64 research outputs found

    Application of second-order turbulent modeling to the prediction of radiated aerodynamic sound

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    The Ribner formulation of the generation of aerodynamic sound is coupled with predictions of second-order velocity correlations and integral scale to estimate the sound radiated from several complicated jet flows. In particular, it is shown that the sound radiated from a cold swirling jet is greater than from its nonswirling equal thrust counterpart. The noise radiated from the flow field of a multitube suppressor was estimated and compared with an equal thrust diameter Gaussian jet. It is shown that the multitube concept is indeed quieter

    Numerical studies of the deposition of material released from fixed and rotary wing aircraft

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    The computer code AGDISP (AGricultural DISPersal) has been developed to predict the deposition of material released from fixed and rotary wing aircraft in a single-pass, computationally efficient manner. The formulation of the code is novel in that the mean particle trajectory and the variance about the mean resulting from turbulent fluid fluctuations are simultaneously predicted. The code presently includes the capability of assessing the influence of neutral atmospheric conditions, inviscid wake vortices, particle evaporation, plant canopy and terrain on the deposition pattern. In this report, the equations governing the motion of aerially released particles are developed, including a description of the evaporation model used. A series of case studies, using AGDISP, are included

    Feasibility of predicting performance degradation of airfoils in heavy rain

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    The heavy rain aerodynamic performance penalty program is detailed. This effort supported the design of a fullscale test program as well as examined the feasibility of estimating the degradation of performance of airfoils from first principles. The analytic efforts were supplemented by a droplet splashback test program in an attempt to observe the physics of impact and generation of ejecta. These tests demonstrated that the interaction of rain with an airfoil is a highly complex phenomenon and this interaction is not likely to be analyzed analytically with existing tools

    Computing aerodynamic sound using advanced statistical turbulence theories

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    It is noted that the calculation of turbulence-generated aerodynamic sound requires knowledge of the spatial and temporal variation of Q sub ij (xi sub k, tau), the two-point, two-time turbulent velocity correlations. A technique is presented to obtain an approximate form of these correlations based on closure of the Reynolds stress equations by modeling of higher order terms. The governing equations for Q sub ij are first developed for a general flow. The case of homogeneous, stationary turbulence in a unidirectional constant shear mean flow is then assumed. The required closure form for Q sub ij is selected which is capable of qualitatively reproducing experimentally observed behavior. This form contains separation time dependent scale factors as parameters and depends explicitly on spatial separation. The approximate forms of Q sub ij are used in the differential equations and integral moments are taken over the spatial domain. The velocity correlations are used in the Lighthill theory of aerodynamic sound by assuming normal joint probability

    Feasibility of an onboard wake vortex avoidance system

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    It was determined that an onboard vortex wake detection system using existing, proven instrumentation is technically feasible. This system might be incorporated into existing onboard systems such as a wind shear detection system, and might provide the pilot with the location of a vortex wake, as well as an evasive maneuver so that the landing separations may be reduced. It is suggested that this system might be introduced into our nation's commuter aircraft fleet and major air carrier fleet and permit a reduction of current landing separation standards, thereby reducing takeoff and departure delays

    Atmospheric-wake vortex interactions

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    The interactions of a vortex wake with a turbulent stratified atmosphere are investigated with the computer code WAKE. It is shown that atmospheric shear, turbulence, and stratification can provide the dominant mechanisms by which vortex wakes decay. Computations included the interaction of a vortex wake with a viscous ground plane. The observed phenomenon of vortex bounce is explained in terms of secondary vorticity produced on the ground. This vorticity is swept off the ground and advected about the vortex pair, thereby altering the classic hyperbolic trajectory. The phenomenon of the solitary vortex is explained as an interaction of a vortex with crosswind shear. Here, the vortex having the sign opposite that of the sign of the vorticity in the shear is dispersed by a convective instability. This instability results in the rapid production of turbulence which in turn disperses the smoke marking the vortex

    Vortex interactions and decay in aircraft wakes

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    The dynamic interaction of aircraft wake vortices was investigated using both inviscid and viscous models. For the viscous model, a computer code was developed using a second-order closure model of turbulent transport. The phenomenon of vortex merging which results in the rapid aging of a vortex wake was examined in detail. It was shown that the redistribution of vorticity during merging results from both convective and diffusive mechanisms

    Ice Accretion with Varying Surface Tension

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    During an icing encounter of an aircraft in flight, super-cooled water droplets impinging on an airfoil may splash before freezing. This paper reports tests performed to determine if this effect is significant and uses the results to develop an improved scaling method for use in icing test facilities. Simple laboratory tests showed that drops splash on impact at the Reynolds and Weber numbers typical of icing encounters. Further confirmation of droplet splash came from icing tests performed in the NaSA Lewis Icing Research Tunnel (IRT) with a surfactant added to the spray water to reduce the surface tension. The resulting ice shapes were significantly different from those formed when no surfactant was added to the water. These results suggested that the droplet Weber number must be kept constant to properly scale icing test conditions. Finally, the paper presents a Weber-number-based scaling method and reports results from scaling tests in the IRT in which model size was reduced up to a factor of 3. Scale and reference ice shapes are shown which confirm the effectiveness of this new scaling method

    Viscous effects in aircraft trailing vortices

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    The mechanism of merging of like-signed aircraft vortices leading to a rapid redistribution of trailed vorticity in a wake through both convective and turbulent processes was investigated. Research was done experimentally in a small wind tunnel and analytically through the use of a code which computes turbulent transport using a second-order closure turbulent model. Computations are reported which demonstrate the merging phenomenon, and comparisons are made with experimental results. The usefulness of point vortex computations in predicting merging was explored. Limited computations showed that jet exhaust does not appreciably alter the merging phenomenon. The effect of ambient atmospheric turbulence on the aging of an aircraft wake was investigated at a constant turbulent dissipation rate. It was shown that under stable atmospheric conditions, when atmospheric macroscales are less than or equal to the vortex spacing, misleading results may be obtained

    Bystander Exposure to Ultra-Low-Volume Insecticide Applications Used for Adult Mosquito Management

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    A popular and effective management option for adult mosquitoes is the use of insecticides applied by ultra-low-volume (ULV) equipment. However, there is a paucity of data on human dermal exposure to insecticides applied by this method. The objective of the current study was to estimate dermal exposures to the insecticide active ingredient permethrin using water- (Aqua-Reslin®) and oil-based (Permanone® 30-30) formulations with passive dosimetry. No significant differences in deposition of permethrin were observed between years, distance from the spray source, front or back of the body, or the placement of the patches on the body. However, exposure to Aqua-Reslin was significantly greater than Permanone 30-30 and average concentrations deposited on the body were 4.2 and 2.1 ng/cm2, respectively. The greater deposition of Aqua-Reslin is most likely due to the higher density of the water-based formulation which causes it to settle out faster than the lighter oil-based formulation of Permanone 30-30. The estimated average absorbed dermal exposure for permethrin from Aqua-Reslin and Permanone 30-30 was 0.00009 and 0.00005 mg/kg body weight, respectively. We also found that ground deposition of ULV insecticides can be used as a surrogate for estimating dermal exposure. The estimated exposures support the findings of previous risk assessments that exposure to ULV applications used for mosquito management are below regulatory levels of concern
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