56 research outputs found

    Effect of seed priming with growth promoting rhizobacteria at different rhizosphere condition on growth parameter of maize

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    In this experiment the effects of three rhizobacteria named Azotobacter, Azospirillum and Pseudomonas at different rhizosphere condition on growth parameters were evaluated as a factorial experiment.10 straines of rhizobacteria include: P1=P.putida strain R-168, P2=P.flurescens strain R-93, P3=flurescens strain 50090, P4= P.putida DSM291, P5=Azotobacter chroococcum strain 5, P6=Azotobacter chroococcum DSM 2286, P7=Azospirillum lipoferum strain 21, P8=Azospirillum lipoferum DSM 1691, P9=Azospirillum brasilense DSM 1690 and P10 = non- inoculation(control) were tested in both sterile and non-sterile soils. The results showed the interaction of two factors on stem and total fresh weight also on total dry weight and leaf area were significant. Results of this study revealed that soil natural condition had the higher effects on growth parameter than soil sterile condition

    Kondisi sosial dan hukum masyarakat Arab pra-Islam

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    Penelitian ini membahas kondisi sosial dan sistem hukum masyarakat Arab sebelum masuknya Islam, yang dikenal dengan istilah zaman jahiliyah. Masyarakat Arab pra-Islam hidup dalam sistem sosial yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh adat istiadat dan kepercayaan pra-Islam. Dengan latar belakang kehidupan yang keras di gurun, sistem nomaden, dan keragaman suku, masyarakat ini sering terlibat dalam persaingan dan peperangan untuk mempertahankan kehormatan dan wilayah. Perempuan dipandang rendah, sering dianggap sebagai harta milik yang harus disembunyikan, sementara perbudakan merajalela sebagai hasil perang, hutang, atau hukuman. Hukum adat dan musyawarah antarsuku menjadi landasan sistem hukum yang berlaku, dengan konsep hukum darah dan qisas sebagai upaya menjaga ketertiban. Meskipun disebut zaman Jahiliyah, masyarakat Arab Pra-Islam memiliki kebudayaan dan kecerdasan tinggi, terbukti dari berkembangnya sastra. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan analisis literatur untuk mengkaji kebobrokan moral dan kerusakan sistem hukum yang ada pada masa tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, meskipun banyak perilaku buruk mendominasi, kebudayaan dan perdagangan tetap berkembang dan beberapa unsur kebudayaan bahkan membantu penyebaran Islam. Penelitian ini penting untuk memahami kondisi sosial dan hukum masyarakat Arab pra-Islam agar nilai-nilai negatifnya tidak diterapkan kembali di masa kini

    Crustal Structure of the Ionian Basin and Eastern Sicily Margin: Results From a Wide-Angle Seismic Survey

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    In the Ionian Sea (central Mediterranean) the slow convergence between Africa and Eurasia results in the formation of a narrow subduction zone. The nature of the crust of the subducting plate remains debated and could represent the last remnants of the Neo‐Tethys ocean. The origin of the Ionian basin is also under discussion, especially concerning the rifting mechanisms as the Malta Escarpment could represent a remnant of this opening. This subduction retreats toward the south‐east (motion occurring since the last 35 Ma) but is confined to the narrow Ionian basin. A major lateral slab tear fault is required to accommodate the slab roll‐back. This fault is thought to propagate along the eastern Sicily margin but its precise location remains controversial. This study focuses on the deep crustal structure of the eastern Sicily margin and the Malta Escarpment. We present two two‐dimensional P wave velocity models obtained from forward modeling of wide‐angle seismic data acquired onboard the R/V Meteor during the DIONYSUS cruise in 2014. The results image an oceanic crust within the Ionian basin as well as the deep structure of the Malta Escarpment, which presents characteristics of a transform margin. A deep and asymmetrical sedimentary basin is imaged south of the Messina strait and seems to have opened between the Calabrian and Peloritan continental terranes. The interpretation of the velocity models suggests that the tear fault is located east of the Malta Escarpment, along the Alfeo fault system

