831 research outputs found

    A decentralized framework for multi-agent robotic systems

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    Over the past few years, decentralization of multi-agent robotic systems has become an important research area. These systems do not depend on a central control unit, which enables the control and assignment of distributed, asynchronous and robust tasks. However, in some cases, the network communication process between robotic agents is overlooked, and this creates a dependency for each agent to maintain a permanent link with nearby units to be able to fulfill its goals. This article describes a communication framework, where each agent in the system can leave the network or accept new connections, sending its information based on the transfer history of all nodes in the network. To this end, each agent needs to comply with four processes to participate in the system, plus a fifth process for data transfer to the nearest nodes that is based on Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) and data history. To validate this framework, we use differential robotic agents and a monitoring agent to generate a topological map of an environment with the presence of obstacles

    Modeling of the bubbling process in a planar co-flow configuration

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    This work presents an analytical model developed to describe the bubbling regime resulting from the injection of an air sheet of thickness 2H(o) with a mean velocity u(a) between two water streams of thickness H-w - H-o, moving at a uniform velocity u(w). Based on previous experimental and numerical characterizations of this flow, the gas stream is modeled as a two-dimensional sheet divided into three different parts in the streamwise direction: a neck that moves downstream at the water velocity, a gas ligament attached to the injector upstream of the neck, and a forming bubble downstream of the neck, whose uniform dimensionless half-thicknesses are eta(n)(tau), eta(l)(tau), eta(b)(tau) respectively, and the corresponding pressures are given by Pi(n)(tau), Pi(l)(tau), and Pi(b)(tau) Pi(n)(tau). Lengths are made dimensionless with H-o, and pressures with rho(a)u(a)(2) where rho(a) is the air density.This work has been supported by the Spanish MINECO (Subdi-rección General de Gestión de Ayudas a la Investigación), Junta de Andalucía, and European Funds under projects numbers DPI2014-59292-C3-1-P and DPI2014-59292-C3-3-P, and P11-TEP7495. Financial support from the University of Jaén, project UJA2013/08/05, is also acknowledged

    The necking time of gas bubbles in liquids of arbitrary viscosity

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    We report an experimental and theoretical study of the collapse time of a gas bubble injected into an otherwise stagnant liquid under quasi-static conditions and for a wide range of liquid viscosities.This work has been supported by the Spanish MINECO (Subdirección General de Gestión de Ayudas a la Investigación), Junta de Andalucía, and European Funds under Project Nos. DPI2014-59292-C3-1-P, DPI2014-59292-C3-3-P, and P11-TEP7495. Financial support from the University of Jaén, Project No. UJA2013/08/05, is also acknowledged

    Children and the International Criminal Court : analysis of the Rome Statute through a children's rights perspective

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    This research offers a comprehensive analysis of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and its core legal texts from a children’s rights perspective. It examines the ICC provisions and its case law, evaluating whether these meet international children’s rights standards, particularly as regards the protection of child victims and witnesses, their participation as victims in ICC proceedings and their role as beneficiaries in reparations. The manuscript proposes recommendations that could be adopted in order to guarantee children’s rights in ICC proceedings. The research is a useful tool for practitioners as well as for academics, both in the area of international criminal law as well as children’s rights.Effective Protection of Fundamental Rights in a pluralist worl

    Dry Matter Accumulation and Partitioning between Vegetative and Reproductive Organs in Alfalfa (\u3ci\u3eMedicago sativa\u3c/i\u3e L.)

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    This work investigated the partitioning of dry matter between vegetative and reproductive plant organs in alfalfa during the reproductive period under field conditions. Two French varieties (Europe and Magali) were studied. Both varieties showed similar growth pattern of the different plant organs in 1998 and 1999. The mean dry matter of vegetative organs (shoots and leaves) over the two years was higher in Europe (567g/m2) than Magali (470g/m2). No vegetative growth was observed during the reproductive period. The root organs (measured to a depth of 0.20 m) and the reproductive organs showed an increase in dry matter accumulation during the first 300 °Cd and 600 °Cd, respectively. It indicated that dry matter was preferentially partitioned to the reproductive organs during the first 600 °Cd. The root organs seem to be a competing sink during the early seed growth (200 °Cd to 300 °Cd). The dry matter partitioning was not affected by the year. Thus, when dry matter accumulation ceased only 30% in Europe and 27% in Magali of the aboveground dry weight was in the reproductive organs. The mean inflorescence weight reached its maximum after 450 °Cd from inflorescence flowering

    Contribución de la obra de sraffa y retos del análisis postsraffinao

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    En este ensayo se hace un análisi general de las teorías sraffianay neoricardiana que permita esclarecer sus principales aportes al pensamiento economico positivo e identificar sus limitaciones y desafios, que sus autores deben afrontar.This essay seeks to carry out a general analysis of sraffian and neoricardian theories in order to clarify their most important contributions to positive economic thought as well as identify the limitations and challenges that their authors must confront