1,477 research outputs found

    Ghent University Technology Park : from a local initiative towards an essential component of the Ghent knowledge innovation ecosystem

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    Using the case of the Ghent University and its Technology Park, we will illustrate how changing policies and practices at the level of the university concerning research valorization have an impact on our science park. We will also demonstrate how the evolving nature of our science park has a clear impact on the university, as the science park becomes more and more an integral part of the university knowledge eco-system. We will also highlight the involvement of Ghent University in the Korea Songdo Global University Campus Project

    Zekeriya Sertel

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 142-Zekeriya-Yıldız-Sabiha Sertel. Not: Gazetenin "Düşünceler" köşesinde yayımlanmıştır

    Tolerance and UQ4SIM: Nimble Uncertainty Documentation and Analysis Software

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    Ultimately, scientific numerical models need quantified output uncertainties so that modeling can evolve to better match reality. Documenting model input uncertainties and variabilities is a necessary first step toward that goal. Without known input parameter uncertainties, model sensitivities are all one can determine, and without code verification, output uncertainties are simply not reliable. The basic premise of uncertainty markup is to craft a tolerance and tagging mini-language that offers a natural, unobtrusive presentation and does not depend on parsing each type of input file format. Each file is marked up with tolerances and optionally, associated tags that serve to label the parameters and their uncertainties. The evolution of such a language, often called a Domain Specific Language or DSL, is given in [1], but in final form it parallels tolerances specified on an engineering drawing, e.g., 1 +/- 0.5, 5 +/- 10%, 2 +/- 10 where % signifies percent and o signifies order of magnitude. Tags, necessary for error propagation, can be added by placing a quotation-mark-delimited tag after the tolerance, e.g., 0.7 +/- 20% 'T_effective'. In addition, tolerances might have different underlying distributions, e.g., Uniform, Normal, or Triangular, or the tolerances may merely be intervals due to lack of knowledge (uncertainty). Finally, to address pragmatic considerations such as older models that require specific number-field formats, C-style format specifiers can be appended to the tolerance like so, 1.35 +/- 10U_3.2f. As an example of use, consider figure 1, where a chemical reaction input file is has been marked up to include tolerances and tags per table 1. Not only does the technique provide a natural method of specifying tolerances, but it also servers as in situ documentation of model uncertainties. This tolerance language comes with a utility to strip the tolerances (and tags), to provide a path to the nominal model parameter file. And, as shown in [1], having the ability to quickly mark and identify model parameter uncertainties facilitates error propagation, which in turn yield output uncertainties

    Doğan'ın arkasından

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 2-3-Abalıoğlu, Yunus Nadi, Nadir Nadi, Doğan Nadi. Not: Gazetenin "Düşünceler" köşesinde yayımlanmıştır

    Letter, 1976 , from Bil Wafeed to Eva Jessye

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    2 pages, thank you postcard to Eva Jessy

    Ermeniler'in günahı

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 77/A-Ermeniler. Not: Gazetenin "Düşünceler" köşesinde yayımlanmıştır.İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Cemented carbide tool materials

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    Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce je seznámení se s charakteristikou nástrojových materiálů a posuzování jejich vhodnosti pro nasazení do obráběcích operací. Práce se dále zabývá problematikou upichovacích nástrojů, problematikou geometrie ostří, obecným přehledem nástrojových materiálů skupiny slinutých karbidů pro řezné nástroje a jejich vlastnostmi. Zmíněn je zde i přehled nástrojových firem a světového vývoje.Main goal of this bachelor thesis is the introduction with characteristics of tool materials and assessing their fitness for use in machining operations. The thesis also deals with the parting-off tools, blade geometry issues, a general overview of the tool material group of cemented karbide cutting tools and their properties. There is a mention of overview of companies and world development.

    Pandangan Teodisi Murtadha Muthahhari sebagai Jawaban Terhadap Problem of Evil

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    Abstrak Masalah keburukan (problem of evil) merupakan salah satu senjata paling ampuh yang senantiasa digunakan penganut ateisme untuk menyerang eksistensi Tuhan yang diajarkan oleh agama-agama. Hadirnya keburukan, kejahatan, atau the evil dalam kehidupan merupakan persoalan filosofis yang menantang kepercayaan umat beragama untuk mendamaikan antara eksisnya Tuhan yang Maha Baik, Maha Mengetahui dan Maha Kuasa dengan fakta bahwa dalam kehidupan terdapat pula yang disebut keburukan. Konsepsi teistik tentang Tuhan telah menimbulkan persoalan yang sangat sulit karena Tuhan dengan Segala Kemahaan-Nya itu, mestinya bisa menciptakan kehidupan dunia yang jauh lebih baik daripada yang ada sekarang ini. Permasalahan keburukan ini telah menantang para teolog sekaligus filsuf serta dibahas dan memunculkan diskusi yang serius dan panjang untuk memberikan jawaban yang memuaskan dan tidak mencederai keadilan Tuhan. Para teolog dan filsuf hendak menunjukkan bahwa adanya kejahatan dan penderitaan tidak bertentangan, dengan kata lain konsisten dengan adanya Tuhan. Argumen-argumen yang mencoba untuk menanggapi masalah keburukan ini disebut teodisi. Salah-satu filosof sekaligus teolog yang ikut serta membahas dan menyumbangkan pemikiran teodisinya dalam menjawab persoalan keburukan dan kaitannya dengan keadilan ilahi adalah Murtadha Muthahhari. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan pandangan teodisi Murtadha Muthahhari sebagai jawaban terhadap problem of evil. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasilnya, penelitian ini menyimpulkan beberapa hal; pertama, keburukan adalah noneksistensi; kedua, keburukan adalah relatif; ketiga, dalam pandangan yang menyeluruh (holistik) keburukan memiliki faedah yang memberikan makna bagi kehidupan ini. Keywords: Teodisi, Problem of evil, Murthadha MuthahhariAbstract The problem of evil is one of the most powerful weapons that atheists always use to attack the existence of God taught by religions. The presence of the evil in life is a philosophical issue that challenges the beliefs of religious communities to reconcile the existence of God with the fact that there is evil in life. The theistic conception of God has raised a very difficult problem because God with all His greatness, should be able to create a world life that is far better than it is today. This problem of evil has challenged theologians as well as philosophers and discussed and led to serious and lengthy discussions to provide satisfactory answers and do not offend the justice of God. Theologians and philosophers want to show that the existence of evil and suffering are not contradictory, in other words consistent with the existence of God. Arguments that try to address this problem of ugliness are called theodicy. One of the philosophers as well as theologians who participates in discussing and contributing his theodicy thoughts in answering the problem of ugliness and its relation to divine justice is Murtadha Mutahhari. This article aims to describe Murtadha Mutahhari's theodicy views as an answer to the problem of evil. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. As a result, this research concludes several things; first, evil is non-existence; secondly, evil is relative; third, in a holistic view, evil has benefits that give meaning to this life. Keyword : Theodicy, Problem of Evil, Murtadha Muthahhar