26,043 research outputs found

    Stretching and folding processes in the 3D Euler and Navier-Stokes equations

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    Stretching and folding dynamics in the incompressible, stratified 3D Euler and Navier-Stokes equations are reviewed in the context of the vector \bdB = \nabla q\times\nabla\theta where q=\bom\cdot\nabla\theta. The variable θ\theta is the temperature and \bdB satisfies \partial_{t}\bdB = \mbox{curl}\,(\bu\times\bdB). These ideas are then discussed in the context of the full compressible Navier-Stokes equations where qq takes the two forms q = \bom\cdot\nabla\rho and q = \bom\cdot\nabla(\ln\rho).Comment: UTAM Symposium on Understanding Common Aspects of Extreme Events in Fluid

    Modeling Bill-of-material with Tree Data Structure: Case Study in Furniture Manufacturer

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    This paper presents a modeling of Bill-of-Material with tree data structure. The BOM represents wooden furniture products. The management of BOM is incorporated into an MRP software which is specially built for a furniture manufacturer. The tree data structure is approached with an object oriented programming to provide the creation and modification of the data. The tree object is designed so that a downstream programmer can create an application with high productivity, using the BOM object of course. Legality of the development is ensured by adapting open source resources, i.e. MySQL database engine, PHP server script, and client-side Javascript. The BOM object is used extensively in the MRP software that is being developed. A couple of screenshots are presented to demonstrate the ease of creation and manipulation of Bill-of-Material. The proper approach of modeling BOM with tree structure allows the programmer to reach high productivity during the development of the aforementioned MRP customized software

    “A invençó do Brasile”: Juó Bananére and Non-Italian Italian literature

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    This essay focuses on the fascinating case of Juó Bananére, a comic writer of the Italian diaspora in Brazil, to propose an experiment in how literary historians might conceive of Italian Literature from perspectives immanent to Italy’s various global interactions. By approaching Bananére, a non-Italian, outside of Italy, who chose to write as though he were Italian, in a language only an Italian immigrant could have realistically spoken, this essay offers one such perspective

    Caracterização de frutos de uma população natural de mangabeira Hancornia speciosa Gomes) no Estado do Amapá.

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    A mangabeira e uma planta frutífera encontrada nos ambientes de cerrado do Estado do Amapá em grandes populações. Os frutos, com grandes variações na forma, tamanho, cor e produção por planta, estão sendo comercializados, com bom retorno economico

    Pengaruh Peristiwa Bom Thamrin Terhadap Return Saham Dan Trading Volume Activity Pada Perusahaan Lq45 Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the difference of stock return before with after bomb incident in Thamrin. Analyze stock return differences before, after the time of the bombing incident in Thamrin. Analyze the difference in trading volume activity (TVA) before after the bombing incident in Thamrin. Analyze the difference in trading volume activity (TVA) before, after the time of the bomb blast in Thamrin.Population in this research that is all of share price at company which incorporated LQ45 active actively traded in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Technique Data analysis which used in this research is paired test of sample t-test and one sample t-testThe results showed that there was a significant difference between the average Return before and after the Thamrin Bomb event LQ45 on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. There is no difference in trading volume activity (TVA) before and after events. There is a significant difference between the average trading volume activity (TVA) before the event with the momentary events of LQ45 companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Whereas before the events of day 5 and day 3 there is a significant difference. There is a significant difference between the average trading volume activity (TVA) after a momentary even

    The BOM 1000 Turn Display: a Tool to Visualize the Transverse Phase-Space Topology at LEP

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    The LEP BOM 1000 Turn facility enables the User to acquire the position of the beam at each beam position monitor over a number of consecutive turns. By kicking the beam and acquiring the first 1000 t urns after the kick, the dynamic behavior of the beam in such a condition can be studied. In particular, by selecting a position monitor and plotting the position of the beam at a given turn against t he position shifted by one (or n) turn(s), the evolution of the beam in the phase-space can be observed. Fixed points in the phase-space can be put in evidence, as well as the beam behavior in their n eighbourhood. Quantities like the beam damping, or the beam detuning as function of the position amplitude can also be studied in this way. Significant examples from real life will be shown

    Als de bom valt

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    The Legitimacy and Effectiveness of Law & Governance in a World of Multilevel Jurisdiction

    DAMPAK METODE LATIHAN PERMAINAN TERHADAP PENINGKATAN DAYA TAHAN AEROBIC: Studi Eksperimen Pada Atlet Sepakbola Usia Dini 12-15 Tahun Di Klub Arda Junior