    Deep crustal structure of the North-West African margin

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    La marge NE Américaine est une des marges les mieux étudiées au monde, elle a fait l’objet de plusieurs études géophysiques. En comparaison, la marge africaine reste peu étudiée car uniquement deux campagnes océanographiques y ont été menées : la campagne Sismar (2001) au large de la Meseta et la campagne Dakhla (2002) au large du Sahara. La structure profonde de la marge canadienne est connue grâce aux profils de sismique grand-angle SMART-1, 2 et 3. Le premier objectif du projet MIRROR était d’acquérir des profils combinant sismique grand-angle et sismique réflexion sur un segment homologue au profil SMART-1. La comparaison entre les segments homologues de ces deux marges ayant pour but de mieux comprendre le mode d’ouverture de l'océan Atlantique Central. Une comparaison entre les modèles Sismar, Dakhla et Mirror montre que la croûte continentale est plus épaisse au nord et s'amincit vers le sud. La largeur de la zone de transition est plus étroite au sud et les profils Sismar sont localisés sur un bassin sédimentaire posé sur une croûte continentale très amincie. La comparaison avec la marge homologue montre que l'épaisseur, la structure de la croûte continentale et la zone d'amincissement sont très semblables. Par contre, il existe une zone de manteau exhumé et serpentinisé sur le profil Canadien qui n'a pas d’homologue sur la marge africaine. De plus, l'épaisseur de la croûte océanique est différente avec 8 km sur la côte africaine et seulement 3-4 km sur la marge canadienne. Plusieurs hypothèses ont été proposées pour expliquer cette différence (a) une différence d’âge entre les deux croûtes (b) un épaississement lié au passage du point chaud des Canaries (c) une accrétion asymétrique.The NE American margin represents one of the best studied margins in the world, it was the subject of several scientific programs. In comparison, the conjugate NW African margin remains fairly unknown, only two deep seismic cruises were acquired: the SISMAR cruise (2001) offshore the Meseta and the DAKHLA cruise (2002) offshore the Sahara. The deep structure of the Canadian margin is known due to the SMART wide-angle seismic profiles 1, 2 and 3. The first objective of the MIRROR project was to acquire combined wide-angle and deep reflection seismic data offshore a segment conjugate to the SMART-1 profile. The comparison between the homologous segments of these two margins aimed to better understand the opening mechanism of the Central Atlantic Ocean. A comparison between Sismar, Dakhla and Mirror models shows that the continental crust is thicker in the north and thins toward the south. The width of the transition zone is narrower south and Sismar profiles are located on a sedimentary basin placed on a very thinned continental crust. Comparing the Mirror profile with that of the Canadian conjugate margin (Smart 1) shows that the thickness, the structure of the continental crust and the thinning is very similar. However, zones of exhumed and serpentinized mantle were imaged along the Canadian profile that have no conjugate on the African margin. Moreover, the thickness of the oceanic crust is variable with 8 km on the African side and only 3-4 km on the Canadian margin. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain this difference (a) an age difference between the two types of crust (b) thickening associated with the passage of the Canary hotspot (c) an asymmetric accretion or (d) an accretion at slow to ultra-slow speading centers

    Elaeagnus angustifolia L.: A promising therapeutic agent from traditional Iranian medicine

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    The primary objective of this thesis was to conduct a comprehensive bibliographic research on Elaeagnus angustifolia L., a spiny and deciduous tree also referred to as oleaster, Russian olive, Persian olive or silver tree. The research is focused on the chemical studies, as well as the pharmacological activity of this plant. In order to make this thesis a valuable scientific work, during the research, it has been tried to use reliable sources and articles available in the literature. Elaeagnus angustifolia L. belongs to the Elaeagnaceae family and grows in arid and semi-arid regions. It is estimated that there are more than 90 species of Elaeagnus found throughout the world, with the majority of them being found in subtropical regions in Asia, Europe and some parts of North America. Elaeagnus angustifolia L. looks like an olive tree and produces small and reddish-brown oval-shaped, sweet, and edible fruits. Oleaster tree roots, leaves, flowers, fruits, fruits peel, and seeds are used in food, folk medicine, medicine, pharmacy, cosmetics, and perfumery. There are many nutritional benefits to the fruits of the oleaster, including protein, sugar, vitamins, and minerals, and they are a natural source of phenolics, flavonoids, and terpenoids, as well as alternative functional ingredients in the food industry. Throughout history, Elaeagnus angustifolia L. was used as an astringent, kidney stone removal, anti-inflammatory, and pain reliever. It was also used as a remedy for fever, jaundice, asthma, tetanus, and rheumatoid arthritis. Elaeagnus angustifolia L. has been extensively researched for its biological and pharmacological properties. Its main biological and pharmacological properties include antimicrobial, antioxidant, cardioprotective, anti-arthritic, wound healing, antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic, antimutagenic, antitumor, as well as gastroprotective effects. Considering the wide range of pharmacological properties, as well as the wide range of phytochemical agents present in Elaeagnus angustifolia L., it is a good candidate for the discovery of new drugs

