116 research outputs found

    Evidence of animal mtDNA recombination between divergent populations of the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida

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    Recombination is typically assumed to be absent in animal mitochondrial genomes (mtDNA). However, the maternal mode of inheritance means that recombinant products are indistinguishable from their progenitor molecules. The majority of studies of mtDNA recombination assess past recombination events, where patterns of recombination are inferred by comparing the mtDNA of different individuals. Few studies assess contemporary mtDNA recombination, where recombinant molecules are observed as direct mosaics of known progenitor molecules. Here we use the potato cyst nematode, Globodera pallida, to investigate past and contemporary recombination. Past recombination was assessed within and between populations of G. pallida, and contemporary recombination was assessed in the progeny of experimental crosses of these populations. Breeding of genetically divergent organisms may cause paternal mtDNA leakage, resulting in heteroplasmy and facilitating the detection of recombination. To assess contemporary recombination we looked for evidence of recombination between the mtDNA of the parental populations within the mtDNA of progeny. Past recombination was detected between a South American population and several UK populations of G. pallida, as well as between two South American populations. This suggests that these populations may have interbred, paternal mtDNA leakage occurred, and the mtDNA of these populations subsequently recombined. This evidence challenges two dogmas of animal mtDNA evolution; no recombination and maternal inheritance. No contemporary recombination between the parental populations was detected in the progeny of the experimental crosses. This supports current arguments that mtDNA recombination events are rare. More sensitive detection methods may be required to adequately assess contemporary mtDNA recombination in animals

    Potato cyst nematodes Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida

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    Innovate UK. Grant Number: 105653 (RESOLVE) Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division. Grant Number: WP2.1 Scottish Funding Council. Grant Number: ODA GCRF XFC105Taxonomy: Phylum Nematoda; class Chromadorea; order Rhabditida; suborder Tylenchina; infraorder Tylenchomorpha; superfamily Tylenchoidea; family Heteroderidae; subfamily Heteroderinae; Genus Globodera. Biology: Potato cyst nematodes (PCN) are biotrophic, sedentary endoparasitic nematodes. Invasive (second) stage juveniles (J2) hatch from eggs in response to the presence of host root exudates and subsequently locate and invade the host. The nematodes induce the formation of a large, multinucleate syncytium in host roots, formed by fusion of up to 300 root cell protoplasts. The nematodes rely on this single syncytium for the nutrients required to develop through a further three moults to the adult male or female stage. This extended period of biotrophy?between 4 and 6 weeks in total?is almost unparalleled in plant?pathogen interactions. Females remain at the root while adult males revert to the vermiform body plan of the J2 and leave the root to locate and fertilize the female nematodes. The female body forms a cyst that contains the next generation of eggs. Host range: The host range of PCN is limited to plants of the Solanaceae family. While the most economically important hosts are potato (Solanum tuberosum), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), and aubergine (Solanum melongena), over 170 species of Solanaceae are thought to be potential hosts for PCN (Sullivan et al., 2007). Disease symptoms: Symptoms are similar to those associated with nutrient deficiency, such as stunted growth, yellowing of leaves and reduced yields. This absence of specific symptoms reduces awareness of the disease among growers. Disease control: Resistance genes (where available in suitable cultivars), application of nematicides, crop rotation. Great effort is put into reducing the spread of PCN through quarantine measures and use of certified seed stocks. Useful websites: Genomic information for PCN is accessible through WormBase ParaSite.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Prevalence, incidence and molecular identification of root-knot nematodes of tomato in Pakistan

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    Tomato is a widely grown vegetable in Pakistan. However, its production is severely constrained by root knot nematodes (RKNs). Accurate identification of RKNs is essential for an appropriate control program. The current study evaluated the prevalence, incidence and diversity of RKNs of tomato crops grown in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province and their identification using molecular tools. A field survey, including 30 commercial tomato fields, was conducted in ten major tomato growing areas of Swat and Malakand divisions during spring 2010. The overall prevalence and incidence in the study area was 83.3 and 52.0%, respectively. Three species of RKNs, Meloidogyne arenaria, M. incognita and M. javanica were found alone or in mixed populations. Disease incidence ranged from 10% in Malakandher to 100% and 90 to 100% in Jabban and Malakand, respectively. The greatest galling index (GI) (5.0) and egg mass index (EMI) (5.0) was recorded in samples from Jabban, whereas the lowest GI and EMI were recorded in samples from Malakandher and Peshawar. The population density of RKNs was highest in roots (633.0 eggs and second-stage juveniles) and soil (533.0 eggs and second-stage juveniles) samples of Jabban. DNA amplification with rDNA (D2A-D3B) and (194 to 195) primers amplified 750 and 720 bp products for M. arenaria, M. incognita and M. javanica, respectively. Amplification with sequence characterized amplified regions (SCAR) primers produced characteristic products of 420 bp for M. arenaria (Far/Rar), 1200 bp for M. incognita (Finc/Rinc), and 670 bp for M. javanica (Fjav/Rjav). DNA amplification of mtDNA with C2F3/1108 primers yielded a 1700 bp size product for all three species of RKNs in comparison with 520 and 750 bp for M. chitwoodi and enterolobii, respectively, which were utilized as control. Sequencing the 28S rDNA product generated with the D2A-D3B primers did not differentiate among the three Meloidogyne spp. from the study area.Key words: Meloidogyne, species identification, perineal pattern, sequence characterized amplified regions (SCAR) primers

