62 research outputs found

    A modularity based spectral method for simultaneous community and anti-community detection

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    In a graph or complex network, communities and anti-communities are node sets whose modularity attains extremely large values, positive and negative, respectively. We consider the simultaneous detection of communities and anti-communities, by looking at spectral methods based on various matrix-based definitions of the modularity of a vertex set. Invariant subspaces associated to extreme eigenvalues of these matrices provide indications on the presence of both kinds of modular structure in the network. The localization of the relevant invariant subspaces can be estimated by looking at particular matrix angles based on Frobenius inner products

    Effet d’un programme d’activitĂ© physique intermittent de haute intensitĂ© sur la perte de masse grasse abdominale chez la femme DT2 mĂ©nopausĂ©e

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    Contexte : A la mĂ©nopause, la diminution des taux d’estrogĂšnes favorise un dĂ©pĂŽt de masse grasse (MG) abdominal (sous-cutanĂ© et viscĂ©ral). La MG viscĂ©rale est corrĂ©lĂ©e aux maladies cardio-vasculaires (MCV). Ce risque est accentuĂ© chez les sujets prĂ©sentant un diabĂšte de type 2 (DT2).Objectif : Comparer deux modalitĂ©s d’entraĂźnement, continu de moyenne intensitĂ© (SSE) vs. intermittent de haute intensitĂ© (HIIE), sur la perte de MG abdominale (dont viscĂ©rale) chez des femmes DT2 mĂ©nopausĂ©es.MatĂ©riels et mĂ©thode : Seize femmes DT2 mĂ©nopausĂ©es (69±1ans; IMC : 31±1 kg/mÂČ) ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©parties alĂ©atoirement en deux groupes. Pendant quatre mois, deux fois par semaine, 8 d’entre elles ont rĂ©alisĂ© un entraĂźnement SSE (40 min de pĂ©dalage Ă  50% de la FCmax de rĂ©serve), et 8 ont rĂ©alisĂ© un entraĂźnement HIIE (8s de sprint suivies de 12s de rĂ©cupĂ©ration active, pendant 20 min). PrĂ© (T0) et post entraĂźnement (T4), la composition corporelle et la MG abdominale totale ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©es par DXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry). La MG viscĂ©rale a Ă©tĂ© estimĂ©e Ă  partir de la mĂ©thode de Martin et Jensen1. A T0 et T4, les apports Ă©nergĂ©tiques et le niveau d’activitĂ© physique ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©s (questionnaires et accĂ©lĂ©romĂštrie validĂ©e2 intĂ©grĂ©e sur smartphone).RĂ©sultats : AprĂšs 16 semaines d’intervention, sans modification des apports Ă©nergĂ©tiques et du niveau d’activitĂ© physique total, une perte de MG totale et un gain de masse maigre est observĂ© (effet temps, p<0.05). La diminution de MG abdominale est supĂ©rieure dans le groupe HIIE (0.32% ± 2.07 vs 8.32 % ± 2.19, p<0.05) et la perte de MG viscĂ©rale n’est observĂ©e que dans le groupe HIIE (p<0.05).Conclusion : L’entraĂźnement de type HIIE apparait comme un programme alternatif intĂ©ressant chez la femme DT2 mĂ©nopausĂ©e en diminuant significativement la MG abdominale totale et viscĂ©rale

    Expression, localization and functions in acrosome reaction and sperm motility of Ca(V)3.1 and Ca(V)3.2 channels in sperm cells: an evaluation from Ca(V)3.1 and Ca(V)3.2 deficient mice.: Cav3.1/3.2 channel functions in sperm physiology

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    International audienceIn spermatozoa, voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCC) have been involved in different cellular functions like acrosome reaction (AR) and sperm motility. Multiple types of VDCC are present and their relative contribution is still a matter of debate. Based mostly on pharmacological studies, low-voltage-activated calcium channels (LVA-CC), responsible of the inward current in spermatocytes, were described as essential for AR in sperm. The development of Ca(V)3.1 or Ca(V)3.2 null mice provided the opportunity to evaluate the involvement of such LVA-CC in AR and sperm motility, independently of pharmacological tools. The inward current was fully abolished in spermatogenic cells from Ca(V)3.2 deficient mice. This current is thus only due to Ca(V)3.2 channels. We showed that Ca(V)3.2 channels were maintained in sperm by Western-blot and immunohistochemistry experiments. Calcium imaging experiments revealed that calcium influx in response to KCl was reduced in Ca(V)3.2 null sperm in comparison to control cells, demonstrating that Ca(V)3.2 channels were functional. On the other hand, no difference was noticed in calcium signaling induced by zona pellucida. Moreover, neither biochemical nor functional experiments, suggested the presence of Ca(V)3.1 channels in sperm. Despite the Ca(V)3.2 channels contribution in KCl-induced calcium influx, the reproduction parameters remained intact in Ca(V)3.2 deficient mice. These data demonstrate that in sperm, besides Ca(V)3.2 channels, other types of VDCC are activated during the voltage-dependent calcium influx of AR, these channels likely belonging to high-voltage activated Ca(2+) channels family. The conclusion is that voltage-dependent calcium influx during AR is due to the opening of redundant families of calcium channels

    Critical amino acid residues of maurocalcine involved in pharmacology, lipid interaction and cell penetration.

