909 research outputs found

    Desigualdades territoriales en relación con el envejecimiento de la población española

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    El proceso de envejecimiento demográfico afecta a todas las comunidades autónomas de España, aunque existen desigualdades territoriales en cuanto a su intensidad y otras características sociodemográficas asociadas a él. En el artículo, se analizan estas desigualdades y se relaciona el proceso de envejecimiento con otras variables como el poblamiento, la pobreza y la salud. Asimismo, se plantea la importancia de la inmigración extranjera como factor de rejuvenecimiento de la población, aunque en la actualidad tienda a ahondar las diferencias regionales existentes.El procés d'envelliment demogràfic afecta totes les comunitats autònomes d'Espanya, malgrat que existeixen desigualtats territorials quant a la intensitat i altres característiques demogràfiques que hi estan associades. En l'article, s'hi analitzen aquestes desigualtats i s'hi relaciona el procés d'envelliment amb unes altres variables, com ara el poblament, la pobresa i la salut. Tanmateix, es planteja la importància de la immigració estrangera com a factor de rejoveniment de la població, malgrat que en l'actualitat tendeixi a incrementar les diferències regionals existents.Le processus de vieillissement démographique affecte toutes les communautés autonomes d'Espagne, mais il existe des inégalités territoriales quant à son intensité et aux différentes caractéristiques sociodémographiques qui lui sont associées. Dans cet article, nous analysons ces inégalités et le processus de vieilissement qui se rattache à d'autres variables comme le peuplement, la pauvreté ou la santé. Nous questionnons également l'importance de l'immigration étrangère comme facteur de rajeunissement de la population, même si pour l'instant, elle tend à creuser les différences régionales existantes.The process of aging affects all Spanish regions. However, there are territorial inequalities concerning their intensity and other sociodemographic features. In this paper we have analyzed these inequalities and the relationship between the process of aging and other variables such as poverty and health. Foreign immigration is also considered in the paper as a factor of change. At the present moment, immigration leads towards younger populations on the national average but deepens differences at the regional scale

    Desigualdades territoriales en relación con el envejecimiento de la población española

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    El procés d’envelliment demogràfic afecta totes les comunitats autònomes d’Espanya, malgrat que existeixen desigualtats territorials quant a la intensitat i altres característiques demogràfiques que hi estan associades. En l’article, s’hi analitzen aquestes desigualtats i s’hi relaciona el procés d’envelliment amb unes altres variables, com ara el poblament, la pobresa i la salut. Tanmateix, es planteja la importància de la immigració estrangera com a factor de rejoveniment de la població, malgrat que en l’actualitat tendeixi a incrementar les diferències regionals existents.The process of aging affects all Spanish regions. However, there are territorial inequalities concerning their intensity and other sociodemographic features. In this paper we have analyzed these inequalities and the relationship between the process of aging and other variables such as poverty and health. Foreign immigration is also considered in the paper as a factor of change. At the present moment, immigration leads towards younger populations on the national average but deepens differences at the regional scale.El proceso de envejecimiento demográfico afecta a todas las comunidades autónomas de España, aunque existen desigualdades territoriales en cuanto a su intensidad y otras características sociodemográficas asociadas a él. En el artículo, se analizan estas desigualdades y se relaciona el proceso de envejecimiento con otras variables como el poblamiento, la pobreza y la salud. Asimismo, se plantea la importancia de la inmigración extranjera como factor de rejuvenecimiento de la población, aunque en la actualidad tienda a ahondar las diferencias regionales existentes

    HOW TO ASSESS STRATEGIES OF PUBLIC CULTURAL BODIES: the case of the culture and de velop ment strateg yin Spai n

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    ABSTRACT: Culture has significantly evolved in its consideration as a key factor in development. This has been dueto the progressive incorporation of the cultural component in the development strategies. This has made necessarythe measurement of the impact of such policies, through monitoring and assessment of programs that are made. Inthis context it is essential to construct basic assessment tools for implementing these processes and, more specifically,to build a system of indicators that supports future decision making processes. In this paper we consider twostrategic lines of action in the Spanish Cooperation Strategy for Culture and Development: Human capital trainingfor cultural management and Education and Culture. The main actions that lead to the design of an indicators systemfor their follow-up and evaluation are shown for both strategic lines. With this aim, an initial list of indicators wassubmitted to an experts’ panel opinion by using the Delphi technique. The indicators system is built from the analysisof the experts’ evaluations and it can be subdivided into a Basic System and a Strategic System.Keywords: Education. Human capital training. Culture and development strategy. Indicators system. Follow-upand evaluation. COMO AVALIAR AS ESTRATÉGIAS DE INSTITUIÇÕES CULTURAIS PÚBLICAS:o caso da estratégia da cultura e desenvolvimento em EspanhaResumo: A cultura evoluiu significativamente na sua consideração como fator chave no desenvolvimento, resultandona incorporação progressiva do componente cultural nas estratégias de desenvolvimento. Tudo isto tornounecessária a medição do impacto destas políticas através do acompanhamento e avaliação dos programas realizados.A construção da avaliação de instrumentos é essencial para implementar esses processos e, mais especificamente,sistemas de indicadores que irão facilitar a tomada de decisões futuras. Neste trabalho são consideradasduas linhas estratégicas que articulam a Estratégia de Cultura e Desenvolvimento de Cooperação espanhola: aFormação do capital humano para gestão cultural e Educação e Cultura. Para ambas as linhas descrevem-se atividadesprincipais, levando à concepção de um sistema de indicadores que permitem a sua monitorização e avaliação.Com este objetivo, uma lista inicial de indicadores foi submetida ao parecer de um grupo de especialistas,utilizando a técnica de Delphi. Com base na análise das avaliações estrutura-se um sistema de indicadores, que porsua vez podem subdividir-se num Sistema Básico e um Sistema Estratégico.Palavras -chave: Educação. Formação de capital humano. Cultura e desenvolvimento da estratégia. Indicadoresdo sistema. Acompanhamento e avaliação. COMO EVALUAR ESTRATEGIAS DE INSTITUCIONES CULTURALES PÚBLICAS:el caso de la estrategia de cultura y desarrollo en EspañaResumen: La cultura ha evolucionado notablemente en su consideración como factor clave en el desarrollo, resultandotrascendental la progresiva incorporación del componente cultural en las estrategias de desarrollo. Todoello ha hecho necesaria la medición del impacto de estas políticas, a través del seguimiento y evaluación de losprogramas que se realizan. Se hace imprescindible la construcción de instrumentos de evaluación para implementarestos procesos y, más concretamente, de sistemas de indicadores que faciliten la toma de decisiones futuras.En este trabajo se aborda cómo evaluar dos de las líneas estratégicas en que se articula la Estrategia de Cultura yDesarrollo de la Cooperación Española: la Formación de capital humano para la gestión cultural y Educación y Cultura.Para ambas líneas se describen las principales acciones desarrolladas conducentes al diseño de un sistemade indicadores que permita su seguimiento y evaluación. Con este fin se ha sometido un catálogo inicial de indicadoresa la opinión de un conjunto de expertos mediante la técnica Delphi. A partir del análisis de las evaluacionesrealizadas se estructura el sistema de indicadores, que a su vez puede subdividirse en un Sistema Básico y unSistema Estratégico.Palabras clave: Educación. Formación de capital humano. Estrategia de cultura y desarrollo. Sistema de indicadores.Seguimiento y evaluación

    The space journey game: An intergenerational pervasive experience

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    There is a need to re-design the entertainment systems for the older adults, incorporating the population of this age group into the digital culture. With this aim in mind this work presents an intergenerational experience carried out in an Interactive Space where tangible and gestures interaction are used to participate in pervasive gaming experiences. The experience makes use of a game initially designed just for children but in a very flexible way so that it can be tailored to different players'' characteristics. Family groups made up of one or two grandparents and one or two grandchildren have played together The Fantastic Journey fulfilling all the missions either on tangible tabletops, just moving around the space or interacting by gestures. The experience was positively valued by both age groups; they were indeed happy with the opportunity of playing together in a challenging game. Nevertheless, the difficulty of designing engaging experiences for both age groups points to a challenging research area

    Los antiguos cementerios del ensanche norte de Madrid y su transformación urbana.

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    Four cemeteries were constructed by the first half of the 19th century in Madrid in the north of the city, in the oriental sector of the neighborhoods of Arapiles and Vallehermoso of Chamberí district. Its closing was produced in 1884, but they did not disappear up to the second third of the 20th century. The impact of these cemeteries in the urban space is evident, it supposed the paralyzation of the construction on a considerable quantity of soil and a devaluation of the neighborhood. The areas that had been occupied by the cemeteries had a different urbanization in every case.Pendant la première moitié du siècle XIX ont été construits à Madrid quatre cimetières au nord de la ville, dans le secteur oriental des actuels quartiers d’Arapiles et Vallehermoso du district de Chamberí. Sa clôture s’est produite en 1884, mais ils n’ont pas disparu jusqu’à le deuxième tiers du XXe siècle. L’impact de ces cimetières dans l’espace urbaine est évident, cela a supposé l’immobilisation de la construction sur une quantité considérable de sol et une dévalorisation du quartier. Les terrains qui avaient été occupés par les cimetières ont eu une différente urbanisation dans chaque cas.Durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX se construyeron en Madrid cuatro cementerios al norte de la ciudad, en el sector oriental de los actuales barrios de Arapiles y Vallehermoso del distrito de Chamberí. Su clausura se produjo en 1884, pero no desaparecieron hasta bien entrado el siglo XX. El impacto de estos cementerios en esta parte del Ensanche decimonónico es evidente, pues supuso la paralización de la construcción del mismo sobre una considerable cantidad de suelo y una desvalorización del entorno. Su urbanización ha dado lugar a sectores bien diferenciados por haber sido realizada en época posterior a la de las zonas próximas, así como por haber sufrido una gestión inmobiliaria y un proceso urbanístico diferente en cada caso

    Autonomic modulation improves in response to harder performances while playing wind instruments

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    Background: Despite inducing autonomic benefits similar to exercise, playing wind instruments is a physical, and cognitive task of high attentional requirements, which demands musicians maximal efforts, leading to sympathetic hyperarousal and autonomic worsening. In this context of controversy, it remains unknown the autonomic response to playing highly demanding music performances, as compared to an easier one, which might be of interest in wind musicians' cardiovascular health. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate differences in the autonomic control of the heart with regard to task demands (TD), avoiding emotional influences (rehearsal performance). Methods: Eight healthy male professionals (29.13 ± 7.33 years) ranked a list of well-known musical scores according to their perception of the task demands. Later on, in 2 two normal rehearsals with no audience, musicians performed one mild performance (M), and another one ranked as hardest (H) on two alternative days. After 10 minutes of warm-up, they performed two laps of 20 minutes interspersed with 5 minutes of rest. Heart rate variability (HRV) was recorded in both laps, 20 minutes at baseline (before warming-up), and 20 minutes after cessation. Owing to non-stationarity of the cardiac signal, the root mean square of successive differences (RMSSD) and Poincare-Plot indexes (SD1, SD2) were analyzed in the last 500 beats of each 20 minutes (Kubios software V. 2.1). Results: Musicians showed larger parasympathetic responses in H (lnRMSSD, lnSD1, SD2), mostly after 30 minutes playing, without RRi differences. Vagal control diminished in the first lap, where musicians might be coupling heart rate to changes in breathing. Later on, this initial discomfort disappeared, followed by autonomic reactivation in H. Sympathetic arousal due to neuromuscular and cognitive demands while playing demanding music seems to be vagally counteracted, suggesting that the more the difficulty, the more coupled the respiratory sinus arrhythmia (i.e., cardiovascular adjustments). Conclusions: Playing wind instruments seems healthy in terms of autonomic modulation, and the psychophysiological wellness of wind musicians might benefit from HRV monitoring in the long-term

    Muscular imbalance and their effect on the health of the tennis player: Assessments of explosive strength in the lower limbs by means of jumps.

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    This paper discusses the existence of asymmetry in tennis players lower limbs, if these asymmetries impact on determining capabilities as Explosive Strength and Elastic Explosive Strength, and if so, how they are affected by fatigue. This paper holds the hypothesis that there exist differences in the capabilities of useful strength in the lower limb muscles, and that these muscular differences or asymmetries are the source of injury for developing tennis players
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