459 research outputs found

    The Importance of Care Coordination of Patients with Multimorbidity: An Evaluation of the Patient-Centered Medical Home Model

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    The rise in multimorbidity among various patient populations has made fragmentation of care an increasingly common issue due to the need for specialized care of each chronic condition and complexity of treatment plans. Implementation of care coordination intervention models has been identified as an essential component in combating this fragmented nature of our current health care system. This is done by providing an organized model of care and improving communication between all parties involved in care and treatment plans. This literature review will begin with a brief discussion on the importance of care coordination and components needed for implementation and evaluation of such intervention models. This review then analyzes a staple model of care coordination and how it has been integrated into current health care settings. The focus of this literature review is to understand what population of patients benefit the most from care coordination and how these frameworks can be integrated into current health care systems. The conclusion of this review discusses the limitations of current studies and offers some insight on how the effectiveness of care coordination can be improved in the future

    The Relations Between the Elements of a Sentence in Utterances of Autistic Children Formulated in the Polish Language

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    This paper discusses the problem of syntax skills in children with autism. The main research problem pertained to the course of development of syntax in children with autistic disorders. This study compared the syntactic competence of two autistic boys aged 8 years. The linguistic analysis of the testimonies revealed differences in the way sentences were constructed. Nevertheless, in the messages of both boys errors appeared indicating impaired communication competence. Thus, the goal of the research was an attempt to analyse children’s utterances, taking into account the main types of utterances, their structure and grammatical correctness. The research aimed at finding and capturing other forms of expression, typical for children with autism. The syntax skills of children with autism are not very good. If children construct utterances, these are usually synthetically and grammatically poor sentences. Autistic children are unable to combine the two constituents of a sign into a single whole. In addition, they find it difficult to understand words that have a double meaning, namely literal and figurative. The children form short, incomplete, not very detailed utterances, meager in terms of content

    Towards continuous production of pharmaceutical cocrystals

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    A novel method for the simultaneous production and formulation of pharmaceutical cocrystals, matrix-assisted cocrystallization (MAC), using hot-melt extrusion by coprocessing the drug and conformer has been developed. Three model drugs were used, a coformer, and matrix, respectively. The MAC product containing 80:20 (w/w) cocrystal:matrix was characterized by differential scanning calorimetry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and powder X-ray diffraction. A partial least squares (PLS) regression model was developed for quantifying the efficiency of cocrystal formation. The PLS model estimated that the MAC product was 78% (w/w) cocrystal (theoretical 80%), with ~ 0.3% mixture of free (unreacted) drug, and 21.6% Soluplus (theoretical 20%). A physical mixture (PM) of a reference cocrystal (RCC), prepared by precipitation from solution, and Soluplus resulted in faster dissolution relative to the pure RCC. However, the MAC product with the exact same composition resulted in considerably faster dissolution and higher maximum concentration (~5-fold) than those of the PM. The MAC product consists of high-quality cocrystals embedded in a matrix. The processing aspect of MAC plays a major role on the faster dissolution observed. The MAC approach offers a scalable process, suitable for the continuous production, manufacturing, and formulation of pharmaceutical cocrystals

    Multimodalność komunikacji międzyludzkiej

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     In this survey article, the author refers to the work of Stephen Levinson and Judith Holler, Sławomir Wacewicz and Piotr Żywiczyński, Michael Tomasello, Giacomo Rizolatti, Michael Arbib, and Marcel Jousse, in order to address the question how in the course of linguistic philogenesis humans and their ancestors developed intentional behaviour. The major points discussed can be formulated as follows: (1) Human language developed against the background of signalling systems, gestural and auditory; (2) There is disagreement as to whether gesture was prior to vocal communication or whether the two developed in parallel fashion; (3) Changes in the behaviour and the biological-neurological aspect of human communication are the key to formulating the theory of mind as the origin of social communication; (4) Considerations of language origin also sheds light on the role of language in interaction and culture.W artykule, który ma charakter przeglądowy, autorka wykorzystuje badania Stephena Levinsona i Judith Holler, Sławomira Wacewicza i Piotra Żywiczyńskiego, Michaela Tomasella, Giacomo Rizolatti’ego, Michaela Arbiba oraz Marcela Jousse’a, aby na ich podstawie podjąć próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak w procesie filogenezy języka pojawiły się u ludzi oraz ich ewolucyjnych przodków zachowania intencyjne. Najważniejsze tezy zostały sformułowane następująco: 1) Język ludzki powstał na tle systemów sygnałów: gestowych i dźwiękowych; 2) Istnieje spór dotyczący pierwszeństwa gestów nad komunikacją głosową lub równoczesności gestu i wokalizy w procesie powstawania języka; 3) Zmiany na poziomie zachowania oraz biologiczno-neurologicznym w rozwoju ludzkiej komunikacji stanowią klucz do zrozumienia teorii umysłu będący zalążkiem komunikacji społecznej; 4) Refleksja nad pochodzeniem języka prowadzi do roli języka w interakcji oraz w świecie kultury

    Multimodalność komunikacji międzyludzkiej

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    In this survey article, the author refers to the work of Stephen Levinson and Judith Holler, Sławomir Wacewicz and Piotr Zywiczynski, Michael Tomasello, Giacomo Rizolatti, Michael Arbib, and Marcel Jousse, in order to address the question how in the course of linguistic philogenesis humans and their ancestors developed intentional behaviour. The major points discussed can be formulated as follows: (1) Human language developed against the background of signalling systems, gestural and auditory; (2) There is disagreement as to whether gesture was prior to vocal communication or whether the two developed in parallel fashion; (3) Changes in the behaviour and the biological-neurological aspect of human communication are the key to formulating the theory of mind as the origin of social communication; (4) Considerations of language origin also sheds light on the role of language in interaction and culture

