230 research outputs found

    Fish in Faith: Exploring Symbol as Survival Strategies in Christianity

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    This study explores the history of one of the important symbols in the Christian tradition, namely the history of the fish symbol. This study argues that the fish symbol is one of the survival strategies for Christians to survive and contest with other groups in the socio-religious context at that time. Thus, this study formulates research questions such as how is the history of fish in the Christian tradition? How does the fish symbol become a medium of survival and resistance? Does the fish symbol have any relevance in the history of Christianity in Indonesia? This research uses literature study, which means relying on written literature discussing fish symbolism in Christianity's history. The results of this study indicate that the symbolization of fish in Christian history can not only be seen from the theological aspect but also from the socio-historical aspect as a survival strategy. Furthermore, the research material is structured with the following framework: the first part discusses the history and meaning of the fish symbol as a savior and unifier in ancient Christianity; the second part discusses the symbolic significance of fish as the spread of Christianity in Indonesia; the third part, symbolism as a strategy to survive both in the form of acculturation and religious-cultural identification in the context of religion and culture. In short, the symbolism of fish in the Christian tradition is very complex, containing theological content and historical-social-cultural. By understanding how symbolization works in religious traditions, we, therefore, can understand how religion in all its aspects developed from the past to the present, and also to the future

    Evaluation of Aflatoxin M1 Enrichment Factor in Semihard Cow's Milk Cheese and Correlation with Cheese Yield.

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    ABSTRACT The fate of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) in cow's milk cheese produced from naturally contaminated raw milk was evaluated. Cow's milk, naturally contaminated by AFM1 at levels ranging from 0.020 to..

    RETURNEES: WHO ARE THEY, WHY ARE THEY (NOT) COMING BACK AND HOW SHOULD WE DEAL WITH THEM? Assessing Policies on Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. Egmont Paper 101, February 2018

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    Some 5000 men, women and children have travelled from Europe to Syria and Iraq since 2012. An estimated 1500 of these foreign terrorist fighters (FTF) have returned so far. Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands represent a third of European FTF and returnees. This report looks into the evolution of policies on returning foreign fighters in these three countries, comparing responses with regard to fighters that are still in the conflict zone, policies to deal with returnees in prison and attitudes towards the children of foreign fighters. It is the very first systematic and in-depth study into national approaches and policies vis-à-vis returnees. Its added value lies in the wealth of data, including data that has not been published before, and in the comparative angle

    Dengue Virus Serotype 2 from a Sylvatic Lineage Isolated from a Patient with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

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    Dengue viruses circulate in both human and sylvatic cycles. Although dengue viruses (DENV) infecting humans can cause major epidemics and severe disease, relatively little is known about the epidemiology and etiology of sylvatic dengue viruses. A 20-year-old male developed dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) with thrombocytopenia (12,000/ul) and a raised hematocrit (29.5% above baseline) in January 2008 in Malaysia. Dengue virus serotype 2 was isolated from his blood on day 4 of fever. A phylogenetic analysis of the complete genome sequence revealed that this virus was a member of a sylvatic lineage of DENV-2 and most closely related to a virus isolated from a sentinel monkey in Malaysia in 1970. This is the first identification of a sylvatic DENV circulating in Asia since 1975

    A preliminary investigation to group disparate batches of licit and illicit diazepam tablets using differential scanning calorimetry

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    Increasing numbers of illicit and unlicensed medicines are in general circulation and regularly seized by the police and other regulatory authorities. Forensic identification of seized tablets tends to focus on visual appearance and chromatographic identification of the contained drug. This process is relatively time consuming and places a strain on forensic laboratories. It was therefore of interest to investigate the possible application of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) as a fast and efficient tool to facilitate the identification of contained drug/s and associated tablet excipients. Sixteen different cases (Cases A to P) of diazepam tablets obtained from Police Scotland were characterised based on visual appearance (colour and manufacturers' logos), physical attributes (size, weight and hardness), drug type, drug quantity (HPLC) and thermal properties (DSC). Raw DSC data was further processed using principal component analysis (PCA) as an objective assessment of the thermograms obtained with a view to statistical grouping of different cases. Cases J/K, M/O and L/P could be paired on visual appearance and Cases B/C/E/G and J/K/L/P on tablet hardness (17–23 and 80–89 N respectively). HPLC indicated that 75% of the cases examined contained diazepam but less than half of these contained the recognised amount (10 mg); Cases B/E/L/P contained phenazepam and J/K contained etizolam. The thermal signatures of individual tablets provided by DSC produced qualitative information about both drugs and excipients, indicating lactose in Cases D/F/H/I/J/K/M/N/O and Emcompress™ in B/E/L/P. In particular, DSC coupled with PCA provided confident groupings of A/C/G, B/E/L/P and H/I/J/K, and specific pairings of B/E, L/P and F/N

    AGN effect on cooling flow dynamics

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    We analyzed the feedback of AGN jets on cooling flow clusters using three-dimensional AMR hydrodynamic simulations. We studied the interaction of the jet with the intracluster medium and creation of low X-ray emission cavities (Bubbles) in cluster plasma. The distribution of energy input by the jet into the system was quantified in its different forms, i.e. internal, kinetic and potential. We find that the energy associated with the bubbles, (pV + gamma pV/(gamma-1)), accounts for less than 10 percent of the jet energy.Comment: "Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Science
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