210 research outputs found

    Idiopaattinen epilepsia belgianpaimenkoirilla : perinnöllisyys ja tyypillinen kohtauskuva rotumuunnoksittain

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    Epilepsia on koiran yleisin neurologinen sairaus ja belgianpaimenkoirarodulla uskotaan olevan selvästi korkeampi riski sairastua epilepsiaan kuin koirapopulaatiossa yleisesti. On todettu, että epilepsia lisää koirilla ennenaikaisen kuoleman riskiä. Koirien terveyden parantamisen lisäksi epilepsian tutkimus koirilla auttaa ihmisten epilepsian tutkimusta. Useimpien koirien perinnöllisten epilepsioiden epäillään periytyvän joko resessiivisesti tai polygeenisesti. Epilepsian kohtauskuva vaihtelee rotukohtaisesti, mutta mahdollisesti myös rodun sisällä. Koirien epilepsiakohtaukset luokitellaan paikallisiin kohtauksiin, paikallisalkuisiin sekundäärisiin yleistyneisiin kohtauksiin ja primaarisesti yleistyneisiin kohtauksiin. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin belgianpaimenkoiran epilepsian kliinistä kuvaa ja peritytymismallia, jotta voidaan arvioida onko taustalla yksi vai useita epilepsiaa aiheuttavia geenimutaatioita. Tutkimuksessa analysoitiin 79 epilepsiaa sairastavan belgianpaimenkoiran kyselylomake ja laadittiin tutkimukseen valituista koirista sukupuut periytymismallin selvittämiseksi. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin myös sitä, onko belgianpaimenkoiran rotumuunnosten välillä eroja kliinisessä kuvassa ja prevalenssissa. Oletuksena oli, että tervueren- ja groenendael-rotumuunnoksilla on korkeampi epilepsian prevalenssi aiempien tutkimusten perusteella. Tutkimuksessa mukana olevien koirien kohtauksista 47 % luokiteltiin paikallisalkuiseksi sekundäärisesti yleistyneeksi kohtaukseksi, 47 % primaarisesti yleistyneeksi kohtaukseksi ja 6 % paikalliseksi kohtaukseksi. Tervueren-rotumuunnoksella esiintyi enemmän primaarisesti paikallisia kohtauksia kuin groenendael-rotumuunnoksella. Tervueren-rotumuunnoksen kohtaustiheys oli korkeampi kuin groenendael-rotumuunnoksella. Belgianpaimenkoirien epilepsian periytymismallin arvioitiin olevan laadittujen sukupuiden perusteella monitekijäinen. Belgianpaimenkoirien tarkan periytymismallin selvittäminen vaatisi jatkotutkimuksia

    Istraživanje efekta dvojnog paljenja na emisiju izlaznih plinova kod SI motora koji radi u različitim uvjetima koristeći kvazi-dimenzionalni termodinamički ciklički model

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    In the presented study, the effects of using dual- spark plug and variation of the spark plug location on the exhaust emissions of an SI engine operating in different conditions were investigated theoretically. A quasi-dimensional two-zone thermodynamic cycle model was developed for this purpose. CO2, CO and NO concentrations in the exhaust emissions were determined for each of operating condition. Obtained results showed that there are considerable effects using dual-ignition and varying spark plug location on exhaust emissions. Using dual-ignition decreases exhaust emissions especiallyU radu se teorijski istražuju efekti korištenja dvije svjećice i varijacije njihova položaja na emisije SI motora pri njihovom radu u različitim uvjetima. Za tu je svrhu razvijen kvazi – dimenijski dvozonski model procesa. Utvrđene su koncentracije emisija CO2, CO i NO u ispušnom dijelu motora za sve uvjete rada motora. Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da postoje značajni učinci na emisije pri korištenju dvojnog ubrizgavanja kao i pri variranju položaja svjećice. Korištenjem dvojnog paljenja smanjuju se izlazne emisije, poglavito skraćivanje