    Influence of soil temperature on Globodera rostochiensis and Globodera pallida

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    Relationships between soil temperatures and the potato cyst nematode (PCN) life cycle and population multiplication were investigated to understand the risks to potato crops from PCN in relation to increasing soil temperatures associated with climate change, and to support development of the United Kingdom Potato Council`s PCN management model. The initial (hatching) part of the PCN life cycle was examined for both Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida over a range of temperatures, and the responses are then considered in relation to actual soil temperatures during the potato growing season in different sites in the United Kingdom. Hatching was stimulated by potato root diffusate over a temperature range from 5–29ºC and was monitored for 5 weeks. The greatest cumulative percentage hatch of second stage juveniles (J2) occurred between 15 and 27ºC for G. rostochiensis and 13–25ºC for G. pallida. Globodera rostochiensis hatched more quickly and had a delayed hatch at ≥25ºC while G. pallida was more efficient at these higher temperatures. From these observations, it is likely that climate change, and associated increases in soil temperatures, will result in increased rates and amounts of hatching for both species, leading to increased population levels on susceptible hosts and damage to potato crops. Currently, regions of the United Kingdom with warm soil temperatures are also expected to have high levels of hatching of PCN, and therefore greater multiplication resulting in greater challenges in the management of these nematodes in infested land

    Gene expression changes in diapause or quiescent potato cyst nematode, Globodera pallida, eggs after hydration or exposure to tomato root diffusate

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    The authors thank the Education Spanish Ministry for the grant provided for the first author under the "Ayudas para la movilidad postdoctoral en centros extranjeros'' scheme. The James Hutton Institute receives funding from the Scottish Government.Plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) need to be adapted to survive in the absence of a suitable host or in hostile environmental conditions. Various forms of developmental arrest including hatching inhibition and dauer stages are used by PPN in order to survive these conditions and spread to other areas. Potato cyst nematodes (PCN) (Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis) are frequently in an anhydrobiotic state, with unhatched nematode persisting for extended periods of time inside the cyst in the absence of the host. This paper shows fundamental changes in the response of quiescent and diapaused eggs of G. pallida to hydration and following exposure to tomato root diffusate (RD) using microarray gene expression analysis encompassing a broad set of genes. For the quiescent eggs, 547 genes showed differential expression following hydration vs. hydratation and RD (H-RD) treatment whereas 708 genes showed differential regulation for the diapaused eggs following these treatments. The comparison between hydrated quiescent and diapaused eggs showed marked differences, with 2,380 genes that were differentially regulated compared with 987 genes following H-RD. Hydrated quiescent and diapaused eggs were markedly different indicating differences in adaptation for long-term survival. Transport activity is highly up-regulated following H-RD and few genes were coincident between both kinds of eggs. With the quiescent eggs, the majority of genes were related to ion transport (mainly sodium), while the diapaused eggs showed a major diversity of transporters (amino acid transport, ion transport, acetylcholine or other molecules).Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Characterisation and mapping of a <i>Globodera pallida</i> resistance derived from the wild potato species <i>Solanum spegazzinii</i>

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    The potato cyst nematodes (PCN) Globodera pallida and Globodera rostochiensis are economically important potato pests in almost all regions where potato is grown. One important management strategy involves deployment through introgression breeding into modern cultivars of new sources of naturally occurring resistance from wild potato species. We describe a new source of resistance to G. pallida from wild potato germplasm. The diploid species Solanum spegazzinii Bitter accession CPC 7195 shows resistance to G. pallida pathotypes Pa1 and Pa2/3. A cross and first backcross of S. spegazzinii with Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja cultivar Mayan Gold were performed, and the level of resistance to G. pallida Pa2/3 was determined in progeny clones. Bulk-segregant analysis (BSA) using generic mapping enrichment sequencing (GenSeq) and genotyping-by-sequencing were performed to identify single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are genetically linked to the resistance, using S. tuberosum Group Phureja clone DM1-3 516 R44 as a reference genome. These SNPs were converted into allele-specific PCR assays, and the resistance was mapped to an interval of roughly 118 kb on chromosome VI. This newly identified resistance, which we call Gpa VIlspg, can be used in future efforts to produce modern cultivars with enhanced and broad-spectrum resistances to the major pests and pathogens of potato

