1,230 research outputs found

    Induction of Stress Granule Assembly is Essential for the Orchestration of DNA Damage Response

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    DNA damage provokes several responses including DNA repair, cell cycle regulation and apoptosis that collectively represent the DNA damage response (DDR). Here, we demonstrate that the DDR incorporates the activation of stress granule (SG) formation pathway as a mechanism to process destabilized RNAs. UV irradiation induced the assembly of SGs during the G2 phase and newly formed SGs appeared exclusively in the early G1 phase. SG assembly pathway was activated within the first hours after DNA damage, suggesting that the processing of destabilized RNAs is activated at an early stage. The induction of SGs and RNAi effector protein Argonaute 2 recruitment after UV exposure was independent of ATM and ATR signaling cascades. Apoptosis occurred only in SG-negative cells indicating that SGs promote cell survival after genotoxic stress. Analysis of several DNA damage/repair deficient MEFs revealed that the SG accumulation remained unaltered after UV exposure. Our results show that SGs are an essential component of DDR that is activated in parallel to the DNA damage kinase response networks

    Lamvitaliteit bij melkschapen

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    In de biologische melkschapenhouderij is de lammerensterfte relatief hoog. De sector wil de sterfte graag verminderen. In dit BioKennisbericht enkele tips en aanbevelingen naar aanleiding van onderzoek door Wageningen UR Livestock Research. De lamvitaliteit blijkt verbeterd te kunnen worden door een betere biestopname, een lagere besmettingsdruk, beter (gebruik van) managementinformatie en het inkruisen van andere rassen

    Voeding van melkschapen

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    In dit rapport is een studie uitgevoerd naar voeding van melkschapen, bestaand uit literatuuronderzoek, een praktijkorientatie en knelpunten in voeding bij traditionele en biologische melkschapenhouderi

    Incidenteel problemen met oormerken bij schapen

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    Een beperkt aantal meldt veel verwondingen, ontstekingen, slaphangende oren of verlies. De kans op deze problemen neemt af door het oormerk op de juiste plaats in te brengen

    Oormerkgebruik bij schapen

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    Inventarisatie van gebruikseigenschappen en -probleme

    Mogelijkheden aangepast beheer zeedijken met schapen

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    Om meer inzicht te krijgen in het gewenste dijkbeheer voor een voldoende erosiebestendige grasbekleding is in het najaar van 1999 het beheer van de zeedijken geonventariseerd zoals 18 schapenhouders in Zeeland, Noord-Holland en Friesland dat in het voorliggende jaar hadden uitgevoerd

    Oormerkgebruik bij geiten

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    Inventarisatie van gebruikseigenschappen en -probleme

    Reduction of salt: will iodine intake remain adequate in The Netherlands?

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    Salt is the main vehicle for iodine fortification in The Netherlands. A reduction in salt intake may reduce the supply of iodine. Our aim was to quantify the effect of salt reduction on the habitual iodine intake of the Dutch population and the risk of inadequate iodine intake. We used data of the Dutch National Food Consumption Survey (1997–8) and an update of the food composition database to estimate habitual salt and iodine intake. To take into account uncertainty about the use of iodised salt (industrial and discretionary) and food supplements, a simulation model was used. Habitual iodine and salt intakes were simulated for scenarios of salt reduction and compared with no salt reduction. With 12, 25 and 50 % salt reduction in industrially processed foods, the iodine intake remained adequate for a large part of the Dutch population. For the extreme scenario of a 50 % reduction in both industrially and discretionary added salt, iodine intake might become inadequate for part of the Dutch population (up to 10 %). An increment of the proportion of industrially processed foods using iodised salt or a small increase in iodine salt content will solve this. Nevertheless, 8–35 % of 1- to 3-year-old children might have iodine intakes below the corresponding estimated average requirement (EAR), depending on the salt intake scenario. This points out the need to review the EAR value for this age group or to suggest the addition of iodine to industrially manufactured complementary food

    The Human Antibody Response to Staphylococcus Aureus in Colonization and Infection

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    __Abstract_ __Introduction__: Treatment options for Staphylococcus aureus infections are becoming increasingly limited because of the extensive emergence of antimicrobial resistance among S. aureus isolates. Consequently, novel approaches, including vaccines and immunotherapy, are urgently needed. In order to develop such alternative strategies, a better understanding of the human antibody response to S. aureus exposure, is necessary. __Methods__: The qualitative and quantitative levels of antibodies directed to important S. aureus cell wall-associated proteins, immune-modulating proteins and toxins were measured in healthy individuals, children and patients suffering from diverse S. aureus infections. A flow cytometry technique based on differentially coloured microspheres was used (xMAP® Technology). __Results__: In patients as well as in healthy children and adults, the antistaphylococcal antibody profiles showed extensive inter-individual variability. When groups were compared and significant differences were found, the level of antistaphylococcal antibodies was hi
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