46 research outputs found

    Low input promoter capture Hi-C method enables to decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying genetically complex diseases

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    Interactions between promoters and their regulatory elements (e.g., enhancers) are cell-type specific. Moreover, these promoter-enhancer contacts have been shown to be crucial for proper gene expression levels, and their alteration promotes disease [1, 2]. The most widely used experimental methods require tens of millions of cells to obtain the whole high-resolution promoter associations, also called promoter interactome, independently of their activity. This requirement precludes the genome-wide analysis of regulatory promoter interactions in disease-relevant patient samples. This gap of knowledge is particularly problematic for understanding the molecular mechanism underlying inherited risk factors for common human diseases and acquired mutations and epimutations, which all are all highly enriched at regulatory elements. To provide novel insight into global genomic regulatory mechanisms and gene pathways underlying disease pathologies, Javierre et al. implemented promoter capture Hi- C (PCHi-C) method [1]. It allows systematic genome-wide identification of the genomic regions, including distal regulatory regions, in physical proximity with more than 22,000 promoters independently of the activity status of the interacting regions. In addition, due to PCHi-C method relying just on the sequence capture technology, but not in antibody immunoprecipitation as other methods do, it enables the robust compassion between conditions or cell types and the customization to interrogate any specific interactomes (e.g., enhancer interactome or the interactome in which a collection of variants). Applying this method, it has been possible to associate non-coding disease-associated variants to their distal target promoters, identifying hundreds of potential new disease-candidate genes and/or gene pathways. However, PCHi-C relies on the availability of millions of cells, typically from 20 to 50 million per biological replicate, which prohibits the analysis of rare cell populations such as those commonly obtained in clinical settings

    High-resolution simulations of chromatin folding at genomic rearrangements in malignant B cells provide mechanistic insights into proto-oncogene deregulation

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    Genomic rearrangements are known to result in proto-oncogene deregulation in many cancers, but the link to 3D genome structure remains poorly understood. Here, we used the highly predictive heteromorphic polymer (HiP-HoP) model to predict chromatin conformations at the proto-oncogene CCND1 in healthy and malignant B cells. After confirming that the model gives good predictions of Hi-C data for the nonmalignant human B cell–derived cell line GM12878, we generated predictions for two cancer cell lines, U266 and Z-138. These possess genome rearrangements involving CCND1 and the immunoglobulin heavy locus (IGH), which we mapped using targeted genome sequencing. Our simulations showed that a rearrangement in U266 cells where a single IGH super-enhancer is inserted next to CCND1 leaves the local topologically associated domain (TAD) structure intact. We also observed extensive changes in enhancer-promoter interactions within the TAD, suggesting that it is the downstream chromatin remodeling which gives rise to the oncogene activation, rather than the presence of the inserted super-enhancer DNA sequence per se. Simulations of the IGH-CCND1 reciprocal translocation in Z-138 cells revealed that an oncogenic fusion TAD is created, encompassing CCND1 and the IGH super-enhancers. We predicted how the structure and expression of CCND1 changes in these different cell lines, validating this using qPCR and fluorescence in situ hybridization microscopy. Our work demonstrates the power of polymer simulations to predict differences in chromatin interactions and gene expression for different translocation breakpoints

    Neural crest-related NXPH1/α-NRXN signaling opposes neuroblastoma malignancy by inhibiting organotropic metastasis

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    Neuroblastoma is a pediatric cancer that can present as low- or high-risk tumors (LR-NBs and HR-NBs), the latter group showing poor prognosis due to metastasis and strong resistance to current therapy. Whether LR-NBs and HR-NBs differ in the way they exploit the transcriptional program underlying their neural crest, sympatho-adrenal origin remains unclear. Here, we identified the transcriptional signature distinguishing LR-NBs from HR-NBs, which consists mainly of genes that belong to the core sympatho-adrenal developmental program and are associated with favorable patient prognosis and with diminished disease progression. Gain- and loss-of-function experiments revealed that the top candidate gene of this signature, Neurexophilin-1 (NXPH1), has a dual impact on NB cell behavior in vivo: whereas NXPH1 and its receptor α-NRXN1 promote NB tumor growth by stimulating cell proliferation, they conversely inhibit organotropic colonization and metastasis. As suggested by RNA-seq analyses, these effects might result from the ability of NXPH1/α-NRXN signalling to restrain the conversion of NB cells from an adrenergic state to a mesenchymal one. Our findings thus uncover a transcriptional module of the sympatho-adrenal program that opposes neuroblastoma malignancy by impeding metastasis, and pinpoint NXPH1/α-NRXN signaling as a promising target to treat HR-NBs.This work was supported by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Gobierno de España (MCINN; BFU2016-81887-REDT and BFU2016-77498-P) and the Asociación Española Contra el Cancer (AECC CI_2016) to EM, from the Fondo de Investigación en Salud (FIS) - Instituto de salud Carlos III (PI14/00038) and the NEN association (Association of Families and Friends of Patients with Neuroblastoma) to CL, from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FSE (MS17/00037; PI18/00014; PI21/00020) to TC-T, from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CP22/00127, co-funded by European Social Fund “Investing in your future”) to BMJ, from the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR-17-CE14-0023-01, ANR-17-CE14-0009-02) and the city of Paris (Emergence program) to ELG, from ISCIII-FEDER (CP13/00189 and CPII18/00009) to AMC. LF received a PhD fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Education and Universities (FPU AP2012-2222). LT-D was funded by a FPI Fellowship (PRE2019-088005). GLD was supported by the Asociación Española Contra el Cancer (AECC #AIO14142105LED)

