148 research outputs found

    Search for Colour Singlet and Colour Reconnection Effects in Hadronic Z Decays at LEP

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    A search is performed in symmetric 3-jet hadronic Z decay events for evidence of colour singlet production or colour reconnection effects. Asymmetries in the angular separation of particles are found to be sensitive indicators of such effects. Upper limits on the level of colour singlet production and colour reconnection effects are established for a variety of models

    Growing Interest in Microbiome Research Unraveling Disease Suppressive Soils against Plant Pathogens

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    Political responsibility in Latvia after renewal of independency

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        Darba tēma ir “Politiskais atbildīgums Latvijā pēc neatkarības atjaunošanas”. Bakalaura darba izpētes jautājums ir: Kādi faktori ietekmē Latvijas vadošo politiķu lēmumu uzņemties politisko atbildību? Tika apskatīta teorija par politiskā atbildīguma elementiem, noskaidrots politiķu viedoklis par politisko atbildību, kā arī veikta Latvijas likumdošanas izpēte . Autore analizēja piecu faktoru: partija, citi politiķi, masu mediji, sabiedrība un politiķa morālā apziņa , to ietekmi uz politiķu lēmumu uzņemties politisko atbildību .     Tika secināts, ka noteicošie faktori, kas varētu ietekmēt politiķi uzņemties politisko atbildību ir masu mediju un sabiedrības spiediens. Darbā tika izmantota mediju kontentanalīzes metode. Atslēgvārdi: politiskā atbildība, politiskā atskaitīšanās , faktori , politiķi.   The theme of this paper is “Political responsibility in Latvia after renewal of independency”. The research question of this paper is: What factors influence politicians decision to take political responsibility? The author of the work has included theory of political responsibility, politicians views, legislative analysis.    The author analizyed five factors: political party, other politicians, the mass media, society, moral consciousness influence on the politicians decision to take political responsibility .    It was concluded that the main factors, what influence politicians decisions are the mass media and society pressure. It was concluded using the gualitative research approach and the content analysis. Keywords: political accountability, political accountability, factors politicians