74 research outputs found

    STATE GOVERNMENT Georgia Regional Transportation Authority Act: Provide for a Regional Transportation Authority

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    The Act creates the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA), and gives it significant power over transportation policy in counties that fail to comply with the federal Clean Air Act. The Act enumerates the powers of the authority and describes how the board of directors of the authority should be appointed. It also makes members of the GRTA board of directors members of the Governor\u27s Development Council. Some sections of the Act deal with the removal of members of the GRTA board of directors. Additionally, the Act describes the relationship between GRTA and local governments and the enforcement mechanisms GRTA may use against local governments. The Act gives GRTA the power to build and operate, or force local governments to operate, public transportation systems. Further, it gives GRTA the power to cut off transportation funds to developments of regional impact of which it does not approve

    The Impact of Leadership Style on Employee Job Performance in the Embassy of the Central African Republic in Washington D.C

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    Organizations are led by leaders who are expected to lead their employees toward a great performance capable of meeting or exceeding organizational goals. In order to achieve organizational goals, leaders can utilize different leadership styles depending on the situations that they face. Thus, this study aims to show how the three leadership styles: democratic, autocratic, and laissez-faire, can impact or influence the job performance of employees. The study was conducted at the Embassy of the Central African Republic in Washington, D.C. A sample of 10 participants was drawn, and semi-structured interviews were used as a method to collect data. The study found that the democratic style significantly impacted employee job performance because employees shared their opinions with the leader and participated in decision-making. Therefore, the democratic leadership style significantly affects the job performance of employees at the Embassy of the Central African Republic in Washington, D.C. Keywords: Leadership Style, Job Performance, Democratic Style, Autocratic Style, Laissez-Faire Style, Ambassador, Embassy of the Central African Republic, Leadership, Leader, Subordinate(s), Employee(s), Follower(s)

    STATE GOVERNMENT Georgia Regional Transportation Authority Act: Provide for a Regional Transportation Authority

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    The Act creates the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA), and gives it significant power over transportation policy in counties that fail to comply with the federal Clean Air Act. The Act enumerates the powers of the authority and describes how the board of directors of the authority should be appointed. It also makes members of the GRTA board of directors members of the Governor\u27s Development Council. Some sections of the Act deal with the removal of members of the GRTA board of directors. Additionally, the Act describes the relationship between GRTA and local governments and the enforcement mechanisms GRTA may use against local governments. The Act gives GRTA the power to build and operate, or force local governments to operate, public transportation systems. Further, it gives GRTA the power to cut off transportation funds to developments of regional impact of which it does not approve

    Resilience of Entrepreneurs in Crisis Context: A study applied in the Anglophone crisis in the North West Region of Cameroon

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    Entrepreneurs in Cameroon represent an enormous economic weight known as the backbone of the economy, but forced to adapt to the situation to remain in the market as they are faced with the armed conflicts commonly known as Anglophone crisis. This research aims at identifying the different ways in which entrepreneurs in crisis context can become resilient. We opted for a qualitative research approach with an inductive reasoning. The population of study is made up of entrepreneurs within this area of crisis and the sampled population is the entrepreneurs who have been resilient in the crisis context for the past five years. Our participants were five entrepreneurs due to saturation, addressed with an interview guide for data collection; face-to-face assisted by an audio recorder. Data was analyzed manually as we settled for the thematic analysis. The results revealed that; online sales (100%), rescaling of business (100%), capacity to anticipate (80%), educative seminar (80%) and adaptation capacity (80%) are the key strategies used by entrepreneurs in this crisis area to remain in business. This paper is limited only to the entrepreneurs who have succeeded to remain in business despite the constant unstable environment. To this effect, the entrepreneurs should rescale their businesses and marketing strategies in order not to attract those fighting them and special considerations should be given to the existing entrepreneurs in crisis context with free interest loans for them to remain in business.   Keywords: resilience, entrepreneur, crises. JEL Classification : (H12, L81)  Paper type: Empirical researchLes entrepreneurs au Cameroun représentent un poids économique énorme, considéré comme l'épine dorsale de l'économie, mais contraints de s'adapter à la situation pour rester sur le marché alors qu'ils sont confrontés aux conflits armés communément appelés crise anglophone. Cette recherche vise à identifier les différentes manières dont les entrepreneurs en contexte de crise peuvent devenir résilients. Nous avons opté pour une approche de recherche qualitative avec un raisonnement inductif. La population étudiée est composée d'entrepreneurs au sein de cette zone de crise et la population échantillonnée est constituée des entrepreneurs qui ont fait preuve de résilience dans le contexte de crise au cours des cinq dernières années. Nos participants étaient cinq entrepreneurs en raison de la saturation, abordés avec un guide d'entretien pour la collecte de données, en face à face assisté par un enregistreur audio. Les données ont été analysées manuellement au fur et à mesure que nous nous contentions de l'analyse thématique. Les résultats ont révélé que : la vente en ligne (100%), le redimensionnement de l'activité (100%), la capacité d'anticipation (80%), le séminaire éducatif (80%) et la capacité d'adaptation (80%) sont les stratégies clés utilisées par les entrepreneurs dans cette zone de crise afin de rester en activité. Cet article se limite uniquement aux entrepreneurs qui ont réussi à rester en affaires malgré un environnement constamment instable. À cet effet, les entrepreneurs devraient redimensionner leurs activités et leurs stratégies de marketing afin de ne pas attirer ceux qui les combattent et des considérations spéciales devraient être accordées aux entrepreneurs existants dans un contexte de crise avec des prêts à taux d'intérêt gratuits pour qu'ils puissent rester en activité.   Mots clés : résilience, entrepreneur, crises. Classification JEL : H12, L81 Type du papier : Recherche empiriqu

