18 research outputs found

    La fiabilité : une voie vers l’équité ?

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    Ce ne sont pas les bonnes idées et les innovations qui manquent dans le champ éducatif. Pourtant, l’école actuelle demeure largement incapable de répondre aux besoins de l’ensemble des élèves, s’agissant notamment des élèves de couleur et des élèves pauvres. Pourquoi nos innovations ne parviennent-elles pas à créer une pression positive en faveur de l’équité ? Face à une trop grande variété des résultats dans une même situation, il est illusoire de vouloir prescrire ce qui a marché ailleurs. C’est au contraire en créant une grande « vigilance et conscience situationnelle » que l’on pourra, de façon fiable, faire face à la diversité des besoins et assurer plus d’équité.There is no shortage of good ideas and innovations in the education field. And yet schooling remains grossly unable to meet the needs of all students, particularly students of colour and poor students. Why do our innovations fail to create a positive press on equity? Faced with too great a variety of results in the same situation, it is illusory to want to prescribe what has worked elsewhere. On the contrary, it is by creating great “vigilance and situational awareness” that we will be able to reliably meet the diversity of needs and ensure more equity.Se puede decir que no faltan las ideas buenas y las innovaciones en el campo educativo. Sin embargo, la escuela actual sigue siendo en gran parte incapaz de contestar a las necesidades de la totalidad de los alumnos, sobre todo cuando se trata de alumnos de color y de alumnos pobres. ¿Por qué nuestras innovaciones no permiten crear una presión positiva a favor de la equidad? Frente a una variedad demasiado grande de resultados en una misma situación, resulta ser ilusorio querer preconizar lo que ha funcionado en otros lugares. Por lo contrario, es por la creación de una gran “vigilancia y conciencia situacional” como se podrá enfrentar de manera fiable con la diversidad de las necesidades y asegurar más equidad

    Control of an ambulatory exoskeleton with a brain-machine interface for spinal cord injury gait rehabilitation

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    The closed-loop control of rehabilitative technologies by neural commands has shown a great potential to improve motor recovery in patients suffering from paralysis. Brain-machine interfaces (BMI) can be used as a natural control method for such technologies. BMI provides a continuous association between the brain activity and peripheral stimulation, with the potential to induce plastic changes in the nervous system. Paraplegic patients, and especially the ones with incomplete injuries, constitute a potential target population to be rehabilitated with brain-controlled robotic systems, as they may improve their gait function after the reinforcement of their spared intact neural pathways. This paper proposes a closed-loop BMI system to control an ambulatory exoskeleton-without any weight or balance support-for gait rehabilitation of incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI) patients. The integrated system was validated with three healthy subjects, and its viability in a clinical scenario was tested with four SCI patients. Using a cue-guided paradigm, the electroencephalographic signals of the subjects were used to decode their gait intention and to trigger the movements of the exoskeleton. We designed a protocol with a special emphasis on safety, as patients with poor balance were required to stand and walk. We continuously monitored their fatigue and exertion level, and conducted usability and user-satisfaction tests after the experiments. The results show that, for the three healthy subjects, 84.44 ± 14.56% of the trials were correctly decoded. Three out of four patients performed at least one successful BMI session, with an average performance of 77.6 1 ± 14.72%. The shared control strategy implemented (i.e., the exoskeleton could only move during specific periods of time) was effective in preventing unexpected movements during periods in which patients were asked to relax. On average, 55.22 ± 16.69% and 40.45 ± 16.98% of the trials (for healthy subjects and patients, respectively) would have suffered from unexpected activations (i.e., false positives) without the proposed control strategy. All the patients showed low exertion and fatigue levels during the performance of the experiments. This paper constitutes a proof-of-concept study to validate the feasibility of a BMI to control an ambulatory exoskeleton by patients with incomplete paraplegia (i.e., patients with good prognosis for gait rehabilitation)