    Structure profonde de la marge Nord-Ouest Africaine

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    The NE American margin represents one of the best studied margins in the world, it was the subject of several scientific programs. In comparison, the conjugate NW African margin remains fairly unknown, only two deep seismic cruises were acquired: the SISMAR cruise (2001) offshore the Meseta and the DAKHLA cruise (2002) offshore the Sahara. The deep structure of the Canadian margin is known due to the SMART wide-angle seismic profiles 1, 2 and 3. The first objective of the MIRROR project was to acquire combined wide-angle and deep reflection seismic data offshore a segment conjugate to the SMART-1 profile. The comparison between the homologous segments of these two margins aimed to better understand the opening mechanism of the Central Atlantic Ocean. A comparison between Sismar, Dakhla and Mirror models shows that the continental crust is thicker in the north and thins toward the south. The width of the transition zone is narrower south and Sismar profiles are located on a sedimentary basin placed on a very thinned continental crust. Comparing the Mirror profile with that of the Canadian conjugate margin (Smart 1) shows that the thickness, the structure of the continental crust and the thinning is very similar. However, zones of exhumed and serpentinized mantle were imaged along the Canadian profile that have no conjugate on the African margin. Moreover, the thickness of the oceanic crust is variable with 8 km on the African side and only 3-4 km on the Canadian margin. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain this difference (a) an age difference between the two types of crust (b) thickening associated with the passage of the Canary hotspot (c) an asymmetric accretion or (d) an accretion at slow to ultra-slow speading centers.La marge NE Américaine est une des marges les mieux étudiées au monde, elle a fait l’objet de plusieurs études géophysiques. En comparaison, la marge africaine reste peu étudiée car uniquement deux campagnes océanographiques y ont été menées : la campagne Sismar (2001) au large de la Meseta et la campagne Dakhla (2002) au large du Sahara. La structure profonde de la marge canadienne est connue grâce aux profils de sismique grand-angle SMART-1, 2 et 3. Le premier objectif du projet MIRROR était d’acquérir des profils combinant sismique grand-angle et sismique réflexion sur un segment homologue au profil SMART-1. La comparaison entre les segments homologues de ces deux marges ayant pour but de mieux comprendre le mode d’ouverture de l'océan Atlantique Central. Une comparaison entre les modèles Sismar, Dakhla et Mirror montre que la croûte continentale est plus épaisse au nord et s'amincit vers le sud. La largeur de la zone de transition est plus étroite au sud et les profils Sismar sont localisés sur un bassin sédimentaire posé sur une croûte continentale très amincie. La comparaison avec la marge homologue montre que l'épaisseur, la structure de la croûte continentale et la zone d'amincissement sont très semblables. Par contre, il existe une zone de manteau exhumé et serpentinisé sur le profil Canadien qui n'a pas d’homologue sur la marge africaine. De plus, l'épaisseur de la croûte océanique est différente avec 8 km sur la côte africaine et seulement 3-4 km sur la marge canadienne. Plusieurs hypothèses ont été proposées pour expliquer cette différence (a) une différence d’âge entre les deux croûtes (b) un épaississement lié au passage du point chaud des Canaries (c) une accrétion asymétrique

    Estudio por RMN del reconocimiento molecular carbohidrato/proteína con discriminación diferencial de anómeros en equilibrio

