131 research outputs found

    Light regulation of coccolithophore host–virus interactions

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    New Phytologist Trust Viruses that infect photoautotrophs have a fundamental relationship with light, given the need for host resources. We investigated the role of light on Coccolithovirus (EhV) infection of the globally distributed coccolithophore, Emiliania huxleyi. Light was required for EhV adsorption, and viral production was highest when host cultures were maintained in continuous light or at irradiance levels of 150–300 µmol m-2 s-1. During the early stages of infection, photosynthetic electron transport remained high, while RuBisCO expression decreased concomitant with an induction of the pentose phosphate pathway, the primary source of de novo nucleotides. A mathematical model developed and fitted to the laboratory data supported the hypothesis that EhV replication was controlled by a trade-off between host nucleotide recycling and de novo synthesis, and that photoperiod and photon flux could toggle this switch. Laboratory results supported field observations that light was the most robust driver of EhV replication within E. huxleyi populations collected across a 2000 nautical mile transect in the North Atlantic. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that light can drive host–virus interactions through a mechanistic interplay between host metabolic processes, which serve to structure infection and phytoplankton mortality in the upper ocean

    Coccolithophore calcification fails to deter microzooplankton grazers.

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    Phytoplankton play a central role in the regulation of global carbon and nutrient cycles, forming the basis of the marine food webs. A group of biogeochemically important phytoplankton, the coccolithophores, produce calcium carbonate scales that have been hypothesized to deter or reduce grazing by microzooplankton. Here, a meta-analysis of mesocosm-based experiments demonstrates that calcification of the cosmopolitan coccolithophore, Emiliania huxleyi, fails to deter microzooplankton grazing. The median grazing to growth ratio for E. huxleyi (0.56 � 0.40) was not significantly different among non-calcified nano- or picoeukaryotes (0.71 � 0.31 and 0.55 � 0.34, respectively). Additionally, the environmental concentration of E. huxleyi did not drive preferential grazing of non-calcified groups. These results strongly suggest that the possession of coccoliths does not provide E. huxleyi effective protection from microzooplankton grazing. Such indiscriminate consumption has implications for the dissolution and fate of CaCO3 in the ocean, and the evolution of coccoliths

    Temperate infection in a virus–host system previously known for virulent dynamics

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    The blooming cosmopolitan coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi and its viruses (EhVs) are a model for density-dependent virulent dynamics. EhVs commonly exhibit rapid viral reproduction and drive host death in high-density laboratory cultures and mesocosms that simulate blooms. Here we show that this system exhibits physiology-dependent temperate dynamics at environmentally relevant E. huxleyi host densities rather than virulent dynamics, with viruses switching from a long-term non-lethal temperate phase in healthy hosts to a lethal lytic stage as host cells become physiologically stressed. Using this system as a model for temperate infection dynamics, we present a template to diagnose temperate infection in other virus–host systems by integrating experimental, theoretical, and environmental approaches. Finding temperate dynamics in such an established virulent host–virus model system indicates that temperateness may be more pervasive than previously considered, and that the role of viruses in bloom formation and decline may be governed by host physiology rather than by host–virus densities

    Effect of continuous nutrient enrichment on microalgae colonizing hard substrates

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    In order to understand the effect of changing nutrient conditions on benthic microalgae on hard substrates, in-situ experiments with artificial substrates were conducted in Kiel Fjord, Western Baltic Sea. As an extension of previous investigations, we used artificial substrates without silicate and thus were able to supply nutrient media with different Si:N ratios to porous substrates, from where they trickled out continuously. The biofilm developing on these substrates showed a significant increase in biovolume due to N + P enrichment, while Si alone had only minor effects. The stoichiometric composition of the biomass indicated nitrogen limitation during most of the year. The C:N ratios were lowered by the N + P addition. The algae were dominated by diatoms in most cases, but rhodophytes and chlorophytes also became important. The nutrient treatment affected the taxonomic composition mostly at the species level. The significance of the results with regard to coastal eutrophication is discussed

    Seasonal Mixed Layer Depth Shapes Phytoplankton Physiology, Viral Production, and Accumulation In the North Atlantic