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    International audienceMaurocalcine (MCa) is a 33-amino acid residue peptide that was initially identified in the Tunisian scorpion Scorpio maurus palmatus. This peptide triggers interest for three main reasons. First, it helps unravelling the mechanistic basis of Ca(2+) mobilization from the sarcoplasmic reticulum because of its sequence homology with a calcium channel domain involved in excitation-contraction coupling. Second, it shows potent pharmacological properties because of its ability to activate the ryanodine receptor. Finally, it is of technological value because of its ability to carry cell-impermeable compounds across the plasma membrane. Herein, we characterized the molecular determinants that underlie the pharmacological and cell-penetrating properties of maurocalcine. We identify several key amino acid residues of the peptide that will help the design of cell-penetrating analogues devoid of pharmacological activity and cell toxicity. Close examination of the determinants underlying cell penetration of maurocalcine reveals that basic amino acid residues are required for an interaction with negatively charged lipids of the plasma membrane. Maurocalcine analogues that penetrate better have also stronger interaction with negatively charged lipids. Conversely, less effective analogues present a diminished ability to interact with these lipids. These findings will also help the design of still more potent cell penetrating analogues of maurocalcine

    Genetic diversity and relationships of the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica (Trematoda) with native and introduced definitive and intermediate hosts

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    Fasciolosis is a worldwide spread parasitosis mainly caused by the trematode Fasciola hepatica. This disease is particularly important for public health in tropical regions, but it can also affect the economies of many developed countries due to large infections in domestic animals. Although several studies have tried to understand the transmission by studying the prevalence of different host species, only a few have used population genetic approaches to understand the links between domestic and wildlife infections. Here, we present the results of such genetic approach combined with classical parasitological data (prevalence and intensity) by studying domestic and wild definitive hosts from Camargue (southern France) where fasciolosis is considered as a problem. We found 60% of domestic hosts (cattle) infected with F. hepatica but lower values in wild hosts (nutria, 19%; wild boars, 4.5%). We explored nine variable microsatellite loci for 1,148 adult flukes recovered from four different populations (non-treated cattle, treated cattle, nutria and wild boars). Populations from the four groups differed, though we found a number of migrants particularly non-treated cattle and nutria. Overall, we detected 729 different multilocus genotypes (from 783 completely genotyped individuals) and only 46 genotypes repeated across samples. Finally, we experimentally infected native and introduced intermediate snail hosts to explore their compatibility with F. hepatica and assess the risks of fasciolosis expansion in the region. The introduced species Galba truncatula and Pseudosuccinea columella attained the higher values of overall compatibility in relation to the European species. However, concerning the origin, sympatric combinations of G. truncatula were more compatible (higher prevalence, intensity and survival) than the allopatric tested. According to our results, we should note that the assessment of epidemiological risks cannot be limited to a single host–parasite system, but should focus on understanding the diversity of hosts in the heterogeneous environment through space and time.Fil: VĂĄzquez, Antonio A.. Instituto de Medicina Tropical “Pedro Kourí”; Cuba. UniversitĂ© Montpellier II; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: Sabourin, Emeline. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. UniversitĂ© Montpellier II; FranciaFil: Alda, Maria del Pilar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - BahĂ­a Blanca; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de BiologĂ­a, BioquĂ­mica y Farmacia. Laboratorio de ZoologĂ­a de Invertebrados I; Argentina. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. UniversitĂ© Montpellier II; FranciaFil: Leroy, ClĂ©mentine. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. UniversitĂ© Montpellier II; FranciaFil: Leray, Carole. Institut de Recherche de la Tour du Valat; FranciaFil: Carron, Eric. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. UniversitĂ© Montpellier II; FranciaFil: Mulero, Stephen. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. UniversitĂ© Montpellier II; Francia. UniversitĂ© de Perpignan Via Domitia; FranciaFil: Caty, CĂ©line. Institut de Recherche de la Tour du Valat; FranciaFil: Hasfia, Sarah. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. UniversitĂ© Montpellier II; FranciaFil: Boisseau, Michel. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. UniversitĂ© Montpellier II; FranciaFil: SaugnĂ©, Lucas. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. UniversitĂ© Montpellier II; FranciaFil: Pineau, Olivier. Institut de Recherche de la Tour du Valat; FranciaFil: Blanchon, Thomas. Institut de Recherche de la Tour du Valat; FranciaFil: Alba, Annia. Instituto de Medicina Tropical “Pedro Kourí”; Cuba. UniversitĂ  di Corsica Pasquale Paoli; FranciaFil: FaugĂšre, Dominique. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. UniversitĂ© Montpellier II; FranciaFil: Vittecoq, Marion. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. UniversitĂ© Montpellier II; Francia. Institut de Recherche de la Tour du Valat; FranciaFil: Hurtrez BoussĂšs, Sylvie. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. UniversitĂ© Montpellier II; Franci