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    205 p.-24 fig.-4 fig suppl.-9 tab.Carbohydrates, together with proteins, nucleic acids and lipids, are essential molecules of biological systems involved in structural, metabolic and cell signaling functions. Carbohydrates are composed of polyhydroxylated monosaccharide units with an aldehyde or ketone functional group. Chemically monosaccharides exist in cyclic structures closed with an acetal or hemiacetal function. Depending on the stereochemistry and regiochemistry of the acetal function, the same monosaccharide may exist in various anomeric forms. Monosaccharides generally exist in aqueous solutions in the equilibrium form between two major anomeric forms, alpha and beta. The unique reactivity of the acetal function allows monosaccharides to build oligomeric structures by forming the glycosidic bond between the anomeric position of a monosaccharide and one of the hydroxyls of the following monosaccharide resulting oligo-and polysaccharide in both lineal and branched structures of great complexity and diversity. These oligosaccharide structures can also be conjugated to other biomolecules to render glycoproteins, glycolipids, proteoglycans, etc., and in many cases are the main component of the cell outer surface (glycocalyx olisacaridicas capsules etc) or even constitute the chemical backbone of the cell walls as peptidoglycan in bacteria or chitin in fungal microorganism. Glycoconjugates are under active research area because, in addition to its structural role, have been found participating in many fundamental biological processes, fertilization, development and differentiation, immune system, recognition of pathogens, cancer metastasis and so on. Many of these phenomena involve processes of molecular recognition between carbohydrates and glycoconjugates, expressed on cell surfaces and specific carbohydrate binding proteins including lectins. Lectins are defined by their ability to bind carbohydrates but are not antibody-like proteins of immune system neither have enzymatic activity. Carbohydrate-protein recognition processes implied transient noncovalent interactions with middle to low affinity in biochemical terms (millimolar of micro-order) but high selectivity when it is referring to distinguish different types of carbohydrates. Lectins are able to very selectively discriminate subtle differences as the stereochemistry of a single hydroxyl group that differentiates galactose from glucose. Significantly different stereochemistry of the anomeric position is what differentiates the alpha and beta anomers of monosaccharides however in this case the chemical properties of the acetal function causes the chemical equilibrium of both anomers in aqueous solution and therefore to analyze the selectivity towards each anomer individually is not an easy task and in most cases the affinity studies are conducted on mixtures of anomers that only allow to drawn average values for the equilibrium mixture but do not allow to establish preference towards anyone of the two anomers.Methodologies based on nuclear magnetic resonance are very suitable to study carbohydrate-protein transient interactions. Both approaches are possible, observing the NMR signals of the protein spins and its perturbations by the presence of ligands or the other way around, observing the NMR signals of the ligand and its perturbations by the presence of lithe receptor. When applying strategies from the point of view of the protein then it is necessary to previously assign the protein´s signals to the corresponding atoms of the protein . The assignment can be performed by means of homonuclear or heteronuclear correlation NMR experiments. In the case of heteronuclear experiments, mandatory for proteins over 10kD, it is necessary to express and produce, by means of molecular biology methodologies, the protein isotopically labeled with 13C and/or 15N to surpass the very low sensitivity of NMR. Once the chemical shift are assigned to each protein ´s proton then it is possible to determine the tridimensional structure of the protein recording nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) correlations among the protons of the protein. Those NOE corresponds to dipolar interactions between hydrogen pair that are inversely proportional to the six power of interprotein distances. The interproton NOE signals can be translated into distance restrictions that become into experimental inputs for the calculations of the tridimensional structure of the by means of molecular modeling protocols. Once the structure is calculated then the perturbations of the protein NMR signals because of the interactions with the ligands can be use to estimate the affinity constants performing titrations with increasing concentration of ligand and additionally, the identification of the most perturbed signals allows to map the carbohydrate binding site in the protein. Alternatively applying NMR experiments from the point of view of the ligand make use of the difference of in the ligand‘s NMR parameters on passing from the small molecule regime with fast tumbling correlated with fast rotational correlation time and slow spin relaxation to the large molecule regime when the ligand is bound to the protein with slow rotational correlation time corresponding