    Characterisation and mapping of a <i>Globodera pallida</i> resistance derived from the wild potato species <i>Solanum spegazzinii</i>

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    The potato cyst nematodes (PCN) Globodera pallida and Globodera rostochiensis are economically important potato pests in almost all regions where potato is grown. One important management strategy involves deployment through introgression breeding into modern cultivars of new sources of naturally occurring resistance from wild potato species. We describe a new source of resistance to G. pallida from wild potato germplasm. The diploid species Solanum spegazzinii Bitter accession CPC 7195 shows resistance to G. pallida pathotypes Pa1 and Pa2/3. A cross and first backcross of S. spegazzinii with Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja cultivar Mayan Gold were performed, and the level of resistance to G. pallida Pa2/3 was determined in progeny clones. Bulk-segregant analysis (BSA) using generic mapping enrichment sequencing (GenSeq) and genotyping-by-sequencing were performed to identify single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are genetically linked to the resistance, using S. tuberosum Group Phureja clone DM1-3 516 R44 as a reference genome. These SNPs were converted into allele-specific PCR assays, and the resistance was mapped to an interval of roughly 118 kb on chromosome VI. This newly identified resistance, which we call Gpa VIlspg, can be used in future efforts to produce modern cultivars with enhanced and broad-spectrum resistances to the major pests and pathogens of potato

    Parallel Microbial Ecology of Pasteuria and Nematode Species in Scottish Soils

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    Copyright © 2020 Orr, Neilson, Freitag, Roberts, Davies, Blok and Cock.Pasteuria spp. are endospore forming bacteria which act as natural antagonists to many of the most economically significant plant parasitic nematodes (PPNs). Highly species-specific nematode suppression may be observed in soils containing a sufficiently high density of Pasteuria spp. spores. This suppression is enacted by the bacteria via inhibition of root invasion and sterilization of the nematode host. Molecular methods for the detection of Pasteuria spp. from environmental DNA (eDNA) have been described; however, these methods are limited in both scale and in depth. We report the use of small subunit rRNA gene metabarcoding to profile Pasteuria spp. and nematode communities in parallel. We have investigated Pasteuria spp. population structure in Scottish soils using eDNA from two sources: soil extracted DNA from the second National Soil Inventory of Scotland (NSIS2); and nematode extracted DNA collected from farms in the East Scotland Farm Network (ESFN). We compared the Pasteuria spp. community culture to both nematode community structure and the physiochemical properties of soils. Our results indicate that Pasteuria spp. populations in Scottish soils are broadly dominated by two sequence variants. The first of these aligns with high identity to Pasteuria hartismeri, a species first described parasitizing Meloidogyne ardenensis, a nematode parasite of woody and perennial plants in northern Europe. The second aligns with a Pasteuria-like sequence which was first recovered from a farm near Edinburgh which was found to contain bacterial feeding nematodes and Pratylenchus spp. encumbered by Pasteuria spp. endospores. Further, soil carbon, moisture, bulk density, and pH showed a strong correlation with the Pasteuria spp. community composition. These results indicate that metabarcoding is appropriate for the sensitive, specific, and semi-quantitative profiling of Pasteuria species from eDNA.Peer reviewe

    Comparative genomics of apomictic root-knot nematodes:Hybridization, ploidy, and dynamic genome change

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    The Root-Knot Nematodes (RKN; genus Meloidogyne) are important plant parasites causing substantial agricultural losses. The Meloidogyne incognita group (MIG) of species, most of which are obligatory apomicts (mitotic parthenogens), are extremely polyphagous and important problems for global agriculture. While understanding the genomic basis for their variable success on different crops could benefit future agriculture, analyses of their genomes are challenging due to complex evolutionary histories that may incorporate hybridization, ploidy changes, and chromosomal fragmentation. Here we sequence 19 genomes, representing five species of key RKN collected from different geographic origins. We show that a hybrid origin that predated speciation within the MIG has resulted in each species possessing two divergent genomic copies. Additionally, the apomictic MIG species are hypotriploids, with a proportion of one genome present in a second copy. The hypotriploid proportion varies among species. The evolutionary history of the MIG genomes is revealed to be very dynamic, with non-crossover recombination both homogenising the genomic copies, and acting as a mechanism for generating divergence between species. Interestingly, the automictic MIG species M. floridensis differs from the apomict species in that it has become homozygous throughout much of its genome
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