512 research outputs found

    Kontroversi Produk Rekayasa Genetika Yang Dikonsumsi Masyarakat

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    Genetic engineering is a transplant of one gene to an other gene both between genesand gene cross to produce a useful product for living organisms. At first, geneticengineering was only conducted on plant to solve the food\u27s lack for world population,and it does not only apply to the plants and animals are similar in its development, but ithas evolved in humans and cross types. The basic principle of genetic engineeringtechnology is manipulating the composition changes of the nucleic acid of DNA ortucking new genes into the DNA structure of the recipient organisms, this means thatinserted genes on a recipient organism can be derived from the other organisms. Today,the deployment and use of genetically modified organisms have been inviting society\u27scontroversy, therefore this paper aims to review the controversy for genetically modifiedorganism (GMO) on several aspects of community life

    Artisanal salt production in Aveiro/Portugal - an ecofriendly process

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    Solar salinas are man-made systems exploited for the extraction of salt, by solar and wind evaporation of seawater. Salt production achieved by traditional methods is associated with landscapes and environmental and patrimonial values generated throughout history. Since the mid-twentieth century, this activity has been facing a marked decline in Portugal, with most salinas either abandoned or subjected to destruction, making it necessary to find a strategy to reverse this trend

    Evaluating wind datasets for wave hindcasting in the NW Iberian Peninsula coast

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    The available wind datasets can be exploited to support the setup of accurate wave models, able to reproduce and forecast extreme event scenarios. It is of utmost importance in the actual context of climate change. This study focuses on evaluating the performance of a numerical wave model, using different wind datasets, helping to create a tool to assess coastal risks, and further on to support the future implementation of reliable warning systems based on numerical models. The numerical model SWAN was implemented, configured and validated for the NW Iberian Peninsula coast, as a test case region. A period of two months, from December 2013 to January 2014, was simulated due to the winter storms that crossed the area. Six distinct wind datasets were selected to test their suitability in regional wave modelling. The results were validated against several sets of wave buoy data, considering wave parameters such as significant wave height, mean wave period and peak direction. The implemented wave model configuration allowed the representation of the wave evolution with relatively good accuracy. All the wind datasets were able to produce reasonably good wave condition estimates. The dataset that best represented the wave properties varied from one wave parameter to another, but the most reliable for the selected region was the reanalysis product generated at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts


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    Udang vaname Litopenaeus vannamei merupakan salah satu produk andalan ekspor Indonesia, dan Amerika Serikat merupakan negara terbesar yang mengimpor udang vaname dari Indonesia dengan jumlah 77.000 ton. Volume ekspor udang pada tahun 2015-2017 mengalami peningkatan, pada tahun 2015 sebanyak 124.000 ton, tahun 2016 sebanyak 131.000 ton, dan tahun 2017 sejumlah 138.000 ton, sementara permintaan udang dunia pada tahun 2018 tercatat mencapai 4.000.000 ton. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem pengelolaan dan analisa finansial kegiatan pembesaran udang vaname, sehingga diperoleh gambaran menyeluruh dalam rangka optimalisasi produksi yang sedang dijalankan.  Metode studi yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan mengumpulkan data primer serta data sekunder.  Dalam studi pembesaran udang vaname, proses pemeliharaan dimulai dari penebaran benur stadia post larva 8-10 di tambak pemeliharaan.  Pemeliharaan dilakukan selama 90 hari dengan rata-rata padat tebar 168 ekor m-1, survival rate (SR) rata-rata sebesar 95 % dan pertumbuhan harian sekitar 0,31 g hari-1.  Berdasarkan hasil studi, bahwa kegiatan pembesaran udang vaname selama satu tahun dapat mencapai 3 siklus, dan dalam satu tahun menghasilkan total panen sebesar 243.977,4 kg. Hasil analisa finansial dalam kegiatan pembesaran selama satu tahun, diperoleh keuntungan sejumlah Rp 6.651.731.962, RC-1 rasio 1,72, PP 4,9, HPP Rp 37.736, BEP produksi sebanyak 46.431 kg dan BEP rupiah sebesar Rp 4.964.246.351.Udang vaname Litopenaeus vannamei merupakan salah satu produk andalan ekspor Indonesia, dan Amerika Serikat merupakan negara terbesar yang mengimpor udang vaname dari Indonesia dengan jumlah 77.000 ton. Volume ekspor udang pada tahun 2015-2017 mengalami peningkatan, pada tahun 2015 sebanyak 124.000 ton, tahun 2016 sebanyak 131.000 ton, dan tahun 2017 sejumlah 138.000 ton, sementara permintaan udang dunia pada tahun 2018 tercatat mencapai 4.000.000 ton. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem pengelolaan dan analisa finansial kegiatan pembesaran udang vaname, sehingga diperoleh gambaran menyeluruh dalam rangka optimalisasi produksi yang sedang dijalankan.  Metode studi yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan mengumpulkan data primer serta data sekunder.  Dalam studi pembesaran udang vaname, proses pemeliharaan dimulai dari penebaran benur stadia post larva 8-10 di tambak pemeliharaan.  Pemeliharaan dilakukan selama 90 hari dengan rata-rata padat tebar 168 ekor m-1, survival rate (SR) rata-rata sebesar 95 % dan pertumbuhan harian sekitar 0,31 g hari-1.  Berdasarkan hasil studi, bahwa kegiatan pembesaran udang vaname selama satu tahun dapat mencapai 3 siklus, dan dalam satu tahun menghasilkan total panen sebesar 243.977,4 kg. Hasil analisa finansial dalam kegiatan pembesaran selama satu tahun, diperoleh keuntungan sejumlah Rp 6.651.731.962, RC-1 rasio 1,72, PP 4,9, HPP Rp 37.736, BEP produksi sebanyak 46.431 kg dan BEP rupiah sebesar Rp 4.964.246.351

    Estuarine hydrodynamic patterns and hydrokinetic energy production: The Douro estuary case study

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    Influenced by both marine and river flows, estuaries can present a high potential for hydrokinetic energy exploitation. In this study, the hydrokinetic energy production in the Douro estuary was evaluated through hydrodynamic numerical modelling. The model analysed the tide and river flow, reproduced the combined effects of these two factors on the main current velocity patterns, and identified the estuarine locations with the highest potential for energy exploitation. Given the river?s high variability caused by the precipitation patterns in the hydrographic basin area and the river?s torrential regime, several discharge scenarios were explored, combining spring and neap tides, and high and low river flows. The results revealed that the region with the highest potential is located in the upper part of the estuary, where the highest-velocity currents were achieved for mid-ebb tide conditions and strong river flows. It was also found that tides reinforce the hydrokinetic energy production during ebb tide, although they are not strong enough to produce high values of hydrokinetic energy, being the river flow the main forcing. This work demonstrates the relevance of choosing parametrized magnitudes that are not dependent on a specific equipment, as well as the importance of a proper characterization of the estuarine hydrodynamic patterns needed to optimize the hydrokinetic energy exploitation. ? 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Inventaire, structure morpho-métrique et importance des varans sacrés de Kandi (Nord-Est Bénin)

