247 research outputs found

    Le falesie costiere tra Sistiana e il Villaggio del Pescatore: caratteristiche morfostrutturali e idrogeologiche

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    The NW coast of the Gulf of Trieste (GOT) is cut in carbonate rocks which overthrust the Eocene turbiditic succession. The coastal setting is strongly influenced by the structural setting of the GOT. In this paper, the coastal landscape of the NW sector of the GOT, which represents the northernmost boundary of the dalmatic coasts, is discussed. The study area is dominated by high limestone plunging cliffs, with a depth at the toe ranging from 1 m to 7 m b.s.l. at Duino. The northernwesternmost part is dominated by the Timavo springs. Along the coast, the submarine springs can be easily located during dry periods thanks to the significant in temperature and electrical conductivity between fresh- and salt-water. The occurrence of submerged forms related to the tides, such as marine notches and marine terraces testifies the late Holocene tectonic subsidence of the area

    Shore grykes along the western Istrian coast

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    We provided new data on topography, morphology and physical/chemical parameters (pH, T, NO2-, Ca2+, PO43-, NaCl) collected in several shore grykes along the Northwestern Istrian coast, between Savudrija and Zambratija. Six transects, eachcontaining four to five pools, have been surveyed. Three morphological zones have been identified along the selected profiles. Morphological features of the shore grykes along the western Istrian coast are, in fact, closely related to the local tide. High-level pools are affected by karstic processes, and the surface is usually smooth. At their bottom, terrigenous deposits, mainly terra rossa, occur. Seaward, bioerosion prevails and at the bottom of the grykes, sand and rounded pebbles have been found. Chemical/physical parameters suggest that grykes located at lower altitudes are affected by seawater factors, while pools located at increasing altitudes are affected mainly by rainfall and consequentially freshwater or saltwater remaining from rainfalls or storm events. Shore gryke genesis is strongly controlled by geological weakness, along whichthey develop. Their origin is in fact due to local tectonics, while their development is related to the active vertical tectonic subsidence of the study area. Pools located at higher altitudes are mainly affected by solution karst processes, but due to the tectonic downdrop of the area, when the grykes come in contact withsea, they are gradually shaped by marine processes

    Novos analógos da Fraternina : avaliação do efeito antiparkinsoniano em modelo murino da Doença de Parkinson e identificação dos alvos farmacológicos

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal, 2018.A Doença de Parkinson (DP) é uma das afecções neurodegenerativas crônicas mais frequentes relacionadas ao movimento, caracterizada pela perda irreversível de neurônios da via nigroestriatal. O principal tratamento é a utilização crônica de precursores da dopamina que causam fortes efeitos adversos (discinesias) e são incapazes de modificar o curso da doença. Portanto, o desenvolvimento de novos fármacos com menores efeitos colaterais tornou-se extremamente importante. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a atividade antiparkinsoniana de três peptídeos análogos a Fraternina em um modelo murino de Doença de Parkinson. Para o modelo experimental, os animais foram divididos em grupos (n = 8/grupo): controle negativo, grupo com a lesão por 6-hidroxidopamine (6-OHDA) (40 μg/animal) tratado com veículo e o grupo tratado com os peptídeos sintéticos (Fraternina-24, Fraternina-14 e Fraternina-10) em 3 diferentes concentrações. Os tratamentos com os peptídeos e veículo foram realizados por via intracerebroventricular, uma hora após a lesão e durante os dois dias seguintes. Além dos ensaios comportamentais de avaliação da coordenação motora (Rotarod e rotações induzidas por apomorfina), foram feitas quantificações do número de neurônios dopaminérgicos na substância negra e de mediadores inflamatórios. Após as análises, observou-se que todos os peptídeos foram capazes de diminuir significativamente o número de rotações contralaterais (p<0,01) induzidas por apomorfina, porém apenas o Fraternina-14 apresentou um efeito significativo na permanência dos animais no Rotarod. Com relação à quantificação de neurônios dopaminérgicos, verificou-se que todos os peptídeos foram capazes de reduzir a perda neuronial (p < 0,05). Somado a isso, a maior dose de 7,2 nmol do peptídeo Fraternina-24 apresentou um efeito relevante na diminuição da liberação da citocina TNF-α. Desta forma, substâncias que alteram o curso da morte neuronial tornam-se promissoras moléculas de investigação farmacólogica, uma vez que advém de substâncias naturais e que podem ser utilizadas não somente como atenuantes dos sinais clínicos motores e não motores da DP, mas como um futuro fármaco que favoreça a sobrevida das células acometidas por esta doença.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).Parkinson's disease (PD) is one of the most serious chronic neurodegenerative diseases related to movement, characterized by the irreversible loss of neurons in the nigrostriatal pathway. The main treatment is the chronic use of precursors of dopamine that cause strong adverse effects and are incapable of altering the course of the disease. Therefore, the development of new and more effective drugs is extremely important. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the antiparkinsonian activity of three synthetic peptides, analogs of Fraternina, in a murine model of PD. For the experimental model, the animals were divided into groups (n = 8 / group): negative control; group with lesion by 6-hydroxydopamine (6- OHDA) (40 μg / animal); group treated with synthetic peptides (Fraternina-24, Fraternina-14 and Fraternina-10) in 3 different concentrations. The treatments were via intracerebroventricular, one hour after the lesion and during the next two days. In addition to behavioral assessments of motor coordination (Rotarod and apomorphine-induced rotations), quantifications of the number of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and inflammatory mediators were performed. After the analysis, all the peptides were able to significantly decrease the number of contralateral (p <0.01) rotations induced by apomorphine, but only Fraternine-14 had a significant effect on the length of time the animals stayed in the Rotarod. Regarding the quantification of dopaminergic neurons, it was verified that all the peptides were able to reduce neuronal loss (p <0.05). In addition, the higher dose of 7.2 nmol of the Fraternine-24 peptide had a signficiant effect on the decrease in the release of the cytokine TNF-α. Substances that alter the course of neuronal death constitute an essential and promising target for pharmacological research using natural molecules. These may be used not only to attenuate clinical motor and non-motor signals of PD, but also as a future pharmaceutical that favors the survival of cells affected by this disease

