Viscous effects in aircraft trailing vortices
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The mechanism of merging of like-signed aircraft vortices leading to a rapid redistribution of trailed vorticity in a wake through both convective and turbulent processes was investigated. Research was done experimentally in a small wind tunnel and analytically through the use of a code which computes turbulent transport using a second-order closure turbulent model. Computations are reported which demonstrate the merging phenomenon, and comparisons are made with experimental results. The usefulness of point vortex computations in predicting merging was explored. Limited computations showed that jet exhaust does not appreciably alter the merging phenomenon. The effect of ambient atmospheric turbulence on the aging of an aircraft wake was investigated at a constant turbulent dissipation rate. It was shown that under stable atmospheric conditions, when atmospheric macroscales are less than or equal to the vortex spacing, misleading results may be obtained