145 research outputs found

    Automatismos eléctricos programables

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    El presente texto ha sido pensado como una introducción a los automatismos eléctricos que tienen como base al autómata programable industrial (API). Empieza estudiando los sistemes automatizados a nivel general, continua con la descripción de las diferentes tecnologías y termina con el estudio del autómata programable. Se han incluido temas como mantenimiento, redes de comunicación, redundancias, seguridad, averías, etc. a nivel descriptivo. Además, se ha incluido un capítulo sobre metodología de trabajo con autómatas que incorpora ejemplos para empezar a sentar las bases de una aplicación práctica

    Vint-i-cinc anys de la Revista Catalana de Dret Públic: anàlisi del perfil dels autors que hi han publicat i de la temàtica dels articles

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    Aquest article s'insereix dins del número commemoratiu del vint-i-cinquè aniversari de la Revista catalana de dret públic i fa una descripció dels seus orígens duals com a revista dedicada als aspectes territorials de la construcció de l'Estat de les autonomies i com a revista generalista de dret públic. Explica les dues etapes de la Revista (de 1985 a 2004 i de 2005 a l'actualitat) i fa una anàlisi quantitativa dels autors que hi han publicat i dels continguts de llurs articles. L'article inclou també explicacions sobre la qualificació de la Revista i la seva versió electrònica

    The active heroin metabolite 6-acetylmorphine has robust reinforcing effects as assessed by self-administration in the rat

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    Previous studies have suggested that at least some of the behavioral effects of heroin might be mediated by its active metabolite 6-acetylmorphine (6-AM). The aim of the present study was to investigate the reinforcing effects of 6-AM and its role in mediating those of heroin. We used an intravenous self-administration procedure in male Sprague-Dawley rats including four phases: acquisition, extinction, reinstatement of drug-seeking, and re-acquisition. Independent groups of rats readily learned to self-administer equimolar doses (0.135 μmol/kg) of either 6-AM (44.3 μg/kg) or heroin (50 μg/kg). Under a fixed ratio 1 (FR1) schedule of reinforcement, the rate of responding was the same for 6-AM and heroin, but it was significantly higher for 6-AM than for heroin under a FR2 schedule. A non-contingent infusion (‘priming’) of 0.068 μmol/kg of either 6-AM or heroin reinstated non-reinforced drug-seeking (relapse). The rats readily re-acquired self-administration behaviour when given access to one of two doses (0.068 and 0.135 μmol/kg) of 6-AM or heroin. Pretreatment with a specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) against 6-AM blocked the priming effect of 6-AM, and modified the rate of lever-pressing on re-acquisition of 6-AM self-administration in a manner compatible with a shift to the right of the dose-effect curve. The mAb did not affect heroin responding. The present results show that 6-AM possesses reinforcing effects similar to those of heroin. The lack of effect of 6-AM mAb on heroin priming and heroin self-administration calls for further studies to clarify the role of heroin and its metabolites in heroin reward

    Microfluidic-based dynamic BH3 profiling predicts anticancer treatment efficacy

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    Cancer therapy; Predictive markers; Translational researchTerapia del cáncer; Marcadores predictivos; Investigación traslacionalTeràpia del càncer; Marcadors predictius; Recerca translacionalPrecision medicine is starting to incorporate functional assays to evaluate anticancer agents on patient-isolated tissues or cells to select for the most effective. Among these new technologies, dynamic BH3 profiling (DBP) has emerged and extensively been used to predict treatment efficacy in different types of cancer. DBP uses synthetic BH3 peptides to measure early apoptotic events (‘priming’) and anticipate therapy-induced cell death leading to tumor elimination. This predictive functional assay presents multiple advantages but a critical limitation: the cell number requirement, that limits drug screening on patient samples, especially in solid tumors. To solve this problem, we developed an innovative microfluidic-based DBP (µDBP) device that overcomes tissue limitations on primary samples. We used microfluidic chips to generate a gradient of BIM BH3 peptide, compared it with the standard flow cytometry based DBP, and tested different anticancer treatments. We first examined this new technology’s predictive capacity using gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) cell lines, by comparing imatinib sensitive and resistant cells, and we could detect differences in apoptotic priming and anticipate cytotoxicity. We then validated µDBP on a refractory GIST patient sample and identified that the combination of dactolisib and venetoclax increased apoptotic priming. In summary, this new technology could represent an important advance for precision medicine by providing a fast, easy-to-use and scalable microfluidic device to perform DBP in situ as a routine assay to identify the best treatment for cancer patients.Ramon y Cajal Programme, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad grant RYC-2015–18357. (J.M.). Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades grant RTI2018-094533-A-I00 (J.M.). CELLEX foundation (J.M., A.M.). Beca Trienal Fundación Mari Paz Jiménez Casado (J.M.). European Research Council, grant ERC-StG-DAMOC 714317 (J.R.-A.). European Research Council, H2020 EU framework FET-open BLOC 863037 (J.R.-A.). Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, “Severo Ochoa” Program for Centers of Excellence in R&D SEV-2020-2023 (J.R.-A.). Generalitat de Catalunya. CERCA Programme 2017-SGR-1079 (J.R.-A., J.S.). Fundación Bancaria “la Caixa”- Obra Social “la Caixa” (project IBEC-La Caixa Health Ageing) (J.R.-A.). Fero Foundation (C.S.). Networking Biomedical Research Center (CIBER). CIBER is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&i Plan 2008–2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program, CIBER Actions, and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (RD16/0006/0012), with the support of the European Regional Development Fund (J.S.)