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    Skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pengamatan penulis terhadap beberapa metode latihan yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan daya tahan aerobic pada atlet sepak bola usia dini. Metode latihan tersebut adalah metode latihan permainan end zone ball, dan metode latihan permainan menghalau bom. Kedua metode latihan ini memiliki kelemahan, dan kelebihan yang hampir sama dalam proses pemberian latihannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak metode latihan permainan terhadap peningkatan daya tahan aerobic, dan manakah yang lebih berpengaruh dari metode latihan permainan end zone ball, dan metode latihan permainan menghalau bom terhadap peningkatan daya tahan aerobic pada atlet sepak bola usia dini dalam permainan sepak bola. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen, dengan variabel bebas (X1), metode latihan permainan end zone ball, variabel bebas (X2) metode latihan permainan menghalau bom, dan variabel terikatnya (Y) adalah daya tahan aerobic. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pemain sepak bola usia dini (12-15 tahun) Arda Junior sebanyak 20 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes daya tahan aerobic (bleep test). Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan, dan analisis data, maka kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah: Terdapat dampak yang signifikan metode latihan permainan end zone ball terhadap peningkatan daya tahan aerobic pada atlet sepakbola usia dini (12-15 tahun) di Klub Arda Junior, itu terlihat pada hasil peningkatan latihan dimna t hitung sebesar 9,3 lebih besar dari t tabel sebesar 1,73 dan yang kedua yaitu terdapat dampak yang signifikan metode latihan permainan menghalau bom terhadap peningkatan daya tahan aerobic pada atlet sepakbola usia dini (12-15 tahun) di Klub Arda Junior, terlihat hasil peningktan latihan dimna t hitung sebesar 7,41 lebih besar dari t tabel sebesar 1,73. Tetapi tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara metode latihan permainan end zone ball, dan metode latihan permainan menghalau bom terhadap peningkatan daya tahan aerobic pada pemain sepakbola usia dini (12-15 tahun) di Klub Arda Junior, itu terlihat dari hasil perhitungan uji perbedaan peningkatan hasil latihan , dimana t hitung sebesar 0,827 lebih kecil dari t tabel sebesar 1,73, yang artinya Tidak Signifikan. --------- This research was triggered by the researcher’s observation on several training methods used for increasing aerobic endurance on early age soccer athletes. Those training methods were game training end zone ball method and game training dispel bombs method. Both training methods had weaknesses and strengths which were almost the same on its process of training. This study aimed to identify the impact of game training method towards the increase of aerobic endurance, and which one was more influential than game training end zone ball method and game training dispel bombs method towards the increase of aerobic endurance in early age soccer athlete in soccer game. This study used an experimental method with the game training end zone ball method as the independent variable (X1) and game training dispel bombs method as the independent variable (X2) and aerobic endurance as dependent variable (Y). The sample used in this study was 20 early age soccer players (12-15 year-old) in Arda Junior Club. Aerobic endurance test (bleep test) was used as the instrument of the study. Based on the processing and analysis data, it can be concluded that: there is a significant impact of game training end zone ball method towards the increase of aerobic endurance on early age soccer athlete (12-15 year-old) in Arda Junior Club. It was shown in the result of training improvement where the t obtain (9.3) was greater than t table (1.73). Furthermore, there was also a significant impact of game training dispel bombs method towards the increase of aerobic endurance on early age soccer athlete (12-15 year-old) in Arda Junior Club, it was shown in the result of training improvement where the t obtain (7.41) was greater than t table (1.73). However, there was no significant difference between game training end zone ball method and game training dispel bombs method towards the increase of aerobic endurance in early age soccer athlete (12-15 year-old) in Arda Junior Club. It was shown in the result of comparison test of training improvement result where t obtain (0.827) was smaller than t table (1.73), which meant it was insignificant

    Sócrates sobre ser bom

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    The main aim of this paper is to present an interpretation of what Socrates understood by being good for a human being. Starting from the evidence in the Symposium that Socrates himself was a phronimos and sophron person, I seek to show how Socratic ethics is centered on the thesis of the (1) identity of virtue and knowledge, which I articulate with the theme of (2) Socratic ignorance, and (3) the role of Socrates as an educator, to display how Socrates attempted to help people to improve themselves. In order to explore the core of Socratic moral thought, I take into account Penner’s explanation of Socratic intellectualism endorsing his description of what being good for a person means, but not following his conclusions. Then I argue that even if Socrates had held moral beliefs and been to a certain degree wise and virtuous, the moral knowledge, virtue, wisdom or the science of the good that only the gods completely master should not be ascribed to him. Socrates often made profession of ignorance. In the Apology, the knowledge that he admits to having and that makes him wiser than the others is “human wisdom”, that is, the recognition of his own ignorance and, in general, human ignorance about how to live well. Endowed with this self-knowledge, Socrates assumed the educational task to try to free people from the worst ignorance: not to know and to think that you know. Through philosophy practiced as examination by refutation (elenchos), he did his best to lead his fellows to self-knowledge, to take care of their souls, to dedicate themselves to phronesis, truth, and perfection of soul, in sum, to be prudent; this is the only way in which a person would do well, be good and happy.Keywords: Socrates, virtue, knowledge, being good.O principal objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma interpretação do que Sócrates entendia por ser bom para um ser humano. Partindo da evidência no Banquete de que o próprio Sócrates era um indivíduo phronimos e sophron, procuro mostrar como a ética socrática está centrada na tese da (1) identidade da virtude com o conhecimento, que articulo com o tema da (2) ignorância socrática e (3) o papel de Sócrates como educador para mostrar como Sócrates tentou ajudar as pessoas a melhorarem a si mesmas. Para explorar o núcleo do pen-samento moral socrático, levo em consideração a explicação de Penner do intelectualismo socrático, endossando sua descrição do que significa ser bom para uma pessoa, mas não seguindo suas conclusões. Argumento então que, mesmo que Sócrates tenha sustentado crenças morais e, em certo grau, tenha sido sábio e virtuoso, não se deveria atribuir a ele o conhecimento moral, a virtude, a sabedoria ou a ciência do bem que somente os deuses dominam completamente. Sócrates costumava fazer profissão de ignorância. Na Apologia, o conhecimento que ele admite ter e que o torna mais sábio que os outros é a “sabedoria humana”, isto é, o reconhecimento de sua própria ignorância e, em geral, da ignorância humana sobre como viver bem. Municiado deste autoconhecimento, Sócrates assumiu a tarefa educacional de tentar libertar as pessoas da pior ignorância: não saber e pensar que sabem. Por meio da filosofia praticada como exame através da refutação (elenchos), ele se esforçou ao máximo para levar seus companheiros ao autoconhecimento, a cuidarem de suas almas, dedicarem-se à phronesis, à verdade e à perfeição de alma, em suma, a serem prudentes; esta é a única maneira pela qual uma pessoa atuaria bem, seria boa e feliz.Palavras-chave: Sócrates, virtude, conhecimento, ser bom