34 research outputs found

    Ku counteracts mobilization of PARP1 and MRN in chromatin damaged with DNA double-strand breaks

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    In mammalian cells, the main pathway for DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) repair is classical non-homologous end joining (C-NHEJ). An alternative or back-up NHEJ (B-NHEJ) pathway has emerged which operates preferentially under C-NHEJ defective conditions. Although B-NHEJ appears particularly relevant to genomic instability associated with cancer, its components and regulation are still largely unknown. To get insights into this pathway, we have knocked-down Ku, the main contributor to C-NHEJ. Thus, models of human cell lines have been engineered in which the expression of Ku70/80 heterodimer can be significantly lowered by the conditional induction of a shRNA against Ku70. On Ku reduction in cells, resulting NHEJ competent protein extracts showed a shift from C- to B-NHEJ that could be reversed by addition of purified Ku protein. Using a cellular fractionation protocol after treatment with a strong DSBs inducer followed by western blotting or immunostaining, we established that, among C-NHEJ factors, Ku is the main counteracting factor against mobilization of PARP1 and the MRN complex to damaged chromatin. In addition, Ku limits PAR synthesis and single-stranded DNA production in response to DSBs. These data support the involvement of PARP1 and the MRN proteins in the B-NHEJ route for the repair of DNA DSBs

    Quelques motifs de la psychanalyse.: À partir des travaux de Laurence Kahn.

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    International audienceÀ l’heure oĂč l’on prĂ©dit la fin imminente de la psychanalyse – prĂ©diction qui accompagnala dĂ©couverte freudienne dĂšs son origine –, que signifie de s’interroger sur ses « motifs » ? Est-il exact que ses outils de pensĂ©e soient si obsolĂštes qu’il faille remanier ses thĂ©ories et sa pratique pour mieux l’adapter ? Dans un temps oĂč les ralliements hĂątifs vont Ă  la supposĂ©e modernisation, gage d’ouverture, qu’advient-il du temps long et de la complexitĂ© requis pour s’acquitter aussi bien de la tĂąche thĂ©rapeutique que de la rĂ©flexion sur les crĂ©ations culturelles et sur leurs butĂ©es actuelles ?C’est Ă  partir des travaux de Laurence Kahn, membre de l’Association psychanalytique de France, que ces questions ont Ă©tĂ© abordĂ©es au cours d’un colloque organisĂ© au Centre culturel international de Cerisy. Des travaux qui, depuis sa formation initiale d’hellĂ©niste dans le laboratoire de Jean-Pierre Vernant jusqu’à sa pratique d’analyste auprĂšs des adultes et des enfants, l’ont rĂ©guliĂšrement conduite Ă  associer Ă  sa rĂ©flexion sur le legs freudien les Ɠuvres de la philosophie, de la sociologie politique, de la littĂ©rature et de l’histoire.Des anthropologues, des philosophes, des psychanalystes ont ainsi acceptĂ© d’exploreravec elle le moteur pulsionnel et conflictuel qui anime la vie psychique individuelle, fait le terreau de la vie collective, agite et bouleverse les Ă©quilibres et les dĂ©dommagements qui se trament entre nos solitudes et nos devenirs d’ĂȘtres sociables. De l’usage de la parole Ă  l’écoute de l’analyste, de l’efficacitĂ© du mythe Ă  l’engendrement paradoxal de la barbarie par la civilisation mĂȘme, de la psychanalyse des enfants aux problĂšmes soulevĂ©s par les demandes de changement de sexe ou par le rituel de l’échographie et sa violence, il y va chaque fois des chocs entre l’action muette de la rĂ©pĂ©tition et les formes sensibles de ses mĂ©tamorphoses.Comment traduire ces heurts si ce n’est en faisant usage de la mĂ©tapsychologie, c’est-Ă -dire en interrogeant l’asymĂ©trie constitutive entre les qualitĂ©s du « ĂȘtre affectĂ© » et l’économie des quantitĂ©s Ă©nergĂ©tiques ?Ce volume rassemble les communications prononcĂ©es et les rĂ©sumĂ©s des dĂ©bats nourris qui ont eu lieu Ă  leur suite


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    A Comparative Study of Shyamatrivruttadi Kalka and Bruhatiphala-Dwiharidra Kalka Yonipuran in Kaphaja Yonivyapad

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    Introduction: A healthy woman is a promise of healthy family. The concept of healthy yoni has been asserted in various phase of womanñ€ℱs life from puberty to marriage to child birth and thereafter. Due to change in lifestyle, modern food habits of fast food, junk food she is unable to follow the rules of Dincharya, Rutucharya, Rajaswala, Rutumati and Sutikaparicharya which are explained by Aacharyas for womenñ€ℱs health. Thus she is prone to various yonirogas, one of which is Yonigat Shewta-Picchilsrava, Yonikandu, Yonigata Alpa vedana which are the features of Kaphaja yonivyapada and is neglected by women as minor symptoms. Aims and Objectives: 1.To evaluate the efficacy of Shyamatrivruttadi kalka in kaphaja  Yonivyapad & Bruhatiphala-Dwiharidra kalka in kaphaja  yonivyapad. Materials and Methods: The female patients within 18 to 45 years of age group complaining mainly of kaphaja yonivyapad were selected irrespective of occupation, religion and prakruti. Conclusion: Most of the patients in experimental group showed better relief in sign symptoms as compared to the control group, it is obvious from the all analysis of data that the drug in experimental group had definitely better role than control group to alleviate clinical features in Kaphaj yonivyapad