    Specific In Vivo Staining of Astrocytes in the Whole Brain after Intravenous Injection of Sulforhodamine Dyes

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    Fluorescent staining of astrocytes without damaging or interfering with normal brain functions is essential for intravital microscopy studies. Current methods involved either transgenic mice or local intracerebral injection of sulforhodamine 101. Transgenic rat models rarely exist, and in mice, a backcross with GFAP transgenic mice may be difficult. Local injections of fluorescent dyes are invasive. Here, we propose a non-invasive, specific and ubiquitous method to stain astrocytes in vivo. This method is based on iv injection of sulforhodamine dyes and is applicable on rats and mice from postnatal age to adulthood. The astrocytes staining obtained after iv injection was maintained for nearly half a day and showed no adverse reaction on astrocytic calcium signals or electroencephalographic recordings in vivo. The high contrast of the staining facilitates the image processing and allows to quantify 3D morphological parameters of the astrocytes and to characterize their network. Our method may become a reference for in vivo staining of the whole astrocytes population in animal models of neurological disorders

    Analyse et manipulation in vitro de la differenciation neuronale des cellules de crete neurale de mammifere

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    SIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : T 78030 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Jouer Ă  ĂȘtre humain

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    Une publication, au format numĂ©rique, qui rĂ©sulte d’une collaboration entre deux artistes, le duo Boisseau & Westermeyer et le philosophe David Zerbib. La publication rassemble les deux films de Sylvie Boisseau & Frank Westermeyer, disponibles en intĂ©gralitĂ© avec l’ouvrage, et le texte de David Zerbib : Boisseau & Westermeyer ƒ zwischen den Stufen des Organischen (fr) (ƒ entre les degrĂ©s de l’organique) Allemagne/Suisse – 4k video, 20 min 40, 2021 Boisseau & Westermeyer Der Freie Mensch – mit KI (st fr) (L’homme libre – avec IA) Allemagne/Suisse – 4k video, 7 min 43, 2019 David Zerbib, L’humain, le chien, le robot et le nĂ©nuphar. Anthropologie philosophique et esthĂ©tique du cas ƒ, 2021. « Sans philosophie de la nature, pas de philosophie de l’homme » Helmuth Plessner, Les DegrĂ©s de l’organique et l’Homme. Introduction Ă  l’anthropologie philosophique, p. 98 « Jouer Ă  ĂȘtre humain » propose une relecture vidĂ©o-philosophique de l’oeuvre d’un des fondateurs de l’anthropologie philosophique, qui dĂ©finit l’homme dans son appartenance au vivant, en tant qu’ĂȘtre organique. C’est une approche philosophique qui produit un outil thĂ©orique efficace ouvrant des perspectives originales et percutantes pour penser la crise de l’anthropocentrisme en redĂ©finissant la place et les capacitĂ©s de l’humain dans son rapport au non-humain, qu’il soit vivant ou technologique. L’oeuvre d’Helmuth Plessner est ici vĂ©ritablement activĂ©e. On ne se contente pas en effet d’en redĂ©velopper les concepts, mais on expĂ©rimente de nouvelles hypothĂšses par le jeu, on les soumet au regard, et ceci au travers d’une collaboration trĂšs proche, symbiotique entre les deux artistes et le philosophe. Ils questionnent et enrichissent mutuellement leurs pratiques et leurs outils, ouvrageant ensemble les films et le texte qui composent cet ouvrage. Cette publication prend la forme d’un e-book multimĂ©dia, rĂ©alisĂ© dans le cadre du projet de recherche Plessner transposĂ©. Entre anthropologie philosophique et vidĂ©o : l’acteur « excentré » qui a bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© du soutien financier du fonds stratĂ©gique de recherche HES-SO

    Playing at being human

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    A publication, in digital format, which results from a collaboration between two artists, the duo Boisseau & Westermeyer and the philosopher David Zerbib. Boisseau & Westermeyer ƒ in between the Levels of Organic Life Germany/Switzerland – 4k video, 20 min 40, 2021 Boisseau & Westermeyer The Free Man – with AI Germany/Switzerland – 4k video, 7 min 43, 2019 David Zerbib, The human, the dog, the robot, and the water lily. A philosophical and aesthetic anthropology of the case of ƒ, 2021. ‘Without a philosophy of nature, there is no philosophy of mankind.’ Helmut Plessner, Levels of Organic Life and the Human. An Introduction to Philosophical Anthropology Playing at Being Human proposes a videographic and philosophical rereading of the work of one of the founders of philosophical anthropology, who defined humans within the realm of the living, ultimately as organic beings. This philosophical approach is an effective theoretical tool that yields striking, original perspectives on the crisis of anthropocentrism, and which redefines the place occupied by humans and their capacities in relation to the non-human, living or technological. The piece fully activates Helmut Plessner’s thinking, but not merely by representing his concepts. It instead experiments with new hypotheses examined through a sense of play, thereby revealing the very close and symbiotic collaboration between the two artists and the philosopher. They question and enrich one another’s practices and tools in their joint elaboration of the films and text that make up this work