    Does Plantar Pressure Distribution Influence the Lumbar Multifidus Muscle Thickness in Asymptomatic Individuals? A Preliminary Study

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    Background: Atrophy can occur in the lumbar multifidus (LM) muscle quickly as a result of various musculoskeletal problems. Knowing factors influencing muscle thickness of the LM will provide important clues about lumbopelvic stability. Objectives: Although there are several studies in the literature investigating the adverse effects of foot–ankle postural disorders on the lumbopelvic region, to our knowledge there has been no investigation of plantar pressure distribution (PPD) as a factor influencing muscle thickness of the LM. The aim of this study was to determine whether PPD could affect LM muscle thickness. Methods: This observational study consisted of 25 asymptomatic individuals. Ultrasonographic imaging was used to determine the thickness of the LM. All participants were subjected to PPD analysis using the Digital Biometry Scanning System and Milletrix software in 9 different plantar pressure zones. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were used to examine the correlations between the LM muscle thickness and other variables. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the variables with the greatest influence on LM muscle thickness. Results: Peak pressures of medial and lateral zones of the heel were the significant and independent factors influencing static LM thickness, with 39.5% of the variance; moreover, the peak pressures of heel medial and fourth metatarsal bone were the significant and independent factors influencing dynamic LM thickness, with 38.7% of the variance. Conclusions: Plantar pressure distribution could be an important factor influencing LM thickness, although further research is required. Examining foot–ankle biomechanics may provide information about the stability of the LM. © 202


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    Kafein, ülkemizde önemli bir tarımsal ürün olan ve büyük miktarlarda üretilen çayın enönemli bileşenidir. Kafein, çok yaygın ve farklı alanlardaki kullanımı nedeniyle büyük ticarideğer taşımaktadır. Bu nedenle, ekonomik üretim proseslerinin geliştirilmesi son dereceönemlidir.Bu çalışmanın amacı, kafeinin su ve etil asetat/kloroform karışımı arasındaki dağılmakatsayılarının pH\'a bağlı olarak değişiminin incelenmesidir. Çalışmada organik çözücükarışımı etil asetat/kloroformun beş farklı oranı kullanılmıştır. Bu oranlar %20, %40, %50,%60 ve %80 kloroform içerecek şekilde seçilmiştir. Ayrıca dağılma katsayısının pH\'yabağımlılığının incelenmesi için denemeler beş farklı pH\'da yapılmıştır. Bu pH değerleri 5.65,5.90, 6.25, 7.10 ve 7.90\'dır. Deneysel çalışmada hazırlanan % 1\'lik (hacimsel) kafeinçözeltisinden belirli miktar alınarak çözücü karışımı ile ekstrakt edilmiş ve iyodometriyöntemiyle kafein analizi yapılmıştır. Yapılan deneysel çalışmalar sonucunda, pH değerininyükselmesiyle dağılma katsayısının arttığı tespit edilmiştir.Caffeine is a main component of tea, which is an important agricultural product in ourcountry. It has a great economical value because of its different and extensive industrialapplications.The aim of this study is to investigate the variation of the distribution coefficients ofcaffeine between water and ethyl acetate/chloroform mixture depending on pH. Ethylacetate/chloroform mixture was used in five different ratios. These ratios were selected as tocontain 20%, 40%, 50%, 60% and 80% chloroform. Also five different pH were selected toinvestigate the distribution coefficient depending on pH. These pH values were 5.65, 5.90,6.25, 7.10 and 7.90.In experimental investigations, 1% aqueous solution of caffeine was used. Caffeinecontent was analysed by means of Iodometry method.It was seen that the distribution coefficient of caffeine between water and solvent mixturewas increased with increasing pH

    Long onlay bypass grafting using the left internal mammary artery for proximal and mid stenosis of the left anterior descending artery

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    Aim of the study: According to the literature, many surgeons aim to obtain complete revascularization during coronary artery surgery. This becomes an issue when the left anterior descending (LAD) artery is diffusely diseased. This study presents the results of revascularization surgery of LAD arteries with multiple stenoses and the subsequent angiographic control examinations. Material and methods: Forty-seven patients with proximal and mid-segment left anterior descending (LAD) artery disease were included in the study. Left anterior descending arteries were bypassed with left internal mammary arteries (LIMAs). Left anterior descending arteries were longitudinally opened over the mid stenotic segments 4-5 mm distally and proximally from the stenosis. The LIMAs were then anastomosed to the LAD arteries with a running suture, using 7-0 polypropylene sutures. Thirteen patients, who provided their informed consent, were angiographically evaluated at a mean of 12.5 ± 3.7 months after the operation (range 6-18 months). Results: The mean age of the patients was 64.1 ± 8.9 years. The mean number of distal anastomoses was 3.5 ± 0.9 (range 1-6). The mean length of LAD anastomoses was 1.88 ± 0.54 cm (range 1.5-4 cm). Cardiac troponin I levels were below perioperative myocardial infarction thresholds. Mean postoperative hospitalization was 6.10 ± 0.98 days (range 5-9 days). There was no mortality in the study group. Control angiography revealed patent bypass grafts in all patients. Conclusions: Long anastomosis to the LAD artery provides excellent mid-term patency. It is safe and effective in perfusing the proximal and distal non-stenotic segments of the LAD artery, as well as in perfusing the unoccluded side branches originating from the stenotic segments. © 2014 Termedia Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved


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    Kafein, ülkemizde önemli bir tarımsal ürün olan ve büyük miktarlarda üretilen çayın enönemli bileşenidir. Kafein, çok yaygın ve farklı alanlardaki kullanımı nedeniyle büyük ticarideğer taşımaktadır. Bu nedenle, ekonomik üretim proseslerinin geliştirilmesi son dereceönemlidir.Bu çalışmanın amacı, kafeinin su ve etil asetat/kloroform karışımı arasındaki dağılmakatsayılarının pH\'a bağlı olarak değişiminin incelenmesidir. Çalışmada organik çözücükarışımı etil asetat/kloroformun beş farklı oranı kullanılmıştır. Bu oranlar %20, %40, %50,%60 ve %80 kloroform içerecek şekilde seçilmiştir. Ayrıca dağılma katsayısının pH\'yabağımlılığının incelenmesi için denemeler beş farklı pH\'da yapılmıştır. Bu pH değerleri 5.65,5.90, 6.25, 7.10 ve 7.90\'dır. Deneysel çalışmada hazırlanan % 1\'lik (hacimsel) kafeinçözeltisinden belirli miktar alınarak çözücü karışımı ile ekstrakt edilmiş ve iyodometriyöntemiyle kafein analizi yapılmıştır. Yapılan deneysel çalışmalar sonucunda, pH değerininyükselmesiyle dağılma katsayısının arttığı tespit edilmiştir.Caffeine is a main component of tea, which is an important agricultural product in ourcountry. It has a great economical value because of its different and extensive industrialapplications.The aim of this study is to investigate the variation of the distribution coefficients ofcaffeine between water and ethyl acetate/chloroform mixture depending on pH. Ethylacetate/chloroform mixture was used in five different ratios. These ratios were selected as tocontain 20%, 40%, 50%, 60% and 80% chloroform. Also five different pH were selected toinvestigate the distribution coefficient depending on pH. These pH values were 5.65, 5.90,6.25, 7.10 and 7.90.In experimental investigations, 1% aqueous solution of caffeine was used. Caffeinecontent was analysed by means of Iodometry method.It was seen that the distribution coefficient of caffeine between water and solvent mixturewas increased with increasing pH

    Güneş enerjisi destekli zeolit iklimlendirme sistemi

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    TÜBİTAK MAG01.01.2009Güneş enerjisi ekonomik, temiz ve yenilenebilir bir enerji türüdür. Çevresel faktörler ve artmakta olan enerji talepleri dikkate alındığında bu enerji türünün kullanımı büyük önem kazanmaktadır. Güneş enerjili adsorplanmalı soğutma (GEAS) sistemleri gelecekte yaygın olarak kullanılması düşünülen ve ticarileşmesi için yoğun bir şekilde çaba sarf edilen termal enerji destekli soğutma sistemlerindendir. Bu sistemlerin başarılı bir şekilde çalışması büyük ölçüde adsorban- adsorplanan çiftinin doğru seçimine bağlıdır. Zeolit-su, zeolit-organik soğutucular, silika jel-su ve activated karbon-methanol katı adsorplanmalı güneş enerjili soğutma sistemlerinde kulanılabilecek uygun adsorban- adsorplanan çiftlerinden bazılarıdır. Adsorban malzemenin adsorplama kapasitesi, x=f (P, T), adsorpsiyon basıncı ve adsorban malzemenin sıcaklığı ile değişmektedir ve bu değişim çoğunlukla eş sıcaklık eğrileri çizilerek ifade edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak, zeolit-su çalışma çiftine ait eş sıcaklık eğrilerini elde etmek için adsorpsiyon deney düzeneği tasarlanmış ve imal edilmiştir. Daha sonra, bu düzenek üzerinde bir takım deneyler yapılmıştır. Bu deneyler sonucunda, zeolit-su çalışma çiftine ait eş sıcaklık eğrileri, adsorpsiyon ve desorpsiyon prosesleri için farklı adsorban o sıcaklıkları(40-150 C)veadsorpsiyonbasınçları(0.87-7.38kPa)altındadeneyselolarakelde edilmiştir. Ayrıca, adsorpsiyon ve desorpsiyon prosesleri için elde edilen eş sıcaklık eğrilerine Dubinin–Astakhov denklemi uyarlanmıştır. Đkinci olarak, adsorpsiyon deneylerinden elde edilen sonuçlar çerçevesinde, zeolit-su çalışma çiftini kullanan güneş enerjisi destekli adsorpsiyonlu örnek soğutma grubu tasarlanmış ve imalatı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Daha sonra, adsorpsiyonlu örnek soğutma grubunun termal performansı farklı buharlaştırıcı sıcaklıklarında deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Desorpsiyon prosesi sırasında zeolit yatağının yenilenmesi için gerekli enerji, güneş enerjisi yerine elektrik enerjisiyle ısıtılan ısı transfer sıvısının gövde ile adsorban yatak arasında dolaştırılmasıyla sağlanmıştır. Diğer bir ifade ile güneş enerjisi elektrik enerjisi kullanılarak benzeştirilmiştir. Deneyler sonucunda, soğutma grubunun COP değeri ortalama 0, 25 olarak bulunmuştur. Son olarak, GEAS sistemlerini başarısı çalışma çiftinin doğru seçiminin yanı sıra sistemde kullanılacak güneş toplaçlarının performansına ve ekonomik maliyetinede büyük ölçüde bağlıdır. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmada, soğutma sisteminin güneş enerjisi destekli olması sebebiyle bir yıl boyunca düzlemsel ve vakumlu boru tipi güneş toplaçlarının performansı Ankara ili iklim koşulları altında deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Ayrıca, güneş enerjisi destekli zeolit-su çalışma çiftini kullanan xi adsorpsiyonlu soğutma sisteminin yıllık analizlerini yapmak üzere TRNSYS programı yardımıyla sayısal bir model tasarlanmıştır.Solar energy is economical, clean and renewable. The use of solar energy is gaining more attention due to environmental factors and increasing demand for energy. Solar powered adsorption cooling (SPAC) systems are considered to have a large potential for use in the future and extensive efforts have been expended to make the thermal powered adsorption cooling systems commercial. The successful operation of these systems mostly depends on the correct choice of the adsorbent-adsorbate working pair. Zeolite-water, zeolite-organic refrigerants, silica gel-water and activated carbon-methanol are some of the suitable adsorbent-adsorbate pairs that can be used in solar powered adsorption cooling systems. Adsorption capacity of the adsorbent material, x=f (P, T), varies with the adsorption pressure and adsorbent temperature and this variation is commonly represented by isotherms of the adsorbent investigated. In this study, firstly, an adsorption experimental set-up was designed and constructed to obtain the isotherms of a natural zeolite-water working pair. After that, a set of experiments was conducted using this set-up. As a result of these experiments, isotherms of the zeolite-water pair were obtained experimentally under various adsorbent o temperatures (40-150 C) and adsorption pressures (0.87-7.38 kPa). In addition, the Dubinin– Astakhov equation was used to fit the isotherm data that were obtained for adsorption and desorption processes. Secondly, within the framework of the results of the adsorption experiments, a prototype of the solar powered adsorption cooling system using the natural zeolite-water working pair was designed and constructed. Afterwards, the thermal performance of the prototype was investigated experimentally under different evaporation temperatures. In these experiments, during the desorption process, the solar energy that is needed to dry out the saturated adsorbent was simulated by using electrical energy. As a result, the average COP value of the prototype studied was found as 0,25. Finally, in addition to the correct choice of the adsorbent-adsorbate pair, the success of the (SPAC) systems depends largely on the thermal performance and cost of the solar collectors. Therefore, in this study, the performance of flat plate and evacuated tube collectors were investigated under the climatic conditions of Ankara for one year. Additionally, a numerical model of the solar powered adsorption cooling system using zeolite-water pair was developed with the help of the TRNSYS program to analyze the annual performance of this system

    Polariton hyperspectral imaging of two-dimensional semiconductor crystals

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    Atomically thin crystals of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) host excitons with strong binding energies and sizable light-matter interactions. Coupled to optical cavities, monolayer TMDs routinely reach the regime of strong light-matter coupling, where excitons and photons admix coherently to form quasiparticles known as polaritons up to room temperature. Here, we explore the two-dimensional nature of TMD polaritons with cavity-assisted hyperspectral imaging. Using extended WS2_2 monolayers, we establish the regime of strong coupling with a scanning microcavity to map out polariton properties and correlate their spatial features with intrinsic and extrinsic effects. We find a high level of homogeneity, and show that polariton splitting variations are correlated with intrinsic exciton properties such as oscillator strength and linewidth. Moreover, we observe a deviation from thermal equilibrium in the resonant polariton population, which we ascribe to non-perturbative polariton-phonon coupling. Our measurements reveal a promisingly consistent polariton landscape, and highlight the importance of phonons for future polaritonic devices.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Polariton hyperspectral imaging of two-dimensional semiconductor crystals

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    Atomically thin crystals of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) host excitons with strong binding energies and sizable light-matter interactions. Coupled to optical cavities, monolayer TMDs routinely reach the regime of strong light-matter coupling, where excitons and photons admix coherently to form polaritons up to room temperature. Here, we explore the two-dimensional nature of TMD polaritons with scanning-cavity hyperspectral imaging. We record a spatial map of polariton properties of extended WS2 monolayers coupled to a tunable micro cavity in the strong coupling regime, and correlate it with maps of exciton extinction and fluorescence taken from the same flake with the cavity. We find a high level of homogeneity, and show that polariton splitting variations are correlated with intrinsic exciton properties such as oscillator strength and linewidth. Moreover, we observe a deviation from thermal equilibrium in the resonant polariton population, which we ascribe to non-Markovian polariton-phonon coupling. Our measurements reveal a promisingly consistent polariton landscape, and highlight the importance of phonons for future polaritonic devices