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    Les sites naturels sacrés regorgent d’espèces traditionnellement protégées. Cette étude menée de juin 2013 à décembre 2013 à Kandi (milieu soudanien) a permis de décrire les espèces de varans et d’analyser la structure morpho-métrique des varans sacrés. Les observations directes, les enquêtes ethnozoologiques semistructurées sur 74 chefs de ménage et chasseurs et, les mesures corporelles des varans capturés ont signalé la présence de Varanus exanthematicus et Varanus niloticus différenciés à partir de la taille (87% des enquêtés), forme (61%), couleur (59%) et tempérament (52%). V. niloticus était sacré pour l’ethnie dominante "Batonu". 84% des captures étaient mâtures, pesaient en moyenne 1484 g pour 111,3 cm de long. La longueur moyenne du museau-cloaque était de 44,7 cm et la queue 65,3 cm. Ils étaient plus courts et moins lourds que V. niloticus du Lac Tchad (milieu sahélien) pouvant traduire une adaptation phénotypique. La longueur de la queue (LQ) et du museau-cloaque (LMC) s’ajustent dans le modèle LQ=1,19LMC + 11,74 (R²=0,73 ; N=37). La longueur totale (L) et la masse corporelle (MC) s’ajustent dans l’équation MC=0,03L - 1,42 (R²=0,81 ; N=37). Toutefois, leur statut écologique doit être analysé en incluant la symbiose hommes-varans.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Varans, richesse spécifique, données biométriques, KandiEnglish Title: Inventory, morpho-metric structure and importance of sacred monitor lizard of Kandi (Northeastern Benin)English AbstractSacred natural sites abound in traditionally protected species. This study led from June 2013 to July 2013 at Kandi (Sudanese area) has enabled to describe the species of monitor lizards and to analyze the morpho-metric structure of sacred monitor lizards. Direct observations, semi-structure and ethnozoological surveys on 74 heads of household and hunters, and body measurements of monitor lizards captured have indicated the presence of Varanus exanthematicus and Varanus niloticus differentiated from size (87% of investigated), form (61%), color (59%) and temperament (52%). V. niloticus was sacred for “batonu” the dominant ethnic. 84% of the captures were matures, weighed on the average 1484 g and 111.3 cm long. The average of snout-vent-length (SVL) was 44.7 cm and the tail (TL) 65.3 cm. They were more shorts and less  heavy than V. niloticus of Lake Chad (sahelian environment). It can express phenotype adaptation. Tail length and snout-vent-length fit in the model TL=1.19SVL + 11.74 (R²=0.73; N=37). Total length (L) and body mass (BM) fit in the equation BM =0.03L – 1.42(R²=0.81; N=37). Therefore, their status must been analyzed including the symbiosis human-monitor lizards.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Monitor lizards, specific richness, biometrical data, Kand

    Epidemiological aspects of surgical site infections in an income country. The case of regional hospital center, Borgou (Benin)

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    ABSTRACT Background: Surgical site infection is frustrating for the care team and depressing for the patient. Objective: To determine the epidemiological aspects of surgical site infections in regional hospital, Borgou. Methods: The study was crossed with prospective data collection. Recruitment was done for six months (from February 2013 to July 2013), each patient operated in both surgical services (general surgery and maternity) consents to be followed for one month or year. The surgical site infection was defined according to the CDC/NHSN 2009. Results: The frequency of surgical site infections was 7.3% (44/603). The mean age was 30.7 ± 15.8 years with minimum and maximum of 5 months and 70 years, respectively. They were significantly (p<0.05) more common in general surgery than that of maternity and visceral surgery and obstetrics were more concerned (14/44 each); the median time to SSI onset was 7.8 ± 3.8 days. The deep incisional infection was the most frequent (34/44). The most encountered organism was Escherichia coli (64.7%); multidrug resistance was 41.2%. The healing time averaged 30.5 ± 13.8 days with minimum and maximum of 20 and 92 days. Conclusion: Monitoring measures must be taken to reduce surgical site infection at the Regional Hospital Centre of Borgou.Background: Surgical site infection is frustrating for the care team and depressing for the patient. Objective: To determine the epidemiological aspects of surgical site infections in regional hospital, Borgou. Methods: The study was crossed with prospective data collection. Recruitment was done for six months (from February 2013 to July 2013), each patient operated in both surgical services (general surgery and maternity) consents to be followed for one month or year. The surgical site infection was defined according to the CDC/NHSN 2009. Results: The frequency of surgical site infections was 7.3% (44/603). The mean age was 30.7 ± 15.8 years with minimum and maximum of 5 months and 70 years, respectively. They were significantly (p<0.05) more common in general surgery than that of maternity and visceral surgery and obstetrics were more concerned (14/44 each); the median time to SSI onset was 7.8 ± 3.8 days. The deep incisional infection was the most frequent (34/44). The most encountered organism was Escherichia coli (64.7%); multidrug resistance was 41.2%. The healing time averaged 30.5 ± 13.8 days with minimum and maximum of 20 and 92 days. Conclusion: Monitoring measures must be taken to reduce surgical site infection at the Regional Hospital Centre of Borgou

    The playful in the photosynthesis education : player board for the basic education.