now a fast spin relaxation. Making use of these differences it is possible determine affinity constants and map the binding epitope on the ligand with NMR experiments like the saturation transfer difference (STD). STDexperiments are base on the selective transfer of spin saturation from the protein when it is selectively irradiated (without affecting directly the signals of the ligand) and this saturation is efficiently transferred only to spins that are in close contact with the protein as it happens only when the ligand is bound to the protein. relaxation. This differences between the free and the bound state amplifies the signal perturbations on the ligand spectrum and the saturation of the spins of the protein will be esasily transfer to those protons of the ligand in close contact with the protein in the bound state. In this thesis two different model systems of carbohydrate-protein interactions have been studied. Lectins that recognizes N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) related oligosacarides. N-AcetylGlucosamine (GlcNAc) derived oligo- and polysaccharides participate in many biological important structures. Chitin (GlcNAc polysaccharide) is the main structural component of insect and crustaceans exoskeleton and is present in the cell wall of fungus and other microorganism, as well as bacterial cell walls are made of peptidoglycan that has its glycan core chain built with dissacharide repeating units of GlcNAc and related N-AcetylMuramic acid (GlcNAc-N-Acetylmuramyl disaccharides) crosslinked with short polypeptide fragments. Quite diverse proteins recognize those chitooligosaccharide related structures accomplishing functions as, for example, defense proteins (hevein domains), symbiosis signal recognition (Lys-M domains), carbohydrate processing (chitinases, glucosaminidases) etc. In this thesis NMR methodologies have been applied for studying those interactions in model systems based on hevein, Lys-M and PASTA protein domains. -Hevein Domains: Many plants express chitin binding proteins that have been identified as plant defense proteins. A family of these plant defense proteins contains one or several chitin binding sites localized on the so call "hevein domains". Those domains have been named after hevein, a small 43 residues protein with 4 disulfide bonds that binds chitin and chitoligosaccharides. Wheat Germ agglutinin (WGA) is a lectin compose of four homologous hevein domains. It has been shown that WGA binds N-AcetylGlucosamine (GlcNAc) related oligosaccharides and in fact it is use as commercial reagent to detect glycans containing GlcNAc residues. It has been shown that WGA is able to bind bacterial cells, data that could correlate with its plant-defense capacities, but there is no information at molecular level how WGA binds to peptidoglycan. In this thesis the binding of short peptidoglycan fragments to WGA have been characterized by means of STD-NMR studies. The results obtained demostrate that disaccharide dipeptide peptidoglycan fragment (glucosaminyl-muramyl-dipeptide, GMDP) is recognized by WGA and that the GlcNAc residue establishes the mayor contacts with WGA followed by the NAcetylmuramic acid residue while the peptidic moiety is pointing outside of the binding site. Additionally, as the GMDP is present as the mixture of anomers of its reducing end (muramic residue), the STD experiments have shown that WGA preferentially binds the the beta anomer . -LysM-DomainsThe LysM (Lysin motiv) named after Eschericihia c. lytic transglycosidase is a protein domain of about 50 aminoacid residues being part of larger multidomain proteins extensively distributed in virus, bacteria, plants, fungi and animals. In bacteria and plants some of the proteins containing LysM domains are associated with recognition of peptidoglycan and quitoologosaccharides acting as sensor proteins of pathogens (recognition of patogen by binding fragmentes of the cell walls of the patoghens) or simbionts (for example the receptors of bacterial nodulation factors (chitolipooligosaccharides) contains three LysM domain sequentially organized). However there is not yet a generalized description of the binding mode between oligosaccharides and LyM domain. In this thesis a mutant variant of LysM domain from Eschericihia c. lytic transglycosidase has been used as model system to study LysMoligosaccharide interactions. First the domain was successfully expressed and produced from bacteria. The attempts to similarly express some LysM domains from plant proteins involved in detecting nodulation factors were unsuccessful. The correct folding of the model LysM domain was confirmed by assignment of the homonuclear NMR spectra of the domain. After assignment and structural calculations, binding studies were performed following possible perturbation of signals from the protein. Only with polymerized peptidoglican was possible to shown binding of LysM-domain to peptidoglican following NMR signal intensity decrease after several additions of peptidoglycan to the sample however no interaction was observed neither with GMDP nor with quitooligosaccharides. -PASTA Domain: Reactivation from dormancy, growth and division of bacteria require cleavage of the cell-wall peptidoglycan. Bacteria turn over their cell-wall material due to the actions of peptidoglycan