    Geologija in geomorfologija klasičnega Krasa

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    Trabalho e emancipação social : as cooperativas autogestionárias no projeto de Lei nº. 4.376/93-E

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    Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Márcia Carla Pereira RibeiroDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Jurídicas, Curso de Pós-Graduação em DireitoInclui referências: p. 177-183Resumo: A exclusão socioeconômica é um processo complexo que resulta no afastamento dos indivíduos por ela vitimados do mercado de trabalho, do mercado de consumo e das instituições formais. Em um ambiente de globalização econômica, deflagra-se mediante desemprego formal, que conduz para ocupações precárias. É causa e, ao mesmo tempo, conseqüência - em virtude de sua feição cíclica - da pobreza e da desigualdade social. É inerente ao capitalismo e, mesmo em um regime de compromisso com o pleno emprego, não será completamente erradicada. De outro lado, no âmbito do mercado de produção, não-raro as empresas capitalistas enfrentam graves processos de crise econômico-financeira que as levam à concordata ou mesmo à falência. Muitas têm sido as iniciativas da classe operária no sentido de assumir o estabelecimento e dar continuidade à atividade através de cooperativas autogestionárias. Mais do que uma simples mudança no agente titular da empresa, trata-se da transferência para um outro modo de produção, a economia solidária. Esta se diferencia do capitalismo na medida em que as forças produtivas, ou seja, os meios de produção e o trabalho, pertencem a todos os associados da cooperativa, na qual praticam a autogestão, decidindo coletivamente as questões societárias. Repercutindo na superestrutura do modo de produção dominante, este tipo de iniciativa passará a ser incorporado na legislação federal, com a aprovação do projeto de Lei n° 4.376/93-E, que institui a recuperação judicial da empresa em crise econômico-financeira que atende a sua função social. Aproxima-se o dia em que, para além da visão conservadora dos princípios da ordem econômica da Constituição Federal de 1988, especialmente o pleno emprego e a função social da empresa, que lhes nega a efetividade, os trabalhadores possuirão mecanismos capazes não só de manter a empresa, mas também aceder ao trabalho emancipatórioAbstract: The socioeconomic exclusion is a complex process that moves its victims away from the formal-work market, from the formal-consumption market and from the formal-institutions. Socioeconomic exclusion starts, under economic globalization environment it starts, by formal unemployment and improves by leading to precarious occupations. Because its cyclical mood, it is, at the same time, cause and consequence of the poverty and the social inequality. It is inherent to the capitalism and, even though if there is a commitment with the fully application of production sources, it wouldn't be completely eradicated. In the other hand, inside the production market, it is often that capitalistic companies face processes of severe economic-financier crisis which takes them to the bankruptcy. Many have been the initiatives of the laboring class on assuming the establishment and trying to give continuity to the activity through auto-managed cooperatives. More than a simple change in the management, these companies are moving to another way of production, the social-economy. It is different from the capitalism because the productive forces, composed by means of production and work, belong and are managed by all workers whom decide the company's questions collectively. Soon, changing the dominant way of production's superstructure, this kind of initiative will be incorporated in the federal legislation, with Project's n. 4.376/93-E approval. This project brings the judicial recovery for Crisis Company institute, which faces the company's economic-financier difficulties, under the social function and full application policies. Beyond a conservative reading of the Federal Constitution of 1988, that denies its effectiveness; the workers will possess a mechanism capable to keep the company producing and to lead them to social freedom trough their work

