54 research outputs found

    X Marks the Spot: Nexus of Filaments, Cores, and Outflows in a Young Star-Forming Region

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    We present a multiwavelength investigation of a region of a nearby giant molecular cloud that is distinguished by a minimal level of star formation activity. With our new 12CO(J=2-1) and 13CO(J=2-1) observations of a remote region within the middle of the California molecular cloud, we aim to investigate the relationship between filaments, cores, and a molecular outflow in a relatively pristine environment. An extinction map of the region from Herschel Space Observatory observations reveals the presence of two 2-pc-long filaments radiating from a high-extinction clump. Using the 13CO observations, we show that the filaments have coherent velocity gradients and that their mass-per-unit-lengths may exceed the critical value above which filaments are gravitationally unstable. The region exhibits structure with eight cores, at least one of which is a starless, prestellar core. We identify a low-velocity, low-mass molecular outflow that may be driven by a flat spectrum protostar. The outflow does not appear to be responsible for driving the turbulence in the core with which it is associated, nor does it provide significant support against gravitational collapse.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Star formation in W3 - AFGL333: Young stellar content, properties and roles of external feedback

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    One of the key questions in the field of star formation is the role of stellar feedback on subsequent star formation process. The W3 giant molecular cloud complex at the western border of the W4 super bubble is thought to be influenced by the stellar winds of the massive stars in W4. AFGL333 is a ~10^4 Msun cloud within W3. This paper presents a study of the star formation activity within AFGL333 using deep JHKs photometry obtained from the NOAO Extremely Wide-Field Infrared Imager combined with Spitzer-IRAC-MIPS photometry. Based on the infrared excess, we identify 812 candidate young stellar objects in the complex, of which 99 are classified as Class I and 713 are classified as Class II sources. The stellar density analysis of young stellar objects reveals three major stellar aggregates within AFGL333, named here AFGL333-main, AFGL333-NW1 and AFGL333-NW2. The disk fraction within AFGL333 is estimated to be ~50-60%. We use the extinction map made from the H-Ks colors of the background stars to understand the cloud structure and to estimate the cloud mass. The CO-derived extinction map corroborates the cloud structure and mass estimates from NIR color method. From the stellar mass and cloud mass associated with AFGL333, we infer that the region is currently forming stars with an efficiency of ~4.5% and at a rate of ~2 - 3 Msun Myr-1pc-2. In general, the star formation activity within AFGL333 is comparable to that of nearby low mass star-forming regions. We do not find any strong evidence to suggest that the stellar feedback from the massive stars of nearby W4 super bubble has affected the global star formation properties of the AFGL333 region.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Observational Constraints on Submillimeter Dust Opacity

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    Infrared extinction maps and submillimeter dust continuum maps are powerful probes of the density structure in the envelope of star-forming cores. We make a direct comparison between infrared and submillimeter dust continuum observations of the low-mass Class 0 core, B335, to constrain the ratio of submillimeter to infrared opacity (Îș_(smm)/Îș_(ir)) and the submillimeter opacity power-law index (Îș ∝ λ–ÎČ). Using the average value of theoretical dust opacity models at 2.2 ÎŒm, we constrain the dust opacity at 850 and 450 ÎŒm. Using new dust continuum models based upon the broken power-law density structure derived from interferometric observations of B335 and the infall model derived from molecular line observations of B335, we find that the opacity ratios are ^Îș_(850)_Îș_(2.2) = (3.21 - 4.80)^(+0.44)_(-0.30) x 10^(-4) ^Îș_(450)_Îș(2.0) = (12.8-24.8)^(+2.4)_(-1.3) x 10^(-4) with a submillimeter opacity power-law index of ÎČ_(smm) = (2.18-2.58)^(+0.30)_(–0.30). The range of quoted values is determined from the uncertainty in the physical model for B335. For an average 2.2 ÎŒm opacity of 3800 ± 700 cm^2 g^(–1), we find a dust opacity at 850 and 450 ÎŒm of Îș_(850) = (1.18-1.77)^9+0.36)_(–0.24) and Îș_(450) = (4.72-9.13)^(+1.9)_(–0.98) cm^2 g^(–1) of dust. These opacities are from (0.65-0.97)Îș^(OH5)_(850) of the widely used theoretical opacities of Ossenkopf and Henning for coagulated ice grains with thin mantles at 850 ÎŒm

    A CO Line and Infrared Continuum Study of the Active Star-Forming Complex W51

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    We present the results of an extensive observational study of the active star-forming complex W51 that was observed in the J=2-1 transition of the 12CO and 13CO molecules over a 1.25 deg x 1.00 deg region with the University of Arizona Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope. We use a statistical equilibrium code to estimate physical properties of the molecular gas. We compare the molecular cloud morphology with the distribution of infrared (IR) and radio continuum sources, and find associations between molecular clouds and young stellar objects (YSOs) listed in Spitzer IR catalogs. The ratios of CO lines associated with HII regions are different from the ratios outside the active star-forming regions. We present evidence of star formation triggered by the expansion of the HII regions and by cloud-cloud collisions. We estimate that about 1% of the cloud mass is currently in YSOs.Comment: 18 pages, 29 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ

    The distribution of H13CN in the circumstellar envelope around IRC+10216

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    H13CN J=8-7 sub-millimetre line emission produced in the circumstellar envelope around the extreme carbon star IRC+10216 has been imaged at sub-arcsecond angular resolution using the SMA. Supplemented by a detailed excitation analysis the average fractional abundance of H13CN in the inner wind (< 5E15 cm) is estimated to be about 4E-7, translating into a total HCN fractional abundance of 2E-5 using the isotopic ratio 12C/13C=50. Multi-transitional single-dish observations further requires the H13CN fractional abundance to remain more or less constant in the envelope out to a radius of about 4E16 cm, where the HCN molecules are effectively destroyed, most probably, by photodissociation. The large amount of HCN present in the inner wind provides effective line cooling that can dominate over that generated from CO line emission. It is also shown that great care needs to be taken in the radiative transfer modelling where non-local, and non-LTE, effects are important and where the radiation field from thermal dust grains plays a major role in exciting the HCN molecules. The amount of HCN present in the circumstellar envelope around IRC+10216 is consistent with predicted photospheric values based on equilibrium chemical models and indicates that any non-equilibrium chemistry occurring in the extended pulsating atmosphere has no drastic net effect on the fractional abundance of HCN molecules that enters the outer envelope. It further suggests that few HCN molecules are incorporated into dust grains.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 20 pages, 7 figure

    Submillimeter Observations of Dense Clumps in the Infrared Dark Cloud G049.40-00.01

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    We obtained 350 and 850 micron continuum maps of the infrared dark cloud G049.40-00.01. Twenty-one dense clumps were identified within G049.40-00.01 based on the 350 micron continuum map with an angular resolution of about 9.6". We present submillimeter continuum maps and report physical properties of the clumps. The masses of clumps range from 50 to 600 M_sun. About 70% of the clumps are associated with bright 24 micron emission sources, and they may contain protostars. The most massive two clumps show extended, enhanced 4.5 micron emission indicating vigorous star-forming activity. The clump size-mass distribution suggests that many of them are forming high mass stars. G049.40-00.01 contains numerous objects in various evolutionary stages of star formation, from pre-protostellar clumps to HII regions.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Mid-JJ CO Line Observations of Protostellar Outflows in the Orion Molecular Clouds

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    Ten protostellar outflows in the Orion molecular clouds were mapped in the 12^{12}CO/13^{13}CO J=6→5{J=6\rightarrow5} and 12^{12}CO J=7→6{J=7\rightarrow6} lines. The maps of these mid-JJ CO lines have an angular resolution of about 10â€Čâ€Č'' and a typical field size of about 100â€Čâ€Č''. Physical parameters of the molecular outflows were derived, including mass transfer rates, kinetic luminosities, and outflow forces. The outflow sample was expanded by re-analyzing archival data of nearby low-luminosity protostars, to cover a wide range of bolometric luminosities. Outflow parameters derived from other transitions of CO were compared. The mid-JJ (Jup≈6J_{\rm up} \approx 6) and low-JJ (Jup≀3J_{\rm up} \leq 3) CO line wings trace essentially the same outflow component. By contrast, the high-JJ (up to Jup≈50J_{\rm up} \approx 50) line-emission luminosity of CO shows little correlation with the kinetic luminosity from the J=6→5{J=6\rightarrow5} line, which suggests that they trace distinct components. The low/mid-JJ CO line wings trace long-term outflow behaviors while the high-JJ CO lines are sensitive to short-term activities. The correlations between the outflow parameters and protostellar properties are presented, which shows that the strengths of molecular outflows increase with bolometric luminosity and envelope mass.Comment: 31 pages, 16 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Resolving the Dusty Circumstellar Structure of the Enigmatic Symbiotic Star CH Cygni with the MMT Adaptive Optics System

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    We imaged the symbiotic star CH Cyg and two PSF calibration stars using the unique 6.5m MMT deformable secondary adaptive optics system. Our high-resolution (FWHM=0.3"), very high Strehl (98%+-2%) mid-infrared (9.8 and 11.7 um) images of CH Cyg allow us to probe finer length scales than ever before for this object. CH Cyg is significantly extended compared to our unresolved PSF calibration stars (Mu UMa and Alpha Her) at 9.8 and 11.7 um. We estimated the size of the extension by convolving a number of simple Gaussian models with the Mu UMa PSF and determining which model provided the best fit to the data. Adopting the Hipparcos distance for this object of 270 pc, we found a nearly Gaussian extension with a FWHM at 9.8 um of ~40.5+-2.7 AU (0.15+-0.01") and a FWHM at 11.7 um of 45.9+-2.7 AU (0.17+-0.01"). After subtracting out the Gaussian component of the emission (convolved with our PSF), we found a faint \~0.7" asymmetric extension which peaks in flux ~0.5" north of the stars. This extension is roughly coincident with the northern knotlike feature seen in HST WFPC2 images obtained in 1999.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, accepted by the Astrophysical Journa
