71 research outputs found

    Liderança para a Justiça Social: Pedagogicas para a Justiça Social

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    The relationship between educational leadership and practices of social justice is now entering its second decade with respect to empirical research studies. There have been three distinct research agendas: the first involves attempts to define the meaning(s) of educational leadership for social justice; the second is the descriptive documentation of school leadership behaviors which address social injustices and inequities within schools; and, the third focuses on the development of leadership preparation programs that include social justice as a curricular foundation. This paper is delimited to a review of literature documenting the relationship between social justice and leadership preparation programs, highlighting specific pedagogies, and building towards a curriculum. We take a chronological perspective moving from early theoretical conceptions of social justice to early studies on preparation programs and then focus on second generation empirical research centered on social justice pedagogies and curriculum developmentLa relación entre el liderazgo educativo y la práctica de la justicia social ha comentando una segunda década con respecto a los estudios de investigación empírica. Ha habido tres agendas de investigación diferenciadas: la primera se refiere a los intentos por definir cuál es el significado de liderazgo educativo para la justicia social; la segunda es la búsqueda de descripciones claras de los comportamientos de los líderes que se ocupan de las injusticias sociales y las desigualdades dentro de las escuelas; y, la tercera se centra en el desarrollo de programas de preparación para el Liderazgo escolar que incluyen la justicia social como eje del currículo. Este trabajo realiza una revisión de la literatura que documenta la relación entre la justicia social y los programas de preparación para el liderazgo en las escuelas. Desde una perspectiva cronológica, pasamos a revisar cuáles son las primeras concepciones teóricas de la justicia social y, a continuación, nos centrmos en abordar la investigación empírica desarrollada en esta segunda generación de estudios sobre las pedagogías de la justicia social y el desarrollo del currículoA relação entre a liderança ea prática da justiça social educacional tem sido comentando a segunda década em relação a estudos empíricos. Houve três agendas de pesquisa distintas: a primeira refere-se a tentativas de definir qual é o significado de liderança educacional para a justiça social; o segundo é a busca de descrições claras dos comportamentos dos líderes que abordam as injustiças e desigualdades sociais dentro das escolas; ea terceira centra-se no desenvolvimento de programas de preparação para a liderança escolar, incluindo a justiça social no centro do currículo. Este trabalho é uma revisão da literatura que documenta a relação entre os programas de justiça e de preparação sociais para a liderança escolar. Do ponto de vista cronológico, revisamos o que as primeiras concepções teóricas de justiça social, então nós centrmos na abordagem de pesquisa empírica desenvolvida nesta segunda geração de estudos sobre as pedagogias de justiça social e de desenvolvimento curricula

    Education and social cohesion for economic growth

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    Relevant theoretical underpinnings suggest that higher education, continuous professional development and training provide numerous opportunities for societal advancement. This contribution posits that interventions in the realms of education can play a significant role in shaping key performance indicators for laudable social outcomes. It suggests that education leadership may contribute to create a fair, just and equitable society for all. This article discusses how education fosters social cohesion. This paper sheds light on Malta’s National Reform Programme in order to meet the European Union’s (EU’s) 2020 strategy. It presents an assessment of the economic, social and environmental situation in Malta. The smallest EU state is pursuing its policy efforts to reduce early school leaving. At the same time, it is striving to address skills gaps (and mismatches) in its domestic labour market. This case study indicates that with better education leadership, there may be implications for economic growth, job creation and competitiveness. It shows that family-friendly measures including better access to childcare, more flexible working schemes and employer incentives can help individuals to return to work. In conclusion, this contribution maintains that the pursuit towards continuous improvements in education leadership and social progress can create a virtuous cycle of productivity outcomes and economic growth.peer-reviewe

    A model of school managerial control : the systematic analysis of managerial behaviors, processes, and indicators

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    The theoretical construct of control has been defined as necessary (Etzioni, 1965), ubiquitous (Vickers, 1967), and on-going (E. Langer, 1983). Empirical measures, however, have not adequately given meaning to this potent construct, especially within complex organizations such as schools. Four stages of theory-development and empirical testing of school building managerial control using principals and teachers working within the nation\u27s fourth largest district are presented in this dissertation as follows: (1) a review and synthesis of social science theories of control across the literatures of organizational theory, political science, sociology, psychology, and philosophy; (2) a systematic analysis of school managerial activities performed at the building level within the context of curricular and instructional tasks; (3) the development of a survey questionnaire to measure school building managerial control; and (4) initial tests of construct validity including inter-item reliability statistics, principal components analyses, and multivariate tests of significance. The social science synthesis provided support of four managerial control processes: standards, information, assessment, and incentives. The systematic analysis of school managerial activities led to further categorization between structural frequency of behaviors and discretionary qualities of behaviors across each of the control processes and the curricular and instructional tasks. Teacher survey responses (N=486) reported a significant difference between these two dimensions of control, structural frequency and discretionary qualities, for standards, information, and assessments, but not for incentives. The descriptive model of school managerial control suggests that (1) teachers perceive structural and discretionary managerial behaviors under information and incentives more clearly than activities representing standards or assessments, (2) standards are primarily structural while assessments are primarily qualitative, (3) teacher satisfaction is most closely related to the equitable distribution of incentives, (4) each of the structural managerial behaviors has a qualitative effect on teachers, and that (5) certain qualities of managerial behaviors are perceived by teachers as distinctly discretionary, apart from school structure. The variables of teacher tenure and school effectiveness reported significant effects on school managerial control processes, while instructional levels (elementary, junior, and senior) and individual school differences were not found to be significant for the construct of school managerial control

