127 research outputs found
From Castile to France: Trade and Merchants in Bilbao in the mid-16th Century
On the basis of a new quantitative data set which is varied, accurate and
representative, today it is possible to correct previous shortcomings in order
to obtain a solid historical picture of the Atlantic trade passing through the
port of Bilbao in the mid-sixteenth century. In this paper we aim to explore
both the macroeconomic and microeconomic aspects of Spanish-French
trade, analysing, on the one hand, the volume, composition and «balance of
trade» and, on the other, the scope and nature of trading enterprises of merchants
operating in Bilbao, measurable by the size of their business, the
concentration of trade and the amount of business carried out by traders on
their own account, in association with other merchants or on behalf of
these. We also highlight, once again, the enormous value of judicial sources
in the study of trade in the Modern Age.Una nueva base de datos cuantitativos, variada, precisa y suficientemente
re p resentativa, permite subsanar las deficiencias documentales hasta ahora
existentes para llevar a cabo una re p resentación consistente de la estru c t u r a
del comercio atlántico a través del puerto de Bilbao a mediados del siglo XVI.
En este artículo se procede a explorar los aspectos tanto macroeconómicos
como microeconómicos del comercio franco-español, mediante el análisis,
por un lado, del volumen, composición y «balanza comercial», y, por otro, de
algunos perfiles relativos a la naturaleza y alcance de las firmas comerc i a l e s
que participaban en dicho comercio, como son la cuantificación del volumen
de facturación, la concentración del comercio y la comparación entre los
negocios llevados a cabo por cuenta propia, en compañía o por cuenta ajena.
Asimismo, se destaca una vez más el gran valor de las fuentes de origen judicial
para el estudio del comercio en la Edad Modern a
Analysis of Post-Colonoscopy Colorectal Cancer and Its Subtypes in a Screening Programme
Using the algorithm of the World Endoscopy Organisation (WEO), we have studied retrospectively all colorectal cancers, both detected and non-detected by the Basque Country screening programme from 2009 to 2017. In the screening programme 61,335 colonoscopies were performed following a positive Faecal Immunochemical test (FIT) (≥20 µg Hb/g faeces) and the 128 cases of post-colonoscopy colorectal cancer (PCCRC) detected were analysed. Among them, 50 interval type PCCRCs were diagnosed (before the recommended surveillance), 0.8 cases per 1000 colonoscopies performed, and 78 non-interval type PCCRCs (in the surveillance carried out at the recommended time or delayed), 1.3 per 1000 colonoscopies. Among the non-interval type PCCRCs, 61 cases were detected in the surveillance carried out at the recommended time (type A) and 17 when the surveillance was delayed (type B), 1 case per 1000 colonoscopies performed and 0.28 cases per 1000 colonoscopies performed, respectively. Interval type PCCRC is less frequent than non-interval type PCCRC. In interval type PCCRCs, CRCs detected in advanced stages (stages III–IV) were significantly more frequent than those detected in early stages, compared to those of non-interval type PCCRCs (OR = 3.057; 95% CI, 1.410–6.625; p < 0.005). Non-interval type B PCCRCs are less frequent than non-interval type A PCCRCs, but the frequency of advanced stages is higher in interval type B PCCRCs.S.U.-A. have received funding from the Department of Education of the Basque Government through the Consolidated Research Group MATHMODE (IT1294-19)
Localización de nuevos asentamientos humanos y sectores productivos en la meseta patagónica argentina
The present paper presents the evaluation of the possibility of a deep transformation in the area of the Patagonian plateau in the eastern sector of the Río Negro province, Argentina. The idea is based on a project to emplace an artificial lake to generate electricity in an absolute depression called “Bajo del Gualicho” (-72,0 m asl), which would connect with the sea in the San Matías Gulf in the Atlantic Ocean, about 25 km away, to take advantage of the amplitude of tides existing in that place.The project is endorsed by several Argentine universities and science and technology organizations such as the National Ministry of Science, Technology andProductive Innovation and researchers from the National Universities of Comahue,La Plata and Patagonia Austral.In order to promote the lake generation, the conditions about the implementation of related projects should be analyzed: the urban use of the lake ́s perimeter and the development of new agricultural and productive areas under irrigation, covering an area about 19000 hectares. The great limitation in this case is the lack of fresh water in this place that could be overcome with the extension of the canal that provides water to the San Antonio Oeste town with a derivation to the projected area. The paper proposes a selection of an area for the settlements taking into account different factors, such as soil and topography, wind exposure, access to fresh water and existent infrastructure such as roads. The selected sector occupies 2500 hectares located in the northern sector of the lake between the 8,0 m and 38,0 m, below the level of the plateau that surrounds the Gualicho basin, which has an approximate elevation of 160 m asl.The proposed agricultural development under irrigation would be located immediately to the east of the proposed urban sector, occupying a strip of the lake ́s perimeter of about 19,000 hectares. In recent field studies, transects lines have been carried out to verify their capacity for different crops. They have a sandy texture and their effective depth varies between 0.73 m and 1.40 m. which makes them suitable for crops such as olive, vine, forestation, fodder, etc.En el presente trabajo se evalúa la posibilidad de una transformación profundaen la zona de la meseta patagónica en el sector oriental de la provincia de Río Negro, Argentina. La idea se sustenta a partir de un proyecto que prevé contar