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    Seasonal shifts in phytoplankton accumulation and loss largely follow changes in mixed layer depth, but the impact of mixed layer depth on cell physiology remains unexplored. Here, we investigate the physiological state of phytoplankton populations associated with distinct bloom phases and mixing regimes in the North Atlantic. Stratification and deep mixing alter community physiology and viral production, effectively shaping accumulation rates. Communities in relatively deep, early-spring mixed layers are characterized by low levels of stress and high accumulation rates, while those in the recently shallowed mixed layers in late-spring have high levels of oxidative stress. Prolonged stratification into early autumn manifests in negative accumulation rates, along with pronounced signatures of compromised membranes, death-related protease activity, virus production, nutrient drawdown, and lipid markers indicative of nutrient stress. Positive accumulation renews during mixed layer deepening with transition into winter, concomitant with enhanced nutrient supply and lessened viral pressure

    Seasonal mixed layer depth shapes phytoplankton physiology, viral production, and accumulation in the North Atlantic

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Diaz, B. P., Knowles, B., Johns, C. T., Laber, C. P., Bondoc, K. G. V., Haramaty, L., Natale, F., Harvey, E. L., Kramer, S. J., Bolaños, L. M., Lowenstein, D. P., Fredricks, H. F., Graff, J., Westberry, T. K., Mojica, K. D. A., Haëntjens, N., Baetge, N., Gaube, P., Boss, E., Carlson, C. A., Behrenfeld, M. J., Van Mooy, B. A. S., Bidle, K. D. Seasonal mixed layer depth shapes phytoplankton physiology, viral production, and accumulation in the North Atlantic. Nature Communications, 12(1), (2021): 6634, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-26836-1.Seasonal shifts in phytoplankton accumulation and loss largely follow changes in mixed layer depth, but the impact of mixed layer depth on cell physiology remains unexplored. Here, we investigate the physiological state of phytoplankton populations associated with distinct bloom phases and mixing regimes in the North Atlantic. Stratification and deep mixing alter community physiology and viral production, effectively shaping accumulation rates. Communities in relatively deep, early-spring mixed layers are characterized by low levels of stress and high accumulation rates, while those in the recently shallowed mixed layers in late-spring have high levels of oxidative stress. Prolonged stratification into early autumn manifests in negative accumulation rates, along with pronounced signatures of compromised membranes, death-related protease activity, virus production, nutrient drawdown, and lipid markers indicative of nutrient stress. Positive accumulation renews during mixed layer deepening with transition into winter, concomitant with enhanced nutrient supply and lessened viral pressure.This work was made possible by NASA’s Earth Science Program in support of the North Atlantic Aerosol and Marine Ecosystem Study (15-RRNES15-0011 and 0NSSC18K1563 to K.D.B.; NNX15AF30G to M.J.B.), as well as with support from the National Science Foundation (OIA-2021032 to K.D.B., OCE-157943 to C.A.C., and OCE-1756254 to B.A.S.V.M.), the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Award# 3789 to K.G.V.B.), and NASA’s Future Investigators in Space Science and Technology program (FINESST; grant #826380 to K.D.B.; graduate support to BD)

    Diversity of Haloquadratum and other haloarchaea in three, geographically distant, Australian saltern crystallizer ponds

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    Haloquadratum walsbyi is frequently a dominant member of the microbial communities in hypersaline waters. 16S rRNA gene sequences indicate that divergence within this species is very low but relatively few sites have been examined, particularly in the southern hemisphere. The diversity of Haloquadratum was examined in three coastal, but geographically distant saltern crystallizer ponds in Australia, using both culture-independent and culture-dependent methods. Two 97%-OTU, comprising Haloquadratum- and Halorubrum-related sequences, were shared by all three sites, with the former OTU representing about 40% of the sequences recovered at each site. Sequences 99.5% identical to that of Hqr. walsbyi C23T were present at all three sites and, overall, 98% of the Haloquadratum-related sequences displayed ≤2% divergence from that of the type strain. While haloarchaeal diversity at each site was relatively low (9–16 OTUs), seven phylogroups (clones and/or isolates) and 4 different clones showed ≤90% sequence identity to classified taxa, and appear to represent novel genera. Six of these branched together in phylogenetic tree reconstructions, forming a clade (MSP8-clade) whose members were only distantly related to classified taxa. Such sequences have only rarely been previously detected but were found at all three Australian crystallizers

    Dissipation of Proton Motive Force is not Sufficient to Induce the Phage Shock Protein Response in Escherichia coli

