16 research outputs found

    Novi nalazi rijetke jetrenjarke Mannia triandra (Scop.) Grolle u Hrvatskoj

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    Mannia triandra (Scop.) Grolle is a rare thalloid liverwort species, known from a few, mostly sporadic, historical records in Croatia. In the recent years, two findings have been recorded on Mt Žumberačka Gora and one from Plitvice Lakes, and subsequently published. During 2022, two adjacent populations close to these previously known localities were found, but also a first locality in Gorski Kotar region (in the canyon of the River Kamačnik) was recorded. In addition, an old literature record from the area of Dubrovnik city from the beginning of the 20th century was found while browsing literature for this paper. Thanks to these new findings, we are now closer to a better understanding of the species ecology and habitat preferences in Croatia.Mannia triandra (Scop.) Grolle je rijetka talozna jetrenjarka. U Hrvatskoj je donedavno bila poznata samo iz povijesnih sporadičnih nalaza. U proteklih nekoliko godina objavljena su dva nalaza sa Žumberačke gore i jedan s Plitvičkih jezera. Tijekom 2022., zabilježene su dvije populacije blizu tih ranije poznatih nalazišta, ali i prvi nalaz u Gorskom kotaru, u kanjonu rijeke Kamačnik. Tijekom pisanja ovog priloga pronađen je i stari literaturni nalaz ove vrste s početka 20. stoljeća iz okolice grada Dubrovnika. Zahvaljujući recentnim nalazima, na korak smo boljem razumijevanju ekologije i potencijalnim staništima ove vrste u Hrvatskoj

    Towards a red List of the Albanian Bryophytes

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    Among the SE European countries Albania has the least known bryophyte flora. A bryophyte red list is lacking as well. Since it is not yet possible to use the IUCN criteria guidelines proposed for bryophytes, the aim of the present contribution is to compile a list of the bryophyte taxa from Al- bania with, wherever possible, the inclusion of conservational values, according to the European Bryophyte Red Data Book or other regional red lists (e.g. those existing for Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Romania). Hence, 16 liverwort species (ca 17% of the total) and 64 moss species (ca 18%) are taken into account. For an improved red list of the bryophytes of Albania extensive ex- ploration and collecting is greatly needed in the country. The hereby presented account should be considered as a tentative one. This preliminary version of a red list is provided with the aim to highlight the “national red list candidate” bryophyte species, which might need to be included in further natural heritage conservation initiatives in Albania. Even until then it is clear that there is an urgent need for the protection of the bryophytes in Albania

    New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 11

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    This paper presents new records and noteworthy data on the following taxa in SE Europe and adjacent regions: red algae Sheathia confusa, parasitic fungus Anthracoidea caryophylleae, mycorrhizal fugus Hydnellum caeruleum, bryoparasitic fungus Octospora erzbergeri, liverwort Cephaloziella baumgartneri, mosses Hamatocaulis vernicosus, Streblotrichum convolutum var. commutatum and Ulota crispula, monocots Ophrys bertolonii subsp. bertolonii, Ophrys scolopax subsp. cornuta and Spiranthes spiralis and dicots Androsace hedraeantha, Hieracium mrazii, Ramonda nathaliae and Triglochin palustris are given within SE Europe and adjacent region

    Bryophyte flora of the Significant Landscape “Lower Kamenjak and Medulin Archipelago”(Istria, Croatia) with new and noteworthy national records

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    Bryophyte flora of the Significant Landscape Lower ”Kamenjak and Medulin Archipelago” in Istria (western Croatia) was studied from 2019 to 2021. The study resulted in a list of 14 liverwort and 60 moss taxa. Tortula pallida, Bryum gemmilucens, Microbryum davallianum var. conicum and Microbryum muticum are new national records. The prevalence of Mediterranean-Atlantic, temperate and southern-temperate chorotypes corresponds well with the biogeographical characteristics of the studied area. The turf life-form and colonist life strategy, predominantly represented by small Pottiaceae species, prevailed within the study. They mostly inhabited periodically moist soil of open habitats in olive groves, maquis and garrigues. This study aimed to address the significant lack of current data on bryophytes in coastal parts of Croatia

    Magyar botanikusok Albániában

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    New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 11

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    This paper presents new records and noteworthy data on the following taxa in SE Europe and adjacent regions: red algae Sheathia confusa, parasitic fungus Anthracoidea caryophylleae, mycorrhizal fugus Hydnellum caeruleum, bryoparasitic fungus Octospora erzbergeri, liverwort Cephaloziella baumgartneri, mosses Hamatocaulis vernicosus, Streblotrichum convolutum var. commutatum and Ulota crispula, monocots Ophrys bertolonii subsp. bertolonii, Ophrys scolopax subsp. cornuta and Spiranthes spiralis and dicots Androsace hedraeantha, Hieracium mrazii, Ramonda nathaliae and Triglochin palustris are given within SE Europe and adjacent regions

    Biogeografía numérica en Pteridología

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza un profundo análisis de los objetivos y métodos de la biogeografía numérica en su aplicación a la pteridología. Se describen tanto los pasos previos (definición de OGU y ficha pteridológica) como los correspondientes al procesado de datos. Con respecto a éste, se desarrollan dos vertientes posibles: por un lado, la caracterización de OGUs, en la cual se detallan distintos tipos de análisis aplicables, como la riqueza florística, los índices slg y mit, el ISRP y los análisis ecológicos y corológicos en todas sus facetas y, por otro, la ordenación y jerarquización de dichas OGUs, con el cálculo de distancias biogeográficas y sus posibles derivaciones, como la delimitación de fronteras, los cálculos de heterogeneidad total, etc. Asimismo, se hace especial hincapié en la aplicación de las modernas técnicas informáticas a la biogeografía, definiendo las características y parámetros deseables para una gestión adecuada de bases de datos, y se presenta por primera vez el proyecto AXIS, una base de datos abierta y multirrelacional que pondría los datos disponibles sobre pteridoflora del Mediterráneo occidental e islas macaronésicas, al alcance de todos los investigadores interesados.In the present work a deep analysis of the aims and methods in the numerical biogeography in its application on pteridology is made. The previous steps (OGU definition and pteridological files are described) as well as the correspondent data management. Refering to this, the two possibilities are developped: on one side, the OGUs characterization, in which differents kinds of applicable analysis are detailed, like floristic richness, s!g and mit indexes, the ISRP and the ecological and corological analysis in every one of their sides; on the other side, the ordering and hierarchization of the mentioned OGUs, with the calculation of total heterogeneous, etc. In the same way, a special strength is made in the application of the modem computerized technics to biogeography, defming the characteristics and parameters desiderable for an adecuate management of data base, and it is introduces for the ñrst time in the AXIS project; it is an open and multirelational data base which would set the available data on pteridoñora from west mediterranean and macaronesic island, at the reach of all interested researchers

    Bryophyte flora in the area of the settlement Selina in Istria

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    Flora mahovina istraživana je tijekom proljeća i ljeta 2014. u zapadnoj Istri, na širem području naselja Seline. Zabilježeno je 68 svojti pravih mahovina i 6 vrsta jetrenjača. Fitogeografska analiza pokazala je da su najzastupljenije vrste temperatnog zonobioma, odnosno vrste cirkumpolarnog elementa ukoliko se promatra istočna granica rasprostranjenosti. S obzirom na stanišne tipove najveći broj vrsta zabilježen je na zasjenjenim stijenama i pukotinama stijena, a najmanji na obrađenim površinama te povremeno plavljenom tlu i vlažnom sedimentu uz lokve. S obzirom na sastav flore, stanišni tipovi grupirani su u četiri osnovne skupine, a zatim su razlike među njima objašnjene na temelju Ellenbergovih ekoloških indikatorskih vrijednosti za svjetlost, vlažnost, reakciju podloge i količinu hranjivih tvari pomoću metoda deskriptivne i multivarijatne statistike.The bryophyte flora was surveyed in western Istria, in the settlement Selina and surrounding area, during spring and summer of 2014. It was recorded 68 mosses and 6 liverworts. Phytogeographically, the most abundant are species of temperate zonobiome, i.e. circumpolar species, regarding eastern limit category. Analysis of bryophyte flora through habitat types has showed that the highest species richness have shadowed rocks and crevices, while the lowest one is recorded on arable land and occasionally flooded soil and moist sediment alongside ponds. Regarding species composition, habitat types are clustered in four basic groups. Based on Ellenberg’s ecological indicator values for light, moisture, reaction of substrate and amount of nutrients, the differences between habitats are explained using methods of descriptive and multivariate statistics

    An annotated checklist of bryophytes of Europe, Macaronesia and Cyprus

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    Introduction. Following on from work on the European bryophyte Red List, the taxonomically and nomenclaturally updated spreadsheets used for that project have been expanded into a new checklist for the bryophytes of Europe. Methods. A steering group of ten European bryologists was convened, and over the course of a year, the spreadsheets were compared with previous European checklists, and all changes noted. Recent literature was searched extensively. A taxonomic system was agreed, and the advice and expertise of many European bryologists sought. Key results. A new European checklist of bryophytes, comprising hornworts, liverworts and mosses, is presented. Fifteen new combinations are proposed. Conclusions. This checklist provides a snapshot of the current European bryophyte flora in 2019. It will already be out-of-date on publication, and further research, particularly molecular work, can be expected to result in many more changes over the next few years.Peer reviewe