Influence of gel bentonite on physiological indicators of the white laboratory mice.


The evaluation of the effect of lifelong usage of sodium form of gel bentonite on some physiological parameters of mice (body weight, feed and water intake, general condition, change in coordination of movements, state of wool, fertility and mortality) was performed on 110 white laboratory mice (BALB / c line). This experimental study was carried out in two replicates. To accomplish this task, the mice were divided into two groups: control – the animals were on a standard diet, and experimental – they used water with the addition of sodium form of bentonite gel (0.5-1%). It was found that prolonged intake of bentonite gel by laboratory animals neither led to an excessive increase in their weight (the weight gain of the experimental group did not differ statistically significantly from the control group, p≤0.05), nor did it cause acute or chronic intoxication. It is also shown that the constant use of bentonite has a positive effect on the organism of experimental mice, which is expressed in the decrease of animal mortality, increase of life expectancy and pronounced positive effect on fertility functions (increase in the number of offspring). Based on the obtained data it can be assumed that the continuous intake of bentonite by the animal organism is one of the factors of their microbiome improvement, which affects on a plenty of physiological functions, including animals reproduction. It is possible that smectite sorbents also enrich the body of mice by certain essential mineral elements (silicon, etc.) and has cytomucoprotective properties concerning the mucous membranes of the macroorganism

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