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    Atividades veem sendo elaboradas para auxiliar no ensino de conhecimentos e conceitos cient?ficos com a associa??o de aulas expositivas, leitura de imagens e de textos de g?neros variados. Este artigo apresenta mais uma alternativa com a utiliza??o de um jogo did?tico que pode ser adaptado a diferentes n?veis de dificuldades (I, II e III) podendo ser aplicados na Educa??o B?sica com a finalidade de proporcionar a professores uma ferramenta did?tica para o ensino de fotoss?ntese. O jogo ? composto de um baralho colorido que cont?m os reagentes e produtos da rea??o de fotoss?ntese, presentes nas cartas amarelas, e tamb?m cartas de a??o, vermelhas e verdes, que d?o movimento ? partida, Al?m de ser um instrumento para abordar o ensino de fotoss?ntese, o jogo abre possibilidades para o aprendizado de rela??es ecol?gicas como a competi??o, uma vez que h? dentre as cartas de a??o a possibilidade de retirar reagentes e produtos do oponente.Activities are seen being elaborated to assist in the teaching of scientific concepts with the association of lectures, reading of images and texts of varied genres. This article presents another alternative with the use of a didactic game that can be adapted to different levels of difficulties (I, II and III) and can be applied in Basic Education in order to provide teachers with a didactic tool for the teaching of photosynthesis. The game consists of a colored deck containing the reagents and photosynthesis reaction products present in the yellow cards, as well as red and green action cards that give movement at the start. Besides being an instrument to approach the teaching of photosynthesis, the game opens up possibilities for the learning of ecological relations such as competition, since there are among the action cards the possibility of withdrawing reagents and products from the opponent

    mPSQed: A Software for the Design of Multiplex Pyrosequencing Assays

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    Molecular-based diagnostic assays are the gold standard for infectious diseases today, since they allow a rapid and sensitive identification and typing of various pathogens. While PCR can be designed to be specific for a certain pathogen, a subsequent sequence analysis is frequently required for confirmation or typing. The design of appropriate PCR-based assays is a complex task, especially when conserved discriminating polymorphisms are rare or if the number of types which need to be differentiated is high. One extremely useful but underused method for this purpose is the multiplex pyrosequencing technique. Unfortunately there is no software available to aid researchers in designing multiplex pyrosequencing assays. Here, we present mPSQed (Multiplex PyroSeQuencing EDitor), a program targeted at closing this gap. We also present the design of an exemplarily theoretical assay for the differentiation of human adenovirus types A–F using two pyrosequencing primers on two distinct PCR products, designed quickly and easily using our software

    The regime of climate-related disturbance and nutrient enrichment modulate macroalgal invasions in rockpools

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    Patterns of invasion by the seaweeds Grateloupia turuturu Yamada and Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt under crossed combinations of the regime (mean intensity and temporal variability) of climate-related mechanical disturbance and constant nutrient enrichment were experimentally examined in rockpools in north Portugal. The cover of both species was larger under high compared to low intensity of disturbance, but this effect was enhanced by events more heterogeneously distributed over a period of 19 months. The invasion by G. turuturu was also larger in enriched pools, but only when disturbance was applied at high intensity. The richness of native taxa was increased by high intensity events of disturbance evenly distributed over time and by low intensity events heterogeneously distributed, while no differences were documented for other treatments. Temporal variability of disturbance and nutrients interactively affected the total cover of native taxa and the availability of bare rock in different directions. Enriched conditions increased the space occupancy by natives and reduced substratum availability only when associated to heterogeneous events of disturbance. At the same time, relatively more variable disturbances caused a reduced cover by native taxa and an increased availability of free space, but only under natural nutrient levels. Present findings contribute to understand the conditions that would be more likely to facilitate the spread of G. turuturu and S. muticum under current and predicted scenarios of compounded environmental changes and in relation to traits of recipient systems that are considered relevant for the success of invasions, including the native richness and the degree of usage of resources, i.e. primarily space