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    Phage shock proteins (Psp) and their homologues are found in species from the three domains of life: Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya (e.g. higher plants). In enterobacteria, the Psp response helps to maintain the proton motive force (PMF) of the cell when the inner membrane integrity is impaired. The presumed ability of ArcB to sense redox changes in the cellular quinone pool and the strong decrease of psp induction in ΔubiG or ΔarcAB backgrounds suggest a link between the Psp response and the quinone pool. The authors now provide evidence indicating that the physiological signal for inducing psp by secretin-induced stress is neither the quinone redox state nor a drop in PMF. Neither the loss of the H+-gradient nor the dissipation of the electrical potential alone is sufficient to induce the Psp response. A set of electron transport mutants differing in their redox states due to the lack of a NADH dehydrogenase and a quinol oxidase, but retaining a normal PMF displayed low levels of psp induction inversely related to oxidised ubiquinone levels under microaerobic growth and independent of PMF. In contrast, cells displaying higher secretin induced psp expression showed increased levels of ubiquinone. Taken together, this study suggests that not a single but likely multiple signals are needed to be integrated to induce the Psp response

    Jellyfish Modulate Bacterial Dynamic and Community Structure

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    Jellyfish blooms have increased in coastal areas around the world and the outbreaks have become longer and more frequent over the past few decades. The Mediterranean Sea is among the heavily affected regions and the common bloom - forming taxa are scyphozoans Aurelia aurita s.l., Pelagia noctiluca, and Rhizostoma pulmo. Jellyfish have few natural predators, therefore their carcasses at the termination of a bloom represent an organic-rich substrate that supports rapid bacterial growth, and may have a large impact on the surrounding environment. The focus of this study was to explore whether jellyfish substrate have an impact on bacterial community phylotype selection. We conducted in situ jellyfish - enrichment experiment with three different jellyfish species. Bacterial dynamic together with nutrients were monitored to assess decaying jellyfish-bacteria dynamics. Our results show that jellyfish biomass is characterized by protein rich organic matter, which is highly bioavailable to ‘jellyfish - associated’ and ‘free - living’ bacteria, and triggers rapid shifts in bacterial population dynamics and composition. Based on 16S rRNA clone libraries and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis, we observed a rapid shift in community composition from unculturable Alphaproteobacteria to culturable species of Gammaproteobacteria and Flavobacteria. The results of sequence analyses of bacterial isolates and of total bacterial community determined by culture independent genetic analysis showed the dominance of the Pseudoalteromonadaceae and the Vibrionaceae families. Elevated levels of dissolved proteins, dissolved organic and inorganic nutrient release, bacterial abundance and carbon production as well as ammonium concentrations characterized the degradation process. The biochemical composition of jellyfish species may influence changes in the amount of accumulated dissolved organic and inorganic nutrients. Our results can contribute insights into possible changes in bacterial population dynamics and nutrient pathways following jellyfish blooms which have important implications for ecology of coastal waters

    The Marine Microbial Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequencing Project (MMETSP): illuminating the functional diversity of eukaryotic life in the oceans through transcriptome sequencing.

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    Microbial ecology is plagued by problems of an abstract nature. Cell sizes are so small and population sizes so large that both are virtually incomprehensible. Niches are so far from our everyday experience as to make their very definition elusive. Organisms that may be abundant and critical to our survival are little understood, seldom described and/or cultured, and sometimes yet to be even seen. One way to confront these problems is to use data of an even more abstract nature: molecular sequence data. Massive environmental nucleic acid sequencing, such as metagenomics or metatranscriptomics, promises functional analysis of microbial communities as a whole, without prior knowledge of which organisms are in the environment or exactly how they are interacting. But sequence-based ecological studies nearly always use a comparative approach, and that requires relevant reference sequences, which are an extremely limited resource when it comes to microbial eukaryotes. In practice, this means sequence databases need to be populated with enormous quantities of data for which we have some certainties about the source. Most important is the taxonomic identity of the organism from which a sequence is derived and as much functional identification of the encoded proteins as possible. In an ideal world, such information would be available as a large set of complete, well curated, and annotated genomes for all the major organisms from the environment in question. Reality substantially diverges from this ideal, but at least for bacterial molecular ecology, there is a database consisting of thousands of complete genomes from a wide range of taxa, supplemented by a phylogeny-driven approach to diversifying genomics [2]. For eukaryotes, the number of available genomes is far, far fewer, and we have relied much more heavily on random growth of sequence databases, raising the question as to whether this is fit for purpose