46 research outputs found

    The Gates of Santa Fe in the context of Heritage Protection Law and Monument Restoration in 20th century Spain

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    Este artículo ofrece una visión de la restauración monumental del siglo XX a través de las intervenciones en las Puertas de Santa Fe (Granada). Partimos de 1912, fecha cuando es derribada la puerta de Loja al amparo del reglamento de carreteras. Así se manifiesta cómo algunos edificios no se preservaron a pesar de las nuevas leyes de protección. A partir de ahí, analizamos en qué grado se veló por la reconstrucción y conservación con intervenciones en las distintas etapas de un siglo condicionado por sus peculiaridades histórico-políticas. Esta investigación se sustenta en una extensa aportación documental con fotografías y planos inéditos de archivos locales y nacionales. Los autores y ejecutores de algunos de ellos son Leopoldo Torres Balbás y Francisco Prieto-Moreno y Pardo, dos importantes exponentes del pensamiento restaurador contemporáneo español.This article provides an insight into Spanish Monuments Restoration in the 20th century focusing on the interventions on the Gates of Santa Fe (Granada). We start from 1912, year of the demolition of the Loja Gate according to road traffic regulations. This comes to show how some buildings were not preserved despite the new Heritage Protection Law. Thus, we look at how reconstruction and conservation were ensured by means of interventions at various stages in a century influenced by its historical and political peculiarities. This investigation is based on extensive documentation such as photographic images and unpublished plans from the local and Spanish national archives. The authors of some of them are Leopoldo Torres Balbás and Francisco Prieto-Moreno y Pardo, two important exponents of Spanish contemporary restoration

    El contrato de Pablo de Rojas para la realización de una imagen procesional: el Cristo de la Salud de Santa Fe

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    Our goal is to make known various documents, including those relating to the contract for the realization of the Christ of Health, a Concerted Crucifixion, between the sculptor Pablo de Rojas and several brothers and officers of the brotherhood of Vera Cruz de Santa Fe (Granada), in 1583. The obligation, signed by the artist with its corresponding conditions, gives us a clear vision of the commission of this imposing sculpture conceived for processional and devotional purposes at the end of the 15th century. An image that was subordinated to the workmanship, manner or way of elaboration of the one made for the brotherhood of the Angustias of Granada one year before.Nuestro objetivo es dar a conocer diversos documentos, entre ellos, los relativos al contrato para la realización del Cristo de la Salud, un Crucificado concertado, entre el escultor alcalaíno Pablo de Rojas y varios hermanos y oficiales de la cofradía de la Vera Cruz de Santa Fe (Granada), en 1583. La obligación, rubricada por el artista con sus correspondientes condiciones, nos brinda una nítida visión del encargo de esta imponente escultura concebida con fines procesionales y devocionales a finales del siglo xv. Una imagen que quedaba supeditada a la hechura, manera o modo de elaboración de la que se realizó poco antes para la hermandad de la Virgen de las Angustias de Granada

    Discursos sociales en Cyberpunk 2077: un estudio de caso de los debates sociopolíticos de la comunidad de videojugadores en Youtube

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    Online video gaming communities have become spaces for sociopolitical debates and fields for conflict over discourse, where the dominant frame hegemony takes part. Transformed into central spaces for subversion, organization and discussion, we approach the case study of Cyberpunk 2077, an open world role-playing video game that has been very prolific in the emergence of debates and activism in online communities like YouTube. Starting with ethnographical-based direct observations, we develop a qualitative study of the discourses and contents, focusing on the problematics related to the use of sociotechnical devices where identities, discourse and collective imaginaries are reconfigured.Las comunidades online de videojugadores se han convertido en espacios de debate sociopolítico, campos de lucha y disputa discursiva donde se dirime la hegemonía de los marcos dominantes. Convertidos en espacios centrales de subversión, ordenamiento y discusión, nos aproximamos al estudio de caso de Cyberpunk 2077, un videojuego de rol de mundo abierto que ha sido muy prolífico en la emergencia de debates y activismo en comunidades online como Youtube. A partir de una observación participante, de corte etnográfico, realizamos un estudio cualitativo del discurso y de contenido, que profundiza en las problemáticas relacionadas con el consumo de dispositivos sociotécnicos donde se reconfiguran las identidades, discursos e imaginarios colectivos

    Sharing food with hyenas: a latrine of Pachycrocuta brevirostris in the Early Pleistocene assemblage of Fuente Nueva-3 (Orce, Baza Basin, SE Spain)