    Valoración de harinas cárnicas como fertilizante orgánico

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    Dos harinas cárnicas con altos contenidos en materia orgánica, aminoácidos y elementos esenciales para las plantas, tales como nitrógeno y fósforo, con distintas propiedades y procedencias fueron aplicadas a un suelo de cultivo a cuatro dosis distintas (50, 100, 150, 200 kgN/ha) y se estudiaron los efectos en las propiedades del suelo y en la producción y contenido de nutrientes en lechuga y maíz. Además se estudió el efecto residual del material aplicado realizando un segundo cultivo de maíz en el mismo suelo. Entre otros cambios las harinas cárnicas aplicadas aumentaron la materia orgánica del suelo y ligeramente su salinidad. No se encontraron efectos negativos en el crecimiento de las hortalizas. De hecho el maíz tuvo una respuesta positiva llegando a obtenerse rendimiento relativos en la producción de hasta un 256% con respecto al tratamiento control (100%). También se encontraron efectos significativos en la extracción de nutrientes por los cultivos, dependiendo de la harina utilizada y de la dosis aplicada. Según los resultados obtenidos la aplicación de las harinas cárnicas en dosis adecuadas a los suelos de cultivo podría ser una buena alternativa para aprovechar el alto valor fertilizante de este residuo

    Evaluación de la efectividad de las actividades preventivas (planes de actuación preferente) sobre la incidencia de las lesiones traumáticas no mortales con incapacidad laboral por accidentes de trabajo en jornada en España (1994-2004)