    The HDAC7-TET2 epigenetic axis is essential during early B lymphocyte development

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    Correct B cell identity at each stage of cellular differentiation during B lymphocyte development is critically dependent on a tightly controlled epigenomic landscape. We previously identified HDAC7 as an essential regulator of early B cell development and its absence leads to a drastic block at the pro-B to pre-B cell transition. More recently, we demonstrated that HDAC7 loss in pro-B-ALL in infants associates with a worse prognosis. Here we delineate the molecular mechanisms by which HDAC7 modulates early B cell development. We find that HDAC7 deficiency drives global chromatin de-condensation, histone marks deposition and deregulates other epigenetic regulators and mobile elements. Specifically, the absence of HDAC7 induces TET2 expression, which promotes DNA 5-hydroxymethylation and chromatin de-condensation. HDAC7 deficiency also results in the aberrant expression of microRNAs and LINE-1 transposable elements. These findings shed light on the mechanisms by which HDAC7 loss or misregulation may lead to B cell-based hematological malignancies.FUNDING: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) [SAF2017-87990-R]; Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) [EUR2019-103835]; Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC, Badalona, Barcelona); IDIBELL Research Institute (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona); A.M. is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, which is part of the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) [PRE2018-083183] (cofunded by the European Social Fund]; OdB. was funded by a Juan de la Cierva Formacion Fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities [FJCI-2017-32430]; Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Asociacion Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC) ´ Foundation [POSTD20024DEBA]; B.M. is awardee of the Ayudas para la formacion del profesorado universitario [FPU18/00755, Ministerio de Universidades]; B.M.J. is funded by La Caixa Banking Foundation Junior Leader project [LCF/BQ/PI19/11690001]; FEDER/Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [RTI2018-094788-A-I00]; L.T.-D. is funded by the FPI Fellowship [PRE2019- 088005]; L.R. is funded by an AGAUR FI fellowship [2019FI-B00017]; J.L.S. is funded by ISCIII [CP19/00176], co-funded by ESF, ‘Investing in your future’ and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities [PID2019-111243RA-I00]. CRG acknowledge the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa (CEX2020-001049- S, MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033). Funding for open access charge: Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICIU) [SAF2017-87990-R, EUR2019-103835].ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We thank CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya and the Josep Carreras Foundation for institutional support. We thank Dr Eric Olson (UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA) and Dr Michael Reth (Max Planck Institute of Immunology and Epigenetics, Freiburg, Germany) for kindly providing the Hdac7loxp/- and mb1- Cre mice, respectively. We thank Luc´ıa Fanlo for her assistance in technical issues and bioinformatics analysis of ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq experiments. We thank Alberto Bueno for deep analysis of our RNA-seq and hMeDIP-seq data, in order to assess the presence of differentially expressed dsRNA species. We also thank Drs Pura Munoz ˜ Canoves and Tokameh Mahmoudi for helpful comments on ´ the manuscript

    The dynamic DNA methylomes of double-stranded DNA viruses associated with human cancer

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    The natural history of cancers associated with virus exposure is intriguing, since only a minority of human tissues infected with these viruses inevitably progress to cancer. However, the molecular reasons why the infection is controlled or instead progresses to subsequent stages of tumorigenesis are largely unknown. In this article, we provide the first complete DNA methylomes of double-stranded DNA viruses associated with human cancer that might provide important clues to help us understand the described process. Using bisulfite genomic sequencing of multiple clones, we have obtained the DNA methylation status of every CpG dinucleotide in the genome of the Human Papilloma Viruses 16 and 18 and Human Hepatitis B Virus, and in all the transcription start sites of the Epstein-Barr Virus. These viruses are associated with infectious diseases (such as hepatitis B and infectious mononucleosis) and the development of human tumors (cervical, hepatic, and nasopharyngeal cancers, and lymphoma), and are responsible for 1 million deaths worldwide every year. The DNA methylomes presented provide evidence of the dynamic nature of the epigenome in contrast to the genome. We observed that the DNA methylome of these viruses evolves from an unmethylated to a highly methylated genome in association with the progression of the disease, from asymptomatic healthy carriers, through chronically infected tissues and pre-malignant lesions, to the full-blown invasive tumor. The observed DNA methylation changes have a major functional impact on the biological behavior of the viruses