levels of sialidase activity (pC and c.700G>A. These two mutations give rise to the amino acid substitutions p.V217A and p.D234N, respectively. NEU1 variants including either of these two amino acid changes have 44% and 25% residual sialidase activity when compared to the wild-type enzyme, reduced protein levels and altered subcellular localization. Thus they may represent new, putative pathological mutations resulting in sialidosis type I. The in silico approach used in this study has enabled the identification of previously unknown NEU1 functional alleles that are widespread in the population and could be tested in future functional studies

    Photosystem II core phosphorylation and photosynthetic acclimation require two different protein kinases

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    Illumination changes elicit modifications of thylakoid proteins and reorganization of the photosynthetic machinery. This involves, in the short term, phosphorylation of photosystem II (PSII) and light-harvesting (LHCII) proteins. PSII phosphorylation is thought to be relevant for PSII turnover1,2, whereas LHCII phosphorylation is associated with the relocation of LHCII and the redistribution of excitation energy (state transitions) between photosystems3,4. In the long term, imbalances in energy distribution between photosystems are counteracted by adjusting photosystem stoichiometry5,6. In the green alga Chlamydomonas and the plant Arabidopsis, state transitions require the orthologous protein kinases STT7 and STN7, respectively7,8. Here we show that in Arabidopsis a second protein kinase, STN8, is required for the quantitative phosphorylation of PSII core proteins. However, PSII activity under high-intensity light is affected only slightly in stn8 mutants, and D1 turnover is indistinguishable from the wild type, implying that reversible protein phosphorylation is not essential for PSII repair. Acclimation to changes in light quality is defective in stn7 but not in stn8 mutants, indicating that short-term and long-term photosynthetic adaptations are coupled. Therefore the phosphorylation of LHCII, or of an unknown substrate of STN7, is also crucial for the control of photosynthetic gene expressio

    Cuban Tree Frogs in the Wild

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    This is where the abstract of this record would appear. This is only demonstration data

    Measurement of the circular polarization in radio emission from extensive air showers confirms emission mechanisms

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    We report here on a novel analysis of the complete set of four Stokes parameters that uniquely determine the linear and/or circular polarization of the radio signal for an extensive air shower. The observed dependency of the circular polarization on azimuth angle and distance to the shower axis is a clear signature of the interfering contributions from two different radiation mechanisms, a main contribution due to a geomagnetically-induced transverse current and a secondary component due to the build-up of excess charge at the shower front. The data, as measured at LOFAR, agree very well with a calculation from first principles. This opens the possibility to use circular polarization as an investigative tool in the analysis of air shower structure, such as for the determination of atmospheric electric fields.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Exercise intolerance at high altitude (5050 m): critical power and W'

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    The relationship between work rate (WR) and its tolerable duration (t(LIM)) has not been investigated at high altitude (HA). At HA (5050 m) and at sea level (SL), six subjects therefore performed symptom-limited cycle-ergometry: an incremental test (IET) and three constant-WR tests (% of IET WR(max), HA and SL respectively: WR(1) 70±8%, 74±7%; WR(2) 86±14%, 88±10%; WR(3) 105±13%, 104±9%). The power asymptote (CP) and curvature constant (W') of the hyperbolic WR-t(LIM) relationship were reduced at HA compared to SL (CP: 81±21 vs. 123±38 W; W': 7.2±2.9 vs. 13.1±4.3 kJ). HA breathing reserve (estimated maximum voluntary ventilation minus end-exercise ventilation) was also compromised (WR(1): 25±25 vs. 50±18 l min(-1); WR(2): 4±23 vs. 38±23 l min(-1); WR(3): -3±18 vs. 32±24 l min(-1)) with near-maximal dyspnea levels (Borg) (WR(1): 7.2±1.2 vs. 4.8±1.3; WR(2): 8.8±0.8 vs. 5.3±1.2; WR(3): 9.3±1.0 vs. 5.3±1.5). The CP reduction is consistent with a reduced O(2) availability; that of W' with reduced muscle-venous O(2) storage, exacerbated by ventilatory limitation and dyspnea. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