    Réformer l’éducation

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    Le 83e numéro de la Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres s’intéresse à un enjeu qui concerne tous les pays du monde : « réformer l’éducation ». Il poursuit la réflexion engagée lors du colloque international sur « les conditions de réussite des réformes en éducation », qui avait réuni à France Education International, en juin 2019, 60 intervenants – chercheurs, décideurs politiques et praticiens – venus de 30 pays. Pour ce numéro, une vingtaine de grandes voix ont été sollicitées, dont celle de l’actuel ministre français de l’éducation et de la jeunesse, Jean-Michel Blanquer. Il leur a été demandé non seulement de livrer leur analyse de l’état actuel de l’éducation dans le monde et des voies et moyens de l’améliorer mais aussi de se risquer à parler du futur : comment ces experts respectés et écoutés au plan international envisagent-ils l’éducation à l’horizon 2030 ou 2040 ? Tous les auteurs ont joué le jeu, en veillant à s’entourer des gardes-fous et précautions intellectuelles nécessaires. Trois grandes parties structurent l’ouvrage : questions préalables ; les conditions pour réussir les réformes en éducation ; l’avenir de l’éducation. Si les éclairages proposés divergent parfois, ce qui ressort des différentes contributions n’est pas ordinaire. On voit bien que quelque chose de nouveau se prépare ou est parfois déjà en place, et qui n’est pas le seul fait des pays de l’OCDE. Une tendance se dessine un peu partout dans le monde : on observe les limites des conceptions top-down ou bottom-up des réformes. Le numéro met en lumière un appel partagé à des formes de gouvernance horizontale intermédiaire, au-delà des considérations idéologiques, et une évidence : en matière de réforme, les praticiens ont un rôle clé à jouer. Ce qui est en train de se passer pour l’école est-il aussi en germe dans d’autres secteurs, tels que la santé ? Ce numéro exceptionnel par son volume et par ses perspectives est coordonné par Jean-Marie De Ketele, Université catholique de Louvain. A l’occasion du 25e anniversaire de la revue, et avec l’aimable autorisation des éditions Didier, diffuseur de la revue, le numéro sera disponible intégralement en ligne dès le 17 juin sur OpenEdition. The 83rd issue of the Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres addresses an issue that concerns countries all around the world: “reforming education”. It continues the reflections begun at the international symposium on “the conditions for successful education reforms”, held at France Education International in June 2019, an event that brought together 60 speakers – researchers, policymakers and practitioners – from 30 countries. For this issue, around twenty leading voices have been invited to contribute, including the current French Minister for Education and Youth, Jean-Michel Blanquer. They were asked not only to deliver their analysis of the current state of education around the world and the ways and means of improving it, but also to take the risk of talking about the future: how do these internationally respected experts envisage education in 2030 or 2040? All the authors took up the offer, taking care to avail themselves of the necessary safeguards and intellectual precautions. The issue is structured into three main sections: preliminary questions; conditions for successful educational reforms; and the future of education. While the reflections sometimes diverge, what emerges from the different contributions is far from banal. It is clear that something new is under way or sometimes already in place, and not only in OECD countries. A trend is emerging more or less around the world: we are observing the limits of top-down and bottom-up conceptions of reforms. The issue highlights a shared call for forms of intermediate horizontal governance, beyond ideological considerations, and an obvious fact: when it comes to reform, practitioners have a key role to play. Is what is happening in schools also emerging in other sectors, such as health? This exceptional issue, both in terms of its volume and the perspectives it brings together, is coordinated by Jean-Marie De Ketele of the Catholic University of Louvain. To mark the 25th anniversary of the journal, and with the kind permission of Éditions Didier, the publisher of RIES, the issue will be available in full online on OpenEdition from 17 June. El número 83 de la Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres se interesa por un reto que tienen que afrontar todos los países del mundo: «reformar la educación». Ahonda la reflexión iniciada durante el encuentro internacional sobre «las condiciones de éxito de las reformas en educación», que había reunido en France Education International, en junio de 2019, a unos 60 participantes –investigadores, decidores políticos y profesionales– que procedían de unos treinta países. Para este número, se ha solicitado a una veintena de grandes voces entre las cuales figura la del actual ministro de educación y de juventud, Jean-Michel Blanquer. Se les han pedido no solamente que dieran su análisis del estado actual de la educación en el mundo y de las vías y maneras de mejorarla sino también que se arriesgaran a hablar del futuro: ¿cómo estos expertos respectados y escuchados en el plano internacional imaginan la educación en el horizonte 2030 o 2040? Todos los autores respetaron las reglas del juego y procuraron rodearse de salvaguardas y cautelas intelectuales imprescindibles. Tres grandes partes estructuran la obra : cuestiones previas ; las condiciones para el éxito de las reformas en educación ; el porvenir de la educación. Si las orientaciones propuestas divergen a menudo, lo que sale de las diferentes contribuciones no es nada común. Bien se ve que algo nuevo se prepara o ya está instaurado, y que no se desarrolla únicamente en los países de la OCDE. Una tendencia surge un poco por todas partes en el mundo: se observan los límites de las concepciones top-down o bottom-up de las reformas. El número pone de manifiesto una llamada compartida a unas formas de gobernación horizontal intermediaria, más allá de las consideraciones ideológicas, y una evidencia: en materia de reforma, los profesionales desempeñan un papel fundamental. ¿Lo que se está desarrollando para la escuela ya está en gérmenes en otros sectores, como la salud ? Este número excepcional por su extensión y por sus perspectivas ha sido coordinado por Jean-Marie De Ketele, de la Universidad católica de Louvain. Con motivo de los 25 años de la revista, y con la amable autorización de las ediciones Didier, difusor de la revista, este número sera disponible de manera integral en línea desde el 17 de junio en OpenEdition

    The microbe-derived short-chain fatty acids butyrate and propionate are associated with protection from chronic GVHD

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    Studies of the relationship between the gastrointestinal microbiota and outcomes in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HCT) have thus far largely focused on early complications, predominantly infection and acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). We examined the potential relationship of the microbiome with chronic GVHD (cGVHD) by analyzing stool and plasma samples collected late after allo-HCT using a case-control study design. We found lower circulating concentrations of the microbe-derived short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) propionate and butyrate in day 100 plasma samples from patients who developed cGVHD, compared with those who remained free of this complication, in the initial case-control cohort of transplant pa-tients and in a further cross-sectional cohort from an independent transplant center. An additional cross-sectional patient cohort from a third transplant center was analyzed; however, serum (rather than plasma) was available, and the differences in SCFAs observed in the plasma samples were not recapitulated. In sum, our findings from the primary case-control cohort and 1 of 2 cross-sectional cohorts explored suggest that the gastrointestinal microbiome may exert immuno-modulatory effects in allo-HCT patients at least in part due to control of systemic concentrations of microbe-derived SCFAs