    Relativization in Chadic: a Case Study of Musgum, Masa, Wandala and Giziga

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    Abstract: The paper addresses relative clause formation in four Chadic languages spoken in the upper north region of Cameroon, namely Musgusm, Masa, Wandela and Giziga. Relative clauses are introduced by a relativizer which agrees in gender and number with the head noun (Masa). In these languages, the unmarked relative position is DP REL and the relativizer modifies DPs. It is argued that the promotion analysis (Schachter 1973, Vergnaud 1974, Kayne 1994 is used to derive relative clause in these languages since wh-relatives aren’t attested in these languages. Furthermore, the accessibility hierarchy devised by Keenan and Comrie is respected in these languages: Subject, Direct Object, Indirect object of pre-or postposition as well as Possessor are relativizable positions in the aforementioned languages. Following Biloa (2013), it is argued that the landing site of relativization is the specifier position of Relative Phrase (RelP) that the head hosts relativizer

    Inclusion and Effectiveness in Adult Education and Orientation in Less Developed Countries: Case Study of Cameroon

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    Concepts of Adult education and orientation remain conspicuously absent in the curriculum at all levels of education in Cameroon. This situation has obscured the understanding of complex efforts on connecting adult education to the increasing adoption of a widening range of educational services and mechanisms that would lead to more effective and adequate results .This paper sets to redefine adult education through the lens of Less Developed Countries (LDCs) in general and the Cameroon context in particular. The paper equally underscores the pertinence of the implementation of a twin-track scholarly and community approaches to speed up development in LDCs


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    If well-being and poverty are considered antonyms, their understanding remains complex, because the concepts are seen differently from an anthropological, sociological and economic point of view. The objective of this article is to measure multidimensional poverty and non-monetary well-being in Cameroon. In other words, we will build a composite index of well-being in addition to a multidimensional analysis of poverty. To implement it, we will use fuzzy logic which was developed by Lotfi Zadeh in 1965 and which is formalized mathematically by the theory of fuzzy subsets. The latter appears to be an appropriate tool for specifying vague concepts such as poverty. To carry out this work, we used the third Cameroonian household survey (ECAM 3) to identify poor households. The development of the different indices was done in three stages: first, the choice of non-monetary dimensions, then the extraction of deprivation indicators and finally the aggregation of results. The main results show that the fuzzy poverty index in Cameroon is 0.6010. This means that 60.10% of Cameroonian households are structurally poor. By decomposing this index by region, stratum and sex of the head of household, the Far North region has the highest fuzzy proportion (P = 0.7367), and the two big cities of Yaoundé and Douala record high scores. Overall, rural areas have the highest proportion of poor households (0.7463), while households headed by women are more affected by the phenomenon of poverty (0.6264). However, it should be noted that the level of deprivation is higher for the drinking water supply mode (0.7657), the waste water evacuation mode (0.9501), the level of education of the chiefs of households (0.7430) and household income (0.9051). In terms of contribution to poverty, the Far North is the region that contributes the most (0.1585), followed by the Northwest (0.1452) and the West (0.1161). In terms of well-being, economic capabilities contribute the most to the well-being of households, with better scores for urban households. Consequently, the formulation of poverty reduction policies in terms of sanitation, drinking water supply, improvement of the health service etc. should be directed mainly to rural areas

    National Land Coalitions and the Preservation of Communities’ Ancestral Land Heritage in Africa

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    National Land Coalitions (NLCs) work towards the recognition, defence, protection and redistribution of land rights at national level. They build upon frameworks on land tenure developed and agreed by different regional and intergovernmental institutions. Platforms are at the heart of protecting and preserving community and customary lands which constitute the major category of landholding in Africa. The purpose of this paper is threefold: share the successes of National Land Coalitions in selected countries in securing the land heritage for communities and other vulnerable groups; identify the ingredients for such successes including enabling factors and methods used; identify the bottlenecks and threats faced by the actors involved in these coalitions; as well as possible opportunities and recommendations to better capacitate these platforms in achieving their mandate. The analytical framework is based on three components of the syntax namely the Attribute, aIm, and Condition (AIC). The Attribute focuses on the organizational description, the aIm puts emphasis on the coalition’s goal, while the Condition highlights the means coalitions put at the service of their ambition. We undertook a literature review and three case studies serve as basis to analyse the contribution of National Land Coalitions to community land preservation. These include in Cameroon the Banen community in the Ebo Forest, and the land concessions in the Ntem Valley, and in Sierra Leone the palm oil investment by Socfin in the Malen Chiefdom. It is demonstrated that NLC actions and activities have contributed to increasing the preservation of community lands. These Coalitions emerge in a context of arable land scrambling, the adoption and implementation of new progressive land policies and laws that promote and protect community and customary land rights. Through intense policy dialogue, advocacy, and capacity strengthening, facilitated and supported by NLCs, more and more communities are in position to fight land dispossession by states and private actors. However, these Coalitions face challenges that hamper their action, including organizational structure, power asymmetries, financing and sustainability issues. In terms of opportunities, an increasing number of national legislative frameworks are being reviewed and land governance monitoring instruments like the LandMatrix and the LANDex are taken to scale. Spaces such as LandCollaborative put national platforms at the centre of people-centered land governance and facilitate horizontal learning between platform practitioners across countries in Africa


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    If well-being and poverty are considered antonyms, their understanding remains complex, because the concepts are seen differently from an anthropological, sociological and economic point of view. The objective of this article is to measure multidimensional poverty and non-monetary well-being in Cameroon. In other words, we will build a composite index of well-being in addition to a multidimensional analysis of poverty. To implement it, we will use fuzzy logic which was developed by Lotfi Zadeh in 1965 and which is formalized mathematically by the theory of fuzzy subsets. The latter appears to be an appropriate tool for specifying vague concepts such as poverty. To carry out this work, we used the third Cameroonian household survey (ECAM 3) to identify poor households. The development of the different indices was done in three stages: first, the choice of non-monetary dimensions, then the extraction of deprivation indicators and finally the aggregation of results. The main results show that the fuzzy poverty index in Cameroon is 0.6010. This means that 60.10% of Cameroonian households are structurally poor. By decomposing this index by region, stratum and sex of the head of household, the Far North region has the highest fuzzy proportion (P = 0.7367), and the two big cities of Yaoundé and Douala record high scores. Overall, rural areas have the highest proportion of poor households (0.7463), while households headed by women are more affected by the phenomenon of poverty (0.6264). However, it should be noted that the level of deprivation is higher for the drinking water supply mode (0.7657), the waste water evacuation mode (0.9501), the level of education of the chiefs of households (0.7430) and household income (0.9051). In terms of contribution to poverty, the Far North is the region that contributes the most (0.1585), followed by the Northwest (0.1452) and the West (0.1161). In terms of well-being, economic capabilities contribute the most to the well-being of households, with better scores for urban households. Consequently, the formulation of poverty reduction policies in terms of sanitation, drinking water supply, improvement of the health service etc. should be directed mainly to rural areas

    The egalitarian body. A study of aesthetic and emotional processes in massana performances among the Mbendjele of the Likouala region (Republic of Congo)

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    Egalitarianism is a practice as much as it is an ideology (Woodburn 1982), and several authors highlighted the importance of the use of the body in huntergatherers’ egalitarian societies as well as the ways political power is framed by a subtle balance between genders (e.g. Biesele 1993; Kisliuk 1998; Finnegan 2013) through embodied performative practice. An important context in which Mbendjele egalitarianism is embodied by individuals is through musical and playful performances obeying the strict rules of the institution massana. In this thesis, I describe these embodied processes with a focus on the role of aesthetics and emotions, to show how egalitarianism is re-created/re-asserted during each massana performance. Mbendjele egalitarianism and the role of massana in this political system are investigated through an analysis of the processes of embodiement of egalitarian values and behaviour, and of the effect of play, music, dance and emotions on the human body in the Mbendjele context. This thesis is divided in six chapters. Chapter 1 defines egalitarianism, Mbendjele egalitarianism and the role of massana in this political system. Chapter 2 explores the processes of embodiement of egalitarian values and behaviour, and the effect of play, music, dance and emotions on the human body in the Mbendjele context. Chapter 3 investigates the structure of Mbendjele music, and chapter 4 looks at visual aesthetics in forest spirit performances (mokondi massana). Chapter 5 focuses on Mbendjele’s ‘collective body’ through a study of gender communication. Chapter 6 shows how Mbendjele achieve beauty and restore harmony through the performance of forest spirit rituals (mokondi massana)
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