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    The Early Pleistocene archeological site of Fuente Nueva-3 (FN3) preserves some of the oldest evidence of hominin presence in Western Europe, including a huge assemblage of Oldowan tools and evidence of butchering and marrow processing of large mammal bones. Moreover, there is also evidence of the regular presence of carnivores at the site, including a small proportion of bones that show tooth marks, the majority of which can be attributed to the giant, short-faced hyena Pachycrocuta brevirostris, and there are 220 coprolites, most of them from the Upper Archeological Level. In order to identify the defecating agent, we analyze here the coprolites and compare them with other specimens from the literature and with scats from zoo spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta). The morphology, color, size, and chemical composition of the FN3 coprolites allow us to attribute them to the hyena P. brevirostris, which is also represented at the site by fossil specimens. In addition, we evaluate the origin of the accumulation of coprolites and discuss on the role played by the scavenging hyenas in the accumulation and modification of the bone remains unearthed at the site, which allows evaluating the contribution of the giant hyena to this Early Pleistocene site. Finally, based on the lithology of layer 5 of the Upper Archeological Level, fine sands and clays deposited in a salt-lake environment, we hypothesize that this layer may have acted as a quicksand where large-sized animals like elephants were trapped and their carcasses lured scavenging carnivores.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEJunta de AndalucíaGeneralitat de CatalunyaMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciónComunidad de Madridpu

    Paleoclimatic records from the Fuente Nueva 1 section (Orce, Guadix-Baza Basin, NE Granada, Spain): preliminary mineralogical data

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    The mineralogical study of 45 samples collected from the Fuente Nueva 1 (FN1) section (Orce, NE Granada, Spain) has been carried out using X-ray diffraction data on bulk powder and <2 m fraction to the establishment the paleoclimatic record and the origin of the inputs into the basin. The FN1 section is located in the central sector of the Betic Cordillera. During the Pliocene and Pleistocene, the Baza sub-basin was dominated by lacustrine deposits. The FN1 section (in Baza sub-basin) comprises a lower unit of Pliocene age consisting of lacustrine limestones and marls. Discordant on it, the Pleistocene is characterized by an alternation of two alluvial and two lacustrine episodes. In the first lacustrine episode is located the paleontological site of FN1 (approx. 2.3 Ma), which represents the oldest Pleistocene macrovertebrate site of Baza sub-basin. Moreover, this basin preserves some of the earliest evidences of human presence in Europe in several archaeo-paleontological sites correlated with the second Pleistocene lacustrine episode of FN1 section. The climate during the deposition of FN1 section was temperate to warm-subarid with seasonal contrast as suggested the high occurrence of 2:1 layer phyllosilicates. The subarid conditions were more remarkable in the first Pleistocene alluvial episode as attested by an increase in palygorskite and precipitation of gypsum. Whereas, at the end of the second alluvial episode, the humid conditions were established as showed by lack in palygorskite and increase in illite and kaolinite. The variable quartz/phyllosilicate (Qz/Phy) and occurrence of muscovite and paragonite in samples at the end of the second Pleistocene lacustrine episode indicate a high detrital input from the Internal Zone outcrop in the south of the basin. Further studies include a precise characterization of morphology and geochemistry of the clay minerals in order to provide better paleoclimatical and paleoenvironmental characterization of basin.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Deciphering the record of hyaenic activity in the Early Pleistocene site of Fuente Nueva-3 (Baza Basin, SE Spain)

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    FN3 is an open air site, dated ~1.4 Ma. Their archaeological levels preserve evidences of human presence, consisting in lithic artefacts and cuts and percussion marks on bones. The lithic remains are associated with abundant macromammals bones with a very wide size range, from proboscideans to small mustelids. Carnivores are represented, mainly, by isolated teeth, bellowing to canids, ursids, felids and hyaenids, and their activity is recorded by the presence of different tooth marks types. However, there exists an important difference in the carnivore record between the levels, consisting in the presence of more than 200 coprolites in the Upper Level, whereas in the Lower Level these elements are practically absent. For the identification of the defecating organism, different analyses have been performed. The morphological study evidences the presence of the seven shape-types of pellets, although the most common morphologies are round, oval and disk. The colour of hyena faeces is also very characteristic, colour analysis of FN3 coprolites shows a predominance of whitish and very pale brown tonalities. To determine the composition, the samples were studied by XRD, XRF and SEM. The results have revealed that the coprolites mostly consist of calcium phosphate. These data are consistent with the expected composition of faeces in an organism that ingests a large amount of bones, in addition, macroscopic observation of the coprolites surface evidence the presence of numerous fragments of digested bones within them. All these features allow us to adscribe the FN3 coprolites to the hyaena Pachycrocuta brevirostris, species of which several teeth have been found at this site.This record manifests a great difference between both archaeological levels, showing in the Upper Level a scenario were hominin and hyaenids coexisted and competed for food resources, whereas in the Lower Level hyaenas were practically absent, and the main modifying agent was early Homo.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech