601 research outputs found

    History as an Obstacle: Impact of Temporal-Based Social Categorizations on Polish-Jewish Intergroup Contact

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    Two studies examined the role of temporal-based social categorizations for attitude change during intergroup contact between Polish and Jewish students. In Study 1 (N = 190 Polish students), a cross-sectional analysis showed that contact focused on contemporary issues had positive effects on both outgroup attitudes and perceived similarity to the outgroup. No such effects were observed when groups talked about past issues. Study 2 (N = 97 Jewish students) demonstrated this effect experimentally when `historical' and `contemporary' issues were discussed during contact. Contact about the present generated more positive attitudes toward contact partners and (unlike contact about the past) toward the generalized outgroup. The present findings are discussed in the context of common ingroup identity model and collective guilt research

    Is liberal bias universal? An international perspective on social psychologists

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    Based on our comparison of political orientation and research interests of social psychologists in capitalist Western countries versus post-Communist Eastern European countries, we suggest that Duarte and colleagues' claim of liberal bias in the field seems American-centric. We propose an alternative account of political biases which focuses on the academic tendency to explain attitudes of lower status groups

    Wyzwalanie aktywności matematycznej dzieci poprzez kontakt z książką obrazkową

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    Children’s literature has a cognitive value and is a source of aesthetic experiences. Picture books with mathematical content are a special type of children’s books. The study aims to show that picture books where mathematical text is combined with images in an aesthetic form provide impulses to create educational situations that inspire mathematical activity. Based on the classification of mathematical activity by Ewa Kozak-Czyżewska, we developed our methodological proposals for stimulating creative and imitative mathematical activity in children. These suggestions are presented on the basis of our work with two books: Numbers written by Jacek Cygan and At our house written by Isabel Minhós Martins and Madalena Matoso. For the purpose of this study, educational classes with the use of mathematical literary texts were conducted for six-year-old children in kindergarten. It has been shown that picture books can inspire creative and imitative mathematical activity in children. By providing positive experiences, these texts can support the processes of learning mathematics, awaken children’s motivation to calculate and use mathematics in everyday life. The presented study may be used as a model of working with picture books with mathematical content in kindergarten.Literatura dla dzieci ma wartość poznawczą i jest źródłem przeżyć estetycznych. Jej szczególnym rodzajem są książki obrazkowe z wątkami matematycznymi. Celem opracowania jest ukazanie, że książki obrazkowe, rozumiane jako te, w których tekst matematyczny łączy się z obrazem w estetyczną formę, dostarczają impulsów do kreowania sytuacji edukacyjnych wyzwalających aktywność matematyczną. Opierając się na klasyfikacji aktywności matematycznej w opracowaniu Ewy Kozak-Czyżewskiej, opracowano własne propozycje metodyczne pobudzania twórczej i odtwórczej aktywności matematycznej dzieci, co ukazano na przykładzie pracy z książkami: Cyferki (autor: Jacek Cygan) i W naszym domu jest (autorzy: Isabel Minhós Martins, Madalena Matoso). Zajęcia dydaktyczne z wykorzystaniem matematycznych tekstów literackich przeprowadzono dla dzieci sześcioletnich w przedszkolu. Wykazano, że książki obrazkowe mogą być inspiracją w wyzwalaniu twórczej i odtwórczej aktywności matematycznej. Poprzez dostarczanie pozytywnych przeżyć mogą wspierać procesy uczenia się matematyki, rozbudzać dziecięcą motywację do liczenia i używania matematyki w życiu codziennym. Opracowanie może stanowić model pracy z książką obrazkową z wątkami matematycznymi w przedszkolu

    Uniwersalne wartości pedagogiki Friedricha Froebla w poglądach polskich Froeblistów

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    The article describes the values of Friedrich Froebel’s pedagogical thought and practice in Polish pre-school education. It outlines the historical background, focusing especially on the views of great Polish Froebelians: Justyna Strzemeska, Maria Weryho, Zofia Żukiewiczowa, Natalia Cicimirska. The paper’s considerations regard the following aspects: the vision of the child, the views on education and play, the role of the teacher and the use of teaching materials, so-called gifts. A number of profound educational concepts of Froebel stayed still actual and re-valued in contemporary preschool education, especially Froebel’s philosophy and uniqueness of each child, respect for children as human beings, their development and right to free play, the pre-school education model based on gifts.W artykule opisano wartość myśli i praktyki pedagogicznej Friedricha Froebla w polskiej edukacji przedszkolnej. Ukazując tło historyczne, autorka skoncentrowała się przede wszystkim na poglądach znakomitych polskich Froeblanek: Justyny Strzemeskiej, Marii Weryho, Zofii Żukiewiczowej, Natalii Cicimirskiej. Rozważania dotyczą następujących aspektów: wizji dziecka, poglądów na temat edukacji i zabawy, roli nauczyciela i wykorzystania materiałów dydaktycznych (tzw. darów). Jak wykazują analizy, wiele poglądów edukacyjnych Froebla zachowało aktualność i są cenione we współczesnej edukacji przedszkolnej, zwłaszcza: unikalność każdego dziecka, szacunek dla dzieci, ich rozwój i prawo do swobodnej zabawy, edukacja przedszkolna z wykorzystaniem darów

