99 research outputs found

    Statistical model of atoms diffusion in a crystal lattice of a metal

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    To describe the diffusion of atoms in the crystal lattice of a metal, we use the statistical model, which was previously well tested for the description of thermionic emission [1]. Atoms in the crystal lattice of a metal are held by large attractive forces, therefore the potential energy of moving, i.e. diffusing atoms is greater than the potential energy of the atoms of the crystal lattice by the value of u — the activation energy of the diffusion process

    The role of sorbents and probiotics in the prevention of structural-morphological disorders in mice with dysbiosis on the background of virus-bacterial infection

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    Interest in the study of probiotics has grown significantly in recent years. One of the reasons for such increased attention to this problem is the results of numerous experimental studies, which show the important role of individual representatives of the normal microbiota in the aetiology and pathogenesis of many infections and even somatic human diseases. However, the violation of microbial ecology, as a rule, is accompanied by pollution of the internal environment of the body with toxic compounds of both exogenous and endogenous nature, so enterosorbents are among main approaches of improving the normal microbiota.The experiments allowed to establish a pronounced hepatoprotective function of the sorbent “Smektovit”, which is manifested by a decrease in destructive changes that accompany the process of modelling viral and bacterial infections on the background of dysbiosis. In addition, the results of the presented studies showed the ability of probiotic “multiprobiotic Symbiter®” and sorbent “Smectovit” to reduce deep cytodestructive messages in the simulation of viral and bacterial infections at the rate of dysbiosis and normalization of immune responses, as they accompany such processes. At the same time, it is noted that the preventive effect of probiotics is more pronounced in the intestine, and sorbents – in the liver

    Неравновесная термодинамическая модель для расчета диффузионных потоков при фазовых превращениях в легированных сталях

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    The phase transformations in alloyed iron-carbon alloys is largely related to diffusion of components, foremost to the carbon. For the analysis of diffusive processes in alloy steels, it is possible to use the mathematical methods of non-equilibrium thermodynamics. The equation for the diffusive fluxes of the system contains unknown in general case of coefficients activity of elements and vacancies, and their derivatives for to the concentrations, that extraordinarily makes it difficult being of values of cross coefficients. In the article a non-equilibrium thermodynamics methodology of calculation of diffusive fluxes at presence of two phases in alloy steels is described. It allows one to calculate both direct- and cross coefficients in the Onsager equations. Formulas for calculation of thermodynamics forces in the alloy steel – for iron, alloying element of substitution – chrome, of element of introduction – carbon and vacancies, are presented. Common expressions are suggested for calculation of cross-factors, motive forces and fluxes in the Onsager’s equations for a multicomponent thermodynamic system. The example of using the developed model to find changes in concentrations and diffusion fluxes over time is given. For the model system used, it was established that at the stage of predominant diffusion of carbon in the alloy steel, cementite inclusions with a size of about 18 nm are formed rather quickly (within ~ 200 s). The technique developed in the article allows one to perform diffusion kinetics calculations in multicomponent thermodynamic systems, which are also iron-carbon alloys and to control the size of the phases formed, for example, of carbide nanoparticles.Фазовые превращения в легированных сплавах железа с углеродом в значительной степени связаны с диффузией компонентов, в первую очередь с углеродом. Для анализа диффузионных процессов в легированных сталях можно использовать математические методы неравновесной термодинамики. Уравнения для диффузионных потоков системы содержит неизвестные в общем случае коэффициенты активности элементов и вакансий и их производные по концентрациям, что чрезвычайно затрудняет определение значений перекрестных коэффициентов. В статье разработана неравновесная термодинамическая методика расчета диффузионных потоков при наличии двух фаз в легированных сталях. Она позволяет рассчитать в уравнениях Онзагера как прямые, так и перекрестные коэффициенты. Приведены формулы расчета термодинамических сил для легированной стали – железа, легирующего элемента замещения – хрома, элемента введения – углерода и вакансий. Предложены общие выражения для расчета перекрестных коэффициентов, движущих сил и потоков в уравнениях Онзагера для многокомпонентной термодинамической системы. Приведен пример использования разработанной модели для поиска изменений концентраций и диффузионных потоков во времени. Для используемой модельной системы установлено, что на стадии преимущественной диффузии углерода в легированной стали включения цементита размером около 18 нм образуются довольно быстро (в течение ~ 200 с). Разработанная в статье методика позволяет проводить расчеты диффузионной кинетики в многокомпонентных термодинамических системах, которыми также являются сплавы железо-углерод, и контролировать размер образующихся фаз, например наночастиц карбидов

    Measuring the Cosmic Ray Muon-Induced Fast Neutron Spectrum by (n,p) Isotope Production Reactions in Underground Detectors

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    While cosmic ray muons themselves are relatively easy to veto in underground detectors, their interactions with nuclei create more insidious backgrounds via: (i) the decays of long-lived isotopes produced by muon-induced spallation reactions inside the detector, (ii) spallation reactions initiated by fast muon-induced neutrons entering from outside the detector, and (iii) nuclear recoils initiated by fast muon-induced neutrons entering from outside the detector. These backgrounds, which are difficult to veto or shield against, are very important for solar, reactor, dark matter, and other underground experiments, especially as increased sensitivity is pursued. We used fluka to calculate the production rates and spectra of all prominent secondaries produced by cosmic ray muons, in particular focusing on secondary neutrons, due to their importance. Since the neutron spectrum is steeply falling, the total neutron production rate is sensitive just to the relatively soft neutrons, and not to the fast-neutron component. We show that the neutron spectrum in the range between 10 and 100 MeV can instead be probed by the (n, p)-induced isotope production rates 12C(n, p)12B and 16O(n, p)16N in oil- and water-based detectors. The result for 12B is in good agreement with the recent KamLAND measurement. Besides testing the calculation of muon secondaries, these results are also of practical importance, since 12B (T1/2 = 20.2 ms, Q = 13.4 MeV) and 16N (T1/2 = 7.13 s, Q = 10.4 MeV) are among the dominant spallation backgrounds in these detectors


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    The features of the economic development of the Czech Republic after the global financial crisis, the role of the Czech National Bank in the formation of macroeconomic policies, as well as the peculiarities of monetary regulation in the study period have been defined in the article. The main goal of the paper is to assess the impact of interest rates used by the Czech National Bank in the process of monetary regulation on the dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators, which is considered as one of the necessary conditions for the effectiveness of the inflation targeting regime. By the results of the correlation analysis and Fisher’s exact test, it has been determined that the Czech National Bank could affect the main macroeconomic indicators based on the percentage of monetary policy instruments used


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    Purpose. The use of anti-friction traction motor support bearings (TMSB) instead of plain friction traction motor support bearings is a priority direction of locomotive development both for newly constructed locomotives and for those in operation. The solution of the set tasks for introduction of wheel-motor blocks (WMB) with anti-friction bearings demanded the search for alternative variants and new technical solutions. The purpose of the article is to determine the feasibility of re-equipping the diesel locomotive wheel-motor blocks with anti-friction bearings through the life cycle calculation (LCC). Methodology. The procedure and criteria for assessing the economic efficiency of project (investment) proposals and investment projects approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine envisage that the cost-effectiveness analysis of an investment project is carried out according to the following criteria: net present value, internal rate of return, discounted payback period and profitability index. The use of these criteria of economic efficiency fully corresponds to modern principles, theoretical-methodical approaches and world practice in evaluating the efficiency of investments. The evaluation of the technical and economic efficiency of the modernization of the diesel locomotive wheel-motor block is made on the basis of calculation and comparison of the following criteria: the net present value (NPV) of modernization, the internal rate of return (IRR), the profitability index (PI) and the discount payback period. Findings. The results of the calculations of the values of the main criteria show that the innovative project for the modernization of the locomotive provides a high level of economic efficiency. At the same time, the value of the discounted payback period of investments in modernization indicates that it is expedient to carry out this operation if the residual life of the upgraded locomotive of the M62 series is at least 15 months. Originality. Taking into account the specifics of the type of locomotive work in freight traffic, we developed a method to determine the individual components of the average annual economic effect of modernization of the diesel locomotive wheel-motor block, which includes saving of oil costs, repairing and servicing the diesel locomotive wheel-motor unit, as well as change of TMSB brass and saving fuel costs for traction. Practical value. The results of the work make it possible to determine the expediency of modernization of diesel locomotives taking into account the features and conditions of their operation and the specifics of modernization