con un lago artificial para generar energía eléctrica en una depresión absoluta denominada “bajo del Gualicho” (- 72 m snm), la que se conectaría con el mar en el Golfo de San Matías en el Océano Atlántico, distante unos 25 km para aprovechar la amplitud de mareas existente en ese lugar.El proyecto cuenta con el aval de distintas universidades argentinas y organismos de ciencia y técnica como el Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología, e Innovación roductiva de la Nación y participan investigadores de las Universidades Nacionales del Comahue, La Plata y Patagonia Austral.A partir del lago a generar se crearían las condiciones para la implementación de proyectos tales como el uso urbano del perilago y el desarrollo de un área para nuevos emprendimientos productivos agrícolas bajo riego, en una superficie de unas 19.000 Has. La gran limitante en este caso es la inexistencia de agua dulce en este lugar que podría superarse con la ampliación del canal que provee agua a la localidad de San Antonio Oeste y una derivación de éste a la zona del emprendimiento.Con esta finalidad se ha seleccionado un área para la instalación de un futuroemplazamiento teniendo en cuenta distintos factores entre los que se destacan el tipo de relieve, el amparo de los vientos, el acceso al agua dulce y otro tipo deinfraestructura como rutas y caminos. El sector ocupa 2500,0 has y se localiza en el sector norte del futuro lago entre las cota de 8,0 y 38,0 m, por debajo del nivel de la meseta que circunda al bajo del Gualicho, ubicada a 160,0 msnm.En relación al sector que se propone para desarrollo agrícola bajo riego, selocaliza inmediatamente al Este del sector urbano propuesto, ocupando una franjadel perilago de unas 19000,0 Has. En recientes trabajos de campo se han realizadotransectas para comprobar la capacidad de los mismos para distintos cultivos. Losmismos poseen una textura arenosa y su profundidad efectiva varía entre 0,7 m y 1,4 m. lo que los hace aptos para cultivos tales como olivo, vid, forestación en general, forrajeras, etc
Estudio experimental y modelado cinético de la oxidación de 1-butanol
Se ha estudiado la oxidación de 1-butanol en diferentes condiciones de estequiometría. El aumento de la cantidad de oxígeno produce un desplazamiento de la oxidación hacia temperaturas más bajas y disminuye la producción de hidrocarburos. Se ha desarrollado un modelo cinético que simula los resultados experimentales obtenidos y describe la oxidación de 1-butanol
La verificación centrada en Twitter: análisis del 'fact checking' de los nutricionistas españoles en redes sociales
Society's growing interest in food, the success of nutritionists and dietitians as influencers, and the ease with which lies spread through social networks form a triangle of interest. The objective of this work is to analyze the work of Spanish nutritionists as information verifiers on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, in 2019. The results indicate that in their work as fact-checkers nutritionists prefer Twitter to Instagram and Facebook and that there is a gender bias. Nutritionists carry out work as fact-checkers that is not very active and organized, and without technical knowledge.; El creciente interés en la sociedad por la alimentación, el éxito de los nutricionistas y dietistas como influencers y la facilidad con la que las mentiras se extienden por las redes sociales forman un triángulo de interés. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la labor de los nutricionistas españoles como verificadores de información en Twitter, Facebook e Instagram, en 2019. Los resultados indican que en su labor de fact-checkers los nutricionistas prefieren Twitter a Instagram y a Facebook y que existe un sesgo de género. Los nutricionistas realizan una labor como fact-checkers poco activa y organizada, y sin tecnificación.; Elikadurarekiko gizartean gero eta interes handiagoa izateak, nutrizionistek eta dietistek influencers gisa arrakasta izateak eta sare sozialetan gezurrak zabaltzeko erraztasunak interes-triangelu bat osatzen dute. Lan honen helburua da nutrizionista espainiarren lana aztertzea, Twitter, Facebook eta Instagrameko informazio-egiaztatzaile gisa, 2019an. Emaitzen arabera, fact-checkers lanean nutrizionistek nahiago dute Twit-ter Instagram eta Facebook baino, eta genero-alborapena dago. Nutrizionistek fact-checker gisa egiten duten lana ez da oso aktiboa eta antolatua, eta ez du teknifikaziorik
Assisted Reproductive Techniques in Multiple Sclerosis: Recommendations from an Expert Panel
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is mainly diagnosed in women of reproductive age. However, there is a paucity of guidelines jointly prepared by neurologists and gynaecologists on managing women with MS and the desire for motherhood. Therefore, in this review we propose recommendations for such cases, with an particular focus on those requiring assisted reproductive techniques (ART).
A group of seven MS experts (4 neurologists and 3 gynaecologists) came together for three discussion sessions to achieve consensus.
The recommendations reported here focus on the importance of early preconception counselling, the management of disease-modifying therapies before and during ART procedures, important considerations for women with MS regarding ART (intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilisation and oocyte cryopreservation) and the paramount relevance of multidisciplinary units to manage these patients.
Early preconception consultations are essential to individualising pregnancy management in women with MS, and an early, well-planned, spontaneous pregnancy should be the aim whenever possible. The management of women with MS and the desire for motherhood by multidisciplinary units is warranted to ensure appropriate guidance through the entire pregnancy.Merck, S.L.U., Madrid, Spain, an affiliate of Merck KGaA funded this work without participating in its design, data analysis or manuscript preparation. Merck, S.L.U also funded the journal’s Rapid Service Fee
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