    A Previdência Social e seus impactos sociais e econômicos no meio rural do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Este artigo analisa os efeitos da implementação do sistema de aposentadorias e pensões da Previdência Social aos trabalhadores rurais do Rio Grande do Sul a partir das mudanças constitucionais de 1988. O estudo baseia-se nos resultados da pesquisa realizada pelo Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA) sobre a Previdência Social na Região Sul do Brasil e em estudos de caso realizados em dois municípios gaijchos. Os resultados revelam que a política da Previdência Social está sendo importante para o meio rural gaúcho, na medida em que seus recursos contribuem para aliviara situação de carência de grande parte das famílias que residem no meio rural, principalmente nos municípios onde a agricultura familiar é a base social e econômica. Os benefícios constituem-se numa importante fonte de renda para as famílias beneficiárias e, também, para a economia dos municípios. Pode-se dizer, também, que a maior OU menor dependência desses recursos, seja para as famílias, seja para a economia dos municípios, está relacionada às características da agricultura familiar em cada município (mais ou menos desenvolvida). Em síntese, pode-se dizer que a Previdência Social, em termos de abrangência e valores concedidos, se constitui em uma das principais políticas públicas para a agricultura familiar gaúcha no período recente, contribuindo para melhorias nas condições econômicas e sociais das famílias beneficiárias do sistema

    Quaternary evolution of the fluviokarst Rosandra Valley (Trieste, NE Italy)

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    The stratigraphy of terraced sediments as well as morphological features of the middle reach of the Rosandra Valley (Trieste, NE Italy) were studied in order to reconstruct its Quaternary evolution. This sector forms a fluviokarst valley, which is characterized by a deep incised gorge with abrasional features. Downstream, the gradient is reduced, the valley widens and terraced deposits occur. Alluvial/colluvial terraces crop out for about 1 to 1.5 km along the creek. They show the coalescence of the alluvial deposits with debrisfalls from the steep limestone slopes and colluvial fans related to some minor tributaries. The highest terrace is roughly 15 m high. 14C datings on a frustule plant collected in the lower part of the deposit (> 45.000 yrs. BP), together with geological and geomorphological considerations, suggested that the terrace scarp could be Middle Pleistocene in age. The geomorphic regime of the creek changed from aggradation to erosion, as recorded by fanhead trenching and incision of fluvial terrace scarps, and it still persists. The tectonic uplift, which is partly responsible for the downcutting of the terrace and is still active, could be related to the SE-NW tilting of the Karst plateau

    A modeling application of integrated nature based solutions (NBS) for coastal erosion and flooding mitigation in the Emilia-Romagna coastline (Northeast Italy)

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    Worldwide, climate change adaptation in coastal areas is a growing challenge. The most common solutions such as seawalls and breakwaters are expensive and often lead to unexpected disastrous effects on the neighboring unprotected areas. In recent years, this awareness has guided coastal managers to adopt alternative solutions with lower environmental impact to protect coastal areas, defined as Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs). NBS are quite popular around the world but are often analyzed and implemented individually at pilot sites. This contribution analyzes the effectiveness of two NBS to mitigate coastal impacts (coastal flooding and erosion) under three historical storms along the EmiliaRomagna coasts and the induced improvements due to their potential integration. Through numerical simulations with XBeach, this study demonstrated that the presence of seagrass meadows of Zostera marina produces an average attenuation of 32 % of the storm peak with a maximum attenuation of 89 % in incoming wave height. Seagrass also mitigates flooded areas and maximum inundation depths by 37 % and 58 % respectively. The artificial dune leads to higher mitigation in terms of inundation of the lagoon (up to 75 %), also avoiding any morphological variations behind it. Seagrass has also been shown to be able to reduce beach erosion volumes up to 55 %. The synergic effect of the two NBS improves the capacity to mitigate both inundation (with a benefit of up to 77 % for flooded area attenuation with respect to cases without any defenses) and coastal erosion. Results of the study suggest that the two NBS will work together to produce co-benefits in terms of preservation of their efficiency, development of habitats for organisms and vegetation species, and thereby offering an important social value in terms of possible tourism, recreation and research

    Quaternary evolution of the fluviokarst Rosandra Valley (Trieste, NE Italy)

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    The stratigraphy of terraced sediments as well as morphological features of the middle reach of the Rosandra Valley (Trieste, NE Italy) were studied in order to reconstruct its Quaternary evolution. This sector forms a fluviokarst valley, which is characterized by a deep incised gorge with abrasional features. Downstream, the gradient is reduced, the valley widens and terraced deposits occur. Alluvial/colluvial terraces crop out for about 1 to 1.5 km along the creek. They show the coalescence of the alluvial deposits with debrisfalls from the steep limestone slopes and colluvial fans related to some minor tributaries. The highest terrace is roughly 15 m high. 14C datings on a frustule plant collected in the lower part of the deposit (&gt; 45.000 yrs. BP), together with geological and geomorphological considerations, suggested that the terrace scarp could be Middle Pleistocene in age. The geomorphic regime of the creek changed from aggradation to erosion, as recorded by fanhead trenching and incision of fluvial terrace scarps, and it still persists. The tectonic uplift, which is partly responsible for the downcutting of the terrace and is still active, could be related to the SE-NW tilting of the Karst plateau