    Influence of gel bentonite on physiological indicators of the white laboratory mice.

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    The evaluation of the effect of lifelong usage of sodium form of gel bentonite on some physiological parameters of mice (body weight, feed and water intake, general condition, change in coordination of movements, state of wool, fertility and mortality) was performed on 110 white laboratory mice (BALB / c line). This experimental study was carried out in two replicates. To accomplish this task, the mice were divided into two groups: control – the animals were on a standard diet, and experimental – they used water with the addition of sodium form of bentonite gel (0.5-1%). It was found that prolonged intake of bentonite gel by laboratory animals neither led to an excessive increase in their weight (the weight gain of the experimental group did not differ statistically significantly from the control group, p≤0.05), nor did it cause acute or chronic intoxication. It is also shown that the constant use of bentonite has a positive effect on the organism of experimental mice, which is expressed in the decrease of animal mortality, increase of life expectancy and pronounced positive effect on fertility functions (increase in the number of offspring). Based on the obtained data it can be assumed that the continuous intake of bentonite by the animal organism is one of the factors of their microbiome improvement, which affects on a plenty of physiological functions, including animals reproduction. It is possible that smectite sorbents also enrich the body of mice by certain essential mineral elements (silicon, etc.) and has cytomucoprotective properties concerning the mucous membranes of the macroorganism

    Influence of gel bentonite on physiological indicators of the white laboratory mice.

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    The evaluation of the effect of lifelong usage of sodium form of gel bentonite on some physiological parameters of mice (body weight, feed and water intake, general condition, change in coordination of movements, state of wool, fertility and mortality) was performed on 110 white laboratory mice (BALB / c line). This experimental study was carried out in two replicates. To accomplish this task, the mice were divided into two groups: control – the animals were on a standard diet, and experimental – they used water with the addition of sodium form of bentonite gel (0.5-1%). It was found that prolonged intake of bentonite gel by laboratory animals neither led to an excessive increase in their weight (the weight gain of the experimental group did not differ statistically significantly from the control group, p≤0.05), nor did it cause acute or chronic intoxication. It is also shown that the constant use of bentonite has a positive effect on the organism of experimental mice, which is expressed in the decrease of animal mortality, increase of life expectancy and pronounced positive effect on fertility functions (increase in the number of offspring). Based on the obtained data it can be assumed that the continuous intake of bentonite by the animal organism is one of the factors of their microbiome improvement, which affects on a plenty of physiological functions, including animals reproduction. It is possible that smectite sorbents also enrich the body of mice by certain essential mineral elements (silicon, etc.) and has cytomucoprotective properties concerning the mucous membranes of the macroorganism

    Diagnostic approach to coagulopathy. analysis of the clinical case

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    Тромбогеморрагические осложнения — частая патология послеоперационного периода. На примере клинического случая продемонстрированы возможности низкочастотной вибрационной пьезоэлектрической гемовискозиметрии в комплексной диагностике нарушений системы коагуляции в послеоперационном периоде.Coagulopathy is a relatively frequent complication of the postoperative period. Our case report described capabilities of haemoviscosimeter in diagnostic of the postoperative coagulopathy