    O refleksji interdyscyplinarnej nad powstaniem ludzkiej mowy: Ewolucja języka. W stronę hipotez gesturalnych Przemysława Żywiczyńskiego i Sławomira Wacewicza

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    Zawiera recenzję książki: Ewolucja języka w stronę hipotez gesturalnych / Przemysław Żywiczyński, Sławomir Wacewicz. Toruń : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2015. ISBN: 978-83-231-3424-

    The legacy of book conservators, heads of departments of conservation and the directors of the Library of the Poznań Society of the Friends of Sciences Autor: Boksa, Michał

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    Artykuł prezentuje sylwetki konserwatorów zbiorów, kierowników i dyrektorów Biblioteki Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk (PTPN) oraz to, co po nich pozostało w postaci archiwaliów. Od momentu powstania Biblioteka PTPN gromadziła rękopisy lub całe spuścizny wybitnych osób, w tym kierujących tą placówką. Również inne biblioteki i archiwa zakładowe instytucji, z którymi byli oni związani, włączały do swych zbiorów ich materiały archiwalne. Spuścizny Ludwiki Dobrzyńskiej-Rybickiej i Ryszarda Marciniaka znajdują się zarówno w Bibliotece PTPN, jak i w Polskiej Akademii Nauk Archiwum w Warszawie Oddział w Poznaniu. Znaczna część materiałów archiwalnych Bolesława Erzepkiego trafiła natomiast do Działu Zbiorów Specjalnych Biblioteki Raczyńskich w Poznaniu. Szczątkowe materiały archiwalne można też znaleźć w Archiwum Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu (Ludwika Dobrzyńska-Rybicka) oraz w Archiwum Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu (Ludwika Dobrzyńska-Rybicka, Jan Baumgart, Aniela Koehlerówna).The present article provides a number of profiles of book conservators, heads of the departments of book conservation and directors of the Library of the Poznań Society of the Friends of Sciences (Polish: PTPN) and their legacy remained in the form of available archival material. From its onset, the PTPN Library has been collecting manuscripts and bequests of prominent people that included books and other material, including bequests of those who had been heading the institution. The archival material that belonged to the latter group has been also collected by other libraries and archives with which they were in close contact. The legacy of Ludwika Dobrzyńska-Rybicka and Ryszard Marciniak has been thus split between the PTPN Library and the Library of the Poznań branch of the Polish Academy of Science. The bulk of the archival material bequeathed by Bolesław Erzepki has been located in the Special Collection Division of the Raczyński Municipal Library in Poznań. Residual relevant archival material can be also found in the Archives of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (L. Dobrzyńska-Rybicka) and in the Archives of Poznań University Library (L. Dobrzyńska-Rybicka, Jan Baumgart, Aniela Koehlerówna)

    Modular and coordinated expression of immune system regulatory and signaling components in the developing and adult nervous system

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    During development, the nervous system (NS) is assembled and sculpted through a concerted series of neurodevelopmental events orchestrated by a complex genetic programme. While neural-specific gene expression plays a critical part in this process, in recent years, a number of immune-related signaling and regulatory components have also been shown to play key physiological roles in the developing and adult NS. While the involvement of individual immune-related signaling components in neural functions may reflect their ubiquitous character, it may also reflect a much wider, as yet undescribed, genetic network of immune–related molecules acting as an intrinsic component of the neural-specific regulatory machinery that ultimately shapes the NS. In order to gain insights into the scale and wider functional organization of immune-related genetic networks in the NS, we examined the large scale pattern of expression of these genes in the brain. Our results show a highly significant correlated expression and transcriptional clustering among immune-related genes in the developing and adult brain, and this correlation was the highest in the brain when compared to muscle, liver, kidney and endothelial cells. We experimentally tested the regulatory clustering of immune system (IS) genes by using microarray expression profiling in cultures of dissociated neurons stimulated with the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha, and found a highly significant enrichment of immune system-related genes among the resulting differentially expressed genes. Our findings strongly suggest a coherent recruitment of entire immune-related genetic regulatory modules by the neural-specific genetic programme that shapes the NS

    Impairments in laterodorsal tegmentum to VTA projections underlie glucocorticoid-triggered reward deficits

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    Ventral tegmentalt area (VTA) activity is critical for reward/reinforcement and is tightly modulated by the laterodorsal tegmentum (LDT). In utero exposure to glucocorticoids (iuGC) triggers prominent motivation deficits but nothing is known about the impact of this exposure in the LDT-VTA circuit. We show that iuGC-rats have long-lasting changes in cholinergic markers in the LDT, together with a decrease in LDT basal neuronal activity. Interestingly, upon LDT stimulation, iuGC animals present a decrease in the magnitude of excitation and an increase in VTA inhibition, as a result of a shift in the type of cells that respond to the stimulus. In agreement with LDT-VTA dysfunction, we show that iuGC animals present motivational deficits that are rescued by selective optogenetic activation of this pathway. Importantly, we also show that LDT-VTA optogenetic stimulation is reinforcing, and that iuGC animals are more susceptible to the reinforcing properties of LDT-VTA stimulation.Karl Deisseroth from Stanford University for the optogenetic virus. BC, CS-C, and SB are recipients of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) fellowships (SFRH/BD/98675/2013; SFRH/BD/51992/2012; SFRH/BD/89936/2012). AJR is a FCT Investigator (IF/00883/2013). This work was co-financed by the Portuguese North Regional Operational Program (ON.2 – O Novo Norte) under the National Strategic Reference Framework (QREN), through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). This work was partially financed by BIAL grant 30/16. Part of the work was financed by Projeto Estratégico – LA 26 – 2013–2014 (PEst-C/SAU/LA0026/2013)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio