1,890 research outputs found

    Negative Capability and the Capacity to Think in the Present Moment: Some Implications for Leadership Practice

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    Two themes that are prevalent in the literature on leadership practice are planning for the future and learning from the past. In this ‘Leading Questions’ piece, we raise the question of whether, in addition, attention needs to be given to a third element that is not well represented in the literature: the leader's capacity to think in the present. We suggest that such thinking requires the capacity to see what is actually going on, in contrast with what was planned for, expected or intended – even when what is actually going on is uncertain or even unknown. In keeping with the theme of this special issue we demonstrate that attending to the present moment is a refrain both ancient and modern, to be found in eastern and western religion and philosophy while having a direct impact on practical modern disciplines, such as psychoanalysis. For example, Wilfred Bion's writings on psychoanalytic theory explore the nature of mental and emotional capacities demanded by this focus on the present moment and its relationship to the development of thought. Using an idea employed by Bion in this context, we suggest that an important dimension of leadership practice is negative capability, which comprises patience and the ability to tolerate frustration and anxiety. This capability can help the leader to retain the capacity to think in the present moment, even in the face of uncertainty. In this context, important dimensions of leadership practice include the ability to embody key thoughts on behalf of an organization and the capacity to contain the impact of the new thinking that can arise in the present moment. © 2011, Sage Publications. All rights reserved

    Empathie und Skepsis im psychoanalytischen Prozess

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    Besuch bei Bion. Albert Mason, ein Supervisand und Kollege von Wilfred Bion, berichtet in einem Aufsatz über >>Bion und die binokulare Sichtweise<< von seiner ersten Supervisionsstunde: >>Mein allererster Kontakt mit Bion war in London im Jahr 1960, als er einen meiner Ausbildungsfälle supervidierte. Zu meiner großen Überraschung begann der fragliche Patient, ein junger Mann mit 23 Jahren, damit, dass er direkt zur Couch ging, sich niederlegte und ohne Einleitung sagte: >Ich wachte mitten in der Nacht auf, stand auf, und schaltete das Licht an, um zu sehen, ob ich im Bett lag oder nicht.< Ich war in Sorge, dass dieser Fall als Ausbildungsfall als ungeeignet erachtet würde, und wiederholte angespannt den ersten Satz des Patienten<< (Mason, 2000, S. 983)

    What makes it so hard to look and to listen? Exploring the use of the Cognitive and Affective Supervisory Approach with children’s social work managers

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    This paper reports on the findings of an ESRC-funded Knowledge Exchange project designed to explore the contribution of an innovative approach to supervision to social work practitioners’ assessment and decision-making practices. The Cognitive and Affective Supervisory Approach (CASA) is informed by cognitive interviewing techniques originally designed to elicit best evidence from witnesses and victims of crime. Adapted here for use in childcare social work supervision contexts, this model is designed to enhance the quantity and quality of information available for decision-making. Facilitating the reporting of both ‘event information’ and ‘emotion information’, it allows a more detailed picture to emerge of events, as recalled by the individual involved, and the meaning they give to them. Practice supervisors from Children’s Services in two local authorities undertook to introduce the CASA into supervision sessions and were supported in this through the provision of regular reflective group discussions. The project findings highlight the challenges for practitioners of ‘detailed looking’ and for supervisors of ‘active listening’. The paper concludes by acknowledging that the CASA’s successful contribution to decision-making is contingent on both the motivation and confidence of supervisors to develop their skills and an organisational commitment to, and resourcing of, reflective supervisory practices and spaces

    Judgements of Solomon: anxieties and defences of social workers involved in care proceedings

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    Evidence from focus group discussions with social workers in child care and child protection was collected for a research project exploring decision-making in care proceedings and seeking a better understanding of the causes of delay in the process. Here this material is used to examine social workers’ feelings about their work and to explore the anxieties they expressed. Isabel Menzies’s work on containing anxiety in institutions is used to provide a conceptual framework for thinking about the ways in which individuals’ unconscious defences against anxiety may affect the structure, policies and practices of the organization in which they work. It is suggested that this dimension needs to be taken into account in understanding difficulties which arise in putting policy into practice

    The predictive moment: reverie, connection and predictive processing

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    According to the theory of predictive processing, understanding in the present involves non-consciously representing the immediate future, based on probabilistic inference shaped by learning from the past. This paper suggests links between this neuroscientific theory and the psychoanalytic concept of reverie – an empathic, containing attentional state – and considers implications for the ways therapists intuit implicit material in their clients. Using findings from a study about therapists’ experiences of this state, we propose that reverie can offer practitioners from diverse theoretical backgrounds a means to enter the predictive moment deeply, making use of its subtle contents to connect with clients

    Time is not enough : promoting strategic engagement with writing for publication

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    Research, scholarship and publication are central to the work of higher education. However, even academics with the necessary research and writing skills can struggle to publish as often as they would like. Research suggests that a writing retreat is one solution; there is a process going on there that addresses the problem, but how it does so has not been fully explained. We used a novel approach, containment theory, to explain why the functions of a structured retreat work. We argue that a retreat does more than simply provide time to write; it is a model for academics to meet the demands of research assessment. Finally, we conceptualise this as strategic engagement - a model for producing regular writing for publication while continuing to meet other professional demands

    ‘Stumbling through’? Relationship-based social work practice in austere times

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    In recent times relationship-based practice has become a familiar term in social work practice and education. Despite its widespread adoption, how relationship-based practice is understood varies widely. Drawing on contemporary conceptualisations of the child and family and individuals as psychosocial subjects experiencing social suffering, this paper explores how current social work practice can be understood in the context of neoliberalism and austerity. Setting these ideas in an historical context helps to inform our understanding as to why social work seems to be the focus of sustained political discontent and scrutiny, making it difficult to retain a balanced relationship-based professional stance. Contemporary responses to the current challenges of everyday practice are outlined and the contribution of psychodynamic and systemic ideas to promoting relationship-based practice is explored. The paper concludes by considering how the concept of social systems as defences against anxiety can inform our understanding of the resistance amongst practitioners to relationship-based practice and emphasises the importance of reflective spaces and places for developing and maintaining integrated, mature relational approaches to practice which impact on practice at both the individual casework and social structural level

    Object Relations in the Museum: A Psychosocial Perspective

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    This article theorises museum engagement from a psychosocial perspective. With the aid of selected concepts from object relations theory, it explains how the museum visitor can establish a personal relation to museum objects, making use of them as an ‘aesthetic third’ to symbolise experience. Since such objects are at the same time cultural resources, interacting with them helps the individual to feel part of a shared culture. The article elaborates an example drawn from a research project that aimed to make museum collections available to people with physical and mental health problems. It draws on the work of the British psychoanalysts Donald Winnicott and Wilfred Bion to explain the salience of the concepts of object use, potential space, containment and reverie within a museum context. It also refers to the work of the contemporary psychoanalyst Christopher Bollas on how objects can become evocative for individuals both by virtue of their intrinsic qualities and by the way they are used to express personal idiom

    The reactivity of lattice nitrogen within the Ni2Mo3N and NiCoMo3N phases

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    In this study, the reactivity of bulk lattice nitrogen within the filled β-Mn structured Ni2Mo3N phase has been investigated by application of powder neutron diffraction and heterolytic nitrogen isotopic exchange measurements. In contrast to Co3Mo3N, despite the similarity in the N immediate local environment comprising NMo6 octahedra, its reactivity is found to be limited and this lower reactivity was maintained upon the introduction of a significant proportion of cobalt to yield its filled β-Mn structured CoNiMo3N quaternary nitride counterpart

    The development of the British Red Cross' psychosocial framework: 'calmer'

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    This paper presents the history, development and approach of the new psychosocial framework which in 2008 was adopted by the British Red Cross, and a piece of research designed to review its fitness for purpose as an educational tool. The framework CALMER is a single, overarching approach for considering and delivering psychosocial services across all of the British Red Cross. It is being included in all relevant training programmes, such as within first aid and psychosocial support and within services in emergency response, event first aid, health and social care, international tracing and message and refugee services and across human resources. The framework includes six prompts which should be followed sequentially, with guidance on facilitative behaviours within each. The research considered the levels of confidence and worry of participants on one day training programmes delivered to three different groups of personnel in three different countries. While finding support for the CALMER framework, further recommendations are made for future research
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