    Imaginary Perspective Taking in Six-Year-Olds

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    The study concerns imaginary perspective taking (IPT) in six-year-olds and is a replica of the studies undertaken by the Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, Elia and Robitzsch team 2015). Imaginary perspective taking comprises two components: IPT 1 refers to perception, the socalled“visibility of objects”, i.e. deducing which object is visible or not from different points of view. IPT 2 (appearance, imaginary perspective taking) refers to the ability to describe what an object looks like when viewed from different points of view. The study was aimed at defining development of the six-year-olds’ ability to take a different perspective and comparing it with the results of Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen’s team. 74 Polish six-year-olds participated in the study: 36 children living in the urban environment (17 girls, 19 boys) and 38 children from rural areas (15 girls and 23 boys). A set of trials of Imaginary Perspective Items IPT1 Visibility items and IPT2 Appearance items constituted the research tool. The studies have shown that Polish six-year-olds demonstrate the first level of competence in taking a different perspective and a high ability to understand that different locations mean different points of view. The vast majority (71.8%) of children correctly determine whether an object is seen or not from a different perspective. The ability to properly perceive the appearance and shape of an object is at the development stage in the examined six-year-olds (45.5% of the tasks performed correctly). The study confirmed the conclusions drawn from the reports of Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, Elia andRobitzsch (2015) and proved that neither gender nor local environment constitute factors differentiating six-year-olds’ achievements in developing the ability to take a different perspective

    Side effects of retinoid therapy on the quality of vision

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    Retinoids are compounds chemically related to vitamin A, which are frequently used in dermatological practice (1). They are characterized by numerous mechanisms of action leading to normalization of keratinocyte proliferation and maturation. They have anti-seborrhoeic, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects (1, 2). A number of side- effects to retinoid treatment have been recorded; one group of such side-effects relates to eyes and vision. Dry eye syndrome and blepharoconjunctivitis are the most common side-effects, appearing in 20–50 % of patients treated with retinoids (14). They often contribute to the occurrence of other side-effects such as eye discomfort and contact lens intolerance. Due to widespread use in clinical practice, the adverse effects, including ocular side effects, should be studied. To confirm the variety of adverse effects of retinoids, several case reports of rare side-effects are presented

    Anti-Semitism in Poland and Ukraine: The Belief in Jewish Control as a Mechanism of Scapegoating

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    Systemic transition in post-communist Eastern Europe resulted in high inflation, rapid economic changes, and increased lack of control in everyday life. Atthe same time, anti-Semitic incidents were reported in this region after 1989. The ideological model of scapegoating (Glick 2002; 2005) might serve asan explanation of anti-Semitic prejudice in post-transition Eastern Europe. The model predicts that the ideology defining Jews as powerful, cunning, anddangerous would gain popularity in times of crises and would lead to greater discrimination against Jews. In two nationwide representative sample studiesof anti-Semitism, in Poland (n = 1098) and Ukraine (n = 1000), we applied the ideological model of scapegoating to study various forms of anti-Semitism(conspiracy-based belief in Jewish control and discriminatory intentions toward Jews). In both samples, economic deprivation led to increased discriminatoryintentions toward Jews; however, only in the Polish sample was deprivation linked with higher beliefs in Jewish control (scapegoat-defining ideology). InPoland the rise of conspiracy beliefs about Jewish control partially explained the effect of deprivation on discriminatory intentions toward Jews. The implicationsof these results are discussed

    The paradox of in-group love: differentiating collective narcissism advances understanding of the relationship between in-group and out-group attitudes

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    The article looks at the relation between positive in-group regard (“in-group love”) and out-group negativity (“out-group hate”), a subject of ongoing controversy. Five studies performed in different cultural and national contexts, using different samples (including an adult representative sample) and different inter-group contexts examined the relationship between narcissistic versus genuine positive group regard and out-group negativity. Results reveal that collective narcissism (Golec de Zavala et al., 2009) and positive group regard have opposite effects on out-group hostility. Moreover, they function as mutual suppressors. Controlling for their shared variance strengthens the positive relationship between collective narcissism and out-group negativity and reveals the significant negative association between out-group hostility and genuine positive group regard operationalized as high collective self-esteem (Study 1), positive in-group identification (Studies 2, 3 and 5) or constructive patriotism (Study 4). These results corroborate earlier findings differentiating between constructive and destructive forms of in-group favoritism. They also parallel at the inter-group level findings indicating that mature and stable, personal self-esteem and individual narcissism differentially predict interpersonal aggressiveness

    Response of parasitoids of the genus Peristenus Förster (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) to temperature changes during the diapause

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    Entomologica Fennica. Vol. 1:189. 3.XII. 199