    Social justice and leadership development

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    The revised professional standards for the teaching profession in Scotland are underpinned by a set of values which includes a detailed articulation of social justice for education covering rights, diversity and sustainability. There is a future orientation in these standards that privileges the contribution of teachers and leaders to realizing a wider social aspiration for social justice. This expectation on leaders to contribute to this wider aspiration for social justice raises questions about the practice of leaders and their development. This article considers the implications of the articulation of social justice in the professional standards for career-long leadership development. The article explores some of the issues related to social justice and the role of leadership in school. The article then focuses on the context of Scottish education, looking firstly at the professional standards and secondly at the issues related to social justice leadership. From this discussion the implications for career-long leadership development are considered. The article concludes with a framework for social justice leadership development identifying key aspects of values, knowledge and understanding, inclusive practice, policy, issues of equity and equality that can be developed progressively across a leadership development continuum

    Moving the school forward: problems reported by novice and experienced principals during a succession process in Chile

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    This article identifies the main problems experienced by two groups of Chilean school principals in a succession process. Problems reported by novice public school principals (n=94) were compared to those reported by their more experienced peers (n=120). Data were gathered through an online survey and eight in-depth interviews. Findings showed that groups did not differ in their overall pattern of responses when problems were categorised at the system level (45%), interactions with people (33%), at the school and territory levels (15%), and within themselves (7%). Differences were observed when comparing the extent to which each group reported problems managing up (interactions with the municipal department of education and Ministry of Education) and managing down (initiating changes in the school's culture and structures). For novice principals, managing up was more challenging and for experienced principals managing down was more pressing. The high frequency and types of problems reported at the system level indicate the need to align policy reforms addressing leadership practices at intermediate and school levels. The findings also suggest guidelines for the professional development programs that extend beyond normative practices for effective school leadership, by also responding to country specific social and organisational structures

    Non-affirmative Theory of Education as a Foundation for Curriculum Studies, Didaktik and Educational Leadership

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    This chapter presents non-affirmative theory of education as the foundation for a new research program in education, allowing us to bridge educational leadership, curriculum studies and Didaktik. We demonstrate the strengths of this framework by analyzing literature from educational leadership and curriculum theory/didaktik. In contrast to both socialization-oriented explanations locating curriculum and leadership within existing society, and transformation-oriented models viewing education as revolutionary or super-ordinate to society, non-affirmative theory explains the relation between education and politics, economy and culture, respectively, as non-hierarchical. Here critical deliberation and discursive practices mediate between politics, culture, economy and education, driven by individual agency in historically developed cultural and societal institutions. While transformative and socialization models typically result in instrumental notions of leadership and teaching, non-affirmative education theory, previously developed within German and Nordic education, instead views leadership and teaching as relational and hermeneutic, drawing on ontological core concepts of modern education: recognition; summoning to self-activity and Bildsamkeit. Understanding educational leadership, school development and teaching then requires a comparative multi-level approach informed by discursive institutionalism and organization theory, in addition to theorizing leadership and teaching as cultural-historical and critical-hermeneutic activity. Globalisation and contemporary challenges to deliberative democracy also call for rethinking modern nation-state based theorizing of education in a cosmopolitan light. Non-affirmative education theory allows us to understand and promote recognition based democratic citizenship (political, economical and cultural) that respects cultural, ethical and epistemological variations in a globopolitan era. We hope an American-European-Asian comparative dialogue is enhanced by theorizing education with a non-affirmative approach

    A Genealogy toward Methodic Doubts in Educational Leadership Research

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    In this critical narrative essay, titled A Genealogy Toward Methodic Doubts, I ask readers not only how and why educational leadership research(ers) detoured from the rigorous pursuits of truths, but also how and why I had missed the signposts which might have alerted me and others that our continuing practices, even with recognizing methodological limitations, were flawed. The empirical examples presented here come mostly from US policies, Western theories, and traditional methods, but likely apply to other contexts worldwide

    Conclusion: what plus how equals "whow"

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    What are the essential leadership questions in a rapidly changing world?

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