21 research outputs found

    A state-dependent quantification of climate sensitivity based in paleo data of the last 2.1 million years

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    The evidence from both data and models indicates that specific equilibrium climate sensitivity S[X] — the global annual mean surface temperature change (DTg) as a response to a change in radiative forcing X (DR[X]) — is state-dependent. Such a state dependency implies that the best fit in the scatter plot of (DTg versus DR[X] is not a linear regression, but can be some non-linear or even non-smooth function. While for the conventional linear case the slope (gradient) of the regression is correctly interpreted as the specific equilibrium climate sensitivity S[X], the interpretation is not straightforward in the non-linear case. We here explain how such a state-dependent scatter plot needs to be interpreted, and provide a theoretical understanding — or generalization — how to quantify S[X] in the non-linear case. Finally, from data covering the last 2.1 Myr we show that — due to state dependency — the specific equilibrium climate sensitivity which considers radiative forcing of CO2 and land ice sheet (LI) albedo, S[CO2;LI], is larger during interglacial states than during glacial conditions by more than a factor two

    Equilibrium climate sensitivity estimated by equilibrating climate models

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    The methods to quantify equilibrium climate sensitivity are still debated. We collect millennial‐length simulations of coupled climate models and show that the global mean equilibrium warming is higher than those obtained using extrapolation methods from shorter simulations. Specifically, 27 simulations with 15 climate models forced with a range of CO2 concentrations show a median 17% larger equilibrium warming than estimated from the first 150 years of the simulations. The spatial patterns of radiative feedbacks change continuously, in most regions reducing their tendency to stabilizing the climate. In the equatorial Pacific, however, feedbacks become more stabilizing with time. The global feedback evolution is initially dominated by the tropics, with eventual substantial contributions from the mid‐latitudes. Time‐dependent feedbacks underscore the need of a measure of climate sensitivity that accounts for the degree of equilibration, so that models, observations, and paleo proxies can be adequately compared and aggregated to estimate future warming. Key points 27 simulations of 15 general circulation models are integrated to near equilibrium All models simulate a higher equilibrium warming than predicted by using extrapolation methods Tropics and mid‐latitudes dominate the change of the feedback parameter on different timescales on millennial timescale

    Software for "The Green's Function Model Intercomparison Project (GFMIP) Protocol"

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    <p>A Jupyter notebook, running Julia 1.7.1, used for performing the analysis in the GFMIP Protocol paper.</p&gt

    Circus Tents, Convective Thresholds, and the Non‐Linear Climate Response to Tropical SSTs

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    Abstract Using model simulations, we demonstrate that the climate response to localized tropical sea surface temperature (SST) perturbations exhibits numerous non‐linearities. Most pronounced is an asymmetry in the response to positive and negative SST perturbations. Additionally, we identify a “magnitude‐dependence” of the response on the size of the SST perturbation. We then explain how these non‐linearities arise as a robust consequence of convective quasi‐equilibrium and weak (but non‐zero) temperature gradients in the tropical free‐troposphere, which we encapsulate in a “circus tent” model of the tropical atmosphere. These results demonstrate that the climate response to SST perturbations is fundamentally non‐linear, and highlight potential deficiencies in work which has assumed linearity in the response