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    Ana M. García García ([email protected])Fundamento. Los planes de actuación preferente (PAP) han sido las principales actividades preventivas desarrolladas por las comunidades autónomas (CCAA) frente a las lesiones por accidentes de trabajo (LAT) en España desde 1999. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la efectividad de los planes. Métodos. Fueron seleccionados 4.714.080 casos incidentes de LAT no mortales con incapacidad laboral, ocurridos entre 1994 y 2004 durante la jornada laboral producidos por causas mecánicas y por sobreesfuerzo en empresas manufactureras y de servicios no públicos. A partir de las incidencias anuales se estimó en cada CCAA el porcentaje de cambio anual y su intervalo de confianza al 95% (IC95%) para el periodo anterior y posterior del inicio del PAP mediante una regresión binomial negativa. Resultados. El patrón observado siguió una tendencia ascendente en los periodos previos al inicio del PAP y descendente a continuación de la puesta en marcha de estos planes. Por ejemplo, en Aragón, donde el PAP se inició en 1999, observamos un incremento de +5,3% entre 1994-1999 frente a un descenso de -4,9% entre 2000-2004. En Baleares, que inició su PAP en 2002, la tendencia correspondiente fue de +5,4% entre 1994-2001 frente a -14% entre 2002-2004. Sin embargo, se observaron tendencias similares en Madrid (-3,9% entre 2000 y 2004) o en Galicia (-4,8% entre 2000 y 2004), donde no consta que se pusieran en marcha un PAP específico en el periodo de estudio. Conclusiones. Estos resultados no permiten atribuir a los PAP el descenso generalizado en la incidencia de las LAT no mortales a partir del 2000 en España. Posiblemente, otras acciones de carácter general, que habrían afectado a todas las CCAA por igual (incluyendo a aquéllas que no han desarrollado sus propios PAP), explicarían este descenso en la incidencia de las lesiones por accidente de trabajo seleccionadas en el presente análisis.Backgound: The strategic action plans have been the main preventive activities carried out by the Autonomous Community Governments in relation to occupational injuries in Spain since 1999. This study is aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of these plans. Methods. A total of 4,714,080 cases of non-fatal traumatic occupational injuries leading to disability having occurred within the 1994-2004 period due to mechanical causes and over-exertion at non-publicly owned service and manufacturing companies were included. Based on the annual incidence rates, the percentage of annual change and the 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were estimated for the periods prior to and following the start-up of the Strategic Action Plans by means of negative binomial regression. Results. The pattern found followed an upward trend during the periods prior to the start-up of the Strategic Actions Plans, followed by a downward trend as of the start-up of these plans. For example, in Aragon, where the Strategic Action Plan was started up in 999, a +5.3% rise was found within the 1994-1999 period, as compared to a –4.9% decrease during the 2000-2004 period. On the Balearic Islands, which started up their Strategic Action Plan in 2002, the corresponding trend was +5.4% for 1994-2001, as compared to –14% for 2002-2004. However, similar trends were found in Madrid (-3.9% for 2000-2004) or in Galicia (-4.8% for 2000-2004), where there is no record of any specific Strategic Action Plan having been gotten under way during the period under study. Conclusions. These results do not make it possible to attribute the widespread drop in the non-fatal traumatic occupational injury incidence as of 2000 in Spain to the Strategic Action Plans. Possibly other actions of a general nature which may have had a bearing on all of the Autonomous Communities in the same manner (including those which have not developed their own Strategic Action Plans) might explain this drop in the incidence of the occupational injuries selected in this analysis

    Plasma polyunsaturated fatty acid pattern in active inflammatory bowel disease

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    Plasma fatty acid patterns were assessed by gas liquid chromatography in 73 patients with active inflammatory bowel disease and 107 healthy controls. The influence of the disease activity on fatty acid profile was also investigated. Plasma fatty acid patterns in patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease were similar. Plasma C18:3n3 and C22:6n3 were significantly higher in active ulcerative colitis (p = 0.0143 and p < 0.00001 respectively) and in Crohn's disease (p < 0.00001 for both) than in controls, whereas C20:3n6 was significantly lower in patients than in controls, both in ulcerative colitis (p = 0.0001) and in Crohn's disease (p = 0.0041). In more severe disease, plasma polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrations fell with a significant stepwise decrease in the desaturation index (p = 0.0031 in ulcerative colitis and p = 0.0355 in Crohn's disease). Even in patients with severe disease, however, plasma n3 fatty acids (C18:3n3 and C22:6n3) never fell below those of healthy controls. These findings suggest that in active inflammatory bowel disease, an increased biosynthesis might coexist with an increased consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These observations may be of relevance in the pathogenesis of the disease as polyunsaturated fatty acids are involved in tissue eicosanoid synthesis and cellular membrane function, including that of immunocompetent cells. These results also question the rationale of using n3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease

    A resilience indicator for Eco-Industrial Parks

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    An Eco-Industrial Park (EIP) is a community of businesses that seeks to reduce the global impact by sharing material. The connections among the industrial participants within this park improve the environmental performance of the industrial network. However, the connectivity also propagates failures. This risk is an important point of criticism and a barrier to industrial plants when evaluate their integration to an EIP. This paper proposes an indicator to follow the resilience of an EIP so as to improve the security of the whole system, considering the dynamic of the participants to endure a disruptive event. This metric could be used by decision-makers in order to include the resilience in the design phase of an EIP. Solving these security problems would expand the set of experiences of cleaner production, facilitating the integration of industrial processes. The proposed resilience indicator is based on two main characteristics of an industrial network: the number of connections among participants, and the capacity of each flow to change its magnitude when a participant suddenly stops sharing flows within the park. A network is separated in independent layers to quantify its flexibility when substituting flows. Each layer includes a single shared material. The resilience of a multi-layer park is then calculated as a weighted summation. This indicator is applied over two illustrative cases to study: Kalundborg, in Denmark; and Ulsan, in South Korea. These applications show consistent results when compared with reality. Although the proposed resilience indicator has been developed for material networks, it can be adapted to heat integration networks. In this case, special attention should be payed to physical constraints as minimal temperature gradients