hydrolases and amidases Muropeptide-driven exit from dormancy requires a member of the serine/threonine kinase (STPK) family. Proteins of this family are expressed in many prokaryotes, including a broad range of pathogens, and modulate a wide number of cellular processes, such as biofilm formation, cell wall biosynthesis and cell division, sporulation, stress response. This proteins presents in their domain organizations, an intracellular serine/threonine kinase domain, a transmembrane region and an extra-cellular portion that contains domains denoted as PASTA (Penicillin binding Associated and Serine/Threonine kinase Associated domains) It has been described that the PASTA domain is responsible of the binding to muropeptides. In this thesis it has been determined by NMR, applying heteronuclear NMR correlations experiments, the tridimensional structure of the second PASTA domain of Prkc protein from Bacillus subtilis expresed heterogously with isotopic enrichment in 13C and 15N. Interestingly, when the isolated domain was studied in the presence of muropetides isolated from Bacillus s. cells walls, no interaction was observed. Additionally no binding was observed with betalactams neither with GMDP muroppetide. The results obtained rise the hipothesis that more than one PASTA domain should be necessary to express the full functionality of this protein domains in order to recognize their natural ligands the tyrosine site of viscumin.Lectins that binds Galactose. Anomers selection by viscumin Viscumin is plant toxin-type lectin extracted from latex of mistletoe and has been proposed to be useful therapeutic drug for treatment some types of cancer. It is a heterodimer with a toxin subunit A and a lectin subunit B. The lectin subunit has two carbohydrate binding sites, one located around tryptophan 38 y other around tyrosine 249. The tryptophan site has been characterized as the one with high aaffinity but its functionality is very much dependent of the quaternary structure of the lectin. Previous work have shoun some preference for alfa galactosides but there is no data if the viscumin discriminate the anomers of plain reducing galactose monosaccharide. Reducing carbohydrates can be characterized in two different structures depending of the configuration at the anomeric position of the reducing end. Anomeric selectivity has been observed and studied in enzymes involved in carbohydrate transformations by diverse kinetic approaches since long time ago, however those approaches are not possible in the case of just binding studies of carbohydrate in solution. Lectins and other carbohydrates receptors do not modified their ligands, thus do not generate time dependent responses feasible of monitoring. Taking into account that free anomers equilibrate in no more than a few hours, many of the available biophysical techniques in solution only provide a mean macroscopic view of the recognition event involving the mixture of anomers in equilibrium. The direct discrimination of the recognition of each anomer is not an easy task, and NMR can be technique of choice because it allows observing independent signals for each anomer in spite of they are in chemical equilibrium exchange. In fact, 13C NMR has been used to show the -anomer preference of bacterial chemotaxis sugar binding proteins and more exotic tritium 3H -NMR has been used to study anomeric preference in maltose binding protein. In this thesis, by means of STD NMR strategies combined with molecular docking, it has been possible to obtain quantitative information on the individual interaction of each anomer, in order to characterize the differential monosaccharide anomer affinity by viscumin lectin. the obtained data shows an slight preference for the alfa anomer over the beta anomer in both cases, the free reducing galactose as mixture of anomers and the alfa- and beta- methyl-galactosides with fix configuration at the anomeric carbon. On the other side the comparison of the experimental STD data with theoretical predictions of saturation for each proton of the ligand applying the CORCEMA protocol allows to define the binding epitope of each ligand and identify the binding site on the protein. Interestingly, under the conditions of viscumin concentration used in the NMR experiments that favors the dimer of heterodimers ABAB quaternary structure, the fitting of the experimental with the calculated STD data shows that the tryptophan site of viscumin is not full accessible to the ligand while the experimental data can be explained assuming that the ligand binds mostly to This result is in accordance with previous reports that shown the dependence of the functionality of the tryptophan site on the viscumin concentration.Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación.-Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional y Desarrollo (AECID)Peer reviewe

    Stability of Geometric and Harmonic Functional Means

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    Geometric and Harmonic means of two convex functionals have been recently constructed. The aim of this work is to study the stability of these operations. The development of this theory is very useful in many contexts. The obtained results generalize the case of symmetric positive operators which have been studied in the literature